Looking forward to March

February is quickly coming to a close and it’s been a long short month if you know what I mean! I realized the other day that I never set any monthly goals for February…and in hindsight, it’s just as well that I didn’t. While plans were derailed, I am happy that I finished the month running and feeling more like myself again. And, now my sights are squarely set on moving forward in March.

So I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run and sharing a couple of March goals.

Enjoy the Black Cat 10 Miler – I recently runfessed that this race will be run as a training run, while I shift my focus to the Portland 10 in late April. My goal is to soak in the atmosphere, high-five the volunteers, stick to my run-walk intervals, and celebrate returning to double digits!

Be consistent – With the flu firmly in the rearview mirror, priority one is to be consistent with my workouts. Run 3x’s a week, cross-train/strength train 2x/week, and a weekly yoga session.

Get my diet in sync – I also runfessed that my eating was kind of all over the place in February so for March it’s time to get back to meal planning and prep.

Run 70 miles – I don’t usually set mileage targets, but I know I’m behind on my contribution to my team’s Run This Year challenge so I want to put a target out there for some extra motivation.

So tell me how was your month? Have you set any goals for March?


Runfessions for February

It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional so let’s get to it!

I runfess that being stubborn and trying to power through being sick was not my best choice. I was kind of in a bit of denial about sick. Sometimes you need to let go of plans and “must do’s” and just rest!

I runfess that I’m both disappointed and a little worried that I’m going to go into Black Cat undertrained. It’s my first race of the year and I had really wanted to kick things off strong, but two weeks off from running threw a wrench in those plans. Now it becomes a TRB (training run with benefits) and I’ll focus on training for a strong run at the Portland 10 Miler in April.

I runfess that my eating habits have been a bit of a mess lately. When I first got sick I dropped 5 lbs in a couple of days – not ideal but that’s what happens when you live on green tea, water, and soup. As I emerged from my flu fog, I fell into eating whatever felt comforting…yeah no good. I need to start paying attention again.

The Runfessional is open and I've got some #runfessions to share! #fridayfive #runchat Share on X

I runfess that I’m growing tired of Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor. We had glorious 70-degree weather on Tuesday and Wednesday, only for it to snow yesterday and colder temps have returned. This weather whiplash has gone on all month, and I have to say if I wasn’t over the winter before I sure am now. I have no desire to bundle up again now that I’ve broken out my running skirts – bring on spring!

Weather whiplash!

I runfess that I still haven’t settled on a fall marathon. I’ve talked myself in and out of each of my 3 options, but am having a hard time choosing. I’m waiting for divine inspiration…or for the MCM lottery to open, whichever comes first.

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!

So how was your month? Anything you want to come clean on?


Black Cat Week 7 – Trying to be patient

So I should be wrapping up week 7 of training for the Black Cat 10-miler, but the reality is very little training has been going on. I went down with the flu two weeks ago, and while I thought I was over the worse of it last weekend, I’m learning recovery is not a straight line!

I spent this past week trying to regain my bearings – some moments feeling good, only to have someone pull the energy rug out from under me quickly. Mostly I’ve been dog-tired. I spent the week trying to let go of my disappointment at watching my training progress go south and focusing instead on what I could do and giving my body all the rest it was craving. So as a result, the week shook out like this:

Monday: Rest; plank streak day 43

Tuesday: Got back to the Superman, Squats & Twists Challenge with 60 squats plus planks

Wednesday: A hectic day of presentations for work really set me back. I had planned to get some cardio done, but by the time I got home I was toast. So I got my plank done and enjoyed a quiet V-Day dinner at home with J.

Thursday: Woke up feeling horrible and discouraged that I was sliding back and not getting better. It was a tough day mentally, but I gave in and let myself sleep a lot. (A plank did happen)

Friday: Finally woke up feeling good. I got some errands done, met a friend for lunch, and then met another friend for a 3-mile walk in time to catch this beautiful sunset. I finished the day with 70 squats and some planking.

