Five quick tips to a good night’s sleep

Can a good night’s sleep feel elusive at times?

Lack of proper sleep can significantly affect your ability to think clearly and focus, weakens your immune system, impacts your overall mood.

If you’re a runner, sleep deprivation can impair both your performance and recovery. During sleep, growth hormones stimulate muscle growth and repair, bone building, and metabolism. Sleep deprivation slows the release of growth hormones, and when growth hormone levels are down, cortisol (stress hormone) levels are on the rise. Too much cortisol in your system can also disrupt your body’s ability to recover properly. Additionally, lack of sleep can also impact glycogen storage – clearly a big deal for endurance running.

For this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some tips to help set you up for a good night’s sleep.

Have a consistent bedtime — A consistent bedtime helps to regulate your body clock. For me breaking the habit of falling asleep on the couch while watching TV, and instead, heading to bed at a consistent hour has been a big help in improving my own sleep.

Unplug from technology — According to the Sleep Foundation, your phone or laptop can impact your sleep by disrupting the production of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is responsible for controlling your sleep-wake cycle, and when this hormone level is out of whack, you may experience insomnia. So, try powering down your tech at least half an hour before bed (ideally an hour before) to help to keep your body’s circadian rhythm on track.

Is sleep elusive for you? I'm sharing 5 quick tips for this week's #FitFiveFriday Share on X

Keep your room dark and cool — Did you know that your body prepares for sleep by lowering its core temperature? A cool bedroom may help keep your core body temperature constant, in turn, helping to promote better sleep. And, darkness helps to contribute to the release of our old friend melatonin.

Watch what you eat and drink — Late night snacking, alcohol, and caffeine can all negatively impact sleep patterns.

Relax your mind — I find meditating for 10 minutes or more helps me to unwind. If mediation is not your thing, try journaling or creating a quick brain dump list to help you to clear your mind of your to do’s or any other stresses of the day before turning out the light.

What helps you to have a good night’s sleep?

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and yours truly!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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Running pet peeves

Running pet peeves? Oh come on now, you know you’ve got one or two…or a few 😉 For this week’s Tuesday’s Topics, Kim and Zenaida are inviting us all to get a few things off our chest and share some of our running pet peeves.

I actually did a similar post a few years back, which you can read here – it’s funny how some of those peeves still hold true!

Runners who don’t acknowledge other runners — This is one I really do not understand. How hard is it to raise a hand, nod, something when another runner greets you? When we’re out there pounding the pavement a little acknowledgment of someone’s effort could go a long way.

Drivers who treat stop signs and red lights as optional — I have had one too many close calls with drivers who roll through a red light attempting to turn right on red without ever looking. Had this happen just the other day and let’s just say I had some choice words for that driver.

Races that are advertised as “flat and fast” when they clearly are not! — Why not just be honest about the course elevation?

Disrespecting the “Back of the Pack” — I have no place for judgmental people, especially someone who thinks it’s ok to judge/comment/criticize someone else’s effort. On both social media and at races, I’ve seen runners show their disdain for slower runners – really? First of all, pace is relative. More importantly, just because you happen to be faster than another runner doesn’t give you the right to comment on whether they should be running or racing. As long as runners have seeded themselves appropriately for a race, why should those in the front corrals feel entitled to comment on those in the back? Personally, I applaud anyone who’s willing to put themselves out there and give it their best effort – whatever their pace.

So tell me, what are some of your running pet peeves?


Taking the weather in stride

Another week of frigid temps, snow, and ice…it is February after all. While I was indoors far more than I would have liked, I am very grateful to have both a treadmill and Peloton bike at the ready. Here’s a quick look at my week in workouts…

View from my Sunday run

Monday — Peloton 20 min Ride, Arms & Shoulders, Core, and Stretch.

Tuesday — 20 min Core, Strength for Runners, Stretch…and there was shoveling. The Miley Cirus soundtrack made this core class extra challenging – if it weren’t for the fact that it was part of the enCore28 Challenge I would have taken a pass.
Wednesday — 10-min core class, otherwise a rest day.
Thursday — 3 miles on the mill and 10-min core.
Friday — 3 miles on the mill, 20-min core, and full-body stretch. To break up the monotony of another mill run, I split the run in two with the core session in between.

