Let Marathon Training Begin!

Happy Sunday!

Before we get to the title of this post, let’s quickly recap the week that was. I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up – this is a great link-up for accountability and motivation so if you write a weekly training recap, be sure to join the fun!

Weekly Run Down

Monday – Rest Day.

Tuesday – I’ve been struggling with my sleep and the combination of being way overtired and a hectic workday left me desperately needing extra rest -so I listened to my body and skipped my run.

Wednesday – 4-mile run for Global Running Day, The weather was beautiful and this run felt great!

Thursday – Strength training and a visit to my massage therapist.

Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – 4-mile run. It was another gorgeous morning! I followed the run with a couple of hours of work in the garden before my quads waved the white flag.

Sunday – Another morning of beautiful weather and 5.5 miles done.

Welcome to Marathon Training

And, with this morning’s run, marathon training has begun! It’s hard to believe that 18 weeks from today is the Chicago Marathon. Running a marathon has been a goal for a while and to now be finally standing on the doorstep of training feels pretty surreal. I am both excited and terrified – here we go!


June Goals and Global Running Day

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know that I like to set monthly goals. But before we dive into June plans, let’s do a quick rewind on the month that was.

May Rewind

For May I had 4 goals:

  • Keep building my base and run 75 miles
  • Prioritize rest & sleep
  • Return to early morning runs
  • Reach the starting line of the Run to Remember healthy

And, with the exception of getting more sleep, I nailed all my goals! I hit 79 miles for the month, was out the door before 6 a.m. most mornings, and happily toed the line for my half marathon. The chaos that has come to be the norm around here for the month May did nothing to help my rest and recovery, so I’m not surprised I missed the mark here, but overall I’m really happy with the way the month played out.

June Goals

Prioritize rest & sleep — OK, so let’s try this one again! With school out and more white space on the calendar, I can hopefully do much better here.

Strength Training & Daily Core — While the mileage was up last month, my strength training suffered. Marathon training starts soon so it will be more important than ever to get at least one weekly strength workout. I’m also back to daily planking for a stronger core.

Improve my cadence — Coach Marc mentioned on our last run that with my form improving, he’d like to see me now pay more attention to my cadence. I’ll be doing some runs with a metronome, which should be interesting.

Run a strong 10K — I have the BAA 10K at the end of the month. I’m not sure what the time goal will be but I’d like to feel ready to push the pace a little.

Global Running Day!

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics, and this week they’re asking everyone to share their plans for Global  Running Day. While Wednesdays are not typically a run day for me, as luck would have it I had to juggle my schedule this week so I’ll be hitting the pavement in the morning! I also plan to check out all of the race discounts that will be happening in hopes of finding a good deal on a September half marathon.

How will you celebrate Global Running Day? Have you set any June goals?


2019 Boston’s Run to Remember Race Report

Over Memorial Day weekend I ran Boston’s Run to Remember half marathon. Eight years ago, this race was my first half marathon, and as I have often said, it holds a special place in my heart. After being away from the half marathon distance for almost 2 years, it seemed appropriate that this would be my return race!

 Boston’s Run to Remember Race Recap

I had planned to meet Kim & her mom at 6:30 before the race’s 7 a.m. start, so my husband J and I were up and out the door by 6. We breezed into Boston easily and then hit the crazy snarl of traffic as we approached the Seaport district. We were just two blocks from the start so we said a quick goodbye and I jumped out of the car and fell in with a long line of other runners heading to the start.

I found Kim & her mom at the Seaport World Trade Center, which is where the expo was held, had time for a couple of pictures, and to pin our tribute bibs.

The race offered a choice 7 different tribute bibs that could be worn on the back of our shirts during the run, and at brunch the day before, the three of us had decided to run in honor of Trooper First Class Walter Greene of the Connecticut State Police, who was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and served as a state trooper 28 years. Trooper Greene passed away from cancer as a result of his response and service in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. Truly an honor to run with his tribute bib.

The starting line was self-seeded so with final hugs, we headed our separate ways to the different pace markers. Coach Marc wanted me to treat this as a supported training run – the goals were simple: run steady, enjoy the race, and celebrate the finish line! After some final words from Boston’s police commissioner, a nice rendition of the national anthem and helicopter flyover by the MA State Police, we were off.

