Weekly Run Down – Thankful

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. It was so nice to have this week off from work, to have my college boy home for a few days, and to spend time hanging (and eating!) with family. My heart is full and I am thankful.

As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down link-up so here’s a quick look at my week in workouts.

Weekly Run Down – Thankful

Monday — Strength for Runners, Core, Peloton Low-Impact Ride & Stretch. The Strength for Runners classes have become some of my favorite classes on the Peloton app – so much single-leg work.

Tuesday — 3.3-mile run & Core. Despite the wind, this run felt really good – was it the switch to 5:1 intervals? was it the new shoes?

Trying out the Brooks Ghost

Wednesday – 2.5-mile walk & PT exercises.

Thursday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. Thankful to virtually trot with these ladies!

Thanks to Kim for the collage!

Friday — 1-mile walk otherwise rest. This was a super lazy hangout day, but I did get 1 mile in for Day 2 of the #FFHolidayChallenge of 30 mins of movement a day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.

Saturday — 4.2-mile run, Core & Stretch. The wind was just rude and made this run feel really challenging.

Sunday — 3-mile walk & Yoga.

In case you missed it:

Black Friday Runfessions

How was your week? Have you been battling the wind on your runs?


Black Friday Runfessions

Does anyone else feel like Thanksgiving kind of snuck up on them? In general, I feel like the fall has gone by in a blink, but these last few weeks have been a blur.

Now it’s the last Friday of the month which means Marcia has opened the runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get started.

Black Friday Runfessions

I’m sure that I have runfess this before, but I am not a fan of Black Friday mania. While I love a good deal, I want no part of the frenzied shopping in crowded stores – especially these days. Thanks but no thanks – I’ll stick to shopping from my couch.

And, speaking of shopping, I runfess that I’m am struggling with gift ideas for my teenage sons. Honestly, they have what they want, except for the ridiculously elusive Xbox Series X which is sold out everywhere and has been for months.

While I am usually an early morning runner, I runfess that I have been fully embracing the midday run lately thanks in large part to the weather. We’ve had a string of unseasonably warm afternoons that have been too tempting to pass up (<30 in the mornings vs. upper 50s and 60s in the afternoon). Mother Nature is starting to make it clear that this weather trend is coming to an end, but it was fun while it lasted.

What are you run-fessing? Do you shop Black Friday sales?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Running into Thanksgiving Week

Happy Sunday!

That sound you hear is me exhaling after a very busy week. With a staycation on the horizon, I knew work this work would be extra crazy, but then throw in my youngest son home sick for a couple of days, parent-teacher zoom conferences, and life in general, and yeah I’m ready for some downtime. On the workout front, this was definitely a “do what you can, when you can” type of week, here’s how things played out.

Weekly Run Down – Running into Thanksgiving Week

Monday — Upper body strength and core courtesy of raking the never-ending collection of leaves in my yard. I woke up feeling sluggish so I opted to pass on an early morning workout. Nothing like old-school yardwork to work the arms, shoulders, and back.

Tuesday — Peloton Ride, Lower Body Strength, Core & Stretch. Robin’s live DJ ride offered a fun playlist.

Wednesday — 3.1-mile run & Stretch. Everything about this run felt hard…no particular reason why. As I posted on Instagram, some days you are the windshield, and some days you are the bug – this was a bug run.

Thursday — Rest Day. My schedule was cray cray, and I kept pushing my workout later and later, and eventually just waved the white flag.

Friday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Wrapped up work early and took advantage of the mild mid-afternoon temps – this run was a nice bounceback after Wednesday’s rough run.

Saturday — 4.25-mile run, Core, and a couple of hours of yard clean-up/leaf-raking.

Sunday — 2-mile walk, Core, & Yoga. I woke up feeling every bit of yesterday’s rolling hills run and the yardwork, but a little movement always helps.

For the week ahead, I am so looking forward to having time off from work, to the college boy coming home, and to enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with family.

What have you got planned for Thanksgiving Week?

In case you missed it:

Fit Five Friday – National Running Safety Month

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down link-up.


Fit Five Friday – National Running Safety Month

This post was originally published on November 7, 2014, and updated on November 19, 2021, and contains affiliate links.

November is National Running Safety Month. While I’ve previously shared some running safety tips in the past, with the recent end of Daylight Saving Time, I thought some of these tips were worth re-visiting.

Fit Five Friday – Five Tips for Runner Safety

Light It Up — It may seem so obvious and yet I continue to see runners pre-dawn (and well after dusk) running with absolutely no lights or reflective gear on. The little reflective strip on your running shoes is not enough  – lighted or reflective vests, armbands, and the like are a must. I’m a big fan of my Noxgear vest. Carrying lights or wearing a headlamp also makes you visible, with the added bonus of lighting your path as you run.

Find a Buddy — There’s always safety in numbers. Find a running buddy or try running with your dog.

Tune In — As much as I enjoy running with music, I think it’s so much more important to be completely tuned in to your surroundings, especially when it’s dark. If “running naked” is not an option for you, then run with just one earbud in and keep the volume low, or wear try open-ear headphones, like AfterShokz.

Carry your Phone & ID — If you run alone, bring your phone. Hopefully, you won’t need it, but it’s always better to have it. Also, be sure to have identification on hand. I never head out without my Road ID! In the event of an emergency, an ID could be your most important piece of gear.

Share Your Route — Always make sure someone knows your route, when you’re leaving and when you expect to be back. I have a handful of favorite routes and my husband knows them as well as I do. Also, consider using a tracking app like Garmin’s LiveTrack or Life 360.

