Mid-month check-in

Happy Sunday!

While things have been fairly quiet here on the blog lately, if you follow me on Instagram you know that I’m still plugging along with my workouts. Working out continues to provide a much-needed escape from all that continues to challenge our country at the moment. It provides a quiet space to process thoughts and feelings and is also a very important piece of self-care.

Today is Day 14 of the Summer Streaker Challenge – the goal is 1 mile or 20 minutes of working out each day. I’m happy to say that I’m still on track. Over the past couple of weeks, running has been a fairly low-key affair with most runs hovering around 3 miles. My right hip’s been fairly cooperative until yesterday’s run – a reminder to not neglect my PT exercises or foam rolling! After some extra care yesterday, I had a solid 5 miler today to complete another Un-canceled 8K.

My husband, brother, oldest son and I just signed on for The Great Run Across Massachusetts. We’ll be running out and back across the state for 235 miles, which nets out to 58.75 miles each, but I know we’ll each be vying for bragging rights to see who’s going to carry the team. I’m still looking for my running mojo to kick in so I’m hoping this challenge will be the added boost I need, plus it supports some worthy causes.

Aside from the running, I’ve made good use of the Peloton app for strength training, found my way on to my yoga mat a couple of times, and got out for a few walks with friends. All-in-all it’s been a decent couple of weeks of workouts. The plan for the next couple of weeks is more of the same, except that I’d like to start to stretch my weekend runs a bit longer.

How is June treating you so far? Do you use challenges or virtual races to stay motivated?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Connecting over June Coffee

It’s the first weekend of a new month which means it’s time for the Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco. Given all that going on in the world right now I doubt if anyone would fault me if I dropped a little something (Kahlua, Bailey’s anyone?) into my coffee.

Let’s chat a little…


June Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would first ask you how you are doing. To say that watching where we are in this country right now is weighing heavily on me would be an understatement.  Yesterday in honor of George Floyd, I sat for silence in 8 mins and 46 secs and held him in my thoughts. I cannot begin to put into words what this experience was like. I invite everyone to do it – I will tell you 8 plus minutes never felt so long.

On a much, much lighter note, over coffee, I would tell you that we celebrated my middle schooler’s graduation yesterday. There was a parade, a Zoom ceremony, a celebratory taco bar dinner, chocolate cupcakes, and lots of laughs. Not the celebration we had hoped for but I think my son had a good day. And, now I’m trying to wrap my head around having two high schoolers in the house!

All my son will allow me to share is a photo of the balloons.

Over coffee, I would tell you that with school over for both boys, summer has officially arrived in the RWA household. While this is definitely not going to be a typical summer, we’re still creating our annual bucket list and plan to make the most of it. Personally, I’m looking forward to dinners on the deck, evening fires on the patio, and venturing out a little as stay-at-home restrictions start to ease here.

And, speaking of the stay-at-home restrictions, over coffee, I would tell you that phase 2 here begins on Monday and the thing I am most excited about is getting my hair cut! My appointment is booked for next Friday.

What would you tell me over coffee?


MAYhem Done – Hello June!

It’s the last day of May and my first thought is Hallelujah! Somehow I went into this month believing that without all of the traditional school events and both of my sons’ lacrosse schedules to contend with that this would be a low-keyed month…Boy was I wrong! This month felt hella long, and the events of this past week just about pushed me to my limit –  I am ready to say buh bye to this edition of May Madness.

Before I move on to setting some June goals, here’s a brief rundown of the last week of May…

Monday — 30-min Slow Flow Yoga courtesy of Peloton
Tuesday — Lower body strength training on the Bosu

Wednesday — 3 miles, plus 1 hr session with the physical therapist
Thursday — Rest day
Friday — 3.5 miles
Saturday — More yoga – seriously, who am I?!
Sunday — Uncanceled Project 8K. After suffering through ridiculous humidity all week, being outside this morning felt glorious! The peace of the early morning was also a welcome retreat from the heaviness I feel every time I think about all that is consuming our country at the moment.

