Despite feeing way T-I-R-E-D this week, my runs felt pretty good and I’m starting to feel like I’m finally finding my running legs again!
Here’s how the week went down….
Run to Remember Training Week 5
Monday — Rest Day
Tuesday — Strength training – upper body
Wednesday — 3-mile run
Thursday — A quick yoga session
Friday — 5-mile run
Saturday — Rest – This was supposed to be a cross-training day, but we had a long list of house project items and it just didn’t happen.
Sunday — 7-mile run – my longest run in many months!
15 miles for the week and best of all these miles felt good! In fact, since last Friday’s 5-miler, I have to say I’ve kind of surprised myself – despite continuing to struggle with getting a solid night’s sleep (damn insomnia!), once I hit the road, my legs are just going. Now let’s hope I haven’t just jinxed myself!
It’s crazy to think the Run to Remember is just 4 weeks away – the weeks are just flying by. Coach Marc seems to think I’m on track so far, and I’m hoping to get at least one double-digit run in before hitting the starting line.
Can you believe we’re almost done with April? Tell me something about your week.
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.