Hitting the Training Reset Button

It’s time to hit the reset button…

My little slip during a run last month did more than just tweak things. And, while I’ve been able to eek out some runs, it’s been inconsistent at best…and with some significant pain at worst. No bueno.  I’ve probably known for a couple of weeks now that I need to re-think my plans, but I didn’t want to admit it. I’d been hoping to hold it together and some how stick to my race schedule, but it’s just not happening.

So after a trip to the new chiropractor (who was awesome!) and conferring with the RC coaches, it’s time to hit the reset button on my training. I took a pass on the 10 mile race I was planning to do this morning and I’m deferring my entry in the NYC Half until next year. And while I’m especially bummed about putting off NYC, I’m refusing to have a pity party.

So I’m focusing on the positives:

  • Better to have this happen now while the year is still young and there’s still lots of time for running and races
  • I still have 14 weeks until my Spring goal race, Boston’s Run to Remember
  • I’m loving the new chiro I was referred to – he’s mapped out a course of treatment and believes he can get me back on track shortly
  • My RC coaches are all very positive that we can work around this and put together a decent training plan
  • Since the whole family was looking forward to heading to NYC, we’ve decided to still hit the city during the school spring break

I’m headed back to the chiro tomorrow, and this week will probably be heavy on the cross-training and strength work. 14 weeks to go!

Linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. 

Quick housekeeping note:

Congrats to Jessica & Stephanie for winning entries into the Utah Valley Marathon/Half Marathon/10K! (Check your email boxes for details. ) If you didn’t win but are still interested in running, you can use code rwa15 to get 15% off any distance! (This is an affiliate code.)


Weekly Wrap – Embracing the mill

Happy Sunday!

As I type this, the wind is picking up and the snow is falling. The second significant snow storm in just 4 days. School’s already been cancelled for tomorrow, and I’m trying to re-configure my work day.

But before I get to dealing with that I’m linking up with Holly  and Tricia for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training and life happenings!

Between the snow, icy conditions and a hectic schedule, it was all about the gym and time on the mill this week. And, the 5 min/day planking streak continued!

Monday — Rest Day
Tuesday — Speed work- While I’m not a fan on running on the mill in general, I don’t mind doing speed work on it. Just set the pace and go!
Wednesday — Strength day followed by a much needed massage!

Thursday — Shoveling snow counts for cross-training right?
Friday — Back to the mill for 800 meter repeats
Saturday — Rest day
Sunday — 4 more mill miles as once again the left knee/calf wasn’t really not interested in doing a long run – which is problematic when you’ve got a half marathon just 5 weeks away….but let’s not think about that right now!

The left leg was pretty unhappy all week and required a lot of special attention. At the urging of my massage therapist (she’s convinced I’m out of alignment), I’m going to try to squeeze in an appointment with the chiropractor this week. I really don’t want to take any more time off from running, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.


Run Utah – A Giveaway!

I’m telling you that there’s nothing worse than receiving an invitation to a great destination race and not be able to take advantage of it! Such is the case with the Utah Valley Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K.

Utah is just beautiful, isn’t it?

When I think of traveling to Utah my first thoughts turn towards skiing and  memories of a great family vacation we had there. We always said we wanted to head back, so when I got an email from the nice folks at Utah Valley Marathon, I knew this would be a trip I’d have no problem convincing my husband to take!

A few reasons to run:

  • The Utah Valley Marathon was named a TOP 10 race in America by Runner’s World Magazine in 2014
  • In honor of their 10th anniversary, they’re handing out race jackets instead of a T-shirt
  • A fast downhill course – no uphill people! (the marathon is a Boston qualifier)
  • Offers a marathon, half marathon, and 10K options, plus a kids 1K

Sounds great right? So why am I not booking my flights…because come June 10th, we will be in the thick of a lacrosse tournament in the RWA household. And, given that I’m helping to coordinate the tourney, disappearing for a race is just not in the cards. But I’ve already penciled it in for 2018 🙂 (Did I mention no uphills!)

So what’s a girl to do with a race entry she can’t use? Host a giveaway of course 🙂 I’ve actually got not one but two entries!

Want to run the Utah Valley Marathon/Half Marathon/10k? Then enter below – or, if you’re just ready to register, you can use code rwa15 to get 15% off any distance! (This is an affiliate code.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received the two free race entries and discount code courtesy of the Utah Valley Marathon. I will receive a small payment for all registrations made using my discount code.


Two steps forward, One step back

It’s just been one of those weeks…

Monday – More time with my new BFF, aka the Arc Trainer, but I did get outside for a brisk walk for the Winter Challenge. Oh, and day 9 of the 10 x 10 plank challenge.

Tuesday – Work and family schedules collided and my run didn’t happen. It was the final day of the Winter Challenge and I enjoyed a snowy walk, plus finished the plank challenge. Whew…10 minutes of planking was a-l-o-t!

