First coffee date of 2017!

Nothing better on a cold winter morning than catching up with friends over a big mug of coffee. Thanks to Coco and Deborah for hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date!

The Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that, despite dealing with a nasty cold, I have kept up with the Winter Challenge this week (the goal is to run or walk at least a mile outdoors each day during January).  I’m part of a team from Black Girls Run, and we’ve been having fun cheering each other on – such a positive and motivating group!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m still all over the place on trying to figure out my race calendar. I continue to waiver between staying local  vs. the lure of destination races. I think I have the first half of the year figured out, but the fall is really up for grabs.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that one of my big goals for this year is to reorganize/refresh my house. In some rooms, it’s time for fresh paint or new curtains…maybe a new couch in the family room. And then there’s our office, which needs a complete overhaul. So I’ve been scanning Pinterest, collecting paint samples, and my husband is bracing himself for the storm that’s about to come 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that we are bracing for a snowstorm due to hit this afternoon. I’m dreading facing the madness that always ensues at the grocery store – someone please tell me why the bread shelves are always picked bare? And, seriously, how much milk does one need? I can also never figure out the mad run on shovels they always show on the local news – don’t people still have last year’s shovel?

So what would you tell me over coffee?  Have you got your race calendar figured out?


One word and 2017 goals

I love this time of year when everyone and everything seems full of possibilities. It’s a great time of reflection and for looking ahead and considering all that can be done in the next 365 (ok 362) days!

Looking back I did pretty good with my 2016 goals. Of the 5 goals I set: Returning to half marathons; Setting a half marathon PR; Losing 12 pounds; Continuing my strength program; and, actively managing my recovery – setting a PR was the only area I fell short. (In full disclosure I lost 9 lbs and consider that a win!) Best of all, my love for running returned!

So what lies ahead for 2017? For the last couple of years I’ve picked one word as the theme for my year, and this year’s word is “Belief.” Across all areas of my life, I want to be driven by belief in what is possible, and not limited by fear or self-doubt.

So, now for my fitness/running goals:

  • Mix up the distances — Last year I was very focused on getting back to the half marathon distance. This year, I’d like to mix it up more – training & racing different distances will keep me challenged both mentally and physically.
  • Find some speed  — I cannot expect to PR or just improve my times without pushing the pace. I have given the RC coaches the green light to push me out of my comfort zone.
  • Improve my nutrition —  I struggled with finding the right fuel for my runs. I also often didn’t do a great job of giving my body what it needed both pre or post run. Time to change this!
  • More strength — I love working with Trainer Stacy and made no secret last year that sometimes my time in the gym rivaled my time on the road. I’ve got great momentum here and want to keep it going.
  • Have fun! — 2016 was about recapturing the joy of running and above all else I want that to continue.  More blogger meet ups, more family running, more runs with friends – more fun 🙂
Belief and Goals for 2017! #oneword365 #goals #runchat #bibchat Share on X

Have you set your goals for 2017?

rp_Tuesdays-on-the-run-150x150.jpgIf you need inspiration, check out today’s Tuesdays on the Run link-up with Erika, Marcia and Patty and see what others are planning.

Also linking with Rachel, Meranda and Lacey who are talking all about goals for this week’s Friday Five.


Back to Training

Happy New Year!

The week between Christmas and the New Year is always one of my favorite times of the year. It’s usually all about spending time with family, relaxing and recharging. And this past week I stuck with that tradition – though I did have to acknowledge a little email in my inbox on Monday from the RC coaches noting that I’m 12 weeks out from the NYC Half.

Hmmm…a not so subtle hint that it’s time to return to a training plan. Thankfully the RC team recognized that I was still in holiday/vacation mode so the plan for this week was fairly light.

NYC Half Marathon Training Week 1

Monday: Day after Christmas is always “Family Pajama Day” – no houseguests, no meal prep, just the 4 of us hanging out – a perfect day!

Tuesday: 800 meter repeats on the treadmill.  (What was I saying about it being a light week?!)

Wednesday: Too much family fun = no workout

Thursday:  Strength day – even got my youngest son to join me! There were lots of planks, squats, deadbugs, bridges and lunges – it was all about core and legs.

Friday: 3.1 miles – J joined me for running the last virtual 5K of the Rock’n’Roll Winter Runningland Series. Conditions were much icier than we expected so this was part run, part shuffle.

Source: Rock n Roll Marathon Series

Saturday: Saturdays are usually my long run day, but we started the day very early shuttling out to the middle of nowhere for my son’s hockey game. By the time the game was done and we made the drive back I just couldn’t will myself back out into the frigid temps to run. And once I spied the forecast for Sunday, my decision was made.

Sunday:  40 degrees this morning! My ideal running weather – so I got in 5 miles while the family slept. Happy to get the new year off on the right foot 🙂

Yeah…pretty easy peasy this week and I’m fine with that! I’m pretty sure the RC coaches will not be so kind during this upcoming week.

Did you have any big plans for New Year’s Eve? Are you training for anything yet? 

I’m linking up again with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Please be sure to stop by and checkout both of these great ladies, and join in and share how your week went! 


