Chicago Marathon – Just 7 days to go

Seven days…just seven days! By this time next week, I will be out somewhere on the streets of Chicago. But, before I get ahead of myself, here’s a quick rundown of this past week.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 17

Monday —  I wrapped up September with a rest day and 140 miles for the month!

September miles

Tuesday —  5 miles. October kicked off hot and steamy. It was 74 degrees before sunrise – not cool Mother Nature! It was a really good run despite the humid conditions. I also started a new plank streak.

Wednesday — I woke up just feeling off so I did a short core workout, including my plank and called it a day.

Thursday — I don’t know if it was the rainy weather or my mileage catching up with me, but I was feeling creaky. So I pushed my run to Friday and opted for some time on my mat.

Friday — 6 miles. This was probably one of the worst runs I’d had in a while. I felt like I was dragging the whole time and could not get out of my head.

Yep, this sign in the road pretty much summed it up!

Saturday — 8.5 miles. And just like that this run was glorious! It was just 38 degrees when I started so I had to break out gloves for this one but I was not complaining. This run was everything Friday’s run was not!

Total miles for the week – 19.5
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 440.2

Today, and most of this week really will be very low-keyed. Daily planks, rolling/stretching, and my PT exercises. I have just two short runs this week plus the International Chicago 5K on Saturday…and then training is done. My biggest challenge this week will be keeping my nerves under control!

That’s my rundown for the week! Any suggestions for race week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


October Coffee Date

Hello Friday!

Who’s ready for the weekend?! I know that I am. So how about we start things off by catching up over coffee. Grab a mug and let’s join  Coco and Deborah for this month’s Ultimate Coffee Date.

October Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are once again experiencing weather whiplash around here. After getting a nice tease of fall, September finished on a serious warm note and October arrived here with temps in the upper 80s! What the what?! Thankfully, the forecast shows things returning to normal fall conditions this weekend.

Over coffee, I would tell you that my hubby J and I will be celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary on Friday. He’s being a good sport about spending half the day traveling to Chicago and then letting me drag him all over the expo. We do have a nice dinner out planned and may hit a blues club.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m working on a new marathon playlist. While I’m planning on not turning my music on until the second half of the course, I want to have enough tunes ready just in case.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m looking forward to going out to visit my oldest son for parents weekend later this month! There’s supposed to be a big presentation by the college counseling office laying out the whole process. We’ve already received a letter from the office encouraging students to start checking out colleges during vacation breaks. I just can’t believe we’ve reached this point – time’s going by way too fast!

What would you tell me over coffee? Any suggestions for my playlist?


Chicago Week 16 – Ups and Downs

Week 16 of training is done and it certainly had its ups and downs! Thankfully this week ended much better than it started. Here’s how things went down.

 Chicago Marathon Training Week 16

Monday — Rest day/Sick day. By late afternoon on Sunday, I was huddled on the couch under a blanket with a sore throat and headache. I wrote it off to just being overly tired and had hoped a good night’s sleep would take care of it. Yeah not so much. I woke with the same sore throat, headache, and now the added bonus of being completely congested.

Tuesday — 3.5 miles. I was still feeling horrible but panicked over missing my run. So I opted to head to the gym for mill miles in case I didn’t last very long – turned out to be a good call.

Wednesday — Another rest day. Did I mention that in addition to feeling lousy, work was just insane?! This was turning into a long week.

Thursday — 6 miles. I had 8 on my plan and just decided to head out and see what I could do. My head felt like it weighed a ton, so I was pretty happy to make it as far as I did.

Friday — 10 miles. For the first time all week I woke up feeling fairly good and surprised myself with double digits!

Saturday — Rest day.

Managing a cold and miles - Week 16 is done! #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #letsrock26.2 #runchat Share on X

Sunday — 10 miles. The first couple of miles were sluggish, but then everything clicked!

Doesn’t everyone break into a dance post-run?

Total miles for the week – 29.5
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 420.7

All things considered, I’m pretty happy with my mileage for the week, and best of all my cold seems to finally be packing its bags.

