Harborside Half Training Week 2

Happy Sunday!

I swear I blinked and this week went by! I was plagued by a migraine that slowed me down a little this week, but I did my best to get my workouts in. Here’s how the week played out…

Monday  – Migraine hell. I managed to get through the work day, but not much else.

Tuesday – While I was definitely feeling some better, I was pretty sure a run was not the best choice, so I opted for my yoga mat.

Wednesday – It poured rain so I took my 3-mile run to the mill.

Thursday  – I dodged the downpours and got 3 miles done. It was crazy humid, but at least there was cloud coverage. I also got a much-needed needed sports massage after work!

Friday – 60 mins of legwork with the physical therapist. Walking lunges, hamstring curls, glute bridges, single leg squats, and a ton of band work – hello jelly legs!

Saturday – My legs were not feeling it when my alarm went off so I opted to push my run to the afternoon – but the day turned out to be a pretty busy one and the run never happened.

Sunday – 4 miles on the struggle bus. This was a tough run from the first step. The hammy was quiet – I was just feeling off and never found a rhythm. I got to 4 and pulled the plug. Have I mentioned how tired I am of running in the humidity?!

Definitely a mixed bag of a week! On the plus side, my PT was really pleased with where I am and it looks like I could be “graduating” before the month is over. Unfortunately for the second week, I haven’t been able to figure out how to fit in a kickboxing class, and I miss it. And, since I’ll be single parenting it this upcoming week, I’m not holding out much hope for getting to the studio. As it is, I’ll need to be creative to get the runs done.

So that’s a wrap on week 2. 

In case you missed it – check out my Fall Race Calendar

Are you still dealing with humidity where you are? 

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.


Harborside Half Marathon – Week 1

Now that I’ve set my sights on a couple of fall races, it’s probably time that I get back to something that resembles a training plan! With just 10 weeks until the Harborside Half, I used this past week to get my training started.

Monday – Yoga
Tuesday – 3-mile run
Wednesday – 45 minutes of strength work including my PT exercises
Thursday – 3-mile run
Friday –  Yoga
Saturday – 4.25 mile run. With temps in the mid 60’s, this was definitely my best run of the week.  While my hammy still squawks a bit going uphill, it no longer feels so limited in the range of motion, which is a huge plus!
Sunday – Rest day

All-in-all a decent week. Since I haven’t run a half marathon since Fall 2017, I have no big goals for this race other than to finish upright and smiling…and uninjured!  I’m happy I made my way to the yoga mat twice – I think yoga will do a lot to keep me from the injured reserved list. I am bummed that I didn’t make it to a kickboxing class last week. Now that I’m back to picking my son up in the afternoon from school, I’m still trying to figure out between work and pick-ups how to fit a class in. I determined to get to at least one class this week – ideally two.

And that’s a wrap on Week 1!

How was your week? Do you find it hard to make it to scheduled classes?

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

And with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.


September Fitness Goals

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know that I like to set monthly goals to help me to stay on track.

For August, I set out to hit 5 goals:

  • Continue daily PT exercises along with weekly visits with the physical therapist
  • Return to running 3 days a week
  • Continue cross-training twice a week (kickboxing and the Arc Trainer)
  • Complete the “Summer Blowout” challenge – designed by the kickboxing trainers – think a crazy mix of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees, etc.
  • Feel ready to start half marathon training by September

I recently run-fessed that I punted on the goal of completing the Summer Blowout Challenge thanks to an overwhelming dislike of burpees. Burpees aside, I hit the rest of my goals, so let’s get to some targets for September!

  • Continue daily PT exercises – Super important especially since I’ll be winding down visits to the physical therapist this month.
  • Practice yoga weekly – I re-introduced myself to my yoga mat at the end of August and I’m in desperate need of making this a regular thing!
  • Re-establish my morning routine – With the kids home during the summer my routine kinda went out the window, so it’s time to restore some order to my mornings.
  • Return to weekly meal prep – I’ve been making way too many spur-of-the-moment trips to the grocery store lately, so it is time to get back to meal planning and prepping.
  • Make time for self-care — A sports massage (or two!) needs to find their way on to my calendar this month.
Sharing some September Fitness Goals! Share on X

Do you set monthly goals? What have you got planned for September?

I’m linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.


Fall running plans

Ever since I made the decision back in June that I would be deferring MCM, my fall race calendar has been left wide open. And with the god-awful humidity of this summer and rehabbing my hammy, I’ve been pretty happy to keep my running fairly low-keyed.

