Sharing some fun stuff

Hey guys, I’ve had some fun stuff come across my inbox lately so I thought I’d share.

Virtual runs are popping up everywhere and Rock ‘n’ Roll is getting in on the act. Now you can enjoy some Rock ‘n’ Roll fun no matter where you are! With Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Making a Band Virtual Runs you can run a 5K wherever you want and earn some great RnR bling!

400x400-guitar-solo-medal1There are 3 races – Guitar Solo, Drum Solo and Lead Singer. You can choose 1 or run all 3 races and earn a 4th bonus medal for “making a band.”  Isn’t this a fun medal?! #RnRVirtualRun

Head over to: for details.

And, speaking of RnR, the Rock ‘n’ Bloggers just learned that our discount codes are now valid for Las Vegas! Yes! You know you want to run the #stripatnight

RnBCode Black

RnR is also extending our codes into 2017 for Arizona, New Orleans and Mexico City! So let the race shopping begin! (I’d love to make it to NOLA next year).

And, speaking of special codes, you can use my code michelle2016 when you place an order with SPIbelt and receive a bonus goody bag with your purchase!


RnR Philly Training – Week 2

Well, another week on the road to Philly is in the books, and I have to say it was a mixed bag at best.

Monday, 7/4: Core and upper body strength work – giving my legs a rest after the previous night’s 10K (accept I did do my 50 squats)

Tuesday, 7/5: Scheduled rest day – and I needed it! Squat challenge continued.

Wednesday, 7/6: Strength session with Trainer Stacey. This was another awesome session with everything from Turkish getups with weights, to pull-ups to circuit training with a medicine ball, kettlebell and free weights. We worked every muscle group and kept a good pace on the circuit.

Thursday, 7/7:  A crazy work day combined with a sick kiddo meant I missed my scheduled cutdown run. 50 squats done.

Friday, 7/8: Strength work – core and lower body focus.

Saturday, 7/9: 7 mile LSD. My left knee really started to squak at me around mile 3, and I debated whether to cut the run short. I’m glad my husband J had decided to run with me – it gave me the nudge I needed to keep pushing to finish the run. Lots of icing and rolling followed.

Sunday, 7/3:  Cross-training was on the schedule, but my legs felt meh after yesterday. I’m fairly sure the knee pain was actually a combination of a super tight quad and ankle, so I opted for yoga and some yamuna body rolling.

So the mileage was way down this week, but the strength sessions went really well…like I said a mixed bag. I slacked on my rolling and icing and I think that contributed to my cranky leg on Saturday’s run. So I’ll be rolling like it’s my job this week, as I up the mileage.


I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap link up.  Link up and join us!


So tell me, how’d your week go?


2016 Finish at the 50 Recap 2016-03-07 19-45-53

Last weekend the family and I headed down to Gillette Stadium to take part in the Harvard Pilgrim Finish at the 50. I love when the whole family gets in on the act, and this one was extra special because it was my youngest’s first ever 5K! He rocked it! 🙂

Family race

He was so proud of his medal!

The 5K was scheduled to start at 6 p.m. and the 10K at 7 p.m., so we decided to head to the race around 3:30. Parking was a breeze and we found a great spot where we could watch the fireworks later. There were no lines for either the bibs or t-shirts, so we were done in no time leaving a bit of a wait until the start of the race. We milled around Patriots Place, seeking shade and trying to stay hydrated and cool. As we inched closer to 6 p.m. and the temps were still hovering around 78, I was once again cursing myself for signing up for the 10K.

Side Note:  OK, so I just have to put this right here and say that I really have a love-hate relationshp with this race! I love how well-organized it is and that it has really turned into a great family-friendly event. But the combination of the heat and the late start are just uber challenging for me.  Earlier in the week I had, in fact, thought seriously about switching to the 5K and joining my son and husband – actually who am I kidding, that thought went through my head right up until the moment I got my bib! But, the RC coaches and I agreed that the 10K fit better with where I am in my training plan, and that I should just treat it as a hard training run.