With a major work project still kicking my arse, this week’s workouts were nothing wildly exciting. But they were done! And, I’m happy to say I hit my May goals of getting back to running at least 50 miles/month (I eeked out 50.6!) and completing the Family Plank Challenge!

So what’s on tap for June?

  • Continue daily planking (hopefully, I can get my family to keep playing along!)
  • Continue PT exercises 3x’s/week (This was also a May goal that fell apart as the month wore on)
  • Increase my monthly mileage to 65
  • Complete Run the Edge’s Summer Streaker Challenge (1-mile run or 20 mins of working out each day)

How did May treat you? Any big goals for June?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


A Few May Runfessions

Happy Friday!

It’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional and I’ve got a couple of things to share.

Mother Nature flipped the humidity switch this week and decided to go right for “oppressive” levels with a dew point of 70. I runfess that every year I say that I won’t whine when the warmer temps arrive, and every year I lie…this year will be no different.

I runfess that the new Adrenalines my boys got me for Mother’s Day have become an instant fave! Given that this pattern is a limited edition I runfess that I may or may not be stalking websites in search of an extra pair to store away.

I runfess that I have mixed feelings as things here enter “Phase 1” of re-opening. We’re still two phases away from gyms and fitness studios being allowed to open their doors, and while I was loving my OrangeTheory workouts pre-shutdown, I will admit that I am in no hurry to rush back. I runfess it could a summer of running and at-home workouts for me.

I could be spending a lot more time with the Peloton crew

So tell me, do you buy extra pairs of a favorite shoe? Are you embracing the heat and humidity?


Weekly Run Down Memorial Day Edition

Happy Sunday!

Wrapping up week 10 here on the Corona trail. While it was another stress-filled work week, knowing that I had the 3-day weekend coming helped to make it more manageable.

I’m happy to say that the Family Plank Challenge is still going strong. Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s workouts…

Monday — Triple Tabata workout courtesy of Marcia’s new YouTube channel. If you haven’t checked out her workouts yet, you really should!

Tuesday — Rest day. This was not planned rest day, but a restless night of sleep put me behind the eight ball and while I kept promising myself I’d find time for the workout later in the day, it just didn’t happen.
Wednesday — 2.5 miles plus PT exercises. I wasn’t able to connect with my PT this week for our usual Wednesday session so I made sure to dedicate a solid 30 minutes to try to keep the hip happy.

Chasing my shadow on an early morning run

Thursday — 3 miles.
Friday — Yoga.
Saturday — Strength training in the form of yard and garden work. J and I planted 19 plants plus started beds of lettuce, trimmed a couple of overgrown decorative trees and shrubs, and took out one monster of shrub with a root system that seemed to go on forever! (Note~ this is what happens when you neglect all gardening in favor of marathon training like I did last year – everything gets unruly!)

Sunday — Virtual 5K for the Un-Canceled Project. Oh my goodness everything hurt when I got out of bed this morning. I like that I had this 5K scheduled or I might have punted on running. There were certainly no land speed records set with this run, but it felt good to complete my third Un-Canceled run.

Some positives for the week…

…this week was a wrap for my high schooler and now he’s officially a senior! My eighth grader will wrap up this upcoming week and his school finally announced plans for the virtual graduation ceremony for the first week of June.

…our new washer arrived on Wednesday. Delivery and installation were easy peasy. At some point, I’ll have to make time to figure out what all 14 cycles do! 😉

…one more week of madness and some major work projects will wrap-up. There is light at the end of the tunnel!

How was your week? Taking on any major house projects?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Looking for calm in the chaos

This week was a roller coaster for sure! Work has been super hectic and really will be for the rest of this month. Add in our washing machine checking out on us and sleep being super evasive, and yeah…this week was about finding calm in the chaos.

