Runfessions – Stay at Home Edition

While social distancing is disrupting some of our routines, runfessions on the last Friday of the month remains. Marcia has opened the Runfessional so let’s get started…

While I’m trying to not get sucked into “too much” television watching, I runfess that my latest guilty pleasure is “Little Fires Everywhere” on Hulu. I’ve only got 3 episodes left and I just don’t want it to end.

With the Berlin Marathon recently announcing its cancellation, I’m really starting to wonder if there will be any in-person races this year.  Surprisingly, I still have a 10M on the schedule for early June but I fully expect it to be canceled – and I runfess, I’m not really sure I’d be comfortable attending if by some miracle it were to take place.

That being said, I runfess that I need to train for something! While yes running is helping to keep me sane, my runs for the past couple of weeks have just been meh at best. I really need a target so I think it’s time to embrace virtual races or create some other motivating goal.

Do you think you’ll return to racing this year? What are you runfessing?



As the days roll on, I feel like I got my feet back underneath me this week. I did my best to focus on what I could control, turned down the volume on all the pandemic news, and just tried to take each day in stride.

Week 5 of social distancing/shut-down et. al. is in the books, here’s how the week’s workouts went…

Monday — With a Nor’easter raging outside, I opted for Slow Flow Yoga via Peloton and PT exercises

My son decided to join me!

Tuesday — 3-mile run. It was still a little windy but you couldn’t beat the sunshine!
Wednesday — 1-hour physical therapy session – boy was I sore after this one!
Thursday — Upper body strength training plus PT exercises
Friday — 3 miles.

The chalk work continues to make me smile

Saturday — Peloton 20-minute core strength plus PT
Sunday — 4-miles

While it’s no great surprise, I received the notice that Boston’s Run to Remember pulled the plug on the Memorial Day weekend race date. Given the logistical challenges, race organizers decided that postponing to a later date was just not an option, so this will be a virtual race, along with a generous discount on next year’s registration. So now I’m awaiting word on the Newport 10 Miler scheduled for the first weekend in June…I can’t imagine this one will go off either. #firstworldproblems

This week’s positives…

…another good PT session

…Zooming again with fellow run bloggers

…all in my “world” continue to be healthy and safe

I hope this last point is true for all of you as well!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Week four and counting

We’re wrapping up week #4 of COVID madness and social distancing. While I’ve been touting the importance of my workouts in helping me to navigate our current situation, I’m not gonna lie, this was an especially tough week. My motivation was way down, but I did my best to keep moving.

Here’s how the week’s workouts went…

Monday — Rest day
Tuesday — 3-mile run, plus a physical therapy session

a rare early morning run

Wednesday — 30-min Yoga Flow: Hips via Peloton
Thursday — Rest day plus PT exercises
Friday — Peloton workout: 20-minutes full-body strength plus PT exercises
Saturday — 2.5 hrs of yard work – the winds were just crazy and I had no desire to layer up so I pushed off my run and spent time clearing up the yard and prepping my garden.
Sunday — 3-mile run

Loved seeing these on my run!

Just two runs this week, but I stuck to my plan of weekly yoga and count Saturday’s yard work as a decent strength workout. This week was all about giving myself some grace and not getting caught up in “shoulds”.

Some positives for this week…

A trip to the physical therapist – Thanks to Massachusetts designating physical therapists as “essential,” I was able to finally get in to see the sports therapist my doc had referred me to about 6 weeks ago. The office only allowed for one patient at a time so I had a rather large space to myself..and yes, we wore masks and gloves. The therapist and I clicked right away and it was a really informative appointment. The final diagnosis is a tight Tensor fasciae latae (TFL) – so we’ll work to stretch the TFL while strengthening my glutes. Thankfully, I can keep running as long as the mileage stays low and there’s no pain while running.

Getting back into my garden – If you’ve been around here for a while then you know how much I love spending time in my garden.  This past Saturday was the first of many to come and that thought makes me smile.

FaceTime & cocktails – Continuing to connect with friends virtually has been good for my soul and this week was no exception.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Passover and Happy Easter, and a peaceful and healthy week ahead!

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Running from March into April

To say March was a rollercoaster of a month would be an understatement for sure. And while we roll into a new month with even more mounting concerns about the impact of COVID-19, I’m making it a goal to stay focused on the positives and those things that help to keep my mindset right.

Here’s how this week played out.

Monday — Rest day
Tuesday — 3.1-mile run
Wednesday — Yoga
Thursday — Strength workout
Friday — 3-mile run
Saturday — Peloton workouts: 20-minutes full-body strength and 10-minute arms & shoulders
Sunday — 3.25-mile run

Some positives for this week…

One of my 2020 fitness goals is to run at least 50 miles a month to help keep a decent base. Thanks to my stressed quad, I missed that goal in January and February, but hit the mark in March – keeping my mileage low paid off!

And, speaking of that quad, I’m looking forward to starting physical therapy this week which will hopefully keep things moving in the right direction.

Spending some Zoom time with these fellow run bloggers was just what I needed!

April Goals

As most of you know by now I like to set a few monthly goals to keep me accountable. With all that’s happening right now, I welcome anything that will help to keep me focused and on track.

