It’s time to hit the reset button…
My little slip during a run last month did more than just tweak things. And, while I’ve been able to eek out some runs, it’s been inconsistent at best…and with some significant pain at worst. No bueno. I’ve probably known for a couple of weeks now that I need to re-think my plans, but I didn’t want to admit it. I’d been hoping to hold it together and some how stick to my race schedule, but it’s just not happening.
So after a trip to the new chiropractor (who was awesome!) and conferring with the RC coaches, it’s time to hit the reset button on my training. I took a pass on the 10 mile race I was planning to do this morning and I’m deferring my entry in the NYC Half until next year. And while I’m especially bummed about putting off NYC, I’m refusing to have a pity party.
So I’m focusing on the positives:
- Better to have this happen now while the year is still young and there’s still lots of time for running and races
- I still have 14 weeks until my Spring goal race, Boston’s Run to Remember
- I’m loving the new chiro I was referred to – he’s mapped out a course of treatment and believes he can get me back on track shortly
- My RC coaches are all very positive that we can work around this and put together a decent training plan
- Since the whole family was looking forward to heading to NYC, we’ve decided to still hit the city during the school spring break
I’m headed back to the chiro tomorrow, and this week will probably be heavy on the cross-training and strength work. 14 weeks to go!
Linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap.
Quick housekeeping note:
Congrats to Jessica & Stephanie for winning entries into the Utah Valley Marathon/Half Marathon/10K! (Check your email boxes for details. ) If you didn’t win but are still interested in running, you can use code rwa15 to get 15% off any distance! (This is an affiliate code.)