
Grounded – that’s how I saw a runner on Instagram describe being injured. And that sadly resonated with me because I too am injured.

My last few runs have not felt good…in fact, anything beyond 3 miles has been difficult and my quad has started to be cranky all the time whether I’m running, walking, sitting….you get the idea. My last run was early Wednesday morning – I saw my doc later that day and she grounded me. No running until we can confirm what’s going on (a partial tear is suspected) – so with just 2 weeks until race day, running the TC 10 Miler is off the table and I’m waiting on an MRI.


I had myself a good old pity party! But, I’m not one to wallow. So I’ll focus on what I can do and hope that I can be back out on the road soon. Fall running is my favorite and I don’t want to miss out! Wish me luck!

I linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

How do you pass the time when you’re injured?



Fit Five Friday – Five Current Faves

Happy Friday!

Thanks for joining me, DarleneReneeJenn, and Zenaida for another edition of Fit Five FridayThis week we’re inviting you to share your five favorite running/fitness products. You are, of course, always welcome to write about any other fitness-related topic. I’m deviating slightly this week to share a few of my current favorites with you. This post contains affiliate links.

Five Current Faves

Brooks Chaser Short Brooks has gifted the Run Happy Team a couple of pairs of the Chaser Short this year and I’m a big fan. They come in 3 lengths (3, 5, and 7 inches – the 5-inch is my fave), have a built-in liner, and don’t ride up. They are so comfortable – my only complaint is that I struggle with getting my phone in and out of the back pocket.

Just received this color and I love it!

Brooks Hyperion I received these shoes during Brooks Hype Fest. I was surprised at just how light and responsive these shoes are – they feel speedy! I like them for speedwork and can see using them for short runs or races.


AG1 — On the nutrition front, I’ve been using AG1 for the past couple of months. AG1 offers 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced nutrients in just one scoop combined with 8 oz of water. I like to add a little lemon juice to the mix to brighten the taste a bit.

Peloton Hip Mobility — I’ve shared this class before in my Weekly Run Downs and it continues to be a favorite. This is 15 minutes of goodness and it is in constant rotation – if you have the Peloton app, I encourage you to check this one out!

Sidekick Muscle Scraper I have to runfess that I’ve had my Sidekick for a while and re-discovered it at the beginning of the summer after catching a video of Molly Seidel on Instagram using hers – thanks for the reminder Molly! It’s become a staple in my recovery routine.

What are some of your current favorites?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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Hello September!

Well hello, September! Is anyone else trying to wrap their heads around what happened to August – it went by faster than a blink and here we sit at the start of a new month. My weekly check-ins have been sparse as blogging continues to sit on the back burner for me, but my running and workouts keep chugging along. As I mentioned over coffee, with summer winding down I’m craving some routine so perhaps there will be more blogging in my future.

In any event, here’s a quick peek at the last week of August and what I’m planning for September.

Hello September!

Monday — Rest Day – I was still feeling off after Sunday’s shortened run (logged 5 miles instead of 7) so I spent some extra time stretching and called it a day.
Tuesday — 2-mile walk, Yoga & Core.
Wednesday — 3 miles. A rainy run – I prefer to run in the rain vs. the treadmill as long as the roads aren’t too slick and there’s no thunder.

Can’t predict what you’ll get on race day, right?

Thursday — Lower body strength & sports massage
Friday — 4 miles
Saturday — Upper body strength & Core
Sunday — 8 miles

With just 4 weeks to go until the TC 10M, this run was a confidence builder! My goal from this point forward is to do what I can to run all the miles on my plan and not to shorten another run. To make that happen, hip mobility work will be a top priority. My other goals for the month are to prioritize sleep (I was all over the place in August thanks in large part to multiple trips across time zones) and dial in my nutrition – aka, get out of vacation eating mode LOL.

I linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

What have you got planned for September?


Coffee Chat – Labor Day Edition

Happy Friday!