Marathon Participant Guides arrived in the mail this week – yep it’s getting real!

That’s my rundown for the week! How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Runfessions of a Would-be Marathoner

Happy Friday!

September just blew by, and now I’m staring down just a couple of short weeks before I toe the line of my first marathon. My head is consumed with all things Chicago, and I’m linking up with Marcia to share a few runfessions of a would-be marathoner.

Runfessions of a would-be marathoner

While most of the time I am pretty excited as race day approaches, I runfess that I have had one (or two) panic attacks about Chicago. I have caught myself going to some dark places convinced that I won’t make it through all of those miles. It wasn’t pretty!

I also runfess that I have had to remind myself on more than one occasion that my time doesn’t matter – the goal is to cross the line upright and smiling. No matter what time I finish it’s an instant PR, right?

I went into this training thinking “I could never run 5 days a week” – but, you know what? I surprised myself and did just that! I runfess that I miss having time for other workouts – I will definitely be scaling back to 3 run days a week post-race.

And, speaking of training, I also runfess that I miss running short! Seriously, I cannot wait for a time when 8 miles will be a weekend “long” run instead of a typical Monday.

That being said, I runfess that I am looking for a November half to run – why let this great base of mileage go to waste right?

What are you runfessing this month?


Chicago Marathon Week 15

Hello Taper Town!

Week 15 of training is done. Now it’s time to reduce the mileage and put an emphasis on rest and self-care.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 15

Monday — 6 miles. With my husband traveling this week I was on school drop off duty, which makes it not possible to swing a morning run.  I ended up heading out soon after work, and despite being under-fueled and hydrated, had my best run of the week!

Tuesday —  Rest day!

Wednesday — 7 miles. Stomach issues just made this run a struggle from beginning to end. I was happy to just get through this one and spent the rest of the day feeling less than fabulous.

Week 15 of @chimarathon training is done - let the taper begin! #weeklyrundown #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #runchat Share on X

Thursday —  8 miles. Temps dropped dramatically overnight and it was just 37 degrees. I had to break out my gloves and it was glorious!

Friday —  Rest day and acupuncture.  My right TFL and hip had been squawking a bit all week so I wanted to get some extra attention before my long run.

Saturday — 16 miles. My husband J joined me for the first 8 which really helped to make the miles click by. Temps climbed quickly and by mile 12 I was feeling totally overdressed and overheated. Mile 12 was not pretty. J drove out to meet me, bringing salt tabs and water. I re-grouped and finished the last 4 miles with some of my fastest splits of the day!

Sunday — I opted for a nice walk with J and my pup this morning and will spend the rest of the day watching football and getting a few small house projects done.

Total miles for the week – 37
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 391.2

That’s my rundown for the week! How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Chicago Marathon Week 14

Happy Sunday!

It is a beautiful Sunday here and for the first time a while, I woke up to a wide-open day. I’m looking forward to a day of relaxing, watching some football, and perhaps a little yoga (I think my legs will thank me!). But, first I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

 Chicago Marathon Training Week 14

Monday — Took a rest day after the Surftown Half Marathon on Sunday.

Tuesday — 8.2-mile run. While I love that we’re moving closer to the first day of fall, I do miss starting my runs in daylight.

Wednesday — 5 miles in new shoes! I’ve been debating trying a shoe with a bit more cushion and have had my eye on the Brooks Glycerin for a while. They felt really good!

Thursday —  6.2 miles. Another run in the Glycerins. The swampy humidity returned and I was happy to squeeze this run in before the rain came.

Friday — Rest day.

Saturday — 12 more miles in the Glycerins. Pacing and fueling clicked and I was pretty pleased with how this run went!

Total miles for the week – 31.4
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 354.2

All-in-all it was a good week and, as a bonus, I think I may have found my marathon shoe! I think I did a much better job of prioritizing rest and recovery, including trips to both the acupuncturist and massage therapist, so this week the goal is to do more of the same.


Surftown Half Marathon Recap

On Sunday, I ran the Surftown Half Marathon for half marathon number 15!

