What a rollercoaster week it’s been!
I’m happy to take a moment to take a step back, catch my breath, and join Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
Given the week this has been I would have to ask over coffee how you are holding up? Suffice it to say, even though I had fully expected this to be a difficult week, I am truly disheartened by the way things are playing out and I am anxious about the road that lies ahead.
As a needed distraction, over coffee, I would tell you that I have dived headfirst into decluttering and home organizing projects. I have Kim to thank for introducing me to The Home Edit on Netflix and after a couple of episodes, I was inspired to take on our pantry and kitchen cabinets. I’m now deep in the rabbit hole and perhaps am spending a bit too much time on the Container Store website.
Over coffee, I would tell you that my oldest will be home from school in just two weeks! After relying on FaceTime and Zoom for the past 11 weeks, I cannot wait to hug him! I’m really looking forward to having everyone back under one roof for a bit.
Over coffee, I would tell you about the swan that has taken up residence in the pond down the street from my house. While I’m used to seeing ducks and Canadian Geese, the swan is a rarity. I stop to look at him on many of my runs and always marvel at how he seems to stare back. A simple reminder in the midst of everything that there is beauty all around.
What would you tell me over coffee? Any unique sightings lately?