Hot and humid runfessions

Thank goodness it is Friday! Did anyone else feel like this was the week that would not end? Well, not only is it Friday, but it is the last Friday of the month, which means Marcia’s opened the Runfessional…and I have a couple of things to share…

July Runfessions

OK so as you can guess from the title of this post, let’s start with the obvious. I runfess that I am really not enjoying summer running this year. The heat and humidity have been in overdrive leaving my desire to get out for anything longer than a quick 3 or 4-mile run pretty much non-existent.

I runfess that I may have retreated to my treadmill for a couple of my runs recently to avoid the current heatwave.

I runfess that I am not ready to return to a gym or studio. My OrangeTheory studio opened 2 weeks ago and I opted to continue to freeze my membership until September.  As much as I love my OTF classes, I’m starting to watch the COVID numbers tick upwards again and it gives me pause.

On the flip side, I runfess that I have drunk the Peloton kool-aid! While I have been enjoying the Peloton app since the shutdown began, the current Pelothon 2020 Challenge has really helped up my Peloton enthusiasm. It’s given me a chance to check out new instructors and connect with members in the community, and I’m all in.

I runfess that I have finally convinced my husband to go with me to the local Peloton showroom tomorrow to explore getting a bike.

So tell me, what are you runfessing this month?


Pelothon 2020 – Week 2

I dealt with a humidity-induced migraine for a good portion of this week, so I kept things pretty subdued. I did complete week 2 of the Pelothon 2020 challenge. Here’s a quick run down of the week’s workouts.

While Week 1 was all about taking classes with your team’s instructors, for this week, the challenge was to take two live classes with any of the instructors. This took a little more coordination to fit in live classes with my work schedule.

Monday — Strength Training and PT exercises. I doubled up on a couple of classes with the #BreakthroughCrew instructors along with my PT exercises. My hip has been hinting that it’s a little unhappy lately so I know it’s time to get back to prioritizing my PT exercises.

Tuesday —  Rest Day. Migraine kicked in big time, so no working out.

Wednesday — 3-mile progressive run & Core. Coco had posted about the Peloton foam rolling classes so I added that to the mix as well.

Thursday — Yoga.  Finally got my first live class of the week with this 30 min flow yoga session focused on glutes. My migraine was finally starting to subside, and after a long workday, this class was just what I needed.

Friday — Strength training via yardwork. Weeding…just so much weeding!
Saturday — 3-mile run & Core. My second live class was a fun “Broadway Run” – I’ll admit I was a little skeptical going into this run but the instructor Matty proved to me that you can in fact run to show tunes.
Sunday — 3-mile run & Core. The humidity today was worse than yesterday, and I almost skipped this run altogether. Instead, I opted to keep it to another short and sweet 3 miles.

Nothing wildly exciting, but I am happy that despite a migraine that lasted a few days, I was able to keep up with my workouts. For the upcoming week Peloton is challenging us to complete classes 5 out of 7 days with any of their instructors. The forecast is showing some extreme temps ahead so this might be a good chance to check out some new strength or treadmill run classes.

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.

In case you missed it, be sure to check out my Buff Pack Run Cap review here.


BUFF Pack Run Cap Review

Disclaimer: I received a free Buff Pack Run Cap to review as a BibRavePro. As always, all opinions are my own. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

OK so let me cut right to the chase – the BUFF Pack Run Cap is a winner and perfect for the swampy weather that is this summer! Let me share some of the highlights…

Light as a feather
The first thing I noticed when my Pack Run Cap arrived was how unbelievably lightweight it is. Seriously, it weighs just 1 ounce. You put it on and forget about it.

Great fit and feel
Thanks to the 4-way stretch fabric and adjustable elastic cord at the back, this Cap is a comfortable fit. It’s designed with  Fastwick fabric side panels and a low profile sweatband, which helps to wick away sweat and improves breathability. I love the silky feel of this Cap.

Easy to pack
As the name implies, the Pack Run Cap easily folds down to about palm-size making it ideal for travel, whenever we return to planning race-cations.

This Cap has carried me through some swampfest runs and held up well to the challenge!

Find out what I love about @buff_usa Pack Run Cap! #buffrunbr #bibchat #bibravepro #tuesdaytopics #runnersroundup Share on X

If you’re interested in trying the Buff Pack Run Cap for yourself, sign up for the BUFF newsletter here to save 15% off your purchase!

Have you tried Buff products before?

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.

I’m also linking with DebbieRachelDeborahLisaSandra, and Jenn for the Runners’ Roundup.


Pelothon 2020 – Week 1

Checking in on this very very steamy Sunday. How is everyone holding up? There’s no doubt that we are in the thick of summer weather now, am I right? I still don’t think I’ve cooled down from this morning’s run!

This week was the wrap up of the Great Run Across Massachusetts and the first week of Pelothon 2020, which definitely helped to keep me on track. Here’s how the week went down…

Monday — Strength Training. I took care of three of the six instructors on Day 1 with 10 min Strength for Runners with Matt, 10 min Arm Toning with Jenn, and 10 min Core and 5 min Full Body Stretch with Emma.  Emma also leads the Crush Your Core Program I started last week, so it’s nice that I can double-dip here.