In addition to the Family Plank Challenge, here’s a quick rundown on this week’s workouts…

Monday — Rest Day
Tuesday — Strength training
Wednesday — 1-hour physical therapy session. I swear these sessions get more and more challenging!
Thursday — Virtual 5K for the Un-canceled Project plus a 5-mile walk with a friend. This was definitely the highlight workout day of the week. I had gone out not expecting too much from this run, but my legs felt really good, so I decided to push the pace and see what happened. I was rewarded with negative splits! Best of all my legs & hip felt good the rest of the day so I met a friend for a social distance walk after work and we logged another 5 miles. It was so good to see her and catch up!

Friday — PT exercises and core work
Saturday — 3-mile run followed by a couple of hours of hauling mulch around our yard.
Sunday — PT exercises, a 2-mile walk, and 20 minutes restorative yoga via Peloton.

The lack of quality sleep really did a number on my run motivation, but overall I’m glad I stuck with my workouts despite the chaotic week.

More new kicks!

My Mother’s Day gift arrived on Friday! My boys had spied me drooling over these limited edition Adrenalines and ordered them for me! I took my first run in them on Saturday and love the way they feel…to me these GTS 20s are an improvement over the 19s, and I think they will complement the new Ghosts I picked up a couple of weeks ago nicely!

How was your week? Do you rotate your running shoes between models or wear just one style?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Weekly Run Down – Mother’s Day Edition

Wishing all my fellow running moms a big Happy Mother’s Day!

Another week of the “Corona life” is a wrap. A couple more races on my schedule for this year were postponed or canceled, leaving me with just a few fall holdouts. At this point, I’m taking it all in stride and keeping my expectations very low.  On the positive side, I’ve got more time to strengthen my hip and rebuild my mileage base with zero pressure of a goal race on the horizon.#glasshalffull

Here’s a quick rundown on this week’s workouts…

Monday — Bosu & Bands workout and Family Plank Challenge Day 4
Tuesday — 3 miles, plank day 5
Wednesday — 1-hour physical therapy session, plank day 6

My son is taking this family challenge seriously!

Thursday — PT exercises, plank day 7 and 20 minutes of yoga via Peloton
Friday — 5 miles with the first 2.23 dedicated to Ahmaud Arbery. My heart was so heavy during this run. Thankfully I got to walk and FaceTime with Kim in the afternoon which definitely put a smile on my face. Day 8 – plank challenge.

Saturday — Strength training, including two workouts from Marcia’s new YouTube channel (Lower Body Burn followed by Iron Core Tabata). It was great to have Marcia as a virtual workout buddy!

Sunday — Virtual 5K for the Un-canceled Project. When I received an email from Run the Edge at the beginning of the week announcing that they were extending the Project for a second round through the week of June 21st, I knew this was something I wanted to do for a little extra running incentive.

I also signed up for the Zooma Run Club, which seems like a great group of women – I’m sure this will also be a source of fun motivation.

How was your week? Are things starting to open up where you are?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Week 7 & May Goals

Hello May!

I’m sure many of you will agree that April felt like an eternity! There was something energizing to me about getting to Friday and the first of the new month. I am so ready to flip the page and dive into this new month with some new goals. But first, here’s a quick rundown on the week that was…

Monday — 1+ hour physical therapy session
Tuesday — Peloton 15 min Core Strength and 10 min Arm Toning
Wednesday — 3 miles plus an hour at physical therapy
Thursday — Rest Day
Friday — 3 miles
Saturday — Hot Chocolate Virtual 5K

Sunday — Yardwork & yoga

The highlight of the week was definitely social distance running with my brother for the Hot Chocolate Virtual 5K. Ironically, we had actually signed up for this race long before everything started going virtual. We liked that they were offering some fun swag and the money goes to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

So much fun swag!

We met at a local college that is actually the home to one of our favorite races so we knew there was a nice 5K loop there. And, since the campus is a popular place for runners and walkers we made it point to meet extra early so we had the place largely to ourselves. We agreed we weren’t out to set any PRs (I’m personally far from 5K racing shape!), so we kept it relaxed, kept our social distance, and had a great time catching up!