Saturday: Yeah ok so maybe I got overly ambitious on Friday. I woke up Saturday feeling drained so I kept it simple with a little yoga, planks, and 70 twists.

Sunday: Finally some running! 4 hard-fought miles thanks to 5:1 run/walk intervals.

Just a little less than 3 weeks until Black Cat and it looks like I’m going to have to re-think my goals for this race. It’s a good thing I’ve got the Portland 10 Miler a few weeks later!

So tell me something about your week!

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap!


Emerging from Flu Fog

There’s no way to sugar coat it – this past week was one long and u-g-l-y week! I developed an annoying hacking cough late Sunday and by Monday morning I was a wreck. By Tuesday it was clear I had some serious virus or strain of the flu happening. Ugh, really?! Ain’t nobody got time for that…especially when you throw in that I was doing the single parent thing for half the week. Yes a tough week, but I am slowly emerging from my flu fog.

Because I’m stubborn, I did manage to hang onto my plank streak this week, and by Friday I was back to Rachel’s Supermans, Squats, and Twists Challenge with 50 squats. Saturday offered up 50+ degree weather and I got out for a brisk walk with my husband J and followed up with 50 twists. I finally got back to some cardio today with a mix of miles on the bike and the mill – just a few miles had me winded and ready for a nap, but it was progress.

I’m trying not to get too stressed out about losing a week of training for Black Cat. Today’s brief run showed me that I’m going to have to take this week slow as I continue to work my way out of flu recovery mode. I still have 3 long runs before the race so hopefully, I can squeeze in a couple of 8 milers and one double-digit run. Fingers-crossed!

So tell me something about your week!

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.




Weekly Wrap – Black Cat Training Week 5

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

I am counting down to the start of the game and cheering on the Patriots! But before I get to football, food, and beer I’m joining hosts Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. If you post a weekly training update definitely check out this link-up – it’s a great place for motivation, encouragement, and inspiration!

Monday – Rest; plank streak D29

Tuesday – 3-mile run; plank streak D30

Wednesday – Woke up with a mysterious ITB/glute pain – had no idea where this flare up came from since Tuesday’s run was uneventful. Unfortunately, I had presentations for work and spent the day on my feet…in heels. Skipped my strength work and spent some time rolling with a lacrosse ball. Still kept the plank streak alive!

Thursday – Another 3-miler was scheduled but the ITB/glute was only mildly better. I’m in no mood to be sidelined so I hightailed it to the massage therapist. Plank streak D32

Friday –  With the ITB feeling much better, I hit the treadmill to make up Thursday’s run. I got to test out my new kicks! I also joined Rachel’s Supermans, Squats, Twists Challenge so there were 30 squats in addition to streak day 33.

Mizuno Wave Sky

Saturday – The forecast showed brutally cold temps so I opted to push my run to Sunday and get a strength workout instead. I focused on core and upper body, including the challenge’s 30 Russian Twists. Plank day 34.

Sunday – So Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humor. When I started my run it was 40 degrees, but things quickly changed…temps dropped and then icy rain began. Seriously?! Of course, the ITB/glute decided to start complaining just for added fun. Not much you can do but dig in and finish. 7 miles done!

And with that, week 5 of Black Cat training is a wrap!


