As I runfessed on Friday, I allowed myself some much needed down time after we got back from Vegas. So this week was about slowly finding some mojo…
Monday: Strength session with Trainer Stacy. Nothing helps to knock the rust off faster than an intense hour working on core, hips and shoulders!
Tuesday: Well, I got a little overambitious with Monday’s workout so a little gentle yoga was needed.
Wednesday: 7 hrs of travel in a car – thank goodness for compression sleeves!
Thursday: 3 easy miles on the hotel treadmill before Thanksgiving festivities.
Friday: 6+ hours of car travel followed by some much needed rolling!
Saturday: Cardio by way of leaf raking. (If I never see another leaf again I’d be ok with that!)
Sunday: I laid in bed for a long time listening to the wind whip around the house and debating a run. I opted for a strength workout following the new plan Stacy created for me.
So yeah…finding that mojo was a little slow going. The goal for this upcoming week is simple – get some miles in. I’d really like to up my strength training during this “off season” so Stacy and I worked out a plan that should have me in the gym 3x’s a week. That still leaves 3 days to run and a yoga/rest day – at least that’s the plan.
As always, I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!