Weekly Wrap – Much to be thankful for

I knew the couple of days leading into Thanksgiving were going to be busy work days, and I wasn’t wrong – Monday & Tuesday were a blur of conference calls and project deadlines. But, things went smoothly and then I had short day Wednesday – perfect for starting Thanksgiving prep and hanging with my kids.

ProseccoThanksgiving was a wonderful day with my family – lots of laughter and food! My brother hosted and I will admit I totally indulged…including discovering a very tasty apple prosecco 🙂

We took advantage of Friday’s gorgeous and unseasonably warm weather to play outside with the kids and take care of the last of the yard and garden work for the season (No Black Friday madness for me, though I did get started online later in the weekend).

RakingSaturday was filled with kid sports – lacrosse and hockey – along with lots of house projects and a lot of football!

The week was also the start of my running comeback — OK there was more walking and shuffling than running, but I’m grateful for all of it!


I’m working with McMillan RunClub and am following an 8-week plan designed to ease me back into running. 1 week down and 7 to go!

WeeklyWrap (1)I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap.  Make sure to stop by and say hi and check out the other great bloggers joining in!

So tell me, how was your holiday? Did you Turkey trot or take a rest day?


Five Tips for Returning to Running

If you follow me on Twitter (and I hope you do! – @RunAttitude) then you may have seen yesterday’s tweet:

screenshot-twitter.com 2015-11-19 19-41-41

Yes! Yes! Yes! After 8 long weeks I’ve been green-lighted! Despite the desire to throw on my running shoes and sprint out of my doctor’s office I know I’ve got to be smart about this. So as I venture back out on to the roads, here are a few tips I plan to bear in mind:

Take it slow: My doctor’s parting words to me and crucial advice to follow so I don’t end up injured. To start, I will be more focused on time on my feet vs. miles covered.

Build core strength: Focusing on building core strength — abs, hips, and glutes — will improve both stability and balance – critical after such a long layoff.

Cross-train: Every workout cannot and should not be a run. Now that I can run again, it is tempting to want to only run, but I know that it will be more important than ever to give both muscles and ligaments a break from the stresses of running. Cross-training will help improve my endurance, especially while my mileage is low.

Be kind to yourself: It’s easy to get caught in the trap of comparison, but it’s important to remember that everyone’s comeback is different.

Set realistic goals: While I’m very goal-oriented, I know it’s going to be important to have a mix of goals – both big and small. I’ll admit that I do have my eye on a couple of races…and I may have even registered for one 😉 Having smaller goals along the way will help me both track my progress and stay motivated towards the bigger goal. The key is to take it one day at a time, celebrate small victories and be grateful to be running again.

Have you ever had a long lay-off from running?

rp_DC_linkup-150x150.jpgI’m linking up with Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia for the #FridayFive link up. They’re sharing their favorite cool weather drinks so be sure to stop by.


Thursday Thoughts – Recovery Madness

I hit 5 weeks post-op on Tuesday…and I have to admit I’m starting to lose it a little. Recovery madness has fully taken hold…

Yoga, walking and whatever else I can find to keep myself active are all fine and good…but I miss running. I’ve been devouring other people’s race recaps like an addict looking for a fix.

I’m missing my greatest stress reliever…

My Alone Time

Patience has never been my strong suit and I have been constantly reminding myself that I cannot just dive back into running and expect it all to be glorious…it’s going to take time.

And, let’s be honest I haven’t run in so long I’m not sure my body will even remember what to do on that first trot back.

running-memeMy inbox is flooded with “early bird” registration offers and it’s taking every bit of strength I have not to exceed my credit card limit and sign up for everything!

Hopefully just a few more days….

I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud. Thinking-Out-Loud2


November’s Ultimate Coffee Date

The Ultimate Coffee Date

Temps in the 70’s?! Is it really November?!

It certainly hasn’t felt much like a typical start to November around here, but it’s been nice to have the windows open so I’m certainly not complaining!