Santa Must be a Runner

Hope everyone had a great Christmas/Hanukkah/Festivus 🙂 We had a wonderful Christmas here in the RWA household and I’ve been enjoying a relaxing week with the family!

Since I haven’t visited my little slice of the blogosphere in while I thought I’d check in share a few of my favorite new things that were waiting for me under the tree for this week’s Friday Five.

Forerunner 235 – So excited to have a Garmin again! I’m still trying to figure out everything it does.

Knuckle Lights – These were on my gift guide for runners and apparently one of Santa’s elves was paying attention. Since I’ve had the luxury of running later in the morning this week I haven’t had a chance to try them out yet, but they’ll be getting plenty of use soon.

Oofos –  This girl loves a sport slide and these feel so good!


Momentum Wrap – Always happy to have a little extra motivation…and I especially love this message!





U/A Running Gear – Always happy for a new running outfit, and I’m loving this bright pop of color! (My photo skills do not do the top justice – it’s a great mint green) 

Medal Rack – (bonus #6) There was a lot of Rock’n’Roll bling earned this year so it only seems fitting that Santa gave me this medal rack!

Yep…I think Santa’s a runner 😉 (Much love to all of my family who gave me these wonderful gifts and fully support my running habit!)

Linking up with Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up! Thanks for hosting ladies!frifive2


2016 Year in Review

13 – just 13 days people and 2016 is a wrap! While my running plans for 2017 are well underway (more to come on that), it feels like a good time to reflect on this year of running.

Best race experience:  The RnR Vegas weekend!  My brother, husband and I had such a good time from start to finish – and this weekend included not one, but two races as I took on the Remix Challenge! A first for me doing back-to-back races. (You can check out my recap here.)

Best run: I can’t say that there was one run that stood out. My husband started joining me for my long runs on Saturdays, and I will say those became my favorite runs each week.

Best new piece of running gear: Aftershokz headphones! (affiliate link) I love that they let me hear my music and my surroundings with such clarity.

Best running advice you’ve received this year: Don’t let comparison (to past times/PRs) take away from the current journey. This came from one of the RC coaches and I refer back to it often.

Most inspirational runner:  I’ve always been a huge fan, but after getting to meet him in Vegas, …this one was easy – Meb!

Favorite picture from a run or race this year: There was lots of family running this year – these are just a few of my favorite photos!

Race experience you would repeat in a heartbeat: For the fun of it I would do Vegas again without a doubt. If I were looking for a “do-over” I would pick RnR Philly – the humidity was atrocious and really sucked the life out of me. I’d love a chance to do that course again…  with more fall-like conditions! 😉

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words what would they be? Good to be back! After no racing and a very little running in 2015, it was wonderful to get back into the groove. I made a lot of progress this year and cannot wait to see what 2017 will bring!

I’m linking up with Courtney, who is hosting the annual Year of Running link-up. Head over to check out her blog, and see what everyone else has been up to in 2016!


I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Be sure to check out all of the great ladies sharing their weekly happenings!


5 Things I love about StrideBox & a Giveaway

Rachel, Lacey and Meranda are inviting everyone to share holiday gift ideas for this week’s Friday Five. Since I have already shared my Holiday Gift Guide, I thought I would take this chance to share about a new favorite  –  StrideBox!

(Disclosure: This post and giveaway is sponsored by StrideBox. All opinions, as always, are my own.)

  1.  A great mix! – StrideBox offers a great combination of food/fuel options, running gear, and body care. This month’s box included a Bonk Breaker energy bar, GU chews, two packs of Run Gum, VFuel performance drink, Hammer gel and Essentials reflective safety shoe laces.
  2.  The Stride Guide. – In each box you get the Stride Guide, which is a nice cheat sheet on what’s inside the box with a suggestion on when to use each product (each item is coded for “before” “during” “after” or “always”).
  3. No long-term commitments.  – I really like that StrideBox offers an easy monthly subscription you can stop at any time.
  4. Affordable!  – StrideBox offers so much goodness for just $15/month.
  5. Makes a great gift!  – With each box offering such a great mix for both newbie and seasoned runner alike, and at a price that won’t break the bank, StrideBox is a perfect way to give your favorite runner lots of running treats from both well-known and new brands  – and delivered right to their door! What’s not to love?!
Check out my @StrideBox review & Giveaway! #stridebox #runnersgifts Share on X

Want to try one for yourself? The great folks at StrideBox have offered to give 2 RWA readers a free box to try! The giveaway will run from now until 11:59 p.m. on 12/21. Winners will be announced on Thursday, December 22nd. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Weekly Wrap: the Plague, Prada & NYC

Last weekend, I had a great long run, mapped out some December goals and was ready to take on the week ahead. Then I wasn’t…by Monday afternoon I was hit hard by the plague. It started as a stomach bug that morphed into a malaise that would linger the rest of the week. That may sound a bit dramatic, but I tell you it was not pretty!

