Runfessions – June edition

It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and yours truly! And, since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia for Runfessions. I’ve got a few things to share so let’s get to it!

Runfessions – June Edition

I runfess that I panicked a bit when my hip gave me trouble on my run a week ago. I’ve been working hard to keep up with my strength training and stretching – an injury after this effort would be so frustrating! I continue to stretch and roll like it’s my job and keep my fingers crossed.

I runfess that I am running out of patience for my Garmin. I mentioned back in April that my Forerunner 235 was occasionally finicky. Well, it’s getting worse not better as it becomes more and more temperamental. Clearly, its days are numbered, so I need to hurry up and settle on a replacement.

In an effort to give my eating a boost in the right direction, I runfess that I have returned to counting my macros. I have a love-hate relationship with this process. On the one hand, tracking has proven to help me to be more mindful of what I’m eating – on the other hand, the tracking is oh so tedious. But, for now, my clothes are fitting better so there’s that.

Any runfessions to share? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?

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Run, workout, rinse, repeat

Run, workout, rinse, repeat…

That’s kinda what it has felt like for the past two weeks. Here’s a quick snapshot of what I’ve been up to on the fitness front.

A favorite view from a recent run

Weekly Run Down – Weeks 23 & 24

Monday — 45 min Full Body Strength plus 10 min Strength Warm-up
Tuesday — 3-mile run
Wednesday — 30 min HIIT Cardio Strength plus 10 min Core
Thursday — 30 min ride plus 10 min Core
Friday — 4-mile run
Saturday — 45 min Full Body Strength plus 10 min Strength Warm-up
Sunday — 4.5-mile run

Monday — 30 min yoga
Tuesday — 3.4-mile run plus 10 min Core
Wednesday — 2.4-mile walk, 10 min Arms & Light Weights, 10 min Strength for Runners
Thursday — 3.5-mile run
Friday — Rest day
Saturday — 20 min ride, 5 min Cool Down, plus 30 min Full Body Strength
Sunday — 4-mile run plus 10 min Core

Strength training:

I mentioned in my summer fitness goals that I was planning to follow Adrian’s Strength Stack on the Peloton app for the month of June. Basically, he’s got 4 different stack workouts to rotate throughout the month. Since I do not lift 4 days a week, my plan is to just keep cycling through the workouts at my own pace.

Last week I on my plan, but this week I took some liberties with the schedule, swapping in two shorter workouts on Wednesday because I was pressed for time. On Saturday, I opted to take Adrian’s Juneteenth Full Body class instead of the one in the stack. This was a great class so I may swap this one in again before the month’s over.


Overall, my runs have felt pretty good. I caught up with my brother for another run last Sunday as we decided to meet and run the course for our upcoming 10K. While the plan had been for 6, I had to settle for 4.5 thanks to my hip being less than cooperative. There’s a hill at the end of the first 5K loop and after the first pass, my hip was not interested in playing anymore. Despite the shorter than planned run, we still had a good time – my brother always keeps me laughing.

Hills & humidity was the theme for Tuesday’s run

On Tuesday, I ran virtually with Kim and Cari to celebrate Kim’s 200th Peloton run. Despite the hilly route, the hip played nice and continued to behave the rest of this week! So hopefully last Sunday’s run was just a fluke.

The daily stretching continues, and I squeezed in a sports massage on Thursday just to help to keep all the body parts happy.

There’s more of the same on tap for the upcoming week. I’m going to start to stretch the distance just a little bit so the upcoming 10K doesn’t come as a shock to my system 😉

What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Have you adapted to summer running?

In case you missed it:

Five Summer Fitness Goals

5 Things on My Summer Must-Do List

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.


5 Things on My Summer Must-Do List

It’s Friday again and time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! Last week was all about my summer fitness goals… But this week I’m all about my Summer Must-Do List.

There are lots of things I’m looking forward to this Summer, including some time away. Here are 5 things on my summer must-do list:

Time at the Beach

It’s just not Summer for me if I don’t get to spend some time at the beach!

This view makes me so happy!

Outdoor Music

After seeing Cari’s recent post about attending a concert in the park I’ve been thinking about how nice it would be to sit outside and enjoy some music. I’ve been scanning the local events calendars and it looks like there may be some opportunities on the horizon. Such a great way to spend a summer evening.

Farmers Markets & Street Fairs

A new farmers market just opened in my town last weekend and one of my favorite outdoor street markets has returned. I love the fresh produce and unique items that can be found!