Catching Up Over Coffee

These past few days (weeks!) have been a blur – time for a quick catch up over coffee.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m declaring February my “do over” month. High hopes of getting out the gates fast on a number of things to start the year were derailed by being sick. The creeping crud has finally vacated our house and in it’s a wake is an over-flowing to do list!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that February is already off to a great start with the email I got yesterday inviting me back for my second year as a Skirt Sports Ambassador Captain! I absolutely love this company – not just for their cute and comfy clothes, but also for the positive community they foster among women. Their positive vibe and mission to encourage all women to push past their perceived limits really connects with me and I am looking forward to sharing the Skirt love again this year!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the college outreach to my oldest son has begun and I’m so not ready to think about it! There are daily mailings and email solicitations pouring in and meanwhile, I’m thinking were we not just celebrating him starting Kindergarten?! Someone please make the clock slow down!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m feeling the need to shake up my strength workouts a bit. I felt like I was making the most progress when I was working with a trainer so I’m on the hunt to find a new strength coach – unfortunately I’m now wowed by any of the trainers on staff at my gym so I’ve got to scout out other alternatives.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I cannot wait for the Super Bowl and a chance to see my Patriots bring home another Lombardi trophy! I think the whole 2-week build up is just too much – I’m looking forward to less talk and just playing!

(Photo by Rich Graessle/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images)

So what would you tell me over coffee? Do you work with a trainer or do your own thing? Are you planning to watch the game?

I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I’m also linking up with Meranda, Lacey, and Rachel for the Friday Five.


2018 Race Calendar is Taking Shape

My race calendar is slowly starting to take shape and the one thing that’s for certain, I’ll be running my favorite hometown race again this year – Boston’s Run to Remember.

Boston’s Run to Remember was my first half marathon back in 2011 and I knew even before I’d crossed the finish line that I’d be running it again (You can read that recap here). This race has everything – a scenic tour through the streets of Boston, a relatively flat course, good crowd support, enthusiastic volunteers, and a great cause. The race is put on by the Boston Police Department and the Boston Police’s Runner’s Club in honor of fallen law enforcement officers and first responders. And, I especially love how many police officers are out along the course cheering and supporting the runners. It’s held on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, which can make this a hot one to run – and you all know what a heat weenie I can be, but I still find myself registering again and again. In the past couple of years, I’ve opted for the 5-miler but this year I’ll be running the half again.

So at the moment, my 2018 Race Calendar looks like this:

March – Black Cat 10-Miler (3

April – Portland 10 Miler

May – Boston’s Run to Remember Half

June – BAA 10K (I’m still debating – this one can be uber hot!)

July – Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago (keeping my fingers crossed that the stars will align for this one)

September – Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half

Then there’s that fall marathon thing to figure out 😉 In case you missed it, I’m debating, MCM, Richmond, or Philly for my first full – you can check out that debate here.

I’m also holding out hope for Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio in December, but I’ll have to see how family schedules line up. And speaking of Rock ‘n’ Roll – if you want to join me be sure to use code RNRRNB2018 to save $15 when you register for either a half or full marathon.

Looking forward to running these races in 2018! Will I see you at the start line? #runchat #rocknblog Share on X

I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run – this week’s topic is favorite hometown races.

I’m also joining Deb’s Race Link Up, which is a great way to find others for race meet-ups.

Deb Runs

Where are you running this year?


Black Cat Weeks 3 and 4

In the flurry of last Sunday’s AFC Championship Game and the awesome comeback win of my beloved Patriots, I completely missed last week’s Weekly Wrap. So I’m linking up with hosts Holly and Wendy for a quick wrap up of the past two weeks of Black Cat training.

When I last checked in I was starting to feel off and had that sense that a cold or something was ready to unleash itself. Well, I manage to dodge it for a few days, but the creeping crud finally hit in full force this week – taking out both my boys and finally me.

I’ll spare reliving the details, but I’m happy to say that I did manage some workouts despite feeling less than 100%. Most of my runs have been quick 3-milers. But a break in the frigid temps has helped to nudge me outdoors for a couple of runs, including a great run last Sunday when it actually reached 50 degrees! (Who can turn down 50 in January?!) I hit 6 miles, which is the longest I’ve gone in a while.

I’ve also been doing what I can to keep up some strength training focusing primarily on glutes and hips. Additionally, the plank streak I started at the first of the year continues (hello day 28)!

This week also brought some fun mail as I got my first ambassador shipment from Headsweats!

I also got my discount code to share – use ATTITUDE25 for 25% off full-priced items on the Headsweats website!

