Thursday Thoughts – #14DaysofSelf Edition

I recently completed Mar’s #14DaysofSelf Challenge and really enjoyed it. While intuitively we all know we should carve out time for ourselves, how many of us make a conscious choice to do so…especially on a daily basis?

So I thought I’d share suggestions for your own challenge…. (and seriously I do encourage everyone to do their own challenge!)

self care

Scheduled it – I literally put “Self care” on the to do list in my planner every day for the 14 days. I know that may sound crazy, but reviewing my to do list every morning meant that among other priorities, I was reminded to put myself on the list.

Mixed it up — While not necessary, I made a point to try to do something different for myself every day during the challenge. Some days were planned in advance, but other times it was just in response to the day.

Big money/time not required — When I mention this challenge to a friend, her response was “How are you going to fit in daily spa treatments?” It was interesting to me that in her mind, self care = big, time consuming (and expensive) activity. While I certainly wouldn’t turn down a daily massage, the truth is neither the time nor monetary commitment had to be big for it to be meaningful.

Feed the mind, body and soul — While I’m the first one to advocate for getting your sweat on, this challenge was also a great reminder to feed your needs on many levels.

Lessons learned from #14daysofself challenge Share on X

Getting still and asking myself what I needed each day was a great way to find some balance and peace in what has been a very hectic couple of weeks.

Did you participate in Mar’s Challenge? How do you practice self care?

Joining Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday Thinking-Out-Loud2 and

with Jill for Fitness, Health & Happiness  Fitness Health Happiness badge




Weekly Wrap – Return of the Polar Vortex

A huge thank you to everyone who checked in with kind words last week – much appreciated.

I was grateful for my workouts last week – while not always pretty they were a good distraction!

Monday:   Another snow day for the kids and more shoveling for me
Tuesday:   3 mile run
Wednesday:   T25 Speed 1.0
Thursday:   3 mile run plus T25 Cardio
Friday:   T25 Lower Focus — holy squats and lunges Batman!
Saturday:  4.25 mile run
Sunday:   Opted for yoga over T25 Stretch


Thanks to the return of the Polar Vortex, the temps around here have plummeted. With the windchill, it reached negative double digits this weekend, so aside from trips to the gym, I just enjoyed some much needed down time with the family. Saturday was all about video games, movies, reading – and of course I watched the Olympic Trials! While I was disappointed for Kara, I loved watching the teamwork of Shalane & Amy. And, watching Meb run always makes me smile! Valentine’s Day is always low-keyed here – we celebrated with our traditional sushi dinner, and of course a little chocolate! chocolates

It’s school vacation week here for my youngest son, so I’m definitely going to have to be flexible with when I get to workout this week. In fact, I’m going to take advantage of my husband being off from work today and head to the gym now….

How was your week? Are you dealing with the polar vortex?

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgLinking up once again with Holly of HoHo Runs and Tricia of MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap – be sure to stop by and say hi and check out the other weekly recaps.




USA, California, Los Angeles skyline, sunset

I’ve been going back and forth on whether or not to post about this here….

Our town has been hit by not one but two tragedies…two people, a 6-year old kindergartner, and a husband and father of 3 were killed in separate freak accidents when tree branches fell on them due to the weight of the recent snow. To say that people here are shocked and devastated would be an understatement…. it’s just been too much to wrap your head around.

I didn’t know the little girl or her family, but my heart breaks for them. I did know the man…I had been lucky enough to get to know him in the past couple of years working together on our town’s youth lacrosse program. He was truly one of the good ones….I have no words.

These events are cruel reminders that there truly are no guarantees. It is also a reminder to live life with joy and passion, pursuing those things that make our hearts soar. It is a reminder to not let fear stand in your way…to not put off goals and dreams. It is a reminder to tell those most important in your life just how much they mean to you.

Thanks for letting me share….


Weekly wrap – Running, T25 and Shoveling

I swear I blink and these days are flying by! The first week of February is already in the books – so how did it go?

Monday:   Started the T25 10 week program with T25 Cardio

Tuesday:   3 mile run plus T25 Speed 1.0

Wednesday:   T25 Total Body Circuit

Thursday:   Woke up feeling horrible so I skipped my run, but still managed to do T25 Ab Intervals

Friday:   Lots of shoveling — A local weatherman explained that shoveling this rain soaked snow was like lifting 20 lbs with each toss – seriously!?! Yeah that explains why an hour of shoveling left me feeling like toast!

