New Year’s Coffee Date

Happy New Year!

I can’t think of a nicer way to kick off 2021 than with a little catch-up over coffee. I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the first Ultimate Coffee Date of the New Year, so grab a mug of your favorite beverage and join us!

Over coffee, I would tell you how much I’ve been enjoying my week off. While we couldn’t do many of the traditional outings and events we usually do, we’ve had a good time just being together. There have been movies, puzzles, board games, and most importantly, lots of laughter. We needed this time together before classes and work resume.

Over coffee, I would tell you how excited I am for my oldest – he’s already received two college acceptances! He’s still got a few more applications to submit, but having those yeses under his belt sure allows him (and me!) to breathe a little easier.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I have the house all to myself today. J and the boys went skiing this morning so for the first time in a long time I have a day to myself! I’m going to take advantage of the quiet time to write out my goals for the year and to dive into my new book.

Your turn…What would you tell me over coffee?


BUFF® DryFlx+ Collection Product Review

Disclaimer: I received a BUFF® DryFlx+ neckwarmer and headband to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

While temps around here yoyo’d for a bit, there’s no doubt now that winter running season is in full effect. Having the right gear can make all of the difference when dealing with the elements, which is why I jumped at the chance to try out the BUFF® DryFlx+ neckwarmer and headband. I’ve been a long-time fan of BUFF® products so I was really interested in seeing what this new collection was all about.

Well, if you’ve been following me on Instagram then you already know that both items have become staples on my runs. I am especially in love with the neckwarmer! It is warm and cozy, yet does a great job of wicking away sweat and offered great breathability – especially important when using it as a face mask. I also appreciate the seamless design which helps to avoid any potential rubbing or chaffing.

The headband is also designed as a one-knitted piece using the same material as the neckwarmer. While I tend to be more of a hat girl for winter runs, I can say that I liked that this headband stayed put, wicked away sweat, and kept my ears warm. Can’t really ask for more than that, can you?!

Overall, the DryFlx+ Collection is another win for BUFF® in my book and why they continue to be one of my favorite brands.

Sharing my review of @buff_usa DryFlx+ Collection! #BUFFRunBR #bibravepro #bibchat #tuesdaytopics #runnersroundup #winterunning Share on X

If you’re interested in BUFF® products, be sure to go to and sign up for the BUFF® newsletter to receive 15% off your purchase.

You can check out other BibRavePro reviews here:

Run, Eat, Ralph


Running on the Other Side of 40

Fun Size Athlete

Running on Pixie Dust

Fit x Brit

The Late Runner

The Valley Isle Runner

Ken Stands on Things

Are you a fan of neckwarmers? Headbands or hats?

I’m linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up.

I’m also linking with Debbie, Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Laura for the Runners’ Roundup.


Christmas Week Run Down

Happy Sunday!

That sound you hear is me exhaling and settling into a staycation week off! This past week was a mad sprint to wrap-up projects and put out work fires (there seem to be far too many of those lately) and to put in the final touches to get ready for Christmas.

Workout wise there were a lot of Peloton holiday-themed classes, another virtual race, and a Christmas run “with” friends. Here’s the run down….

(from the drive-through light show we visited this week)

Christmas Week Run Down

Monday — Monday was oh so…Monday and my workout never happened.

Tuesday — Peloton 20-minute ride & full-body strength.

Wednesday — Peloton Holiday Slow Flow Yoga.

Thursday — Peloton 30-minute ride and core.

Friday — A Christmas run with friends! Earlier in the week, Kim (KookyRunner) invited Kim (Running on the Fly) and me to join her for a virtual run on Christmas morning. While the weather was oh so stormy, making this a treadmill run – I was still happy to be running “with” friends!

Thanks to Kim for the collage

Saturday — BAA virtual 10K. 2nd race in the #FinishStrongChallenge. The morning was bright and windy, and the miles were easy.

Sunday –– Peloton 25-minute ride and core.

Christmas was a low-keyed affair, given the times, but it was still a good day with much to be grateful for. And, now we’ve entered into one of my favorites weeks for the year. I have always enjoyed the week between Christmas and the new year – a great time to relax, reflect and recharge.

How was your week? Did you have a nice Christmas?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Ready for some down time

Winter break has begun for both of my boys and I am inching ever closer to some much needed time off. It was another stressful week both workwise and on the home front. I let go of any expectations and just took the workouts as they came…here’s how the week went down.

Monday — Peloton ride and core. Emma served up a fun playlist!

Tuesday — 3-mile run. I took a break from Zoom calls to slip this run in. It was oh so cold, but the run felt great!