Soon the 5K was off! I had positioned myself where I could easily catch my husband and son in two spots along the first part of the course. I cheered them on and then headed back to the main plaza to listen to the music and wait from the 10K to be called to the start. My husband J sent me texts and selfies so I knew how they were making out. No sooner did I head the start area then I spoted them on the ramps of the stadium closing in on the finish.

Now it was my turn. There were significantly fewer of us running the 10K, and several of us joked that all of the 5Kers knew something we didn’t. Just after 7, we were off. We followed the same loop around the first parking lot the 5K did, but then turned away from the stadium heading for Rte 1. I was thankful we were not on Rte 1 sharing the road with cars for long, as the route quickly took us off into the residential neighborhoods behind the stadium. And, this is where the rolling hills began. A downside of this race (for me at least) is the general lack of spectators – some residents were out in their driveways and front yards and did their best to cheer. The kids were the best and I high-fived as many as I could. The burst of energy I felt during the first mile was short-lived and by the time I reached the long, slow climb that was mile 4, I had hit my heat wall – there was some walking involved. I locked in on a woman in a t-shirt with a fireworks burst on it and promised myself I needed to keep her in my sights. “Follow the fireworks” became my mantra.

As we returned to the stadium, we could hear the music and the announcer, but it was a cruel tease, because instead of heading into the stadium loop, the course veered away again for an out and back across the parking lot. I did not love this part of the race course at all – seriously, who wants to run through people tailgaiting?! Miss Fireworks and I leap-frogged each other and I passed a couple of runners I hadn’t seen since mile 2. Finally, I was back within the stadium, and heading for the final tunnel and on to the field. There were lots of people in the stands and on the field, and I love that the announcer calls out each runner by name and the finish line is shown on the jumbotron – so fun!

50 bling

With our races done, we headed back to our car for well-deserved picnic and to wait for the fireworks – always a good show!

This race is really well done and a fun way to spend part of a 4th of July weekend. The volunteers were really friendly and encouraging, and all of the water stops were well staffed and stocked, (though some Gatorade would have been a welcome addition). I really was not a fan of the out and back thrown in at the end – I think it would have been better to add that extra mile to the neighborhood section of the course. I’d also encourage the race organizers to offer a better selection of post-race food – while I love KIND bars, KIND bars and water was not much of a post-race selection.

I’m sure my family will be back again next year, and I’m most certain that I’ll be sticking to the 5K 😉

Did you run a 4th of July race? Do you avoid summer racing or embrace it?


RnR Philadelphia Half Training – Week 1

This past week marked the 12 week countdown to the RnR Philly Half Marathon! After having to step down from the half distance to the 5-miler for Boston’s Run to Remember, I am really more focused than ever to get back up to 13.1 miles.


Looking forward to adding this one to the collection!

So how did this week go?

Monday, 6/27: 3 easy miles

Tuesday, 6/28: Threshold intervals – 3 x 1600 meter repeats, plus warm-up and cool down. OK I only did 2 – I decided to go late in the day to help adjust to Sunday’s upcoming 10K, and the humidity was just soul-sucking. I knew I was in trouble after just the mile warm up and it went down hill from there.

Wednesday, 6/29: Strength work with Trainer Stacey! We focused on glutes and obliques. There was a lot of sweat, swearing and laughing – a good session!

Thursday, 6/30:  Rest Day: Got a much need sport massage.

Friday, 7/1: 5 mile steady-state run – nailed it! Also started Marcia‘s squat challenge. My goal for this week – 50/day.

Saturday, 7/2: 1.25 mile shakeout run with my son & husband at the track. Another 50 squats.

Sunday, 7/3:  Finish at the 50 10K – race recap to come! (And, yes, I did get my 50 squats in)

All in all a good week!

And don’t forget, if you join me in Philly or at any of Rock’n’Roll’s fall races (I’ll be running Brooklyn and Vegas as well), you can save a few bucks by using my discount code ROCKATTITUDE.

