Happy Sunday!
Before we get to the title of this post, let’s quickly recap the week that was. I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link-up – this is a great link-up for accountability and motivation so if you write a weekly training recap, be sure to join the fun!
Weekly Run Down
Monday – Rest Day.
Tuesday – I’ve been struggling with my sleep and the combination of being way overtired and a hectic workday left me desperately needing extra rest -so I listened to my body and skipped my run.
Wednesday – 4-mile run for Global Running Day, The weather was beautiful and this run felt great!
Thursday – Strength training and a visit to my massage therapist.
Friday – Rest Day
Saturday – 4-mile run. It was another gorgeous morning! I followed the run with a couple of hours of work in the garden before my quads waved the white flag.
Sunday – Another morning of beautiful weather and 5.5 miles done.
Welcome to Marathon Training
And, with this morning’s run, marathon training has begun! It’s hard to believe that 18 weeks from today is the Chicago Marathon. Running a marathon has been a goal for a while and to now be finally standing on the doorstep of training feels pretty surreal. I am both excited and terrified – here we go!