Weekly Run Down – Back to School Part 2

With this week came the end of my staycation and the return to school for my youngest son. Everything felt a little out of kilter including the weather as we teeter tottered between humidity one day and fall-like temps the next. I never really found my workout groove…here’s how the week played out.

Monday — Labor Day and the last day of my staycation. I’ve been enjoying the combo of a short run and strength work.

Tuesday — Powerwalk & Upper body & core work. As expected the first day back to work after a week off was a l-o-n-g day! I runfess I thought about just phoning it in, but knew I would feel better if I got some sort of workout in.

Wednesday — 3-mile run & core work. The humidity returned with a vengeance and this run was hard!

Thursday — Rest day – I woke up with a migraine that just never let up 🙁

Friday — Another couple of miles run plus strength training. I had heard a lot about Jess’ classes but had yet to try one so it was an all Jess workout!

Saturday — 4-mile run & core work. The weather was gloriously cool with no trace of the mid-week humidity. A house along my route had a number of painted rocks along their stone wall – I just loved seeing these words of wisdom!

Sunday — Today will be all about hanging out and enjoying some football. I will probably get a walk or short run in and some core work to keep this week’s core streak going.

I’m happy to say that my son’s return to school was relatively smooth. His school is going with a hybrid approach so he has in-person classes every other day. It will definitely take us a bit to find our new rhythm…but then again, isn’t that the story of this year?!

How was your week? Does it feel like fall where you are?

In case you missed it, check out my Knockaround Sport Sunglasses Review.

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Knockaround Sport Sunglasses Review

Disclaimer: I received Knockaround Sport Sunglasses to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews! All opinions, as always, are my own.

Knockaround Sport Sunglasses Review

I have been looking forward to trying out a pair of Knockarounds since I read Janelle’s review earlier this summer. I love sunglasses, but I don’t always love how much you have to pay for a quality pair so I was very curious to see what Knockaround had to offer.

Well after wearing them on runs, walks, and just out and about running errands, let me just say that there is just so much to love about these shades!

Great protection – Knockarounds feature polarized mirror lenses with UV 400 protection which filters the light coming through the lens so you get a crisp and clear image all while protecting your eyes. And, as an added bonus, the lenses are also impact-resistant.

No slipping – We all know how ridiculously humid it’s been this summer, and yet my Knockarounds never slipped. The Sport Collection has these subtle, but highly effective rubber grips on the nose – perfect for those sweat-fest runs!

Lightweight – Knockarounds are made with a super lightweight polycarbonate material which means you can just put them on and forget about them.

So many colorways and styles – Knockaround offers fifteen different frame styles in a wide range of colors, plus special Limited Editions. While I love the “Fast Lanes” I received in Clear Grey frames and Green Moonshine lenses, I’m already eyeing the many other color combos and styles available. You can even custom design a pair to make them uniquely your own.

Affordable – Prices for Knockarounds with polarized lens start as low as $20, and just $15 for the regular lens.

Sharing my review of @knockaround sport sunglasses #knockaroundbr #bibchat #bibravepro #tuesdaytopics #runnersroundup Share on X

Functional, stylish, and affordable – it’s really not hard to see why Knockarounds are so popular!

If you haven’t tried them yet for yourself, then let me sweeten the deal by offering code BibRaveKnocks5 for a 20% savings on your entire order (one use per customer).

Do you wear sunglasses when you run?


I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.

I’m also linking with  Debbie,  Deborah Lisa, Jenn, and Laura for the Runners’ Roundup.


Weekly Run Down and September Goals

For as much as I usually like to set monthly goals to help keep myself accountable and focused, I somehow never got around to setting any for the month of August. Say what?!

Somehow, despite my rather lackluster interest in running lately, I did exceed to hit my baseline goal of 50 miles/month. But on the whole, August was very much a “do what you feel like” kinda month.

For September, I’m climbing back on the goals bandwagon, but first here’s a quick run down on the week that was….

Monday — Yoga. Chelsea is quickly becoming one of my favorite yoga instructors.

Tuesday — 3-mile power walk and core work.
Wednesday — 2.5 miles and strength training.