It’s the first Saturday of the month’s and time to join in for Ultimate Coffee Date, hosted by Coco, Lynda and Deborah. Since it’s unseasonably warm, I think I’ll make mine an iced coffee this morning.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m practically pulling my hair out that I cannot run yet. I’ve got one more week to go before I see the doc for clearance – gonna be a l-o-n-g week!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that on Monday I started the Chopra Center’s 21-day meditation experience. I’ve done a couple of these in the past. I’m especially loving this session –  the focus is around the power of your beliefs.

planner1If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m a bit of a planner fanatic. So I’d ask, is it crazy that I already have my 2016 planner? Or, that I’m ready to start adding things to it? There might even be a couple of races lightly penciled in 😉

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my newest addiction are roasted pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seedsThere is way too much Halloween candy still lurking in my house and unfortunately all of my faves. These pumpkin seeds have been taking care of my snack cravings and keeping me away from the candy bowl – win!


So what would you tell me over coffee?  Do you still have Halloween candy in your house?

(Oh…I’d also say, don’t forget to my Heart Hemps Giveaway!)


Hemp Hearts Review & Giveaway

This post is sponsored by Manitoba Harvest through my affiliation with Sweat Pink. As always, the opinions expressed here are completely my own.

I was recently offered the opportunity to try Hemp Hearts. Since I’m always looking for an easy way to add a little extra protein into my diet, so I was eager to give them a try.

IMG_1478Hemp Hearts are raw, shelled hemp seeds. These little seeds pack 10g of protein and 10g of health omegas into a 30g serving. In fact, they deliver more protein and omegas and less carbs than the same serving size of either chia or flax seeds. They have a light, nutty taste, and, as I quickly learned, you can use them on just about anything.

hemp in hand

I tried them sprinkled in yogurt and on salads. I also substituted them in my smoothies in place of my usual flax seed. I especially liked them sprinkled on top of a bowl of oatmeal along with a little Macintosh apple.

Hemp oatmeal



Manitoba Harvest also offers a wide range of recipes on their website – you can check them out HERE. I’m planning to try the pumpkin hemp pancakes this weekend!

Want to try them for yourself?

The nice folks at Manitoba Harvest are offering a bag to one lucky RWA reader. This giveaway is open to US and Canada residents. If you win this giveaway, and have already won another prize from Manitoba Harvest through another blog, please disclose that you have already won so another winner can be chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Medicine Mama’s Apothecary Review

Have you ever stopped to consider what’s in your skincare products? Last week, for work, I attended a webinar that discussed the potential risks from the chemicals used in many personal care products currently on the market. It was eye-opening to say the least! This webinar was a great reminder that while a lot of us spend time thinking about the quality of food we put into our bodies, reading labels and buying organic, do we put the same thought into personal products we use every day?

A few weeks back, I was contacted by Medicine Mama’s Apothecary about trying out some products from their organic skincare line. I had never heard of this company, but after poking around their website for a bit and learning about their story, I was eager to see what these products were all about.

I received three products to try:

MMA CollageStraight out of the box I loved the Sweet Bee Magic Wand lip and facial balm. It was not waxy, and kept my lips moist without  a greasy feel. I also used it to treat an irritating patch of dry skin that had developed on my ring finger and was keeping me from wearing my wedding ring – took care of it in short order. I loved that it has so many potential uses. I think this Wand will be my go-to especially when the dry winter air takes hold.

Bars of soap typically leave my skin dry and taut and craving moisturizer, so I approached the Zinc Facial Bar with some trepidation. With the first use, it was clear I had nothing to worry about. The Bar just left my skin nice and clean – no dryness or irritation. According to their website, research shows that zinc aids skin imbalances by helping cells to regenerate. I will say, that overall I’m not a big fan of bars of soap because I don’t keep soap dishes in my bathroom. I’m more apt to use a liquid cleanser that can easily be dispensed, but this is just a personal preference and has nothing to do with the quality of the product. I’m hoping the folks at Medicine Mama will figure out a way to translate the goodness of this bar into a liquid form.

