Weekly Wrap – Feeling the Heat

Yeah, this pretty much sums up this week’s workouts! Another heat wave hit the Boston area this week, and by Tuesday I had given up even bothering to open the weather app on my phone. The workouts were a little all over the place, but here’s how it went down.

Monday — Since I ran Sunday and was planning to hit the track Tuesday, I took Monday as a rest day. I had dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in months and we had an epic catch-up session that may have involved a couple of pomegranate martinis. So good, but so not the “hydration” to have before track day 😉

Tuesday — Suffice it to say I didn’t get to the track, but I did get an ab/hip/leg workout in.

Wednesday — 90% humidity had me seriously questioning the whole running thing, but I eked out 3 miles.

Thursday — Another lower body strength workout followed by a massage!

Friday — I had planned to make up Tuesday’s track workout, but for some crazy reason I woke up at 3:30 in the morning and I was wide awake brain racing! Uggh. After lying awake for what seemed forever, I must have finally fallen asleep and promptly slept through my alarm. I didn’t have enough time to get to the track before work so it would have to wait.

Saturday — Finally made it to the track! I was determined not to skip this workout and it was my best of the week!

Sunday — Saturday’s long run became today’s run. Since I was still feeling the effects of a busy Saturday and I knew the humidity was supposed to finally relent a bit, I opted to sleep in and take on my run in the afternoon. It was still a heat-fest but having my husband along helped keep me going, and we made it through 6.2 miles.

All-in-all, not a bad week. We’re getting a ton of rain tomorrow and then cooler temps (relatively speaking) will be rolling in. I’m looking forward to getting a break from the steam bath!

I’m linking up with Holly & Tricia, and this week’s guest host Darlene.



A quick wrap-up

Happy Sunday!

Taking a quick break from enjoying a lazy Sunday with my family for the Weekly Wrap, hosted by Holly & Tricia, and this week’s guest host Janelle.

Thanks to a combo of multiple days of crazy thunderstorms, my youngest being home sick from camp, and feeling way under the weather myself, there’s not much to wrap this week from a workout standpoint.

I did keep up with my daily planking but did only one lower-body strength workout.

Planking & learning to work the new selfie stick!

And, there were just two days of running in humidity so thick it felt more like swimming!

I got a nice pick-me-up on Wednesday with the arrival of the July StrideBox! Always so much goodness – I especially appreciated the extra water bottle!

Thankfully I was starting to feel more like myself this afternoon so my husband and I headed over to catch a great sale and tasting at our favorite wine shop.

Photo Courtesy of Bin Ends

The rest of the afternoon will be kids choice, which I’m sure will include mini golf, ice cream, and dinner on the deck! 🙂

How are you spending your Sunday?


5 Tips for Running on the Track

As I mentioned in a recent post, I’ve returned to the track for some of my *ahem* speedwork. Our local high school recently resurfaced their track and I am lucky that it is just a quick 10-minute drive from my house.

This track stays fairly busy even when school’s not in session and since the resurfacing it has been one hopping spot! I’ve just been twice in the past two weeks, but it’s clear to me that some could stand to learn a thing or two about track etiquette. So with that in mind, for this week’s Friday Five, I offer some tips for running on the track.

Run counter-clockwise — Unless otherwise posted or you have the track to yourself, you should run counter-clockwise.

Choose your lane wisely — If you’re walking or doing a slow warm-up, please stick to the outer lanes. The other day I watched two women decide to take a leisurely stroll on the inner lanes, oblivious to the runners trying to navigate past them.

Pass on the left — Pass people on the left when possible, and feel free to call out “on your left” or “track” to give plenty of warning. If you are the passee, please don’t take it personally and shoot dagger looks at the passer (as I’ve had one or two do to me in the past), just slide wide right and keep doing your thing.

Keep it moving — As a general rule of thumb, when you’re not running or walking, step off the track to take a rest or to stretch. When you finish the interval you’re running, be mindful of those around you before coming to a complete stop, and then step off to the side until you’re ready for the next round.

Leave your furry running partners and strollers at home — I can’t make this up – I have seen both! Dogs and strollers can do damage to the track surface. So leave both at home – your fellow runners will appreciate it.

5 tips for running on the track #runchat Share on X

I’m linking up with Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up! 


Weekly Wrap – Slow return to training

The first full week of July is in the books, and it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with Holly, Tricia, and this week’s guest host Christine. Definitely be sure to stop by and check out all of the great ladies who join in for this link-up!

So how’d things shake out this week? Here’s a quick run down…

Sunday – 4-mile run. A rare Sunday run for me, but I had missed running Saturday due to family plans. And besides, the morning was too beautiful to pass up! Also, I got back to daily planks.