Tuesday —  Stretch & Core. This was a crazy long day at work as I was trying to wrap up a bunch of things before taking a few days off. Normally I would have opted for yoga, but there isn’t a yoga instructor on the #BreakthroughCrew so I stacked a couple of stretch classes along with my core workout.

Wednesday — 3-mile run & Core. I tried one of Chase’s outdoor runs which I really enjoyed. And, later I found out Peloton featured me on their website.

Thursday — Strength Training.  15 min Bodyweight Strength with Adrian, 10 Arm Toning with Kendall, and more core work with Emma. This was my favorite combo of the week and I snagged my last instructor so Week 1 was done!

Friday — 3-mile run & Core. Pouring rain sent me to the treadmill, but Chase’s Hip Hop Fun Run helped to quickly pass the time. Emma’s 10 min core workout was challenging!
Saturday — Rest day.
Sunday — 3-mile run & Core. Can we just all agree that 81% humidity is just wrong?!

Wrapping up Week 1 of #Pelothon2020 with the #BreakthroughCrew on the #WeeklyRunDown Share on X

I really enjoyed the mix of Peloton workouts this week! Additionally, my family wrapped up our out and back run across Massachusetts and all received our t-shirts and medals

This shirt is so soft and a great cut!

It was so so nice to have some days off this week! It gave me a chance to meet up with friends for some outdoor dining, to read & relax, and generally just enjoy some time away from my computer. Another bonus for this week was getting back to my massage therapist! Her daycare is open again so she’s back to seeing clients – boy did I miss her!

For the week ahead, I’m looking forward to trying some of Peloton’s live classes as part of Week 2’s challenge.

How was your week? Tell me something you’re looking forward to.

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Weekly Run Down: Waiting to Acclimate

The heat and humidity continued to roar along this week and I find myself wondering when I’m going to finally acclimate to summer running. Nonetheless, I’m doing my best to embrace my summer workouts.

Here’s a quick run down on this week’s workouts.

Weekly Run Down

Monday — Day 1 of Peloton’s “Crush your core” program plus some much-needed flow yoga.

Tuesday — All Peloton all the time with day 2 of the core program, and two strength classes with one of my favorite instructors, Chase.

Wednesday — 3-mile run. Getting out early provided no relief from the heat and humidity, but at least I had the roads to myself.

Thursday — With a “feel like” temp of 101, it was back to the great indoors and more Peloton workouts along with some PT exercises to keep my hip happy.

My arms were jello after this toning class! Ally packed a lot into 10 minutes!

Friday — 3-mile run. Despite the swampfest, this run felt decent. To take my mind off the conditions, I turned this into a bit of a Fartlek. I followed up with day 4 of the core program.

Saturday — Rest!

Sunday — 4-mile run. I had planned for 6 but a couple of taps of the snooze button meant getting out the door later. At least I had company on this struggle bus ride. I still have day 5 of the core program on tap to finish out the first week of the program.

#WeeklyRunDown: Waiting to Acclimate #summerrunning #bibchat #runchat #onepeloton #BreakthroughCrew Share on X

Kicking Off Pelothon

So in addition to completing the next 3 weeks of the Crush your Core program, I also signed on for a 4-week challenge Peloton is hosting called Pelothon. 6 teams take on new workout challenges each week and Peloton donates $1 million to 4 hunger relief organizations. I joined the #BreakthroughCrew team which features 3 of my favorite instructors Chase, Adrian, and Emma. I’m looking forward to checking out classes from the other 3 instructors on the team.

How was your week? Have you acclimated to summer running yet?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Mid-year Check-in and July Goals

6 months down…6 months to go.

While I would have much preferred to have trained for and participated in the races I had on the calendar for the first half of this year, I have found a bit of a silver lining that I’m holding on to.

In the absence of racing, I have had the space to step back and let my right hip heal. I’m especially grateful that I was able to safely visit my physical therapist – I have no doubt that being able to work with him made a big difference. Without a training plan, I ran when I wanted to, and when it felt good to do so, and I really embraced my walks. I made weekly time on my yoga mat a thing and enjoyed a range of at-home strength workouts. I logged just 260.3 running miles for the first half of the year and I’m a-ok with that.

I can now go into the 2nd half of the year, feeling healthy – and that’s always a good thing.

So now what? My goals for July are pretty simple:

— Finish the Great Run Across Massachusetts with my family (we have less than 100 miles to go at this point)

— Complete the Crush Your Core program on Peloton

— Stick with my monthly goal of at least 50 run miles

— Foam roll and stretch daily

Have you found some silver linings so far this year?

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.


Running into July

Happy Sunday!

Did you have an enjoyable 4th? Mine was very low-key. After completing the June Summer Streaker Challenge (1-mile run or 20-minute workout each day), I took my first complete rest day. I did nada, nothing….it was a gloriously lazy day hanging with the family, capped off with a big lobster dinner on the deck. And, dare I say that I didn’t really miss seeing fireworks this year.