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap link up.  Be sure to stop by and check out what they’re up to.



Ultimate Coffee Date – July 4th Weekend Edition

Hello July!

Can you believe it’s the 4th of July weekend?! Grab your favorite beverage settle in for another edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m joining Coco, Lynda and Deborah for this fun link-up! When you’re done here, be sure to check out what the other ladies are dishing about.

icedcoffee july
If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you we are finally slipping into summer mode around the RWA household. Both boys have started their camps, dinners on the deck have commenced, the grill is in steady use, and in general the pace of things has s-lo-w-e-d down. Thank goodness 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m loving the fact that my oldest, who’s away again at overnight camp, decided to send his first letter home to his younger brother! Just made my heart smile!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that that, while the humidity has been oppresive, summer running is off to a good start. After some consultation with my friend Tina, I signed on to train with RunnersConnect. I’ve been working with them since the begining of June and so far have really been enjoying both the community and the coaching.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my husband, youngest son and I will all be running the Finish at the 50 at Gillette Stadium tomorrow – they will be running the 5K (my son’s first!), while I’m doing the 10K. With the expected heat, I’ll be treating this as a training run. The race is always fun and there’s a great fireworks display afterwards.


So what would you tell me over coffee?  What have you got planned for this long weekend?


Weekly Wrap – Regaining My Footing

There’s no sugar coating it..this was a tough week!

We lost our beloved family dog early Wednesday morning – it was sudden and unexpected, and hit our family hard. I’m grateful that by Thursday afternoon the boys were re-telling funny stories about him, and asking if we would be getting another dog at some point – we will! But for now we adjust to a much quieter house.

Taz 1

So needless to say I’ve been a little off this week, but running has provided a much needed retreat.

Monday:  Strength work – core and glutes!

Tuesday: 3 miles

Wednesday:  No way I could focus – Trainer Stacy and I agreed to move our session to next week

Thursday:  Opted for yoga instead of intervals

Friday:  3 miles

Saturday: 6.5 miles

Sunday:  Rest day

All of my runs felt really good this week. I was especially pleased with Saturday’s run – it was a hilly loop and I attacked the hills well and felt stronger than I have in a while. I’m feeling good about where my training is right now and am looking forward to adding in some speedwork and spending some time at the track – my happy place 🙂

I’m linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Join in and let us know how you’re week went!



Lovin’/Not Lovin’ – June Edition

Happy Friday!!

The ladies of the DC Trifecta (that would be Courtney, Mar and Cynthia) are inviting everyone to share some “favorites” for this week’s #FridayFive link up. So it seems like the perfect time for another edition of Lovin’/Not Lovin’.

It's time for another edition of lovin/not lovin for this week's #FridayFive Share on X

I’m lovin’ ….

SPIbelt Ambassador! — Talk about a product I truly love – my SPIbelt has been a permanent fixture in my running gear since I bought one at my first race expo back in 2010. I’m very excited to be working with them! Stay tuned for all the giveaway and discount goodness.


Aftershokz Headphones — I know I just mentioned these over coffee a couple of weeks ago, but they’re really worth mentioning again! Running with music is a must for me, and the fact that I can both clearly hear my surroundings and my tunes is a huge win!


Perfect Weather — Since June rolled in we have been enjoying a stretch of near perfect weather.  The early mornings are in the low 50’s, ideal for running…then the days warm up to the low 80’s before cooling off again. And best of all…no humidity!

weather ecard

Zensah Well Rounded Shorts — (affiliate link alert!) A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to win a pair of Zensah Well Rounded shorts during a #Bibchat. I love the wide waistband and that they stay in place, even during my recent track workout.

Zensah shorts

I’m so Not Lovin’

FitBit Down!

Fit Bit downMy FitBit band started to show a bubble or two over the past couple of weeks, despite never getting wet. And then, last weekend this happened! All of the glue seems to have given way at once. You can imagine how thrilled I was. Did I mention that the FitBit is only 10 months old. I have contacted FitBit Support – can’t wait to see what they have to say.