Thursday — 3-mile power walk and core work.
Friday — 1.6 miles and strength training. Robin’s upper body classes are no joke – my arms were jello when this one was done.

Saturday — 3.1 miles and core work. The weather was ideal – now if there was just a way to bottle it for the rest of the year!

Sunday — 2.5-miles power walk, core work, and PT exercises.

On the whole, it was a pretty low-key week. I’ve been enjoying the combination of short runs followed by strength training and can definitely see that trend continuing – especially while my desire to run long remains low.

Getting back to setting monthly goals! #SeptemberGoals #WeeklyRunDown #bibchat #onepeloton Share on X

September Goals

  • Run or Walk Daily
  • Run 75 miles
  • Strength for Runners classes or PT exercises, 3x’s/week
  • Core Workouts, 4x’s/week
  • Strength training (upper body or full body), 3x’s/week
  • Weekly Yoga

My staycation ends today and school for my youngest son starts this week, so I’m going to work on planning out my workouts again. These goals should help to give me a little structure.

Do you map out your workouts when you’re not training for a race? Did you set any goals for September?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Labor Day Weekend Coffee

Happy Friday!

I’m joining Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat a little…

Over coffee, I would tell you that I am in the middle of a glorious 6-day staycation. It’s been so nice to unplug from work and have the extra time to get some odds and ends done. Now if I can just figure out a way to become independently wealthy before Tuesday 😉

Over coffee, I would tell you that I cannot believe my oldest son has already been back on campus for two weeks! After having him home for 6 months, the house feels oddly quiet. While I really miss him, I’m so glad he’s back with his friends and in a classroom again. I give his school such high marks for having a great plan to bring students back safely. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they can make it through the next 11 weeks and complete the semester.

Over coffee, I would tell you about my latest obsession – watching the World’s Toughest Race – Eco-Challenge Fiji on Prime Video. 66 teams on an 11-day trek across some incredibly challenging terrain. J and I rarely binge watch, but this show hooked us right away!

What would you tell me over coffee? 


Wrapping up August

It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I sit here on my deck embracing the peace and quiet. It’s a far cry from what continues to play out on a daily basis all around. Each week I hope we’ll collectively be able to catch our breath, but it has yet to be. I am tired y’all…just plain tired.

As I have said so many times since March, my workouts help to keep me sane. And this week was no different…here’s a quick recap of my workouts.

Sadly this was an August with no beach time 🙁

Monday — Strength training. I loved this upper body and core combo!

Tuesday — Yoga. I may have gotten a tad ambitious with Monday’s workout because DOMS caught up with me with a vengeance. Time on my mat provided some relief.

Wednesday — 3 miles with temps in the 50s! I will admit I came very close to hitting the snooze button and skipping this run, but I knew I would regret missing this cool morning. Turned out to be a decent run.

Thursday — 1.75 miles and strength training. I decided to revisit Monday’s strength combo along with a short warm-up run. My appointment with the massage therapist for later that afternoon was perfect timing 🙂

Friday — Rest day. I took full advantage of my day off by sleeping in a little and then lingering over coffee far too long before meeting a friend for a long outdoor lunch. Perfect day, but no workout and I’m okay with that.

Saturday — 3 miles. With thunderstorms threatening I took my run to the mill. Running with one of my favorite instructors and The Weekend soundtrack was the perfect antidote to the treadmill.

Sunday — 3 miles. Saturday’s rain cleared out the humidity and it was another beautiful morning.

Like last week, I had both Thursday and Friday off this week – and let me just say that having 4-day weekends is something I could get used to! LOL! With Labor Day on the horizon, I’m looking forward to being off from work starting on Wednesday and giving myself a nice little 6-day staycation. It will be a good way of getting September off on the right foot – hopefully Mother Nature will play nice.

Are things cooling off where you are?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


End of Summer Runfessions

Here we stand on the final edge of the summer…and what a summer it has been! Seriously 2020 is the year that just keeps on giving, isn’t it?

I’m so glad that Marcia has kept Runfession link-up going – I have a couple of things to share before we move into a new month and new season.