Today kicks off an extra long weekend as my office is closed today for our last “Summer Friday” of the season! I’m ready to kick back and relax and what better way to start off a long weekend than with a catch-up over coffee with friends? So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Grab your favorite beverage – I’ve got an iced coffee — let’s chat.

Coffee Chat – Labor Day Edition

Over coffee, I would tell you that my house is a sea of samples – cabinet doors, tile, countertop, paint, flooring, etc. We’re getting closer to finalizing our kitchen design and appliances have been ordered!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I decided to start a new Instagram account (MyRenoAdventures) to help keep a photo journal of the renovation process.

Over coffee, I would tell you that with school starting next week, I’m looking forward to settling back into the rhythm of the Fall. While these last few weeks of summer have been fun, I’m craving some routine.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I didn’t realize just how much vacation time I still have for this year until I got a call from our HR manager. She was actually concerned that I hadn’t taken more time off! Honestly between the hectic pace through most of the Spring and getting my team in place (interviewing and then onboarding) it’s been hard to see where to take days off. Looks like I’ll be enjoying some additional time off during the fall!

What would you tell me over coffee? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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Sharing Some August Runfessions

August has flown by in a blink and here we are on the last Friday of the month already! Marcia has opened the Runfessional and the Fit Five Friday crew is ready to go…so let’s get started, shall we?

Sharing Some August Runfessions

I runfess that I was so nervous heading into the Brooks Hype Fest last weekend but once I got to Santa Monica it was clear I had no reason to be – everyone was so warm and welcoming!

And, bonus I got to hang out and room with Wendy!

I runfess that I have been a little lackadaisical in my prep for the TC 10M. My “long” runs have been hovering around 6 miles, but with a little over 5 weeks to go, it’s time to stretch these runs out!

I runfess that I did my first ever running bra run while at Hype Fest. Some of my team was really feeling the heat during the Scavenger Hunt, so as we reached Venice Beach, we shed our running shirts for a bit.

This photo just makes me smile!

Do you ever run in just a run bra? Does meeting new people make you nervous?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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A Quick Check-in Between Trips

Wow has it really been 4 weeks since the last time I linked up with Deborah and Kim and all of you for the Weekly Run Down? Between college visits and a fantastic Alaskan vacation, my blogging has definitely taken a hit! After runfessing that I was thinking of leaving my run gear behind, I did end up packing it for my vacation…but I runfess the gear never saw the light of day. Instead, the vacation was filled with lots of walking, some hiking, and yoga and I was more than okay with that!

So this week was about re-entry – although brief because I’ll be hitting the road again soon for the Brooks Hype Fest in LA! Here’s how this past week played out…

A Quick Check-in Between Trips

Monday — Flight home from Vancouver
Tuesday — Holy jet-lag Batman! While I had every intention of getting in a workout I did not get an early start in the morning and then work was beyond cray-cray! So no workout happened.
Wednesday — 3 miles

Thursday — Upper Body Strength & 2-mile walk
Friday — 4 miles & Core
Saturday — Full Body Strength & 2-mile walk
Sunday — 5.5 miles & Hip mobility work

I really wish I could say that with the time off from running my right quad is feeling better but it continues to be a bit of a mixed bag – sometimes it feels fine and other times not so much with very little rhyme or reason as to when and why it flares up. I’m 7 weeks out from the TC 10M so I really do need it to start to cooperate! I’m going to see my massage therapist this week before heading to Hype Fest – the running there will be fun and easy peasy so hopefully by the time I return I’ll be ready to turn up the training dial a bit.

So tell me how was your week? Does it feel like August is just flying by?


Fit Five Friday – Avoiding Fitness Burnout

While working out does a body good, can you push it too far? Fitness Burnout is a real thing. And, I’m not talking about wanting the occasional extra day off – I’m talking about feeling run down both physically and mentally to the point where you’d rather do almost anything else other than workout.

For this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some tips to help avoid fitness burnout.

Fit Five Friday – Avoiding Fitness Burnout

Rest & Recovery: Overtraining will not help you to reach your goals faster and can, in fact, lead to diminished performance and potential injury. It’s important to give yourself time enough for adequate rest and recovery – this includes ensuring you’re getting enough sleep!