Saturday — Peloton 30-min Ride, 10-min core, and 10-min stretch. Added bonus of some extra time on the bike catching up with some blogger friends via Zoom.

Catching up with Coco, Deb, Kim, Renee, and Kim!

Sunday — 3 miles earlier, plus 10-min core class, and I’m still planning some time on my yoga mat post-coffee. I was happy to log some outdoor miles! Even though it was cold and gray, it was peaceful.

We were clearly spoiled by a mild January, but I’m doing my best to not complain and just take it all in stride. Based on the forecast for the week ahead it looks like I’ll need to continue to embrace the indoor workouts. On the plus side, I have Monday off for Presidents’ Day and a much, much-needed massage scheduled for Wednesday!

How’s the weather where you are? Are you still getting outdoors or taking your workouts inside?

In case you missed it:
Five Fitness Products I’m Loving Right Now

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Five Fitness Products I’m Loving Right Now

In honor of Valentine’s Day when all thoughts turn to love (or something to that effect), I’m sharing 5 fitness-related products I’m loving right now. (This post contains affiliate links).

Lush Pullover from Ink & Burn – I’m such a fan of Ink & Burn and I cannot say enough about this top! It has a beautiful floral design, a brushed interior for extra warmth without the bulk, and thumbholes! Perfection!

OCOPPA Rechargeable Handwarmers – As someone who suffers from Raynaud’s, my biggest challenge for winter runs is keeping my hands warm. I’ve used disposable hand warmers in the past, but the one and done approach can get pricey and isn’t doing much for the environment. This rechargeable handwarmer offers 3 heat settings and fits nicely in the palm of my hand.

Legiral Massage Gun — I think every runner should have a massage gun in their recovery toolbox. I love this one because it offers multiple speed settings (20) and different attachments (6). It does the job and is reasonably priced compared to some other models I considered.

And, speaking of the recovery toolbox, the Rollga Foam Roller is another item I’m making good use of these days. Now seriously, does anyone really love foam rolling?! I do like the contoured design of the Rollga – it helps to get to those important spots without mashing bones and tendons. And, since it’s less painful than a traditional foam roller, I find I’m more inclined to use it.

Sharing 5 fitness-related products I'm loving right now! #FitFiveFriday Share on X

AfterShokz Air Headphones — I’ve been running with AfterShokz for 5 years. The Air model is a nice upgrade from my original Trezk Titanium – especially the lighter, more flexible wrap-around design. I love that AfterShokz has an open ear design so you can stay aware of your surroundings while enjoying excellent music quality.

What fitness-related items are you loving right now?

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and yours truly!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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Week 5 – Snow and Ice

Mother Nature gave us a run for our money this past week with a heavy dose of winter weather, so this week was all about working around the snow and ice. Here’s a quick peek at my week.

Monday — 3-mile run, day 1 of the enCore28 challenge (10 min core) and 10 min stretch class.
Tuesday — 20-min Peloton ride, 20-min core, and 10-min stretch. And, there was shoveling.
Wednesday — Day 3 of the core challenge with a 10-min core class, otherwise a rest day.
Thursday — 20-min Peloton ride, 10-min core, 10-min strength, and 10-min stretch. I had a run planned, but thanks to frigid temps the streets were just too icy. This stack of classes was a great alternative and my favorite workout of the week!

Friday — 3 miles on the mill and 15-min core. An episode of The Home Edit helped to pass the time. I’m so thankful we finally installed a small TV above the treadmill!
Saturday — 4 miles, 10-min core, and 10-min stretch. It was a bit warmer than it had been the past couple of days so I was determined to run outdoors. I definitely found some patches of black ice along the way but managed to stay upright. (Maybe the core work is paying off?)
Sunday Right now coffee but I plan on a 30-min ride, core, either a short stretch or yoga class later.

Another snowstorm is heading this way today and there’s more snow and freezing rain in the forecast for later this week, so it looks like I’ll be spending some quality time on the mill…or riding a lot more.

So how was your week? 

In case you missed it:
February Coffee

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


February Coffee

Oh hello, Friday!

For the first time since this year began, I feel like this week has clicked by pretty quickly – a nice change! I’m ready for the weekend so let’s get things started by joining Deborah and Coco for a little catch up over coffee. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and join us!