Here’s how this my week of workouts went down…

Monday — 1.25 mile run plus a couple of strength workouts via Peloton.

Tuesday — 1- mile run plus Peloton flow yoga for hips

Wednesday — 3-mile run

Thursday — 1.25 miles plus PT exercises and core work

Friday — 3-mile run

Saturday — Rest!

Sunday — 5-mile run

In my efforts to find my next summer challenge, I embarked on a mini run streak this week (actually from last Saturday through Friday). While I’ve done workout streaks or run/walk challenges, I have never attempted a run streak – so I tried one on to see how it would feel. The result? It was fine, but not inspiring enough in and of itself to continue. I crave variety in my workouts and the thought of “I have to run today” to keep a streak going just didn’t do it for me. One good take away from this little experiment was my dedication to daily rolling. Knowing that I was going to run every day really motivated me to hit the foam roller – that’s a habit I want to keep up!

How was your week? Have you ever tried a run streak?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Ultimate Coffee – July 4th edition

Happy Friday!  It’s a long holiday weekend and I am kicking things off by joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m lazing on my deck with a mug of Starbucks French Roast, so let’s chat a little…

July Ultimate Coffee Date

Over coffee, I would tell you that while I’m really happy to have a 3-day weekend it doesn’t at all feel like the 4th of July. With no fireworks, holiday races, nor other big gatherings, this will be a very quiet 4th. I will miss heading to Gillette Stadium for the Finish at the 50 race and the fireworks that follow. Instead, we’re planning to cook some big meals, laze on the deck, and enjoy some fires on the patio – much more chill but still nice.

Over coffee, I would tell you that one thing I am looking forward to is watching Hamilton on Disney+ tonight!

Over coffee, I would tell you that last week I had my first outdoor dining experience at a restaurant. Actually it quickly turned into an indoor experience thanks to a freak rainstorm. I had met a friend for a walk and lunch – both of us had agreed that we were not ready to try indoor dining but would sit out on the restaurant’s patio where tables were widely dispersed. Well Ma Nature has a sense of humor and 20 minutes into our meal the heavens opened up and our waiter hurried out to usher us in under umbrellas. Thankfully, there were only a couple of tables with customers so we were able to stay well spread out. All-in-all, I’m still going to stick to the great outdoors for dining out for the foreseeable future.

What would you tell me over coffee? Any plans for the 4th?


Hello Summer!

Heat and humidity are the names of the game around here this week as we close out the final days of June. It is crazy to think that we are almost to the halfway point of the year. Now seems like a good time to take a step back, reassess, and set some new intentions. And, with the short work week ahead and the holiday weekend, there will be plenty of downtime to just that.

But before I put June in the rearview mirror, here’s how this week’s workouts played out…

Monday — Yoga by Peloton. For the past couple of weeks, yoga has been my Monday thing, and this week was no different.

This was a great combo to release the stress of a Monday!

Tuesday — 3-mile run
Wednesday — 1-mile walk and PT exercises
Thursday — 2.25-mile walk
Friday — 5.4-mile walk catching up with a friend
Saturday — 2.3-mile run followed by a couple of hours of yardwork
Sunday — 3.5-mile run

Despite the heat and humidity, I tried to get outside most days, with an almost even split between running and walking miles. Sleep has been evading me once again, leaving me feeling sluggish many mornings with no desire to run. But, time outdoors is good for the soul, and I really enjoyed my walks.

Always good to opt outside as much as possible!

Today marks day 28 of the Summer Streaker Challenge, and my family team is more than halfway on our out-and-back across the state for the Great Run Across Massachusetts. Challenges like these have been fun and definitely help to keep the motivation up when the dew points get high.

How was your week? Are you embracing the summer weather?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Let’s runfess, shall we?

Happy Friday!

How are we at the end of June already? It’s the last Friday of the month and once again Marcia has opened the runfessional! So before we step into the second half of 2020, let’s take a moment to cleanse our soles/souls. 😉

I runfess that with every passing year my desire to run during the summer shrinks exponentially! Seriously, looking back I have no idea how I ever made it through Chicago Marathon training last summer!

Having said that I runfess that I have been thinking more and more about running another marathon next year. That means I’m either looking at late spring (May?) or late fall (like November late).

I runfess that I’m going to need to find a few more challenges to push me out of my comfort zone and to help keep my run motivation up. Don’t get me wrong, I will always work out and run but I can also see how easy it will be to fall into a running rut without a training plan to push me out of my comfort zone.

Technically I still have the Detroit Free Press Half on the calendar for October. Amazingly it has not been canceled. Race organizers recently sent out a survey to gauge runner interest. I runfess that it took a high level of self-control to not reply “What are you nuts?!” in the comments section. Instead, I checked the boxes indicating that I had no intention of being there and voted for deferment over virtual.

So tell me, what would you runfess? Do you have any races left on your calendar? Any good challenges to suggest?