If you have to run long, why not collect some bling, right? I’m so glad Kim got in touch with me about this race! It fit perfectly into my training plan, was an easy 1.5 hr drive from my house, and best of all gave me a chance to hang out with Kim for most of the weekend!


On Saturday, after running a few errands in the morning and a trip to the acupuncturist to help keep my cranky TFL/quad calm, I made an uneventful drive down to Westerly, RI. Kim had booked a nice hotel (Pleasant View Inn) just a half-mile from the race start/finish and had checked in earlier. We spent some time catching up and then made the short walk to pick up our bibs and t-shirts. Later we hit the Providence Coal Fired Pizza for dinner – so good! And then it was back to the room to prep our race gear and wind down.

The nice thing about being so close to the race start was that we didn’t need to get up crazy early. We were up and out of the hotel by 7, and since I had extra mileage on my training plan, I headed off down one of the side streets for a quick out-and-back. I got a kick out of how many of the residents out collecting their morning paper or walking their dogs wished me good luck! I finished up my warm-up at the race start and found Kim and Darlene.

Nice bonus to finally meet Darlene!

We made a quick plan to meet Darlene post-race, and went to line-up

The Race

Miles 1-4
The first two miles were a fairly flat straight shot down Atlantic Avenue along the Misquamicut State Beach. As the course followed the coastline and then looped back towards Atlantic Ave there were some mild inclines. The miles clicked by pretty quickly.

Miles 5-8
Just after mile 6, there was the swap for the runners who were doing the half marathon relay. This actually gave me a nice boost because the runners jumping in for the 2nd half of the race had fresh legs so I picked a rabbit and worked to pick up my pace. As the course wound through streets of summer cottages, it continued to roll – none of the inclines were terribly steep, but they were continuous. Many people around me had started to walk, but I was still moving pretty well.

Miles 9-13.1
Around mile 9, I started to feel tired – I took a short walk break and then pressed on trying to hang with the general group I had been running “with”. There was an awesome volunteer just before the Mile 10 marker – she was a ball of energy and really trying to pump people up as we enjoyed a short downslope to the mile marker.

Then it happened… as I came around the bend one of the volunteers directing the runners shouted: “Just 3 miles to go – You just have to head up that hill!” Well, let me just say that it was some hill. It was a short, steep climb, and no one around me was running it. I power-walked it as fast as I could but I was shuffling when I reached the top.

After that, I couldn’t seem to find my rhythm again. The rolling continued but the wind was out of my sails and I was slowing down. At this point, I was also fighting a headache that reached a peak at mile 11 and decided to hang out through the end of the race. I tried to focus on the beautiful houses and ocean views along this part of the course and just kept pushing.

Soon the course turned back onto Atlantic Ave and the final stretch to the finish line!

I was happy to get to spend a little more time with Darlene after the race. Then Kim & I headed back to the hotel to get cleaned up and grab some lunch before heading out of town.

Final Thoughts

The race was well organized with great volunteers and course support! Despite the course being open to traffic, the roads were very quiet and well monitored. The race was definitely not the “fast and flat” course it was advertised to be, but the course was beautiful.

Given how cute the race medals are, the race shirts really left a lot to be desired.

Seriously, what color is that?! Last year’s shirt was a bright blue so what happened this year?!

Overall, this is a great race and definitely one worth checking out!

I am linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.


Chicago Week 13 – Running into September

And, just like that, the first week of September is in the books. These weeks just keep rolling along, and Chicago gets closer and closer! Here’s how this week of training went down.

Chicago Marathon Training Week 13

Monday — 6-mile run. Took advantage of the Labor Day holiday to sleep in a bit and still got a quite run through town.

Tuesday — Rest day.

Wednesday — 7.5 miles. This run was rough from start to finish, but I got it done. My TFL/quad was cranky throughout the run so after work I headed for a visit with my massage therapist.

Thursday — Finally got some time on my yoga mat…that is, until my furry “coach” took over!