But we’re now entering into my favorite season for running and racing and it’s almost impossible for me to miss out on all the fun and not jump into at least one or two races.

So here’s what I’m thinking…

Ocean Road 10K — features a great course running up the Rhode Island coast to Narragansett. I was eyeing this one last year but it sold out before I could pull the trigger so I didn’t wait too long to make a decision this year. And, good thing too because it did sell out again! Added bonus – my husband J will be running with me!

Reebok 10K for Women — formerly the Tufts 10K, I haven’t run this race in a long time. It’s a fun run through Boston and held on Columbus Day. Hopefully, with the school holiday, I can make this one work.

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds 10K — this is a (new to me) local race that would fit nicely into my half marathon training plan …which leads me to…

Harborside Half Marathon — I had to take a DNS on this race last year so it would be great to get a chance to run this one!

Putting a couple of races on my fall calendar! Where are you racing? #TOTR #Runchat Share on X

I’m linking up with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.

Where are you racing this fall?



New Season, New Beginnings

I don’t know about you but the start of September always feels like a second “new year”. Maybe it’s the start of the school year, returning to a routine, or tucking summer neatly away in the rearview mirror, but I’ve always looked at the fall as a time for new beginnings. And who doesn’t love a fresh start?

Although it’s far from feeling like Fall weather-wise, I’m ready to embrace all the potential that the new month and new season has to offer. So let’s kick off this new month with a quick catch-up over coffee and join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that we’ll be dropping my oldest son off at school today. I’m both nervous and excited for him – I know in my heart this new school will be a good fit for him but, despite having all summer to get used to the idea of him being a boarder, I admit I’m still not ready to let him go.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that he’ll be home for his first long weekend at the end of the month and I’m already making plans for that weekend 😉

Over coffee, I’d tell you that with my youngest son asking more and more to go for a run I was holding out hope that my youngest son would choose to run middle school cross country this fall. But, he’s announced that he’ll be playing flag football instead. At least it’s flag and not full contact! I don’t think I could take being on the sidelines for that!

Love this picture from his birthday run!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m itching to take on another house project or two. We’ve been sampling paint colors for the exterior as the house is long overdue for a paint job. And with my son away and not using the office for homework, I want to clean, paint, and reclaim it as my own (I work from home, but almost always keep my laptop in the family room.)

What would you tell me over coffee? Are you a fan of fall?


August runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the runfessional, so let’s get to it, shall we?

I runfess that I didn’t last long in the Summer Blowout Challenge my kickboxing studio threw down for the month. While I held it out there as one of my August Goals, I runfess that my body just doesn’t love burpees…check that, my body doesn’t even like burpees. And, with a daily installment of said burpees, it does beg the question…what was I thinking?!

I runfess that the monotony of physical therapy is starting to make me feel a little restless. On the flip side, the work with the PT is paying off, so I’m just gonna suck it up and move on, right? Right.

I returned to the gym this week to avoid the heat and I runfess that some people’s gym-behavior never ceases to amaze me. Can someone explain to me why people insist on talking on their cell phones while on the treadmill (or any machine for that matter!). I sent most of my last run next to a guy who tried to carry on a conversation while attempting to walk/run on the mill. Really the call couldn’t wait?

I runfess that I’ve been wanting to “break-up” with one of my ambassadorships for a couple of months now. I’m not loving the direction they’ve gone with their products and have really come to prefer a competing brand. The ambassador program itself is also lacking and a bit disorganized – I’m not even sure who I should send my resignation email to!

So tell me, got any runfessions to share?

I’m linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.



Soaking up the end of summer

Happy Sunday!

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last joined the Weekly Wrap, so as I sit here lazing on the deck I thought I’d check in.

With nothing to train for I have enjoyed just running when I want to. And, given how hectic work has been leading up to a big event last weekend (where I got to don my race director hat again!), this do what you can when you can approach has fit the bill.

For the past couple of weeks, my runs have pretty much hovered around the 3-mile mark at whatever pace my legs have felt like moving. I’ve also spent a lot of quality time with my physical therapist, adding dry needling and electrical stim to the treatment plan.