Wednesday — Rest day. I was already having quite the day at work when I got word my dad was headed back to the hospital. At that point, I was pretty much done.

Thursday — Strength training by way of shoveling. We got hit by over a foot of snow and even with the snowblower, there was quite a bit of shoveling to do.

Friday — Peloton ride and bodyweight strength. Both of these classes were so good!

Saturday — Peloton strength. I tried a new-to-me instructor, Ben, for legs & glutes and core classes. I found both classes to be just meh.

Sunday –– Peloton cycle and core. It was supposed to be a run day but the roads and sidewalks continue to be an icy obstacle course. I debated a treadmill run, but finally hoped on the bike and this 30-minute sweat fest was just what I needed! Denis’ rides are quickly becoming some of my favorites.

Thankfully, my dad was released on Saturday and is doing well. And, even though my workdays were oh so long this week, I wrapped up a number of projects and only have a couple of loose ends to tie-up before taking a nice long break into the new year.

Did you get snow this week? Do you have any time off planned before the year-end?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Weekly Run Down – This & That

Happy Sunday!

I feel like I was just sitting down to think about my December goals and in a blink, we’re almost halfway through the month! Having said that, this week felt so long largely because it was a dumpster fire of a workweek. As always, working out provided some much-needed sanity. Here’s how the week played out.

My Sunday morning view

Monday — Peloton cycle and strength. I’m so glad Coco mentioned the Flash 15 class in her Run Down last week – the instructor really makes the most of those 15 minutes!

Tuesday —  Peloton yoga. Hip Hop meets yoga – This class was part of the Artist Series featuring music from OutKast. It was definitely not your traditional yoga class but oh so much fun!

Wednesday — Rest day.

Thursday — 3 miles. I’m not sure if it was the weather, the OutKast playlist, or just a chance to break away from work stress and Zoom calls, but everything about this run felt great. I wish I had had time for a longer run.

Friday — Peloton cycle and strength. I completed the OutKast classes with two of my favorite instructors. I especially loved the ride – a perfect way to head into the weekend.

Saturday — Yoga. I woke up feeling creaky and the foggy, rainy weather didn’t help. So it was yoga for the second time in the week…who am I? It was just what I needed.

Sunday – 4 miles. While my sleep was erratic, Mother Nature served up some very mild temps and I couldn’t pass up getting in a few early morning miles.

In other news…

It was great to receive this email earlier this week!

I was a Headsweats ambassador in 2018 and while I decided to step away the following year, my love of the brand never diminished. I look forward to being a part of this team next year!

And, that’s my Run Down. How was your week?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim!


Catching Up – December 2020

I’ve missed the past couple of weeks of the Weekly Run Down link-up. This is not a reflection of lack of interest in what others have been up to, but more a combination of life in general, and also feeling like my workouts have taken on “groundhog’s day” feel, i.e., same stuff, different day.

While things have been quiet here in my little corner of the blogosphere, the workouts have been happening. It’s been a pretty steady mix of running, Peloton rides, and strength training, with the occasional visit to the yoga mat, and plenty of walking. I wrapped up November with 80 miles, along with completing the “Swolvember” challenge focusing on strength training and the first couple of legs “On holiday for the holidays” focusing on cycling and running – both Peloton challenges created by members of the BreakThrough Crew on Facebook. I also knocked out the BAA’s virtual 5K. All-in-all a pretty good month.

December Goals

So we’re finally in the homestretch of this crazy-train year and I’m keeping my fitness goals simple.

  • Complete my last two virtual races for the #FinishStrongChallenge
  • Continue to tick off more of the “On Holiday” workouts on Peloton
  • Be kind to my body with daily stretching, rolling, and/or massage gun

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the link-up!

How was your November? What are you looking forward to this month?




Time for December Coffee

Happy Friday Friends!

We’ve made it through another week on this wild ride that is 2020. While there have been moments earlier this year where it seemed like time was standing still, I feel like Fall is flying by in a blink. And, now here we are on the first weekend of December and it’s time to join Coco and Deborah once again for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how relieved I am that my dad is home from the hospital and on the mend, and I would thank everyone who reached out with kind words and positive thoughts.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I’m working hard to get into the holiday mood. While I fully recognize that missing some of our usual holiday festivities this year are all #firstworldproblems, it is a bit of a buzzkill nonetheless. But, there is so much to be grateful for, and I will undoubtedly embrace all of it. Plus, it’s an opportunity to create some new traditions, right? #glasshalffull We’re planning to start decorating this weekend so that should help.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I finished the first of the three virtual races that make up the B.A.A.’s Finish Strong Challenge. I double-dipped and ran the 5K as this year’s turkey trot and received a nice DM from the B.A.A. that they were including me in their social media and newsletter! Next up is 10K which I had hoped to run tomorrow but the weather is looking oh so dicey. At least the beauty of a virtual race is the flexibility in getting it done.