Over coffee, I would tell you that it’s been a week since my son returned to campus and I have to admit that I miss him already. I’m still trying to get used to how quiet the house is without the noise that only two teenage boys can make together 🙂

Over coffee, I would tell you that my new show obsession is The Morning Show on Apple TV+. I have wanted to see this show since I saw the first promo but was not interested in adding another streaming service. Recently, my family all got new iPhones and among the bonuses we received was a free 1-year subscription to Apple TV+ – Win!

Over coffee, I would tell you, the past few weeks of work have been absolutely insane. On top of some long days, even the past two weekends have been hijacked by one fire or another. To say I need a break would be an understatement!

In the short-term, I’ll settle for a quiet weekend!

What would you tell me over coffee?

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by Darlene, RenéeJenn, Zenaida, and yours truly!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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Wrapping up January and Setting February Goals

It’s been a long month…but here we are on the last day and ready to step into February. Before I lay out my goals for the upcoming month, here’s a quick run down of this week’s workouts:

Monday — Peloton 20-minute ride, 20-min Bodyweight Strength, and Yoga. This may have been my favorite class combo of the week, but boy oh boy I had forgotten how challenging Pigeon Pose is for my very tight right hip!

Tuesday — 3-mile run and Yoga.
Wednesday — Peloton 20-minute ride, 10-min Core for Runners, and Yoga. Took another of the Year of Yes rides and snagged a new PR!

The satisfaction of a new PR!

Thursday — Yoga and a rest day.
Friday — 3-mile run plus Yoga. It was -8 with the windchill so I was more than content to hop on the mill for this one.
Saturday — Peloton 30-min Britney Spears Ride, 20-min Britney Spears Full Body Strength plus yoga. Such a fun combination, but I was really feeling it after the 100 squats!
Sunday — As I sit and write this over coffee, yoga is done and the plan is to run 3 – 4 miles. Right now it is a balmy 7 degrees with a feels like of -2 so I’m waiting on the warm-up. As much as I actually don’t mind winter running, single-digit temps and my Raynaud’s Syndrome don’t play well together!

Saying goodbye to January and setting February goals #weeklyrundown #bibchat #onepeloton Share on X

February Goals

I had 4 goals for January:

— Daily yoga
— Peloton Winter Launch Challenge (1 class/day)
— 62.5 miles
— Return to mindful eating and leave the deserts alone

I hit all but the mileage goal – to be honest, I let go of the mileage goal pretty early on as I prioritized getting my hip to a happy place. And, now that I’m running pain-free I would say that was a wise call. There’s still plenty of time left in the year to hit my ZOOMA Run Club goal of 750 run/walk miles.

So here’s what I’m targeting for February:

— Daily stretching or yoga
— Matty’s enCORE28 Challenge on Peloton (daily core classes)
— 50 miles
— Pre-hab/PT exercises 2x’s/week

The theme here is to keep doing the things necessary to keep my hip happy, while building some mileage.

How was your January? Any big goals for the new month?

In case you missed it:

Five Runfessions for January

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Five Runfessions for January

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida!

It’s also the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the Runfessional. So I’m combining the two in one post – here come my 5 runfessions for January!

Five Runfessions for January

At the start of the month, I set the goal of daily yoga. Today marks Day 29 of my yoga streak. I runfess (or is it yoga-fess?) that I surprised myself for getting this far in the streak. Honestly, when I threw out this idea of daily yoga as a goal I didn’t have a lot of confidence that this one would stick. It’s nice when you surprise yourself!

That said, I yoga-fess that this challenge has not endeared me to yoga – I’m just not a yoga person. Having said that I cannot deny that this daily time on my mat seems to have helped. So, the million-dollar question is, will yoga stay in the mix come February?

I am happy to be back to pain-free running and will now be building up my base again. However, I runfess that I continue to have no interest in “running long.” I have been thinking about working my way back up to an 8-mile long run but with winter’s bitter cold temps finally making an appearance, the motivation is low.