Saturday:   3 mile run

Sunday:   4 more miles, plus T25 Stretch

All-in-all a pretty good week! I liked the mix of the T25 workouts – and, I can already tell that those double workout days are going to be challenging as the miles increase!

scale is a liar

And, after run-fessing that I hadn’t made any progress on my weight loss, my scale made nice and showed a 2lb lost!

Yes – a pretty good week 🙂

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgI’m linking up with Holly of HoHo Runs and Tricia of MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap – be sure to stop by and say hi and check out the other fun bloggers in the link-up.

How was your week? Have you ever tried a workout series like T25?


Ultimate Coffee Date – February ’16

The Ultimate Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month, which means it’s time again to grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage, and settle in and join our hosts Coco, Lynda and Deborah for this month’s coffee date.

Snow Feb 2016If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we had our first snow day yesterday. A storm that was suppose to bring only a couple of inches quickly turned into 9! I figure if the kids are going to miss school, a Friday’s the day to do it, right? I was actually enjoying our winter wonderland – until it was time to shovel…started having flashbacks from last year. And, then we lost power…but just for a couple of hours and that’s what board games are for 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that I’m still grinning from ear to ear over Tuesday’s news that I have been chosen again to be a part of the Rock n Blog team! I’m excited to run some fun races and share some discounts with you all – stay tuned!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I started sorting through summer camp options. My oldest is all set to go back to the overnight camp he went to last year, so I’m just trying to figure out my youngest. It’s always surprising to me how fast some things fill up!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been enjoying Mar’s 14 Days of Self Challenge – it’s really made me stop and intentionally carve out some time for myself each day.  So important…and yet so easy to overlook.

So what would you tell me over coffee?  


Weekly Wrap – January Rewind

Well January’s come to an end. I feel like these first 31 days of 2016 moved at a break-neck pace, leaving me feeling like I was constantly playing catch up. I got to this weekend and just wanted to exhale.

So today I’m once again joining Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap – but this time, I’m wrapping up the whole month.

Good things for the month:
  • Overall the weather for January was not too bad – New England actually avoided taking the brunt of a Nor’easter for a change and on many days the temps were downright mild — All this means more runs outdoors than on the ‘mill.
  • One of my 2016 goals is staying committed to strength training – This month was a really good start logging at least 2 workouts per week.
  • A return to the massage table – Say it with me…Ahhhh!
Things I could do without:
  • Thanks to a crazed schedule, more missed runs than I’d like to count. And, the runs I did log just left me feeling meh.
  • IT Band, while improving, is still a little moody 🙁
On the decks for February:
  • More miles – despite the schedule, Runs. Must. Happen!
  • Joining Mar for her 14-day Self Care Challenge – love this idea to remember to put yourself on the to do list. The challenge starts on February 1 – join us!
  • Time for some Focus – as in T25 Focus. I was whining….mentioning to my brother the other day about how annoyed I was with myself to have let some workouts slide and he mentioned he was thinking about doing T25 again just to make sure he got in a daily workout. So I’ve decided to join him… for the next 10 weeks (Hello!)

Shaun T’s about to become my new BFF 😉

So I’m more than ready to say buh bye to January and to make February fabulous!


How was your January?

WeeklyWrap (1)


January Runfessions

Last Friday of the month and I’m returning to Runfessions and linking up with Marcia today! Time to cleanse my sweaty soul. Who’s in?


Runfession #1 – I had seriously forgotten how hard the early days of running can be. Getting back into running has been h-a-r-d! May I never have to do this re-building again.

Runfession #2 — I’m making very little progress on my weight loss goal. I’m blaming it on a combination of too many meals on the fly, mindless grazing while working at my computer and not nearly enough planning! This will change next month.

Runfession #3 — After a few months, I’m still a big fan of my FitBit, but it sometimes bugs me that it doesn’t give me credit for my strength workouts – steps aren’t everything, right?