Thankfully, I’m starting to feel better so this week I looking forward to returning to something that looks more like a consistent training plan.

And that’s a wrap!

Tell me something about your week – Have you managed to stay healthy? Do you workout when you’re sick?


New Year, New Runfessions

We’re quickly bringing this first month of 2018 to a close and so that means it’s time to link up with Marcia for another edition of Runfessions!



I runfess that I have spent more time in the gym…specifically on the treadmill this month. Mother Nature really put us through some just brutally cold weather and, while in the past I’ve been willing to layer up and get out there at all costs, this month not so much. We’ll have to see what February brings.

Since I have been spending more time on the gym mills, I runfess that I’ve gotten very picky about which ones I’ll run on to the point where I’ve been willing to become “that person” who will take the treadmill right next to someone despite others being open. I may have caught the woman on the next treadmill giving me the stink eye the other day.

Despite best intentions and setting my alarm, I runfess that early morning workouts have been few and far between. It’s been tough to leave the warmth of my bed, but the downside has been I’ve been left juggling to get my workouts done in between work, the kids’ schedules, and errands. (Workout or hit the grocery store…hmmm)

I runfess that at my brother and husband’s urging suggestion, I may have recruited my oldest son to join our Run this Year team.  The reality of just how many miles lies in front of us may have started to sink in and they think we may need his young legs (and his fall cross country season) to help carry us to the finish line.

I runfess that last Sunday’s run with my husband was my best run in a long time. It helped that it was 50 degrees out, but I also think it helped that I had someone to run with. I’m usually a solo runner, but it has got me wondering whether I should look for a run group to infuse a little energy back into my runs.

It's the end of the month so this week's #FridayFive are all about #Runfessions Share on X

So what do you runfess? Have you ever been that person at the gym?

I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!



Picking a Marathon: Decisions, Decisions

In case you missed my goals post, I’ve declared 2018 the year of 26.2! So now that I’ve put it out there, the obvious question is which race?

I’ve been mulling over all lots of options…LOTS of options! My husband will tell you that I’ve become a little obsessed.

I know I want to do a fall race. While it’s hard to anticipate potential conflicts with my boys’ school schedules, I have marked a couple of weekends that are no-gos, as well as crossed off Columbus Day weekend for a family wedding. Late fall is looking like the best bet – and, given the sometimes “too warm for this girl” conditions that September and early October can bring, I’m ok with that.

So I’ve narrowed it down to 3 options: MCM, Richmond, or Philadelphia.

Marine Corps Marathon – October 28


  • “The People’s Marathon” has a reputation for being a great race that is first-timer friendly.
  • Offers a tour of DC monuments, the emotion of the blue mile, and then there’s that whole Marine presenting you with your medal at the finish thing!
  • Race management with the precision of the military
  • An awesome finisher’s medal


  • Registration by lottery. (Yes there is the option of running the 17.75K for a guaranteed entry, but of course, that involves incurring more travel expenses).
  • No corals at the start – 30,000 or so folks trying to self-seed?!
  • Time limits along the course – there are two “Gauntlets” plus the infamous “Beat the bridge” (Do I want that kind of pressure for my first time?)
  • Uphill finish

Richmond Marathon – November 10


  •  “America’s Friendliest Marathon” also gets great reviews, especially for first-timers.
  •  Scenic course and relatively flat, with a downhill finish
  • 7-hour course limit
  • Awesome swag
  • New to me city to run in


  • Traveling to a new city – hardly a stretch but as this is the only “new” city among my options, do logistics come into play?

Philadelphia Marathon – November 18


  • Another race that gets high marks for first-timers
  • I’ve run the half so there’s some familiarity with the course
  • Course is a mix of city and suburbs with some hills, but nothing too ugly
  • 7-hour course limit
  • I’m planning to run RnR Philly in September which could be a good preview


  • Is there boredom in familiarity?

Have you run any of these races? Which would you choose? Any other suggestions?

I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.