And, why 8 miles you may ask? That distance has always been the “sweet spot” for me – it’s not a big leap from there to dial-up training to the half marathon distance. On the other hand, I runfess that I just do not see myself signing up for a virtual half marathon again any time soon. If I’m running a half marathon I really need/want it to be an in-person event. Given the way things are playing out, I do not foresee any in-person races happening until at least the fall.

I also runfess that my love of my Peloton bike is certainly not helping my motivation to run far in the bitter cold. There are so many classes I want to take, and new content is always being added. Sometimes it’s a struggle between deciding to head out for a run or hitting the bike.

So tell me, have you tried daily yoga? Are you motivated to run long without a race on your calendar?

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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Week 3 – Oh hello winter!

After enjoying relatively mild temps (40’s) and no trace of snow, Ma Nature reminded us this week that it is still winter in New England. On the flip side, the sun made a return appearance! I don’t know about you, but for me, bright sunshine always helps to make these cold winter days much more tolerable.

Here’s how my workout week played out…

Braving Saturday’s wind!

Monday — Peloton 20-minute ride, 20-min Bodyweight Strength, and Yoga for Hamstrings. I continue to enjoy the theme of these “Year of Yes” workouts, and this yoga class focused on hamstrings was so needed and made a repeat appearance throughout the week.

Tuesday — 3.5-mile run and yoga.
Wednesday — Rest day plus sun salutations. I woke up with a headache that left me feeling really off so I did a 10-min sun salutation sequence and called it a day.
Thursday — Peloton 20-min ride (another “Year of Yes” ride!) plus a 5-min cool-down ride, 10-min core, and a repeat of the Yoga for Hamstrings.
Friday — 3-mile run and yoga. It was oh so cold, but the sunshine was glorious!

Saturday — 4-mile run and yoga. A biting wind made this run extra frigid, but the combination of early morning sun and quiet roads made this an enjoyable run.
Sunday — Marcia’s 20-min Standing Abs and Strength workout and Peloton 20-min Yoga for Hips. If you have not checked out Marcia’s YouTube channel you really should!

It was another week of pain-free running! And, as you can see the yoga streak continues (Day 24 as of today!). On both Friday and Saturday I changed things up a bit up by starting with the 10-minute sun salutation sequence as a warm-up before heading out for my run – it seemed to work well so this may be the plan for the upcoming week.

How was your week? Do you find certain combinations of workouts work best for you?

In case you missed it:

Fit Five Friday – Staying Hydrated in Winter

I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.


Fit Five Friday – Staying Hydrated in Winter

Does anyone else struggle with staying hydrated…especially during the winter months? I think it’s so much easier to be mindful of taking in enough fluids when the temps are soaring, but when there’s snow on the ground or the temps are frigid, not so much.

I’m making it a conscious goal to focus on my hydration, so I’m sharing a few tips on ways to stave off winter dehydration.

Keep water front and center – Yeah I know this one is pretty obvious, but I think it still important. Filling your water bottle and keeping it with you in clear view as you go about your day will go a long way in reminding you to keep drinking. (Added bonus – refill your bottle as soon as you empty it!)

Eat water-rich fruits and veggies – You don’t always have to drink water to stay hydrated! From melons and apples to leafy greens and broccoli, there is no shortage of water-rich foods to choose from.

Watch your caffeine –  While I love a mug (or two) of hot coffee on a cold morning, it’s important to remember that caffeine is a natural diuretic. So when I feel the need to warm-up in the afternoon or evening, caffeine-free tea is my drink of choice.

Tips for staying hydrated this winter #FitFiveFriday #winterfitness Share on X

Give your water a flavor boost – Infusing your water with fruit, cucumber, or mint helps to fight the boredom of drinking glass after glass of plain-old H20.

Track your intake – There are a number of hydration apps available that can help you to keep track of your daily intake, including setting alarms and reminders. Or, if you prefer pen and paper, use a “habit tracker” or Post-it note reminders.

Do you find it harder to stay hydrated in the winter? What are your tips for staying hydrated?

Welcome To Fit Five Friday hosted by My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida! Who’s ready for some fun?

Here are the guidelines:

  • Your link should center around some kind of fitness (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!)
  • Please link back to your hosts! It’s the right thing to do!
  • Share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!
  • Feel free to share about Fit Five Friday on your social media! Tag #FitFiveFriday to get the word out!

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