What would you tell me over coffee? Have you started decorating?


Runfessions – Black Friday Edition

It’s the last Friday of the month so you know what that means – Marcia has opened the Runfessional. I’ve got a couple to share so let’s dive in, shall we?

While I have never been a fan of in-person Black Friday shopping, I’m all-in for a good online deal. And this year, I runfess that I’ve been swept into the madness earlier than usual when on Wednesday night I joined my sons in their quest to buy the new Xbox X series. Apparently, this game console sells out as fast as it’s re-stocked, so when we got wind that there was going to be a supply available on Walmart’s site Wednesday evening, we had multiple laptops ready. It was a furious 5 minutes of page refreshing, and just when I thought I’d scored one, I got to the final screen to confirm my order only to be told they were sold out. What…in 5 minutes?!

I runfess I was more annoyed than my boys. Bots – 1, Us – 0.

Source: Getty Images

Let’s hope I’m more successful with my search for a new laptop!

I have two virtual races left for the year – a 10K and a half marathon. I have no worries about the 10K, but runfess I’m completely dreading the half marathon. When I signed up it really seemed like a good idea at the time, but now…not so much. I had thought about splitting the distance over a couple of runs, but the race requires a time submission via their app or a GPS watch. Ugh.

I continue to be completely enamored with my Peloton, but I runfess that my tush has not fully adapted to the bike seat. I will be adding this gel seat cover to the shopping cart today. (Affiliate link).

Any runfessions to share? What are you shopping for today?


Short & Sweet Weekly Run Down

Doing a quick check-in for the Weekly Run Down – thanks to Deborah and Kim for the link-up!

Here’s how my week played out…

Monday — Peloton Strength.
Tuesday — 30 min Beyonce Ride — this ride featured two of my favorite instructors and an amazing Beyonce soundtrack – couldn’t ask for better!

Wednesday — Unplanned rest day. Another poor night of sleep had me pushing off my morning run and then my workday was crazy. When I finally came up for air I was more interested in chilling on the couch reading than I was in trying to muster the energy for a workout. Some days are just like that.
Thursday –– 3-mile run. Mother Nature decided to remind us that it is November, as our warm weather streak came to an abrupt end.

Friday — Peloton cycle and core classes. The Disney soundtrack for these rides was a nice antidote to the damp, cold, and deary weather that had rolled in.
Saturday — 5.25-mile run.
Sunday — 3-mile walk early this morning with Peloton strength to come post-coffee.

On the whole a pretty uneventful week. November just keeps rolling along and I’m just trying to keep pace. While I never try to wish away days, I’m more than a little excited to have this upcoming week click by as I wait for my son to come home from school on Friday!

Keeping it short and sweet this week! Happy Sunday!


Weekly Run Down – Just Breathe

Just Breathe – that was pretty much my mantra for this week and what a long, emotional week it was. Like so many weeks in 2020, I was grateful to have running and working out as a release. As an added bonus Mother Nature decided to serve up some fantastic weather. The past few days have been unseasonably warm and I’ve been trying to soak up as much sunshine as I can.

Here’s a quick recap on this week’s workouts.

Monday — Peloton Cycle plus core and stretch classes.
Tuesday — Yoga – the perfect antidote to election day anxiety.
Wednesday — 3 miles. I had the Billie Eilish Peloton run on my plan to start the Breakthrough Crew’s Holiday Challenge. The combination of the music and time on the open road was just what I needed.

Thursday –– Peloton Cycle plus Core classes helped me to tick off a couple more workouts on both of my Peloton challenges. I runfess that the Holiday Challenge called for a country music ride, but there’s just no way I could take 20 mins of country music so I subbed in another class with the same instructor.
Friday — 4 miles. I was totally caught off guard for the quick warm-up and was way overdressed
Saturday — 5 miles and just a picture-perfect day.

Sunday — As I write this, I’ve got a stack of Peloton strength workouts waiting for me to wrap up the first week of the “Swolvember” Challenge.

So I feel like I’m off to a good start on my November goals – while my sleep continued to take a hit at the beginning of the week, I slept like a rock on Saturday night 🙂

Did you have amazing weather this week too? Country music yay or nay?

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