Boston’s SOWA Market makes for a fun Sunday afternoon

Gathering with Friends and Family

Thanks to the pandemic, all of our traditional summer get-togethers were put on hold. I’m really looking forward to hosting as well as getting out and about again.

Alfresco Dining

The pandemic aside, when it comes to the summer, I’ve always enjoyed dining under the stars, at home on the deck, or a restaurant’s outdoor patio.

What are some of your summer must-do’s?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

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Five Summer Fitness Goals

With a couple of fall races on the calendar (yay!), I’ve been thinking about my goals for the Summer months. So for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m laying out some summer fitness goals.

Five Summer Fitness Goals

Acclimate & Embrace the Heat — I’m going to do my best to properly prep for summer running, focusing on my hydration & electrolyte intake and getting out extra early if necessary. I make no secret that summer running is my least favorite, but I’m going to put my word of the year Mindset to work here and shift my mental attitude to do my best to embrace the season.

Monthly Strength Challenges — Each month I’m going to take on a different strength “challenge”. For June, I’m following Adrian’s Strength Stack on the Peloton app. There’s a different stack featured each month by a different instructor. I haven’t decided yet what I’ll do for July or August so stay tuned.

Daily Stretching/Yoga Streak — I’m already off to a good start with this one. I’ve been stretching for at least 10 minutes a day since June 1. The goal is to keep this streak going all summer long.

Sharing some summertime fitness goals for today's #FitFiveFriday link-up! What have you got planned? Share on X

Build a Healthy Base for Fall Training — It’s been a long time since I’ve laid out a training plan, but I’ve decided to go all-in for my fall half marathon and actually follow a training plan (I may even throw in some speedwork…gasp!). To get training off to a good start at the end of August, I want to have a solid base. So this will mean scaling back the number of days I spend on the Peloton bike and adding more time on the run.

Enjoy the outdoors — Beyond running, I’m looking forward to getting back into hiking. My family usually does a lot of hiking during the summer months, but not so much last year. I’m also looking forward to some time kayaking or white water rafting…may even make it to the tennis courts.

Tell me, what have you got planned for the summer? Registered for any fall races yet?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Summer running has arrived

June has arrived and with it, soaring summer temps. We’re in the middle of the first legit heatwave of the year and acclimation is the name of the game! Here’s how the workout week went down.

Pretty path from Saturday’s Run

Weekly Run Down — Week 22

Monday — 2.5-mile run & stretching. The last day of my staycation was a lazy one, but this shakeout run and a good stretch helped to keep my ITB happy.

Tuesday — 20 min Ride, 30 min Full Body strength, 10 min Core, & stretching. After 10 days off, re-entry into the workday was a little rough, but this combo was the perfect antidote.

Wednesday — A 5K for Global Running Day! It was nice to celebrate virtually with some run buddies (Thanks to Kim for this great collage!)

Thursday —  Stretching, otherwise a rest day.

Friday — 20 min ride, 15 Upper Body strength, 10 min Core for Runners, and upper body stretch. I loved this Peloton stack, especially the Core for Runners workout – the standing core and balance work was a nice change of pace.

Saturday — 4.5-mile run. It was so fun to meet up with my brother for a run – we haven’t run together since last Spring! We’re hoping to get a couple more runs in together before our 10K race next month. The heat definitely made this a humbling run – time to get acclimated!

Sunday —  3-mile run, 10 min Core, and a stretch. Despite being up and out early, it was pushing 80 degrees by the time I finished my run. After struggling with a little dehydration during Saturday’s run, I prepped better this morning and this run felt much better.

Adjusting to summer running & planning for fall races! #BOMFBR #BibChat #BibRavePro #WeeklyRunDown Share on X

A Couple of Fall Races

I’m excited to add a couple of fall races to my calendar!
Back on My Feet is an amazing organization that combats homelessness through the power of running, community support, and essential employment and housing resources. They currently operate in 14 major cities across the country, including Boston. As a BibRave Pro, I am taking part in the virtual Back on My Feet Running Festival in September. The Festival features a range of distances – I’ll be running the 15K. If you’d like to join me, use the discount code “BibRave5!” to save $5 off registration.

Run to Remember is one of my favorite half marathons (in fact, it was my first!). Ever since the race organizers announced earlier this year that they were hoping to hold an in-person race this Fall in addition to the virtual race held during Memorial Day Weekend, (the traditional race weekend) I’ve been keeping my fingers crossed. This morning the email came through announcing an in-person race in November! Well, it took me about half a second to break out my credit card to register!