Wednesday – Strength training with Trainer Stacy. Quite simply, this workout kicked my arse…and I loved it! Stacy really challenged me and I left feeling really strong…and sore 🙂  Planking continues – going for 5 mins/day for February.

Thursday –  Once again my schedule was crazy, but I was able to squeeze 30 mins in on the Arc Trainer.

Friday – Hill repeats – enough said, right?

Saturday – DOMS hit me hard so hello rest day.

Sunday – The plan called for 8 – I barely hung on for just over 5. After feeling so strong after Wednesday, and having a strong run through those repeats, I was hoping to crush this run…instead, my left knee/calf started talking to me within the first half mile and let me know this was going to be a grind. And a grind it was.

So…going to have to say this week was a Cha-cha. Let’s hope there’s less “dancing” this week and more running.

I’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!



February Coffee Date

Wowza what a week it’s been! I’m so happy to see the weekend and have a chance to exhale. It’s a good time to sit back and catch up over coffee, so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that, everyone in my house has been having fun with our newest gadget Amazon’s Echo – aka, Alexa (affiliate link). My brother-in-law gave us one for Christmas, but we only just got it set up a couple of weeks ago. It tells really corny jokes and sings ditties, which of course cracks my boys up.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m so excited to have been selected as a Skirt Sports Ambassador Captain for 2017! I am a big running skirt fan and think Skirt Sports are just the best. And, of course I’d share with you a code 1SSCAPT20 so you could do a little shopping and save 20%!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that Super Bowl fever is in full effect here! My beloved Patriots are going for #5 and I cannot wait for the game!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been a little obsessed with my new planner. And, as part of my effort to get more organized I’ve started reading Getting Things Done by David Allen (affiliate link). I’m just a couple of chapters in, but I find myself nodding in agreement a lot. I’ll be trying to implement some of his techniques this week so I’ll let you know how it goes.

So what would you tell me over coffee?  


Monthly Rewind – January edition

That whooshing sound you hear is January flying out the door! Seriously what a whirlwind this month was! I definitely hit a couple of speedbumps that kept me from having as strong a start as I wanted…so I’m more than ready to say buh bye to January and to make February fabulous! But first, a quick monthly recap:

Good things for the month:
  • Winter Challenge completed! By the time you read this I will have logged my final miles for the Winter Challenge – 31 days of outdoor mileage done…pretty good for this self proclaimed non-streaker!
  • Stayed on track with my strength training, logging at least two workouts per week, and then threw in the 10 x 10 plank challenge for the final 10 days of the month for a little extra push.
  • Selected as a SPIbelt Ambassador for a second year!
Things I could do without:
  • Got hit with a nasty cold the very first week – blech
  • Bounced back from the cold, only a week later to slip during a rainy run that left me unable to run for the better part of a week 🙁
  • (they say bad things come in 3s, but I’m going to stay positive…)
On the decks for February:
  • More miles – right the ship on my training and get back to work. The NYC Half is less than 2 months away, and while it’s not my goal race, I would like to have a decent run – which means I’ve got to get in some longer runs and some hill work.
  • Run the Old-fashioned 10 Miler on 2/19
  • Get back to good habits – namely, get more sleep and clean up my eating habits…there’s been way too much late afternoon grazing!

How was your January?

I’m linking up with Erika, Marcia and Patty for this week’s Tuesday on the Run – the topic this week is grading your month.



January Runfessions

Happy Friday!

It’s the last Friday of the month so, of course that means it’s time to share some runfessions! Thanks to Marcia for this always entertaining linkup!


Runfession: I have just a few days left in this month’s Winter Challenge, and I runfess that I’m ready to be done. I have so enjoyed the camaraderie of the other women on the BGR team, but I’m just not a streaker.

Runfession:  I’ve been a little…shall we say cranky since my slip on the oil slick. With the strength work I’ve been doing I was feeling pretty strong, and so this setback feels a little deflating.

Runfession: On the brighter side, spending more time in the gym cross training means I’ve been witness to a whole new group of gym characters! I confess it is pure entertainment and does make the time go by – though I wish I could unsee the older gentleman  who insists on wearing sheer tank tops (just no!)…and can someone please explain to me why 20-something guys think jeans are workout wear?

Runfession: It’s only January and I already may have to alter my race calendar. Family schedules are conspiring against me, and short of cloning myself I may end up having to take a pass on next week’s 5 miler. Luckily I had procrastinated registering so I won’t be out any money.

Runfession: I have fallen hard off the early morning workout wagon. It’s just been way too easy to just hit the snooze …ok 3 times…and then there’s no time to workout before the getting the kids to school, work, etc. But I dislike the feeling of trying to jam a workout in late in the day, so it’s time to chase down that wagon and climb back on.

5 Runfessions for January! What do you runfess? #runchat Share on X

So c’mon share…what do you runfess? 