  • Hit the 50-mile mark again
  • Daily meditation — my practice was disrupted in March but I recommitted starting on April 1st
  • Continue to mix-up the cross-training
  • Mindful eating — there’s been a lot of stress eating during the past couple of weeks, so it’s time to reel it in

What are you focusing on for April?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Virtually Connecting through April Coffee

What a difference a month makes! It feels like so much has happened since Deborah and Coco hosted last month’s  Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m glad they continue to host this little virtual escape as staying connected feels more important than ever. I’ve got a mug of Starbucks Pike Place in hand (homebrewed of course!), so let’s chat.

Ultimate Coffee Date – April Edition

Over coffee, I’d tell you that distance learning has begun in earnest in the RWA household. My middle schooler started a full schedule of classes this week and my high schooler dives in on Monday. I’m grateful that both boys’ schools are so well-equipped to meet the challenges of bringing the classroom online – I could not imagine taking on homeschooling right now.

Over coffee, I would also tell you that I’m not sure my dog is going to survive my younger son’s trumpet lessons via Zoom. Let’s just say he wanders the house whimpering and making other assorted sounds as he looks for a place to escape the melodious sounds emanating from my son’s trumpet. I have to bite my lip and not laugh…my son is not amused!

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I have really been enjoying the resurgence of family board games over the past couple of weeks. I am currently relishing my status as “ruler of the world” thanks to a victory in our last Risk game! On the other hand, I went down in an ugly defeat in Monopoly.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I cannot believe that I am still on a search for toilet paper! Luckily we had a decent supply before the madness started and a couple of weeks ago came across a rare supply at Target. But I have to ask, now that we’re almost a full month into this virus crisis how is there still no toilet paper?

What would you tell me over coffee? What products are you not able to find in stores?


Searching for My New Normal

We’re now a couple of weeks into this social-distancing reality and it’s becoming more and more clear that this could be our new “lifestyle” for some time to come. At times the news, filled with growing statistics and some heart-breaking stories, feels like too much and I’m working to find the right balance between staying informed and staying sane.

Daily movement…preferably outdoors… is a must for both my physical and mental well-being. Even when, like this week, I don’t initially feel like working out, in the end, I’m always glad that I did.

Monday — 3-mile run
Tuesday — Peloton workouts: Strength for Runners & 20-minute Core Strength
Wednesday — 4-mile run
Thursday — Yoga
Friday — 2-mile power walk
Saturday — 5-mile run
Sunday — 1.5-mile shakeout run and core workout

And, just like last week, I’m focusing on some positives…

As I runfessed that I was not a fan of the OTF at-home workouts, I am grateful that Peloton has extended their free trial to a 90-days. There’s a range of options and I’m looking forward to the variety.

With the exception of today’s rain, Mother N has served up lots of sunshine and mild temps which have made being outdoors very enjoyable!

We’re still greatly enjoying our family time as we seemed to have found a great balance between everyone doing their own thing and coming together to hang out. In fact, I’m putting a wrap on this here as the fam is waiting on me for a game of Risk!

How was your week? Have are you adjusting to this new normal?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Runfessions – Corona edition

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. And oh what a month it has been!

I runfess that there have been days, especially this week where I have just wanted to pull the covers over my head and not deal.

I runfess that I think the thought of having to stay inside has just made me crave outdoor time more than ever. On my non-running days, I have been going out for extra walks. So far, my dog is good with it…but we’ll see how he feels in another week or two.

I runfess that for as much as I love (and miss!) my Orangetheory classes, I’m just not loving their at-home workouts. I guess I really need the studio setting with the coach and all. However, ironically, I runfess that I am really enjoying workouts on the Peloton app. I feel like I’m cheating!

Have you tried any online studio classes? Anything you want to runfess?


NOW Sports BCAA Blast and Effer-Energy Review

Disclaimer: I received NOW Sports BCAA Blast Powder (Natural Raspberry) and NOW Sports Effer-Energy tablets (Tropical Punch) to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

I use a number of NOW Foods supplements, so when the opportunity to try NOW® Sports BCAA Blast and NOW® Sports Effer-Energy tablets came up I was super excited to try them out!

Sharing my experience with @Nowfoods BCAA Blast & Effer-Energy products #nowsportsbr #bibravepro #nowgetfit #bibchat Share on X

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which support building muscle and post-workout recovery. BCAAs can be taken before, during or after a run or workout. I have actually used NOW’s Branched Chain Amino Acid capsules and found them to be helpful so I was curious to see how the BCAA Blast would compare.

I used the BCAA Blast before both my runs and Orangetheory workouts and definitely felt I got an extra energy boost – especially on those late afternoon OTF classes. Each scoop of powder delivers 5 grams of BCAAs and 100 mg of natural caffeine. I really appreciated that I felt energized without feeling jittery, an experience I’ve had with other brands. It was also super easy on my stomach, which is so important, especially when using it before a run or workout! I definitely plan to continue to use the BCAA Blast for a pre-workout supplement.