How was your week? Has it heated up where you are? Any races on the calendar?

In case you missed it:

Five Things over June Coffee

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.


Five things over June Coffee

Welcome back to the Fit Five Friday linkup!

I’m ready to kick off the weekend with a little catch-up over the Ultimate Coffee Date hosted by Coco and Deborah. So grab a mug of your favorite beverage and let’s chat for a bit!

Over coffee, I would tell you that school wraps up today for my youngest son – the first year of high school is done and dusted! So the RWA household is officially in summer mode! We’re starting to flesh out our annual family summer bucket list, which I’m expecting to be pretty long since there were so many of our summer favorites we didn’t get to enjoy last year.

And, speaking of being in summer mode, over coffee I would tell you just how much I enjoyed my staycation – it was a good balance of unplugging and doing. I don’t think I truly realized how much I needed some time off until I took it! And now, while it is barely in the rearview mirror, I’m happy to say we have a family vacation booked for July!

Over coffee, I would tell you that while I thought I was done with all of my plantings for this year, I’m now toying with the idea of removing a couple of older plants and adding some additional rose bushes. The real question is whether I can convince my husband to take on another project (read lots of digging!) with me.

These roses started blooming in my garden last week!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I want to get back into my home organization groove after a bit of a lull over these past couple of months. My boys’ rooms are in need of a purge and refresh and I’ve still got some finishing touches to do on our home office. What do you think the chances are of getting two teenagers to willingly participate?

Over coffee, I would tell you that cannot believe that my youngest is going to take Driver’s Ed classes later this month. I must admit that I’m just a little afraid nervous.

Full disclosure I used this gif a few years ago when my oldest started driving. Still fits my current mood LOL

What would you tell me over coffee? What’s on your Summer bucket list?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Who’s ready for some fun?

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Week 21 – Chillin’ on a Staycation

This week was all about enjoying some much-needed downtime from work! This time off gave me a chance to finish my garden beds, take care of some projects, enjoy time with family and friends, and get my second vaccine. Of course, there was also time for working out – here’s a quick peek at how the week played out.

Weekly Run Down — Week 21

Monday — 30 min Bike Bootcamp, 15 min Ride, 10 min Core & stretching. This was my first bike Bootcamp, so of course, I took it with Tunde. She did not fail to kick my arse – it was a great mix of intervals on the bike and lower body strength. I wanted a little more cardio so I tacked on a short 15 min ride.

Tuesday — 2.5-mile run, 10 min Core, & stretching. While I have been riding and walking, this was my first run in a week. My ego was definitely pushing for more, but the body said listen to the IT band and keep it short.

Wednesday — 2nd vaccine! Stretching and rest.

Thursday — Vaccine hangover in full effect! After a rough night of sleep, I woke up with that “too much cold medicine” feeling. The sluggishness stuck with me for most of the day. I managed to rally to meet a friend for lunch, but I was quickly home and back on the couch after that outing.

Friday — 3.75-mile run, 10 min Core, & stretching. Up and out early and feeling like myself again! I also spent a couple of hours in the garden, finishing all of my plantings, pruning, and weeding.

Saturday — 30 min Ride, 15 min Upper Body, & 10 min Core.

Sunday —  5-mile run & stretch. It’s been raining fairly consistently since Friday night. The hourly forecast showed a break early this morning so I rushed to get out and take advantage of it. Well, the forecast was wrong – within the first mile the rain was falling and the wind was pretty steady. Raw and soggy, but done!

It’s supposed to rain all day today again, so once I warm up I’m looking forward to a lazy day of movies and board games with the family.

How was your week? Are you enjoying the long weekend?

In case you missed it:

Runfessions for May

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Runfessions for May

Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneRenéeJennZenaida, and yours truly! We appreciate all of you who have joined in to support this link-up!

And, since it’s the last Friday of the month, Marcia has opened the Runfessional. I’ve got a few things to share so let’s dive right in!

I runfess that I have slacked on post-run stretching and foam rolling lately and I think there’s a direct correlation to the ITB flare. Needless to say, I’m back on all my post-run recovery work like it’s my job.