Ultra Facial Scrub is an amazing mix of honey, sugar, beeswax and olive oil — all organic. Seriously, this smells so delicious and left both my face and neck feeling luxuriously hydrated and smooth. And, while labeled a facial scrub, I found it did wonders for both my elbows and the heals of my feet. So much to love about this scrub!

All of Medicine Mama’s Apothecary products are made in small batches with only certified organic ingredients and no chemicals. Without a doubt, I would recommend giving these products a closer look!

Do you pay close attention to the ingredients in your skincare?

I was sent the skin care products by Medicine Mama’s Apothecary in exchange for a review. As always, all opinions expressed here are completely my own.


Recovery Week 3 – Gaining Perspective

Perspective – “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view”

Prior to learning that I was surgery bound, I have to admit that I was becoming pretty negative about my running. I was drowning in a see of “should be’s” and was increasingly frustrated with my body’s seeming inability to do what I wanted to do. Little did I know that my body was actually performing surprisingly well under increasing stress.


I’m now 3 weeks post-op and my doctor pointed out that I am doing great with my recovery due in no small part to the good condition I was in prior to surgery. Ah perspective…. a great reminder to always honor what your body can do.

Linking up today with Deb for Wednesday Word. Be sure to check what others are saying about “Perspective.”





The Runner’s Brain Review

I was provided a copy of The Runner’s Brain for the purposes of a review. All opinions expressed here, as always are my own.

While my running continues to remain on hold, I’ve had some extra time to catch up on my reading. One interesting book I recently finished, is The Runner’s Brain by Dr. Jeff Brown – because what else does a sidelined runner read about except running 😉 I have always been fascinated with the mental side of sports, so when Runner’s World reached out to me with the opportunity to review this book, I couldn’t wait to dive in.

Runner's Brain

In The Runner’s Brain, Dr. Brown lays out the science behind the critical role your brain plays in your running performance, and makes the case for how you can think your way to better running.

The book addresses a range of topics from goal setting and visualization, to running through challenges and dealing with treadmill training. In chapters 18 and 19, Dr. Brown also includes Worksheets for a Healthy Mind and Body and a 7-Day Fit Brain training plan, both of which I’m looking forward to putting into practice when I get back out on the road. The Runner’s Brain offers something for everyone, with easily digestible chapters, so you can focus in on the topics of most interest to you. In a sport often described as 90% mental, this book can be a useful tool in helping you manage your strongest and most important muscle.

How do you manage the mental side of running?


Recovery – Week 1 Done!

Keep Calm Injury

Hi all! Just a quick check-in from my couch.

Hard to believe it’s already been a week since the surgery. I’m happy to say that things went well, I had great nurses and was sprung and home by Thursday afternoon.

Since then, I’ve been developing a mean game of Mario Kart vs. my son, moving from a shuffle to a walk….and resting as much as my body demands.

Of course the real trick will be in keep “resting” from turning into “restless” – but at least for now, my recovery is off to a good start 🙂


October Ultimate Coffee Date

The Ultimate Coffee Date

Can you believe it’s already October?! There’s a great chill in the air this morning – perfect for grabbing a big mug of coffee and settling in for this month’s Ultimate Coffee Date, hosted by Coco, Lynda and Deborah.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I really appreciated all of the comments, tweets and messages I received after I shared the news about my surgery.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that it was great to see my post on Cold Weather Running shared by Women’s Running Magazine this week on their website.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been loving attending my son’s cross country meets. He seems to really be embracing the run. How great would it be if he became a life-long runner!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that the first mutterings about Christmas have already been mentioned in my house. I’ve stuck my fingers in my ears and refuse to listen – not ready to rush fall out the door. (12 weeks from yesterday in case you’re wondering) 😉

Now I should getting moving so I can get my son off to hockey practice and then tackle a long list of errands.

So what would you tell me over coffee? 