Runfession #4 — I went to see the massage therapist earlier this week – I haven’t been since September. She was horrified at how tight I was. Clearly a lot more rolling, yoga and another massage (of course) needs to happen.

massage meme

OK – now it’s your turn. What are your runfessions?


Five Tips for Staying Motivated for Winter Running

While December was gloriously warm here in New England, Mother Nature has finally caught up with the calendar and the frigid temps are here. I’ve been digging deep to get myself up and moving for my runs, so I thought I’d share a few tips for staying motivated for winter running.


Use short term goals to keep you focused — sign up for a small local race or join a winter challenge (or create one!). “Competition” in the form of a race or mileage challenge can help to keep you going.

Join a group or find a running buddy — Committing to meet others on a regular basis will always help get you out the door, and it’s always easier to brave the elements when you’re not alone.

Keep visual reminders of your spring goals — Aiming for a PR? Got a great destination race planned? Post some visual reminders in key spots around your house.

Make sure you have the right gear — Dressing the part is always important, but never more so than when facing winter weather. Check out my cold weather running tips here and here if you need any ideas.

Change your alarm — Switch up the music on your alarm in the morning to something that will motivate you to get out of bed. (A friend gave me this suggestion a couple of years ago and I still use it.) Another option is to move your alarm so you have to get out of bed to turn it off – once you’re up you might as well keep moving, right?

What’s your best motivation tip?

I’m linking up with Courtney, Mar & Cynthia for today’s Friday Five.DC-Trifecta-Friday-Five-linkup

Also linking up with Jill for her Fitness, Health & Happiness link up. Fitness Health Happiness badge



Weekly Wrap – A little of this and that

Work and family schedules continued to be chaotic this week, (I hope this isn’t a trend!) but I was able to get a decent mix of workouts in.

Monday – Some much needed yoga.

Tuesday – Determined to not have a repeat of last week, I jammed a quick 2.8 miles in between work and school pick-up!

Wednesday – Strength day: legs and core.

Thursday – 3 miles. I finished with a sore knee and would be lying if I didn’t say a tinge of panic set in. That evening, I went to my son’s high school preview/open house, and after a tour of the campus with a constant stream of staircases, my knee was not pleased.

Friday – Strength day: legs and core. Lots of foam rolling.

Arc Trainer

Love this machine!

Saturday – An icy rainy mix, meant a trip to the gym. Playing it safe, I opted for time on the Arc Trainer vs. the ‘mill. Lots of foam rolling followed. I also iced my knee while I watched the Patriots beat the Chiefs 🙂

I’m happy to say when I headed to my son’s hockey game this morning, my knee was feeling pretty good!

All-in-all, not a bad week – a good mix of this and that. The big lesson for me this week is that I’d probably do better to write out a strength plan. Up to now I’ve been kind of winging it when I hit the gym, but I think I’ll get more out of these workouts with a plan. So this week I’ll be digging out the workouts from my time working with the trainer and sketch out a more structured plan.

Do you follow a strength plan or do you wing it?

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgI’m linking up again with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for the #WeeklyWrap.  Be sure to check out the hosts (both just completed their first marathons!), along with the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!



Races, races everywhere


race-memeAh the race calendar…so many possible races…I’m still weighing a number of options (and, of course, trying to figure out potential family conflicts).  Here’s what I’m thinking…

B.A.A. 5K (April) — both of my boys are talking about running this year, but sports commitments could say otherwise.

Boston’s Run to Remember (May) — this is one of my favorite half marathons and I’m already registered. It was my first (you can read about it here) and I can wait to run it again!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia (Sept) — I was so bummed to have missed this one last year because of my surgery, so when I got an email offering an early bird special I jumped on it.

Tufts 10K (October) — I haven’t run this one in a while and am still not sure it will fit in this year. This race is always Columbus Day and there are a couple of half marathons that are either that same weekend or the weekend before. Right now that list  of halfs includes Wineglass, B.A.A. and Newport.

Canton Fall Classic (Oct) — This is a great local race…the start line is literally 2 miles from my house – win!

Race in November TBD — Like October, there are a handful of half marathons I’m debating and they’re all clustered around the same weekend or two. Vegas? Savannah? Richmond? or stay local? Decisions, decisions.

Have you figured out your race schedule? Have you run any of the half marathons on my “maybe” list?

