Happy Friday!
We’ve reached that time of the year where we are in the “last of’s” – as in last this or that for the year (or decade!). And, today, marks the last Ultimate Coffee Date of 2019. This is always one of my favorite link-ups – a big thanks to both Deborah and Coco for hosting! So grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.
December’s Ultimate Coffee Date
Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m already feeling behind on my Christmas planning! I blame it on a combination of Thanksgiving being a week later this year (I never start anything Christmas related until after Thanksgiving) and struggling for gift ideas for the family – especially my boys. Shopping for teenage boys is hard!
Over coffee, I would tell you that despite feeling woefully behind, I am really looking forward to enjoying the Christmas season. I’ll be off from work from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Day and plan to fully embrace that time to relax and recharge.
Catching up at the last Ultimate Coffee Date of the year with @deborahbrooks14 and @got2run4me - Join us! #ultimatecoffeedate Share on XOver coffee, I would tell you that I have been selected as a BibRave Pro for 2020! I’m very excited to be a part of this team and am looking forward to a fun year.
And, speaking of BibRave…The BibRave 100 was revealed this week and I was happy to see some of my favorites made the cut, including the Newport 10 Miler and the Ocean Road 10K – both of which are on my calendar for 2020. You can check out the complete list at www.thebibrave100.com
So, what would you tell me over coffee?