I’m also joining Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up! frifive2


Warning: Frustrated Runner Ahead

Let me just get this out there…this was not a pretty week from a training standpoint. My run in the rain on Tuesday included slipping on an oil slick in the road – while I didn’t go down, I ended up gimpy.  A cranky left knee meant there was no more running until I attempted Saturday morning’s long run. I managed to eek out 6.5 miles – they weren’t easy, but got them done. This girl is not a happy camper…

But, I’m not going to wallow. I can keep my cardio going on the Arc Trainer; so while I will try to run again this week, there may need to be more cross-training.

I’m happy to say that I’m 22 days into the Winter Challenge, and my BGR team has moved into the top 5 teams for total mileage!  Since the Challenge allows for both walking and running, I can keep contributing to my team even if it needs to be a brisk walk.

I’m meeting up with Trainer Stacy on Wednesday, and just joined a 10 x 10 plank challenge started by one of my fellow SPIbelt ambassadors (10 mins of planking every day for 10 days) – so there will be a big focus on strength work this week.

And, hopefully there will be some running…fingers crossed!

Tell me – how do you keep busy when you can’t run?

Linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. 


NYC Half Training Week 3

Happy Sunday!

Even as I type the words I’m having a little bit of a hard time believing we’re already halfway through the month! After struggling with a nasty cold last week, this week was all about getting back on track.

Monday: I spent most of the day trying to get caught up on work, but did get in a 1.25 miles towards the Winter Challenge – Day 9.

Tuesday: Strength day plus another mile for the Winter Challenge.

Wednesday: 4 mile tempo run.

Thursday:  Rest day – a much needed massage happened, and yes a 1.25 miles more towards the Challenge. If you’re wondering why 1.25…that’s one trip around my block 🙂

Friday: 5 mile tempo. I must admit I came so close to phoning this one in. I woke up so tired and the wind was seriously whipping around…I just wasn’t feeling it, but knew I’d be upset with myself later…so out the door I went. There was a lot of cursing, but 5 miles were done.

Saturday:  The frigid temps returned, but luckily no wind. My legs felt like lead after Friday’s run and I was very happy to have my husband along for the run. And, it was a beautiful morning!

Sunday: I squeezed in a brisk 1.25 mile walk after my son’s hockey game to keep the Winter Challenge streak going.

All-in-all not a bad week, but the runs all felt tough because I just had no energy (I’m guessing a lingering effect from the cold…plus a few too many nights staying up to watch The Daily Show). The big goal for this week is to get to bed at a reasonable hour so I don’t feel so fried.

I also got the great news this week that I was selected as a SPIbelt Ambassador again for this year! I’ve made no secret of my love for SPIbelt and am psyched to be representing them again!

rp_WeeklyWrap-1-300x300.jpgI’m linking up with Tricia and Holly for the #WeeklyWrap. Please be sure to head on over and check out all of the great ladies sharing weekly training, life happenings, motivation and encouragement!


2017 Race Calendar

As I mentioned over coffee the other day, I’ve been going round in circles on my race calendar. And, while the fall still pretty fuzzy, I’ve got the first half of the year pinned down.

Super Sunday 5 Miler — This race is being billed in part as a celebration of completing the Winter Challenge. There will be live music, food and beer post-race, with all proceeds going to the Race Cancer Foundation. Plus many of my BGR teammates will be there – sounds like a good way to kick off Super Bowl Sunday!

The Old Fashioned 10 Miler — This is a great local race that I’ve missed the past couple of years. I love 10 milers and this is a challenging course.

NYC Half Marathon — Running through Central Park, Times Square and finishing in Battery Park – what’s not to love?!

Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon — I opted for the 5 miler at last year’s race because I was far from “half marathon” shape. This is one of my favorite Boston races and will be my goal race for the spring!

Finish at the 50 5K/10K — While I’m not a fan of summer racing, this race has such a fun vibe, with a finish at the 50 yard line at Gillette Stadium, followed by 4th of July fireworks. Added bonus, this will a family affair with both my sons and husband all running!

As for the fall….

I know I’d like to run at least one half marathon…maybe two…the wish list is all over the place, including:

B.A.A. Half  — Boston Athletic Association always does a great race and this half sells out in record time. The year I “ran” it I was injured and was out there to be moral support for a friend who was running her first.

RnR Montreal and/or RnR Savannah — Both cities are on my “must see” city list.

Newport Half — Such a pretty course!

And, given my goal to mix-up the distances, there are also a bunch of great 10Ks within driving distances to consider.

Decisions, decisions…guess I’ll see how the spring goes and then figure it out from there.

Have you run any of these races? Got a suggestion for me for the fall?

I’m linking up with Erika, Marcia and Patty for this week’s Tuesday on the Run, where the topic is weekend warrior vs racecation – which do you prefer? Be sure to stop by and see what others are planning.
