‘Twas spring break week here for my youngest son – so it was a crazy week of juggling work, playdates, a full lax schedule (honestly…when is it not full?!?) and, of course, some workouts. So here’s how the workouts went…
Monday 4/18: Boston Marathon Volunteering! Almost 7 hrs on my feet plus 3 miles run to get to the team meeting place.
Tuesday 4/19: My legs were toast – rest day!
Wednesday 4/20: An hour and half session with Trainer Stacey – glutes, abs, hips – oh my!
Thursday 4/21: Return of the irritable stomach along with a headache – pushed the run to Friday.
Friday 4/22: Chasing the sun again with 3 miles.
Saturday 4/23: 4.25 miles in light rain – all good.
Sunday 4/24: Planks and PT exercises.
A decent week despite the scheduling madness. One of my goals for April was to make some real progress on my weight loss goal – well after watching the same pound or two come and go on the scale, I decided to start keeping a food journal this week. Hopefully it will shed some light on why I’m not shedding pounds…sorry I couldn’t resist 😉
I’m looking forward to more of a regular routine this week – though Mother Nature is threatening to wreak havoc with my planned runs with…believe it or not…snow and sleet!
Anyone else facing the prospect of crazy weather? Have you ever kept a food journal?
I’m joining Holly and Tricia for their #WeeklyWrap – This link-up gets bigger every week and is full of fun bloggers. Be sure to stop by and join in!