Keep Showing Up – that was pretty much the theme for this week as I spent most of the week continuing to play a game of hide-and-seek with my mojo. Here’s how the week went down:
Monday — Rest day.
Tuesday — Icy conditions sent me once again to the gym for a treadmill run. 3 miles done.
Wednesday — I woke up feeling pretty beat up so I shuffled things around a bit and spent some much needed time on my yoga mat.
Thursday — Strength workout. I never really got my head in the game on this workout, but I dug in and got it done.
Friday — 46 degrees! While I don’t usually run on Fridays, I had a run to make up since I’d shuffled my schedule around. And did I mention 46 degrees?! I managed to squeeze in a late day 3-mile run.
Saturday — 4-miles of negative splits! I have no idea where this run came from. My legs just felt good so with each mile I decided to push the pace a bit and see what would happen. You never know if you don’t show up, right?
Sunday — Another strength workout from the 21 Days Beautiful Arms & Abs Transformation.
Mother Nature is expected to throw us another curveball this upcoming week with rain, crazy winds, then more bitter cold…and possibly more snow. Ah well, more indoor workouts – just 24 days until Spring…but who’s counting 😉
And that’s a wrap!
I’m joining Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
Tell me something about your week! Are you dealing with crazy weather too?