The Effer-Energy tablets are an electrolyte supplement designed to support energy and recovery. I tried the tablets post-workout but, to be honest I struggled with the taste. I played with increasing the amount of water beyond the 16 oz that is recommended, and it did seem to help, but overall this just wasn’t a good fit for me – perhaps a different flavor would have worked better.

Both the BCAA Blast and Effer-Energy are soy-free, vegan/vegetarian, nut-free, dairy-free and egg-free – a win for those with various food allergies.

Interested in trying these or other products in the NOW Sports nutrition line?

Use code NOWSPORTS20 for 20% off your purchase of NOW® Sports products at

Offer valid 2/1/20 through 11:59 PM Central Standard Time 4/30/20. Offer valid only on products found at Prices are as shown. Some exclusions apply. Must use coupon code NOWSPORTS20 in the Promotion Code field at checkout while supplies last at This offer does not apply to applicable taxes or shipping & handling. Offer cannot be used on previous purchases. NOW Health Group, Inc. has the right to end any promotion at any time.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

And be sure to check out the reviews of my fellow BibRave Pros:


Do you use any pre- or post-workout supplements?

I’m linking with DebbieRachelDeborahLisa,
Smitha and Jenn for the Runners’ Roundup.


Keeping Corona-craziness at bay

Happy Sunday my friends!

Everywhere we turn it feels like all Corona news all the time – it can feel overwhelming to say the least. And, while I fully admit that at times I have just wanted to pull the covers over my head, keeping up with my workouts has helped to keep the craziness at bay.

Here’s how this week’s workouts went down:

Monday — Rest day
Tuesday — Strength workout with resistance bands
Wednesday — 3.8-mile run

Thursday — Yoga
Friday — 2-mile power walk
Saturday — 4-mile run plus #see10do10 pushup challenge (Thanks to Pam for tagging me)

Nice to see some signs of Spring!
Sunday — I’ll be heading out soon for another power walk, followed by a T25 core workout.

Focusing on the positive…

With the Portland 10 Miler finally conceding this week and moving the race to a to-be-determined date in the fall, I’m making the adjustment to having no training plan for a while. On the positive side, this will give me a chance to focus on PT exercises. It’s also nice to just run without any focus on prescribed distances or paces.

I’m also enjoying the positives of having both boys home! My husband J is also working from home so we’re really embracing the extra family time. We’ve enjoyed some spirited games of Monopoly and Mario Party, watched some movies and enjoyed lots of laughs over meals.

This was supposed to be the beginning of week 2 of their spring breaks, but both schools have now tacked on an additional week of break before online classes begin in April. Thankfully, we picked up a wi-fi extender to help counter a couple of dead zones in our house so when the time comes we can spread out to the four corners of the house and take care of work and classes.

So tell me how was your week? What positives are you focusing on?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


What a week!

Adjusting to DST…packing up students…apocalyptic shopping…and cancellations abound. To say it has been one helluva week would be an understatement! Here’s a brief run down on this week’s workout.

Monday — Yoga. The combination of Sunday’s Orangetheory workout and adjusting to DST had me dragging so time on my mat was the perfect solution.

Tuesday — Rest day.
Wednesday — Orangetheory. Power days are some of my favorite workouts and this one did not disappoint!
Thursday —  Unplanned rest day. My oldest was due to come home for Spring Break but in light of everything he was advised to pack up as if he would not be returning for the rest of the semester. I followed up 3 hours in the car, with a trip to our local BJs warehouse with J – it was utter madness! We spent 20 minutes shopping and over an hour in line. Thankfully the people in line around us were pleasant and chatty.

There are registers somewhere up ahead

Friday — Orangetheory – Friday the 13th edition. So many burpees, plus some quick power rows, and long treadmill blocks. I really needed this sweat sesh!

Saturday — 2 miles. My legs felt like lead from Friday’s workout and I just couldn’t get my head in the game – but a couple of miles was better than none.

Sunday — 3 miles.  Sunshine and quiet roads was a nice way to start the morning.

In other news…

At the urging of my massage therapist, I finally broke down and went to see my doctor about my lingering quad pain and hip issues. While the combination of massage, acupuncture, and the compression sleeve have helped quite a bit, the discomfort still comes and goes.  It was much faster to get an appointment with the nurse practitioner and I was totally fine with that – she’s a runner (as is my doc) and we definitely click. We chatted about races and her assessment was quadriceps tendonitis. Additionally, she ordered an x-ray just to make sure we weren’t missing anything. The verdict – a little arthritis. So it looks like I’ve got PT in my future. She referred me to an awesome sports doc and I’m just waiting to get my first appointment lined up.

Cancellations everywhere…

At this point, it is starting to feel like it might be easier to announce what is still open vs all that had closed or been canceled. Oddly, the Portland 10 Miler, my next race, has announced they’re proceeding as planned. It’s 6 weeks from today so I think they’re being wildly optimistic! I also have to say I found it just a little annoying the runners on their social media commending them for “not giving in to the panic”. Trust me I understand no one wants to have their race canceled, but it’s better to be cautious and safe, isn’t it?

Have you had a race canceled? Are your kids home indefinitely?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
