And, as is so often the case, we’ve blinked an another month is quickly coming to an end. But before I put April in the rearview mirror, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m joining Marcia to share some Runfessions.
Runfessions for April
So can you have runfessions if you’re not currently running? Let’s see…
I runfess that getting emails from one of my fave races while I’m sidelined is like salt in a wound. I will miss not toeing the line this Memorial Day weekend but there’s always next year.
And, speaking of emails, I runfess that I’m really starting to question Gmail’s spam filter based on some of the emails I’ve been receiving. For example, I’ve received two emails from a woman pitching her article for my blog on top sex positions for maximum calorie burn…meanwhile emails from legit companies that I subscribe to are landing in the spam folder?!? BTW, the article’s author felt the need to add the claim “research-backed” to her subject line…I runfess that was an additional nugget of information I could have lived without LOL.
Received any interesting emails lately?
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