A new gym recently opened where our former gym once stood. They are, of course, offering great deals to entice people to sign up. My husband and boys are all fired up to check out the gym and get the details on their family membership package. I runfess that I’m not as enthusiastic. Access to a greater range of weights would be great, but I must admit that I’m still a little leary of the idea of indoor workouts with random other people.

While I’m considering a couple of races for the fall, I runfess that the recent burst of summer weather has left me wondering just how far I want to be running during the next few months. If only there were a way to arrive at Fall start lines ready to go without enduring the summer slog.

Any runfessions to share? Do you make time for post-run recovery? Are you ready for summer running?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?

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Listening to a Cranky ITB

This week I was dealing with an IT band that could use a bit of an attitude adjustment. A cranky ITB equals very little run  – in fact just one run, but there were still workouts to be done. Here’s a quick peek at how the week went down.

Weekly Run Down – Week 20

Monday — 20 min Low Impact Ride, 10 min Strength for Runners, 10 min Arms & Light Weights, and stretch. I have been loving the Strength for Runner classes – they’re like a good PT session, which was certainly needed this week. Kim recommended this APIHM Arms & Light Weights class – so many reps…my arms were jelly.
Tuesday — Rest day
Wednesday — 3.1- mile run. My one and only run of the week. It was a beautiful morning and the run felt pretty good. It wasn’t until later in the day that the ITB started to squawk. Grateful for my massage gun!

Thursday — 20 min Ride plus 5 min Cool Down, 15 min Strength for Runners, and stretch. I also spent some quality time with my massage therapist.
Friday — 20 min Ride, Core, and Yoga. Also more time with my massage gun. I was feeling the effects of Thursday afternoon’s massage and knew running would not be a wise choice. This ride was a nice way to get some movement in my legs without stressing the ITB.
Saturday — My oldest son’s graduation and dorm move-out! Suffice it to say, there was not much packing in advance – it was hot and there were a lot of stairs involved…I think this counts as a workout. The graduation ceremony was wonderful – still can’t believe high school is a wrap!
Sunday — 5.2-mile walk and stretch. With the combination of all the stairs and hours in the car, I woke up not feeling a run. My hubs agreed to join me for a brisk-paced walk, and a very warm and humid 5+ miles were logged.

Spotted this painted rock on our walk – just love this!

The Week Ahead – A staycation and 2nd vaccination!

I’m hoping that the extra attention paid to my IT band will pay off and I’ll be able to run more this week. I’m 6 weeks away from my first in-person race so I’d like to kick things up a bit.

I have the week off from work and I’m really looking forward to having some downtime. There will be lots of time on the deck and patio, some outdoor dining, time with family, and I’m hoping to put the finishing touches on my flower beds.

I’m also getting my second shot on Wednesday  – one more step towards normalcy.

How was your week?

In case you missed it:

SiS Immune Tablets Product Review

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!



SiS Immune Tablets – Product Review

Disclaimer: I received Science in Sport Immune Tablets to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out to review, find, and write race reviews!

I am always looking for products to help with my recovery and nutrition. Enter Science in Sport (SiS) Immune Tablets. I am a huge SiS fan (their gels got me through marathon training!), so when I was given the opportunity to try these tablets I was all in.

Research shows that intense workouts can stress your immune system – our immune system is potentially suppressed for up to 72 hours after a workout. This can lead to higher occurrences of a variety of illnesses, including upper respiratory issues. All the more reason to give your body proper time to recover and to refuel following a run or workout.

5 Benefits of SiS Immune Tablets

  • Contains 200mg of Vitamin C and 2.5mg of Iron – both help your body to maintain the normal function of your immune system during and after intense workouts
  • Also contains key electrolytes so SiS Immune supports your immune system while also aiding your hydration — a double win
  • Just 9 calories/serving, vegan-friendly, and Dairy/Gluten/Wheat/Nut Free
  • Refreshing, light orange taste
  • Quick and easy to use – just 1 tablet a day and you’re good to go

Of course, this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, but they do bring some goodness to the table…and every little bit helps, right? 

In short, the Immune Tablets are another win from SiS!

Sharing 5 things I love about @ScienceinSport Immune Tablets #bibravepro #sisbr #bibchat #immunitysupport Share on X

Want to try out these tablets for yourself? Visit the Science in Sport website and use code SiS-BibRave-21 to save 15% off your order. Don’t delay – this discount code expires at the end of May! Added bonus: this discount works with all other promotions too!

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!
Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to show your hosts some love and visit some of the other bloggers in the link-up. Who’s ready for some fun?

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