In July, I runfessed that I was not ready to return to a gym or studio yet. Well, I runfess that not much has changed my feelings on this. I canceled my gym membership shortly after making that runfession, and now with the days winding down on the freeze on my OrangeTheory membership I’ve made the decision to pull the plug and cancel this membership too. Perhaps at some point down the road if I change my mind I can always re-join.

I runfess that now that we’ve had a brief taste of fall with some cool mornings last week I have absolutely no tolerance left for this returning humidity.

I runfess that instead of quietly stressing about my current running slump, I’m just going to let it go. I’ve been feeling pretty “meh” about running lately, and while I’m definitely up for a daily workout, I’ve caught myself on more than one occasion feeling like “I should run” vs. “I want to run”. Nothing good comes from “shoulding” on yourself so I’m letting that go…eventually the desire to run will return.

I runfess that I’m more than a little impatient waiting for my Peloton bike delivery. Believe it or not, I ordered it at the end of July and it’s not scheduled to deliver until October. I have heard that some people are getting their bikes sooner so I runfess that I may or may have called to check on my order status a couple of times.

OK so tell me… any runfessions to share?


Weekly Run Down – Back to School Part 1

Happy Sunday!

It was another busy week here as moving my son back to school took center stage. I’m happy to say the move-in went smoothly and I was relieved when he FaceTimed me to show me his room all set up (Parents were not allowed in the dorms). Senior year officially begins Monday! We’ve now got a couple of weeks to soak in the last of summer before we take on “back-to-school” part 2 and my youngest starts high school.

I’m also happy to say that my right hip was feeling much better this week. Here’s a quick peek at my week in workouts:

Monday — Strength training. Started the week off with a trio of Peloton workouts. Coco had suggested Matt’s Strength for Runners class and it was a good one – reminded me of many of the exercises my PT had me doing.

Tuesday — Rest day.

Wednesday — 3 miles. Mother Nature served up a beautiful 58-degree morning!

Thursday — 2-mile power walk with my husband and the pup along with another excellent Strength for Runners class (this time with Becs) and the Prince Core Strength class again. It was another sub-60 degree morning!

Friday — 45 min. Peloton boot camp. I finally tried one of the Peloton boot camps – It gave me a little of the feel of an OTF class with a nice mix of running blocks and strength training.

The soundtrack for this class was on point!

Saturday — 3 miles and yoga. I took Matt’s Classic Rock Run and followed his advice to follow-up the run with some yoga. I tried Kristin’s 20-min. yoga flow: lower body class, which I found to be very challenging. But, I cannot deny that my hips appreciated the work.

Sunday — As I sit here writing this with a coffee mug in hand I’m still on the fence between a run or a walk. I do know that I will be opting outside for a few miles. Mother Nature has offered up some beautiful weather this week, but with the forecast showing another possible heatwave coming up, I want to get out and enjoy it while the humidity is still relatively low.

Another added bonus of this week was having both Thursday and Friday off! I am planning to do the same for this upcoming week and may look to do the same the following week as well. Things continue to be fairly hectic at work, and with nowhere to escape to for a week-long vacation, I figured some extended long weekends were a good compromise.

How was your week? Do you have any planned time off?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


August Mid-month Check-in

So I blinked and half the month is gone. Am I still working out? Of course, just haven’t been feeling as inclined to sit down and blog about it. The reality of my oldest son returning to school hit me square in the face at the beginning of this month, and so I have been juggling all that goes into getting him ready to go back to campus (hello COVID testing) with a couple of crazy weeks at work, while trying to soak up all the family time possible.

After completing the 4th and final week of the Pelothon 2020 challenge last week, this week felt a little random as I didn’t plan my workouts and just kinda took each day as it came. Also, my cranky hip reared its ugly head last Sunday so had to take that into account as well.

Here’s how the week played out…

Monday — I’ve been sticking to my #nevermissamonday goal and eased into the week with some much-needed yoga.

Tuesday — 2-mile run & Peloton strength.