Monday – Rest day.
Tuesday – The track was calling – I swear 800-meter repeats never get easier!

Wednesday – OK so I may have gotten a bit ambitious at the track 😉 I had plans on a strength workout, but listened to my legs and opted for rest.
Thursday – 5.5-mile run.
Friday – Strength work and chiro visit.
Saturday – 3.4 miles – this was supposed to be a 6 or 7-mile run but for some reason, nothing felt good on this run. My stride felt off and so did my breathing. After a solid week of running, the wheels came off the wagon a bit. I’m chalking it up to being just “one of those days!”
Sunday – Feeling especially tight today, so I went with some gentle yoga.

So as the title of this post alludes, this week marked a return to training. While I enjoyed taking June at a leisurely pace, I know the fall race season will be here in a blink of an eye so it’s time to ease back into a training plan. I still haven’t settled on a goal race, but the RC coaches and I are leaning towards a couple of November options with a possible tune-up race or two. I did sign up for the Wicked Half and I’m looking forward to the Skirt Sports Ambassador meet-up.  This race will be for fun and should help me to get focused. It’s a mere 68 days away, so Saturday runs will get longer and I’m going to try to keep one day for speed work.


July Coffee Date

How is it already July?!?!

The breakneck pace of 2017 continues! It’s the first Saturday of the month, and that means it’s time for catching up over coffee! Thanks to Coco and Deborah for hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up.  Grab a mug (or an iced coffee) and join me!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that after a sea of end-of-year school events, elementary school graduation, a major event for work, and 3…yes 3 weekends of lacrosse tournaments, I am really looking forward to some lazy summer days this month!

My kiddo’s sporting the yellow gloves


 If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that my newest snack addiction is the Health Warrior Pumpkin Seed Bars. I first got to try the Cinnamon Spice bar thanks to StrideBox and I was quickly on the hunt for more. Since then I’ve discovered the Honey Cracked Pepper with Turmeric and the Dark Chocolate. These bars are so good!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m looking forward to lounging on my deck and doing some summer reading…but I need some recommendations! It’s been a while since I’ve read a good novel and I miss reading.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that while this pup is wildly cute, he’s a stubborn handful! We start our first session with a trainer this morning and I cannot wait!

In fact, I better finish my coffee and get ready for the trainer.

What would you tell me over coffee? Any book suggestions?



Weekly Wrap: Eyeing Fall Races

Staying true to my goals for this month, my workouts have been comfortably locked in on cruise control. This past week was no different. There was some time for yoga and getting re-aquatinted with my foam roller. And, there was some running. The temps have been climbing so I promised myself this would be the week to get out early to beat the sun’s heat.

Of course, Mother Nature does have a twisted sense of humor, and just as I stepped out the door for Tuesday’s run I was greeted with this…

Yep a serious downpour…given how warm it was I ran anyways…anything to avoid the mill. And actually, this run felt great!

I was chasing my shadow and the sun on Thursday’s run, and happily logged another pain-free run!

And, while the struggle bus came looking for me on this morning’s run thanks to a cranky stomach, I’m happy to say the miles were pain-free

the glute/piriformis/hip thing finally feeling under control these past couple of weeks, I’ve allowed myself to start eyeing potential fall races.  I’m pretty sure I’ll pull the trigger on the Wicked Half Marathon, held in mid-September. Some of the Skirt Sports ambassadors in the area picked this race for a meet-up so I’m sure this could be a fun one! Past experience has taught me that the temps can still be pretty warm in mid-September, so I’d like to find a goal race for October or early November.

Any suggestions for a half marathon? Do you have your fall races settled yet?

Linking up with Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap, and this week’s guest host Zenaida. Definitely be sure to stop by and check out all of the great ladies who join in for this link-up!



Weekly Wrap – Just cruising along

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last joined Holly & Tricia for the Weekly Wrap – How’d I let that happen?! Kim is this week’s guest host so be sure to stop by and say hello!

As I mentioned in my June goals, I’m not following a training plan at the moment – just kind of taking workouts as they come. So how did this week go?

Monday: Yoga and chiro visit. Based on the feedback I gave my chiro, he thinks I’m progressing nicely so we’re going to see if I can get to the first week of July before my next appointment!

Tuesday: I usually run on Tuesdays, but the combination of a torrential downpour most of the day and a crazy work day, made it easy to push this run to Wednesday.

Wednesday: We finally got a break in the rain, so I celebrated Global Running Day with a 3-mile run.

Thursday:  Strength work – my usual focus on hips, glutes, and abs, followed by some trigger point work with my massage therapist.