Have you discovered any new favorites? What are you lovin’, or not, right now?


Weekly Wrap – Sprinting through days


This time of year is always so hectic at our house as we inch our way closer to summer – and I’m sure I’m not alone on this. I really thought this image perfectly captured how I’ve been feeling. And, while it’s been crazy busy, it’s also been a lot of fun!

On Thursday, we enjoyed a great graduation ceremony and celebration for my oldest son, followed by my youngest son’s 4th grade concert on Friday (both boys have banned me from sharing photos). Then it was on to our final lacrosse games of the season.

Our town hosts a big tournament every year, and round-robin games kicked off Friday evening and went on all weekend. My husband J was coaching , both boys were playing, and J and I were also on the organizing committee so you can imagine what the weekend was like! Way too much take out has been consumed and everyone is exhausted, but it was great family time and I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Though I must admit I’m looking forward to having some lazy Sundays ahead…

On the workout front, I managed to keep focused on my new training plan, with only a minor adjustment or two:

Monday:   Despite a migraine, I did manage to get a short run in – and a chance to try my new kicks from Ampla Sports!

Ampla Fitsnap
Tuesday: Unplanned rest day
Wednesday: Strength work: Core & Glutes
Thursday:  Another 3 miles
Friday:  Cross-training on the Arc Trainer
Saturday:  5 miles more before spending hours on my feet volunteering and cheering at the lax tournament
Sunday:  Rest day – I had though about squeezing in a few miles this morning, but my legs quickly let me know that would not be a good choice!

I’m linking up again with Holly & Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap — big thanks to them for hosting!



June’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Really can you believe it’s already June!?!

It’s the first Saturday of the month, and, of course, that means it’s time for the Ultimate Coffee Date. As always, a big thanks to Coco, Lynda and Deborah for hosting! When you’re done here, be sure to check out the link-up and see what the other ladies are dishing about.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I cannot believe my oldest son is done with middle school! Classes ended yesterday. Next week is all about fun class trips, and then graduation and a huge class party. Then I have a high-schooler in the house…heaven help me 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I am very excited about my new Aftershokz headphones! After reading Marcia’s review, I knew I wanted to try these. And, then my earbuds broke during last week’s race…so of course I ordered a pair that afternoon. The sound quality is so good and they’re water proof! Can’t wait to put them to the test on these sweaty summer runs.


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m also looking forward to trying out these new shoes! The nice folks at Ampla Sports sent them my way – isn’t that split sole funky?! Full review to come!

Ampla on Instagram

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m keeping coffee short today because I’m off to spend time with my mom shopping for plants and flowers. We’re planning to hit a couple of our favorite nurseries and then I’m going to spend the afternoon playing in my garden – perfect afternoon!

So what would you tell me over coffee?  


My Summer Fitness Goals

For this week’s #FridayFive, Courtney, Mar, and Cynthia are talking about all things Fitness, so it seemed like the perfect time to share some summer fitness goals!

summer fitness goals

Sharing some summertime fitness goals for today's #FridayFive link-up! What have you got planned? Share on X
  1. Embrace the plan — Training for my fall races has begun and I’m looking forward to diving into it and embracing the hill work, speedwork and long runs to come!
  2. Family running — My youngest son has announced he’d like to run a 5K and has already been asking when we can head to the track. And, my husband J has said he wants to continue to join me on my Saturday long runs (at least until I go beyond 10 miles – his declared cap!)
  3. Enjoy the outdoors — Beyond running, my family does a lot of hiking during the summer months. I’m also looking forward to some time on the tennis courts and maybe a little kayaking.
  4. Continue the slow & steady weight loss — I continue to make progress on this 2016 goal, and know being a few pounds lighter will go a long way on those hot long runs.
  5. Keep getting stronger — As I mentioned in my race recap, I can feel the benefits of the strength work starting to take hold. Trainer Stacy is planning to up the workouts so I can keep upping the mileage.


What are you planning this summer?