Miles 1 – 3

The race takes you down Seaport Blvd and over the bridge to Boston’s Waterfront, then winding around Faneuil Hall & Government Center before heading out over the Longfellow bridge to Cambridge. Thanks to the wave start, the first few miles were not as congested as I remembered from past races. Despite being especially nervous while waiting for the start, I felt really relaxed once we started moving. J was waiting for me just as we came off the bridge which was great and I knew I’d see him again at the turnaround near Harvard.

Miles 4 – 6

For essentially the next 6 and a half miles the course is an out and back along the Charles River on Memorial Drive with some spectacular views of Boston. I could already feel the temps rising and took full advantage of each water stop. I had a fun group of women running around me and ended up striking up a conversation with one named Anne. Turned out it was her first half and she was running in remembrance of her brother-in-law who was killed in the line of duty protecting a woman and her child in a domestic abuse situation. By the time we hit the turn around point at the edge of the Harvard campus, we were in lockstep and would be running buddies for the remainder of the race. I spotted J again which was a great lift – I was really feeling the heat and could tell I was slowing down a bit.

Miles 7 – 9

Anne & I chatted off and on as we followed Mem Drive back past the MIT campus heading towards the Longfellow Bridge. I was feeling a little dehydrated and had to take some short walk breaks. It was all good – just keep moving. (Later I would learn temps had reached 80!).

Miles 10 – 12

Just after the 9-mile marker is one of my favorite sections of the course, as the road is lined with police cruisers from all over the state, lights flashing, and rows of first responders on both sides of street cheering and high-fiving runners. I’m telling you right now if that doesn’t get you going, nothing will! As we started over the Longfellow Bridge, I told Anne we had just a 5K to go. We weaved through the Back Bay and then around through the Downtown Crossing shopping area. By this point, I was so ready to be done – my legs felt heavy and I fully accepted that consistent walk breaks were just part of the equation now. Just before the final water stop was a huge Tribute Wall of names and photos of all the fallen first responders. “This is why you’re running” one of the volunteers called out. Yep, just the push we needed to finish.

The Finish

The course curled back around onto Atlantic Ave and both Anne and I picked up the pace as we were nearing the final bridge back to the Seaport. The crowd support here was so helpful! We crossed the line together and immediately gave each other a big hug.  Anne’s husband, a police officer himself who had also run, saw us finish and came over to take a few pictures before we got our medals and then said our goodbyes. I hit the finisher area for some post-race snacks before finding J to head home. Half marathon#14 done!

This race has so many pros:

  • Well organized –  From the pre-race communications all the way through to the plentiful post-race food available, this race was very well organized. Packet pick-up was nice and easy.
  • Attention to detail – From the badge-shaped bibs, to the tribute bibs, to the medal design with the choice of “challenge coin” in the center (I selected the MA State Police), and the Tribute Wall and incredible support from first responders along the course, I loved all of the elements designed to pay tribute to those who served.
  • Legacy swag – In celebration of the race’s 15th anniversary, race organizers chose to acknowledge “legacy runners” with special swag. As this was my 5th running (I’d run both the half and the 5-mile option twice before), I received a great running hat!
  • Great volunteers –  All of the water stop volunteers and course marshalls were super enthusiastic and encouraging!

If you get the opportunity to come to Boston for Memorial Day Weekend, I highly recommend this race. I’m already looking forward to the early-bird registration for 2020 😉

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.



May Runfessions over Coffee

In typical May fashion, this month just flew by, and now we’re standing on the doorstep of June. Marcia has opened the Runfessional and Coco and Deborah are inviting everyone to catch up at the Ultimate Coffee Date, so let’s dive in and chat a bit.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that we made it through all of the concerts, lacrosse games, and other various school events, and have officially entered summer mode in the RWA household! My oldest came home from school Wednesday and the youngest finished his last exam yesterday! That sound you hear is the collective exhale as we survived another round May Madness.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I am starting to feel like Mother Nature is punking me. I spent forever tracking down just the right new furniture for both our deck and patio and, with the exception of Memorial Day Weekend, it’s been too rainy and cold to enjoy any outdoor time.