Wednesday — Peloton strength. This was a great combo that I definitely plan to repeat. I had never taken one of Tunde’s classes since most of hers are on the bike – I absolutely loved her energy! And Chase is always a fave.

Thursday — 3-miles and a massage! Mother Nature finally gave us a break from what felt like the never-ending heatwave.

Friday — Had a full schedule (including a hair cut! yay!) and my hip was actually a little sore from the massage so I took a rest day.

Saturday — 3-mile power walk with my pup plus core work. I had originally planned to run, but I woke up with zero motivation. So I opted for a hilly power walk and enjoyed another cool morning.

Sunday — 4 miles including a Prince-themed Peloton run. As I said in my Instagram post – is there anything better than having the streets to myself and listening to Prince’s music?! Of course, I wore purple for the occasion.

While summer temps will be returning this week, the mornings look like they’ll be relatively cool – perhaps that will help my lack of running mojo…if not, I’ll keep up the power walks. Truthfully right now, I’m enjoying strength training so much more…and I’m ok with that.

Do you find your running mojo ebbs and flows? How is August treating you so far?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.



August’s Ultimate Coffee Date

Deborah and Coco have once again invited everyone to join them for the Ultimate Coffee Date. My’s run’s done and I’m chillin’ on the deck with my mug in hand, so let’s chat a little…

Over coffee, I would tell you that we are in the midst of a string of family birthdays in my house that each year we jokingly call “Christmas in the Summer”. My youngest son turned 15 last week, I celebrated another trip around the sun earlier this week, and my oldest turned 18 yesterday! And, my husband J’s birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. All of this celebrating is starting to do a number on my waistline.

Over coffee, I would tell you that my oldest son is due to move back to school on the 20th. If all goes well, once he hits campus he’ll be there for 13 weeks straight in the hopes that they can get the fall semester in and done before Thanksgiving. We’re now in a mad scramble to get his COVID test done – it’s a different kind of back-to-school shopping.

Over coffee, I would tell you that this may be the first summer in a long time that doesn’t include some time at the beach. While it’s one of our family’s happy places, we just didn’t think it was worth the risk (especially given some of the scenes we’ve seen on the local news!). Yes, I know #firstworldproblems, but just more evidence of what a strange summer it has been.

I will miss seeing this spot!

In last week’s runfessions, I mentioned that I had convinced my husband to go with me to the local Peloton showroom to take a closer look at the bikes. Well, over coffee, I would tell you that it’s probably no great surprise that we bought a  Peloton! I’m so excited and now don’t know how I’m going to wait for the mid-October delivery. Yep…mid-October… clearly some businesses are thriving in these crazy times.

Counting down the days until this arrives.

So, what would you tell me over coffee? Have you ventured to the beach this summer?


Pelothon 2020 – Week 3

Hello August!

I always love the feeling of turning the page to a new month. While I’m never one to wish time away, July felt l-o-n-g and I’m not sorry to see it head out the door. Let’s hope that August can come in and behave itself!

The 3rd week of the Pelothon 2020 challenge wrapped up this week. The goal was to complete at least 1 Peloton workout for 5 out of the 7 days. Here’s how my week went…

Monday — 3-miles and Strength Training. I just couldn’t face another run in the unrelenting humidity so I opted for a treadmill run along with core and body strength classes.

Tuesday —  Rest Day.
Wednesday — 3-mile run & Core. This was the best run of the week – my legs definitely benefited from the rest day and there was a slight break in the humidity – win!

Thursday — Yoga & Core.
Friday —  3-mile run, Strength Training & a 2-mile power walk. Selena’s 80’s Rock playlist was a lot of fun and made the run time pass quickly.

Saturday — Strength Training. I decided on 3 classes with one of my favorite Peloton instructors to complete the challenge.

Sunday — 5-mile run. For a bonus 6th day of Peloton, I listened to Matty’s 80s run which was truly the only bright spot of this struggle bus run.

I really liked the balance I had this week between running and strength work with the added bonus of one yoga session. While I don’t have any firm goals for August, I think I’d like to strive to see this mix every week.

How was your week? Did July feel long to you?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