Friday: Since I ran Wednesday, I’d plan to run Friday…but remember the never-ending mulch pile in my driveway? I decided I just couldn’t look at it any longer, and I knew with our town’s big lacrosse tournament this weekend if I didn’t tackle it then it would most likely still be there on Monday. So I spent a couple of hours hauling mulch around and I’m happy to say the pile is gone! Talk about a total body workout!!

Saturday: The whole family spent the day at the lacrosse tournament – we left the house by 7:30 and didn’t head home until close to 6 pm! And, did I mention the temps jumped to the high 80’s? Yeah, we were all toast!

Sunday: Being on my feet all day Saturday took its toll, but I really wanted to get a little run in before day 2 of the tourney. So I tacked on another 3 miles.

As you can see, there was not much running this week and I’m totally fine with that. Temps are supposed to hover in the 90s for most of this week so I’ll be pushing the clock back to run as early as possible – otherwise, there will be a lot of cross-training this week 🙂

How do you fair when not on a training plan? 


Global Running Day 2017

Global Running Day is Wednesday!

So on the first Wednesday of June, the annual call goes out to celebrate running!

The driving rain we’ve been dealing with here for the past couple of days is supposed to finally break tomorrow so I’ll be starting my celebration with a run, of course. Then it might be time for a little retail therapy in the form of both gear and races 🙂

SPIbelt – SPIbelt has been with me since my earliest days of running! Use code michelle2017 to save 15%!

StrideBox – I have shared my love for StrideBox many times here! Use code RunningDay17 for 50% off of the first box for a new regular monthly subscription to StrideBox! (Offers good only on 6/7)

SkirtSports – And I’m always happy to share a little SkirtSport love 😉 Use code SPRINGCPT20 to get 20% off.

So many races – Active has teamed up with a bunch of races to offer registration discounts. And, everyone who registers for a participating event on 6/7 will automatically be entered to win a swag bag valued at $500, featuring products from Garmin, New Balance, Gatorade, and Road ID just to name a few. Click here for details.

How will you be celebrating?

Linking up with Erika, Marcia, and Patty for this week’s Tuesday on the Run – the topic this week is Global Running Day, naturally! 


June Coffee Date

It’s the first Saturday of the month, so of course, that means it’s time for catching up over coffee! Thanks to Coco and Deborah for hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date link-up.  Grab a mug (or an iced coffee) and join me!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m really looking forward to having no training plan this month – to just roll out of bed and run without trying to hold to a schedule. I’ll be curious to see how many miles I log when left to my own devices.

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’ve been hard at work on my garden and it’s starting to come together nicely. What’s blowing my mind is after working all last weekend and parts of this week on the garden, I can’t believe I still have a pretty significant pile of mulch in my driveway!

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I’m so happy my oldest son decided to not go to overnight camp for the full 7-week session. He’s only going for the second session so he can go to a technology program at one of the local colleges. After two summers of him being away for the bulk of the summer, I’m looking forward to having him around 🙂

If we were having coffee together, I’d tell you that I cannot believe that my “baby” is just days aways from graduating elementary school and will be a middle schooler! Seriously where has the time gone?

And, of course, I’d have to share a photo of my ever-growing puppy who’s now 4 months old!

What would you tell me over coffee?


New month, new goals


The jam-packed month of May is now in the rearview mirror and I’m ready to turn my attention to the month ahead. So far this year has been marked by a lot of stops and starts on the running front. I was always anxious to jump back into training for an upcoming race, but it’s clear looking back now that I should have taken more time to heal.

June now gives me a chance to do that! With no race planned until mid-September, this month affords me the chance to right the ship, hopefully once and for all. So for today’s Friday Five, I’m sharing some fitness goals for June:

Focus on Chi Running form — I’ve actually been working on this since the workshop I attended early last month. I especially want to work on my lean.

Photo courtesy of ChiRunning

Improve cadence — Along with my running form, I really want to focus on locking in my cadence. I’ve been doing some of my runs with the metronome app and would like to work on slowly increasing my cadence from 170 to 175.

Prioritize self-care — Time with the chiropractor, massage therapist, in addition to time for foam rolling, are a must.

Eat the rainbow — With May’s hectic schedule there were way too many meals on the run, too much take out, and not nearly enough attention to eating well. Time to climb back on the wagon – especially need to up my fruits and veggies!

Build from the core out — I took a break from daily planking last month, but am getting back at it, along with hip and glute strength work at least twice a week.

Do you set monthly goals? What have you got planned for June?

I’m linking up with Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey & Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness for the Friday Five link-up!