I managed to eek out a brief strength workout on Thursday and a short elliptical workout on Friday. I was determined to not let the whole week go by without a run, so Saturday morning I braved the very windy, 23-degree conditions and cranked out a respectable 5.25 miles. Today was all about rolling & stretching, and finishing decorating my house for Christmas.

Well not the week I was hoping for, but I’m happy to say I am feeling better. And, while not the ideal way to do it, I’m willing to bet I’ve dropped a couple of pounds.

I actually watched this on Friday night…one of my favorites!

And I got this nice surprise in my inbox:

So the first race of 2017 is all set!

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgI’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!



A couple of December goals

It’s amazing to me to think that we are in the final days of 2016. I feel like the year kicked off a sprint pace and never let up. So now that my race season is over, it’s the perfect time to regroup and refocus before diving into training again. With that in mind, I’m setting just a couple of goals for this month.


Strike a balance….Without a race to focus on, it seems like the perfect time to up my strength game. So the goal is 3 days of strength work and 3 days of running.

Keep a good base….In the past, I have slacked off on my mileage at this time of year, but this time around I’d like to keep my weekly mileage around 18 – 20 miles.

Roll & Stretch….Daily rolling and stretching are necessary, and with things being more low-keyed I can make the time for this. (And my body will thank me for it!)

All things in moderation….I’ve done really well with my weight loss goal this year so why go and blow it in the last month, right? But, I also don’t believe in denial…so I will enjoy all the tempting holiday treats in moderation 🙂

So tell me, how are you planning to wrap-up the year?


Last coffee date of 2016

Believe it or not we’ve reached the last coffee date of 2016. So grab a mug of your fave beverage and join in on this fun link-up hosted by Coco and Deborah!

The Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that my new TV guilty pleasure is Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party. Yes that would be Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg. I can’t tell you exactly what it is about this combination, but it does put a smile on my face!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I signed up for the Winter Warrior Challenge – the challenge is to run or walk a mile a day for the month of January. This is the first year the challenge allows for treadmill miles, but only outdoor miles count towards prizes. My goal is to stick to the outdoors. Should be a fun way to add a little extra motivation to start 2017, and all the proceeds go to charity!


If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m not looking forward to trying to wrangle my sons today for a decent picture for my holiday cards. But, I need to get them done and off to Shutterfly as quickly as possible, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they smile and cooperate!

skisIf we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m looking forward to starting to decorate the house today for Christmas. We probably won’t get the tree until next week, but today is all about lights, wreaths, poinsettias, etc. If I’m feeling ambitious I may take on a project I spotted last year and paint a pair of old skis red to put my front porch. This is what I’m going for… wish me luck!

So what would you tell me over coffee?  


Holiday Gift Guide for Runners

Just in time for Cyber Monday, I’m sharing a few ideas for the runners in your life .. or for your own wish list 🙂


Sharing some gift ideas for runners #runchat #bibchat Share on X


Let’s start with one of my must haves – SPIbelt. The SPIbelt is the first piece of running gear I ever bought at an expo and I’ve been running with one ever since (that’s 6 yrs and counting!). I love that it’s lightweight, doesn’t bounce, and holds my phone and other essentials.

Use code michelle2016 at checkout and receive a special goody bag!


If you’ve been around here for any length of time or follow me on Instagram than you know I make no secret of my love of compression sleeves – especially Zensah! These sleeves are a post-run must have, and they’ll also make a big difference on a long car ride or flight 🙂 In fact I’m such a fan of all things Zensah, I recently became a Zensah Ambassador!

Check out Zensah’s site for some great sales going on right now!

roadid_catalog_elitescreenshot-www-roadid-com-2016-11-27-17-30-33Another must have in my book for any runner (or cyclist) is a Road ID. I’m still amazed at how many runners I come across who don’t carry some ID when they run. I recently just chastised my brother for this! A Road ID speaks for you if heaven forbid there’s an accident and you can’t. Use code TAFW2DYPQ83 for $5 off the RoadID Elite.
believejournal_b897a982-0a50-4537-b102-15b07126cd02_1024x1024I think keep a training journal is a great way to help keep you accountable and motivated. And, while I like tracking stats online, nothing for me beats the written word. The Believe Journal (affiliate link alert!) offers a great mix of training log, running advice and inspirational quotes.

screenshot-www-knucklelights-com-2016-11-27-18-03-23Now this last item is high on my own wish list – Knuckle Lights! Being able to see and be seen is critical, especially if you’ve got to log your runs before the sun’s up or long after sunset. I’ve never been a fan of wearing a headlamp, so the on-hand design is perfect. I also love that these lights are rechargeable – cause who’s got time to hunt for batteries! Use code YKAF5544 to save 10%.

Of course, I couldn’t put together a runner gift guide and not suggest the gift of a race registration. Since the race gift card doesn’t exist yet (though I don’t know why…hello race directors!!), I can suggest using my Rock’n’Blog code for $15 off a half marathon or marathon registration. I’m psyched to announce that the code is now good for early 2017 Rock ‘n’ Roll races, including Arizona, NOLA, Dallas, Mexico City, DC and Nashville!

RnBCode Black

Have you started your holiday shopping?