And, speaking of Memorial Day Weekend, while the weather was beautiful, I runfess the heat during Sunday’s race left me dreading running in the summer weather to come. I spent this month transitioning back to early morning runs, and I runfess I’ve already started to wonder just how early I’m going to have to get up to make the double-digit long runs of marathon training even remotely tolerable.

If we were having coffee I would tell you that after learning a couple of months ago from Coach Marc that he prefers the Hansons Marathon Method (affiliate link!) of training, I debated whether to order the book or just take the training as it comes. Well, I runfess that curiosity got the better of me and I recently ordered the book and devoured it in a couple of sittings. I am now both equal parts excited and terrified! LOL! Sometimes ignorance is bliss!

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?


Run to Remember Race Week

Happy Sunday!

This was a pretty chill week – with the Run to Remember Half waiting for me at the end of the week, I kept things light. Here’s how it all played out.

Run to Remember Race Week

Monday — After Sunday’s return to double digits, Monday was a rest day, with the added bonus of an acupuncture session.

Tuesday — It was a busy day on both the work and homefront, but I was able to get some time on my yoga mat.

Wednesday — 4-mile power walk with a friend.

Thursday — 3-mile run, plus a much-needed massage to work the kinks out of my hamstrings.

Friday — Rest day.

Saturday — 2-mile shakeout run, then I was off to the Run to Remember expo to grab my bib before meeting Kim and her mom and sister for a fun brunch! We had such a good time laughing and catching up we totally forgot to take a picture!

Sunday — 13.4 miles (according to my Garmin) at the Run to Remember half marathon. Half marathon #14 – it felt great to see that finish line after being away from this distance since 2017. Race recap to come.

Now, I’m looking forward to just relaxing and enjoying the rest of this long weekend!

Did you race this weekend?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.


Weekly Run Down – Getting back to double digits

Was it just me, or did this week feel l-o-n-g!? Perhaps it was the combination of a stressful week of work, taking on a new client in my side gig, driving back and forth across the state attending lacrosse games, all while feeling less than 100%…yeah a long week!

Along the way, I managed to keep my early morning runs going and made it back to double digits. Here’s how the workout week went down…

Run to Remember Training Week 8

Monday – Caught up with Coach Marc for 3.5 miles to work on speed drills and form.

Tuesday – A short yoga session and acupuncture.

Wednesday – PT exercises and core work

Thursday – 3-mile run

Friday – Rest

Saturday – 4-mile run

Sunday – 10.3-mile run

Total miles for the week – 20.8

I’m not gonna lie – today’s ten miler was hard. I was so ready to be done around mile 7 but psychologically I knew I needed to see at one double-digit run before next week’s half marathon. It’s been a long time since I’ve run that far.

It was great to spend time with Coach Marc on Monday. While we worked on Chi Running forms for speedwork, he was quick to remind me that this upcoming race was not about time but about enjoying the race and celebrating returning to the half marathon distance. We agreed – this will be a training run with benefits. There will be a time to focus on pace and “racing” later. And, speaking of races, I was kinda thrown for a loop when Marc pointed out that we’re just a few weeks away from the start of marathon training – Wait, what?!?

So how was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.


RtR Week 7 – Here Comes the Sun

Well, after wondering aloud last week if it was time to build an ark, Mother Nature took pity on us and finally dragged the sun out of it’s hiding place! Not having to dodge raindrops did make running more enjoyable!

Run to Remember Training Week 7

Monday – Rest.

Tuesday – 4 miles and the first glimpse of the glowing orb!

Wednesday – Strength work focusing on PT exercises and core work.

Thursday – 5 miles, plus a massage!

Friday – A short yoga session.

Saturday – 9 miles.

The highlight of this week was definitely the running. I logged 18 miles and best of all, in the sunshine! This was also the first week in a long time with early morning runs – this is one of my May goals so it was nice to start to make the shift.