Friday — 6.25 miles. My legs still felt pretty tired, but this run was much better than Wednesday’s. I also got an awesome surprise to learn that I had won @runtheworldinbabydays ProForm treadmill giveaway on Instagram!

This will be mine in about 3 weeks or so

Week lucky 13 of @chimarathon training is done! #marathontraining #mychicagomarathon #runchat Share on X

Saturday — Rest Day. Got an acupuncture treatment before heading down to Westerly, RI to hang out with Kim and get ready for the race.

Sunday — Surftown Half Marathon plus warm-up (14.75 miles). I’ll recap the race later this week. Added bonus – I finally got to meet Darlene!

Total miles for the week – 34.5
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 322.8

That’s my rundown for the week! How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


September coffee talk

Happy Friday!

It is Friday, right? Coming off a long weekend I swear I lose track of what day it is! It’s time for a little catch-up over coffee so I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

September Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that having time off from work at the end of August was just what the doctor ordered! I was starting to feel absolutely fried. Having some time to step away, gain a fresh perspective, and just chill did me a world of good.

Hitting the pause button was just what I needed!

Over coffee, I would tell you that both of my boys started school this past week. We’re all trying to regain our “school rhythm”. I will admit it usually takes a week or two to really feel like we’re back in the groove.

Over coffee, I would tell you that it is starting to feel a lot like fall around here as the mornings and evenings have cooled off. I am loving it! I make no secret that fall is my favorite time of year – I am definitely a jeans, sweater, and boots kinda girl.

Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am to have been selected as part of the launch team for the book The Joy of Missing Out. I’m a big fan of Tonya Dalton’s podcasts and YouTube videos, not to mention her InkWell Press planners, so I’m really looking forward to reading her book. JOMO is about letting go of the constant need to do more, and instead focusing on what’s most important to you. I’m all for that! My pre-launch copy is on its way now so I’ll be sure to share more once I get a chance to dive in. If you’re interested, you can pre-order here.

What would you tell me over coffee? Are you looking forward to fall weather?


Chicago Training Week 12

Another week of marathon training is done. It is hard to believe that 6 weeks from today I’ll be running through the streets of Chicago!

Chicago Marathon Training Week 12

Monday — 6-mile run

Tuesday — Rest day! After running 4 days in a row for over 32 miles, to say I needed a break is an understatement!

Wednesday — 6-miles with J. This was a nice start of an extended long weekend for both of us! We then piled into the car with our boys to head to the Berkshires for an afternoon of kayaking. I had no idea kayaking on rapids could be so challenging! We had a blast and I was thoroughly exhausted.

Thursday — Unplanned rest day. When my alarm went off I just knew there was no way I was going for a run. I had a great call with my coach who agreed that a rest day was needed. I also got a much-needed massage.

Friday — 10-mile run. With plans to hit the road early on Saturday to move my son into his dorm, I moved my long run to Friday. J joined me for the first 7 miles which helped to keep me moving.

Saturday — Moving my son into his dorm should definitely count as cross-training, right?!

Sunday — 8-mile run. My husband surprised me by deciding to join me again! The weather was perfect and it was a nice way to start off a lazy, low-keyed Sunday. I was also able to snag an acupuncture appointment to help keep my recovery on track.

Chicago Marathon Training -12 weeks down and 6 to go! #mychicagomarathon #marathontraining #runchat @chimarathon Share on X

Total miles for the week – 30
Total miles on the road to Chicago – 288.3

I have to give a shoutout to my husband J for racking up 22.5 miles this week. He’s gearing up for a trail race in October and I really loved having some company on my runs!

I finished August with over 136 miles which I’m pretty happy about!

The week ahead

Overall I was pleased with my runs this week, but I’m not loving that I didn’t get any strength training in or any time on my mat. It was all about the run, and I know that if I don’t try to strike some balance, that is not a pattern I can sustain.

This week I’ll be sure to get back to my PT exercises and core work and hopefully a little cross-training. I’ll be running the Surftown Half as a training run next Sunday as part of a longer run – still not sure whether to run the additional miles before or after the race. I’m really looking forward to seeing Kim!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