Dial-in on Nutrition: Right along with ensuring your getting enough rest and recovery time, make sure you’re fueling and hydrating your body properly before, during, and after a workout. Being deficient in any of your macronutrients or being dehydrated will impact your body’s ability to recover properly.

Attainable goals: While it’s always great to challenge yourself if the pressure to achieve your goal is too high, perhaps it’s time to reassess the goal. Setting realistic, attainable goals allows you to see progress and helps to keep you motivated and engaged.

Switch things up: Sometimes you need a break from your routine, so be willing to switch things up, whether that’s in the form of cross-training or a new running route.

Enlist a buddy: Everything’s better with friends, right? If you usually work out or run solo, make plans to meet up with a friend for a sweat sesh.

How do you stave off fitness burnout?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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A Couple of July Runfessions

It’s hard to believe that we’re at the end of July already! And, since it is the last Friday of the month, Marcia has opened the Runfessional!

It’s also time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! So, let’s get started, shall we?

A Couple of July Runfessions

Listen I know it’s Summer and it’s supposed to be hot, but I runfess that the humidity is really taking a toll on me. I had promised myself at the beginning of the summer that I would not complain – I’m failing miserably.

I runfess that the weather forecast for Alaska makes me giddy! We leave tomorrow!

And speaking of my upcoming Alaskan vacation, I runfess that I’m leaning towards leaving my run gear behind. If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I’ve been dealing with a cranky right quad. I figure we’ll be more than active enough and honestly a break from running will probably do my leg a world of good.

Do you take a break from running when you’re on vacation? Any runfessions to share?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Fit Five Friday – Favorite Recovery Tips

Welcome back for another edition of Fit Five Friday. Today we’re talking rest and recovery an important but often overlooked component of training. (Of course, you’re welcome to link up with any fitness-related topic). This post contains affiliate links.

Five Favorite Recovery Tips

Rest! — Let’s start with the obvious – my favorite rest tip is to actually rest! I see a lot of people struggle with the idea of actually taking a day off from running/working out. I embrace my rest days where the most activity I have is a good stretch, especially when that day comes before a long run. I say listen to your body and take those rest days when you need them, no guilt!

Sleep — I’ve written several times about the importance of sleep as a recovery tool. Full disclosure I struggle mightily with my sleep, but when I do capture that good night’s sleep there’s nothing like it!

Electrolytes — Especially during these hot summer months, rehydrating with electrolytes will help you to bounce back after a workout. There are lots of great options on the market. My current favorite is LMNT.

Mobility work — Over the past few months I’ve really come to embrace the mobility classes offered on the Peloton app. The classes focus on joint and muscle range of motion and remind me of some of my best physical therapy sessions.

Oofos — Oofos are marketed as recovery footwear and I’m a firm believer! The Sports Flex slides and the OOriginal Sport Sandals are my personal favorites. I reach for my Oofos as soon as I kick off my running shoes and they’re always in my post-race gear bag.

What is your favorite recovery tip? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up.

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Am I Running or Swimming?

Oh, the humidity! I’ve been trying oh so hard to not complain about the weather, but this week truly tested me. The humidity was, quite simply soul-sucking but I managed to get my runs done outdoors – though it felt more like swimming than running. There was a lot of self-talk and some cursing 😉 Here’s a quick look at my week in fitness.

Am I Running of Swimming?

Monday — Extra early commute + long day in the office = Rest day
Tuesday — 2-mile walk and Full Body Strength
Wednesday — 4 miles & Core

Thursday — 2- mile walk & Yoga
Friday — 5 miles & Core
Saturday — College tour with my son = 4 miles of walking according to Garmin
Sunday — 4 miles

Perhaps it was re-entry after 9 days off from work or the impact of the humidity or probably a combination of the two, but things just felt off this week. The weather forecast is showing more of the same…sigh. If only there were a way to arrive at the starting line of a fall race without summer training LOL.

How’s the weather been where you are?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