Wrapping up week 7 of Corona life and setting some May goals! #goals Share on X

May Goals

So to be honest my success with my April goals was a bit of a mixed bag. While I did a good job of getting back to my meditation practice and mixing up my cross-training, my eating was still all over the place, and at the physical therapist’s suggestion, I cut my mileage way back.

I’ve now been given the green light to build my base so that will be a big goal for the month:

  • Get back to running at least 50 miles/month
  • PT exercises 3x’s/week
  • Family Plank Challenge – yes, we’ve got a plank challenge going on in the RWA household!
  • Mindful eating — going to revisit this goal since I was so hit or miss in April

How was your April? Any virtual races coming up?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


May 2020 Ultimate Coffee Date

Happy Friday!

While I’ll admit with the stay-at-home orders in place it can feel a bit like the days are blurring together, I still like to celebrate Fridays. It’s the end of the workweek, it’s “pizza night,” and, in general, I welcome the change in the rhythm of the days that the weekend brings.

I’m kicking off this weekend by joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your favorite hot beverage, and let’s chat.

May Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I’d tell you that Running with Attitude turned 10 this week! If you had told me when I sat down to write this post that 10 years later I would still be at it, I seriously would have thought you were crazy. Back then it was just a place for me to record my thoughts and progress as I attempted to become a runner. Along the way, blogging has afforded me some fun opportunities, and, best of all, it has introduced me to some great people.

Over coffee, I would also tell you that ironically, I have been having so much trouble with WordPress lately that blogging has really become a challenge. Honestly, I cannot watch another YouTube video trying to DIY my way through the various roadblocks I’ve encountered. I’m going to have to find affordable tech support to clean up this mess or this blog may not see 11!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I recently discovered the video messaging app Marco Polo. For those of you, like me who had never heard of the app, it allows you to send video messages to friends and family and they can view and respond when they want to – it’s kind of like video text messages. In this age of social distancing, it’s been a nice addition, especially when you just want to send a quick message vs. coordinating a Zoom call or FaceTime.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I am starting to wonder how much longer I can go without a haircut. With salons here still closed for at least a few more weeks, the question is do you live in a permanent ponytail or attempt a self-trim?

What would you tell me over coffee? Have you ever tried cutting your own hair? What technology are you using to stay connected?


Week 6 on the Corona Trail

Happy Sunday!

I just got back a little while ago from a really nice 3-mile walk with J and our pup. I had originally planned to run this morning, but my right hip had different ideas, and the one thing my PT made me promise was to not run if I had any pain. The truth is I only had one run this week and I’m oddly ok with that. Here’s how my week went down…

Monday — 1-hour physical therapy session
Tuesday — Peloton 20 min Chest & Back Strength and 10 min Bodyweight Strength
Wednesday — Peloton Yoga for Hips, plus PT exercises
Thursday — 4 miles logged plus PT exercises
Friday — Another marathon PT session
Saturday — Strength training via yard and garden clean up and prep. Never underestimate the number of squats, lunges, upright rows and bicep curls you’ll do over the course of a few hours of yard work!
Sunday — In addition to this morning’s walk I’m planning on some yoga this afternoon

For some reason, I had no real desire to run this week so I focused on other things. My PT sessions were challenging and humbling (it’s amazing how some of the smallest moves can be so hard!) but I like the plan my therapist has laid out and I’m willing to put in the work so it’s all good.

Some other positives for this week…

…there was lots of extra virtual bonding with friends. I was especially happy to get to connect with Kim for a FaceTime walk.

…my new kicks arrived! While I’ve been running in Brooks Glycerin – the newer model seemed a little too mushy for my liking so I’m going to give these Ghosts a try.

Brooks Ghosts

Aren’t they pretty?!

And that’s my rundown for the week. How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