And this week pretty much followed the same pattern:

Monday:  Physical therapy – so much single leg work, glute bridges, wall sits, and hamstring curls…my legs were jelly.
Tuesday:  3-mile run
Wednesday: Another trip to the physical therapist and more legs of jelly.
Thursday: 3-mile run; spent the afternoon with the family enjoying mini golf, bumper boats, arcade games, and way too much ice cream 😉
Friday:  Rest and a family trek to Mystic Seaport.
Saturday: 4.25-mile run
Sunday:  Rest

With my big work event behind me, this week also meant the start of some much needed time off. I had Thursday and Friday off and will be off again Wednesday through Labor Day this upcoming week!  I’m looking forward to more family day trips, lots of time grilling and chilling on the patio, and just soaking up as much of these final days of summer as I can.

How are you spending these final days of summer?

I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.


August 2018 Goals

With no training plan in sight, most of the past week was about spending some quality time with the physical therapist (who introduced dry needling into the mix), grinding out the PT exercises on my own, with a couple of HIIT workouts thrown in for good measure.

There was a lot of time spent stretching and rolling, and I even made it to the massage table. I ran just once and the great news is there was no knee pain! While my hip didn’t feel great, it didn’t feel awful either  – so we’ll take that as a win. It’s all about progress.

So now that August is already off and rolling, it’s time to lay out my monthly goals.

  • Continue daily PT exercises along with weekly visits with the physical therapist
  • Return to running 3 days a week
  • Continue cross-training twice a week (kickboxing and the Arc Trainer)
  • Complete the “Summer Blowout” challenge – designed by the kickboxing trainers – think a crazy mix of sit-ups, push-ups, squats, burpees, etc.
  • Feel ready to start half marathon training by September

What’s your big goal for August?

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.


August Coffee Catch Up

Happy Friday!

I am so ready for this weekend to begin! It’s always nice to kick things off with a little catch up over coffee. I’m grabbing an iced one today – how about you?

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that the heat and humidity have returned with a vengeance! With nothing to train for at the moment, I can feel my motivation to face the swampy mess fading fast.  I’ve been eyeing a couple of fall races and once I get a handle on my husband’s work travel, it will be time to hit the registration button.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m now officially living in a house of teenagers! My “baby” turned 13 last weekend, and the older brother turns 16 on Monday. Enough said…heaven help me!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that after 2 weekends of hard work, the patio is in and we’re enjoying it. Now I’m on the hunt for the right furniture and some decorative plantings to finish it off. It’s been a great spot to enjoy a cocktail (or two) and an evening fire.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am really looking forward to taking some time off at the end of this month. I’m starting to feel fried at work and let’s just say some days I’m short on patience!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that while I can’t wait to get to my time off I’m not ready for the summer to end and school to begin. These days are just flying by far too quickly for me, and there is still so much I want to do before getting back to the routine of homework and school sports. If I could just make August about 2 or 3 weeks longer that would be perfect 😉

What would you tell me over coffee? What have you got planned for August?

I’m joining up with my friends Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date, as well as linking up with  Rachel and Meranda and Lacey for the Friday Five.


Wrapping up July

I swear if I were running at a pace equal to how fast these days are clipping by I’d have a PR or two!

Instead, as I predicted, in my July goals, the month was very low-key on the running front. And, honestly could stay that way for the rest of the summer. But before I look ahead to August, Iet’s quickly wrap-up July.

Running – July was my lowest monthly mileage of the year, and if it hadn’t been for the RnR Chicago Remix I might have run even fewer miles. Both the hip and knee made it clear that time off and extra self-care were needed. I even finished the month with a week of non-running – though I did make an exception to log a little road time with my youngest son!

Strength Work – I made daily PT exercises a goal and for the most part, this was a win, as the only days I missed were during the Chicago weekend. I also logged 7 hours working with the physical therapist, leaving most sessions with jelly legs as Abby has really pushed me with a lot of single leg work. My plank streak also grew to 211 days, and thanks to the 5-minute Plank Challenge, I upped the ante on the length of planks.

Cross-Training – My July goal was to get to kickboxing class twice a week. Unfortunately, work and camp pick-ups made this a challenge so I had to settle for a weekly class and supplemented with time spent on the Arc Trainer.

Macro Plan & Weight Loss – I started following a macro plan in July and did hit my goal of doing a better job with meal planning and prep. I spent the month trying to figure out how to scale back on the carbs a bit while increasing my protein. As a result, I saw just a half pound off the scale but did lose a half inch in my waist.

I’m still noodling over August goals, so, for now, that’s a wrap!

I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.

And, with ErikaMarcia, and Patty for Tuesdays on the Run.

How was your July? Have you set any goals for August?