On the whole, the runs felt pretty good, though to be honest the last of 2 miles of Saturday’s run included more walk breaks then I would have liked. I am clearly out of practice with my fueling for both pre-run and during for a longer distance and it showed in those final miles. I’ve got a double-digit run next weekend which will give me a chance to practice before race day.

On another note, I cannot let today go by without wishing my wonderful mom and all of my fellow mother runners a very Happy Mother’s Day!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up.



RtR Training Week 6 – Time to build an ark?

The story of the past week around here was the weather – honestly, it rained or was overcast every day! It’s been more than a week since we’ve had a nice sunny day and I’m starting to think if this keeps up, building an ark would not be out of the question!

As far as training weeks go this one was pretty uneventful…

Monday – Rest

Tuesday – Strength training – upper body

Wednesday – Started May off with 3 miles

Thursday – Rest

Friday – Strength training – leg day

Saturday – 5 Miles

Despite all the rain, the trees are pretty!

Sunday – 4 miles – derailed by a bad stomach!

Sunday’s run was supposed to be 8 miles but for some crazy reason when my alarm went off this morning my stomach was churning big time. I kept pushing off the run hoping things would improve, but eventually, I knew I needed to get out if I was going to attempt the distance and get back in time before heading out to see Avengers Endgame with my family (The movie was excellent, by the way!). My husband J offered to pick me up if I needed so off I went. In the first half mile, it was pretty clear that I wasn’t going to make it to 8 so the goal was to just keep going until I couldn’t…and did I mention it was raining … again?! So as they say, some miles are better than no miles, and 4 miles was it.

We might actually see the sun on Tuesday otherwise it looks like another washout of a week. While I’ve been trying to avoid stormy conditions, I’m trying to stick with outdoor runs – one, I’m no fan of treadmill running, and two, you never know what race day will bring!

Tell me, are you seeing the sun where you are? Rain runner yay or nay?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


May Coffee with a side of April Runfessions

Happy Friday!

This week went by in a blink but with a fun weekend to look forward to, I’m not complaining! So how about we get this Friday started with a little catch up over coffee.

I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. And, for an added bonus, Marcia’s opened the Runfessional and I’ve got a few things to share.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve really been looking forward to this weekend – we’re going to see Alvin Ailey on Saturday and the Avengers Endgame on Sunday!

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that around here we can see the finish line of another school year, as both of my boys will finish classes by the end of the month. I runfess that as I look the calendar filled to the brim with all of the end-of-school-year events, in addition to the lacrosse games, the boys’ exam schedules…and oh yeah I’ve got a half marathon coming up, I seriously wonder how it’s all going to get done. But that’s typical May Madness around here and somehow we always find a way to make it happen.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’m turning into a bit of a paranoid runner. I mentioned in my last weekly run down that I seem to be finding my running legs. In fact, April was a great month of pain-free running which I’m celebrating but I runfess, given my recent history, part of me is holding my breath waiting to see if the other shoe will drop.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that after fully indulging during our vacation that I quietly returned to counting my macros during April. While I dropped a few pounds and, better still, a couple of inches off my waist, I runfess that I find the whole process of tracking just too annoying to continue.

So what would you tell me over coffee? Any runfessions to share?


May Goals

It’s the usual custom around here to make monthly goals – I find it helps me to stay on track and keeps me accountable. But somehow, I let April slip by without setting some. So now that we’re knocking on May’s door, it’s the perfect time to make some plans for the month.

May Goals

Run, run & run some more! — With my first race of 2019 coming up on Memorial Day weekend, this month will be all about mileage. Coach Marc is always tweaking my training plan, but I’m thinking 75 miles for the month is totally doable.

Prioritize rest & sleep — Quite simply I’ve been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for most of April…actually ever since I got home from vacation. My sleep has been poor. Not a good path to continue down….

Return to early morning runs — Lately, I’ve been really been all over the place with when I run, but I prefer to get out and get my runs done early. This is especially a must once the weather turns hot so I might as well get back in the habit now, right?

Reach the starting line healthy — So in addition to prioritizing sleep, this means regular trips to the acupuncturist, take my supplements, and keep up with the glute/hip prehab no matter how mind-numbing it is!

And, that’s it! I’m keeping it simple and focused.

What are your goals for May?

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.