**Bonus tip: Try to vary your route and time — I know this one can be hard, especially if you’ve got to get your run in before work or the kids get up, but be careful not to follow such a pattern of behavior that someone can pick up on your schedule.

 How do you stay safe on a run? What’s your best safety tip?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Just Rolling Along

These November days seem to be just rolling along – hard to believe we’re halfway through the month already. It was a fairly uneventful week as far as the workouts went…and sometimes, uneventful is a good thing. Here’s how the week played out:

Weekly Run Down – Week 45

Monday — 1-mile walk, Lower body strength, Core & Stretch

Tuesday — 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch. When I saw the forecast for the day, I opted to push my run to later in the day. 72 degrees and a midday 5K – yes, please!

Wednesday — Rest day. I woke up feeling a little off and it just didn’t get better as the day went on. Add in an extra busy workday and a rest day it was.

Thursday — 3.1-mile run & PT Exercises. While I was up before the sun, a quick peek at my weather app showed another beautiful afternoon on tap, and with my schedule light on Zoom calls, I knew I could make another midday run happen. The weather was perfection and so was the view!

Friday — 30 min Peloton ride, Core & Stretch. Crazy wind and rain had me take my workout indoors, so I stacked a couple of Peloton’s new scenic rides for a change of pace and enjoyed rides through Tuscany & Tempe.

Saturday — 3.5-mile run and PT exercises. The weather app said it was mid-30s, but it felt much warmer.

Sunday — Presently lingering over coffee, but will head out soon for a 4-mile walk and then most likely a Peloton ride later.

Reconnecting with Coach Marc

Running continues to feel good and I’m enjoying this slow and easy base-building. I recently reconnected with Coach Marc as I start to mull over possible race plans for 2022. I really enjoy working with Marc and remain hopeful that road races will continue to trend towards “normal” next year.

And, speaking of Coach Marc, I want to give a big shoutout to him for his upcoming 100-mile fundraising run on November 26! He’ll be attempting to run 100 miles in 24 hours to raise funds for WholeSchool Mindfulness, a nonprofit he co-founded a couple of years ago that is focused on mindfulness in schools to positively impact the mental health of all members of a school community. Such a great mission – I encourage you to check out the work they’re doing.

In case you missed it:

Five Lessons from My Sugar Detox

I’m linking up with Kim and the birthday girl Deborah for the Weekly Run Down link-up.


Five Lessons from My Sugar Detox

Welcome to another edition of the Fit Five Friday link-up hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and me!

As many of you know I finished my first ever sugar detox on Halloween (of all days!). While I definitely found it to be a little challenging over the first couple of days, overall it was a really good experience. Today I want to share a few things I learned along the way.

Five Lessons from My Sugar Detox

Sugar, sugar everywhere! — When I shared my reasons for wanting to try a sugar detox, this was at the top of my list. While I consider myself to follow a fairly healthy diet, it was truly eye-opening to discover just how much added sugar was in a lot of my favorite foods. I have now become a ruthless label reader.

Importance of protein — Focusing on my protein intake especially at breakfast and lunch really helped me to keep my energy level steady throughout the day. I struggled the first couple of days with this, but as I focused more on protein-packed meals and snacks, my energy level improved significantly.

Meal planning is a must — I cannot stress enough how incredibly important meal planning is when taking on a sugar detox. When you can’t default to your usual standbys, you must learn to get creative. It was helpful to not only plan meals, but snacks as well. The added bonus was I discovered a number of new recipes that I will continue to make.

Focus on the “cans”, not the “cannots” — Going into a detox like this, mindset is everything! If you spend the whole time focusing on what you can’t eat, getting through a detox like this will be a long haul.

Tastebuds will adjust — When I started my 2-week break, one of my concerns was getting through my morning coffee. I’m not gonna lie, that first cup (or 3) definitely took some getting used to. But fast-forward to the last day of the detox, we were facing the long drive home from visiting our college boy and after having a cup of less than stellar coffee at the diner where we had breakfast, I wanted a “good coffee” before we got on the road. We swung through Dunkin and I grabbed my usual “regular” coffee and I was so surprised at just how sweet it tasted! I ended up drinking only half of it.

I’m really glad I gave this break from sugar a try! I finished the 2 weeks feeling really good and with a lot more insight into how my body responds to certain foods.

And, while I haven’t been as strict in what I consume since the detox ended (hello wine!), I am much more mindful of my daily consumption. My husband J, who was a great sport and joined me on this 14-day venture, and I have talked about doing another detox following the holidays.

Have you done a sugar detox? What did you learn? And, if not, what do you think you’d miss eating the most?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please be sure to link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Week 44 – Hello November

I’m back from our road trip. We saw family members we haven’t seen in ages so it was nice to catch up, despite the circumstances that brought us together. After all of the driving to and from upstate New York both this weekend and last weekend, I’m looking forward to not being back on the road for a while.

I have the NYC Marathon on the DVR and have managed to avoid any coverage on the socials, so before I plant myself on the couch, here is a quick look at how the first week in November fitness played out.

Weekly Run Down – Week 44

Monday – Hello November! 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch

Start of a new day, new week, new month.

Tuesday – 2-mile walk & Core

Wednesday – Lower Body Strength, Core, Peloton Ride, & Stretch. This was a great stack that I definitely plan to repeat!

Thursday – 3-mile run followed by a sports massage!

Friday – 2-mile walk, Core & PT exercises

Saturday – 3-mile run. After 7 hours in the car on Friday, this run felt so good. Our hotel was just a short drive to Lock 32 State Canal Park, so it was a brisk (27 degrees!) run along the Erie Canal.

Sunday – Another long car ride…there may be yoga later, but I may just become one with my couch.

November Goals

The mini-goals I set for the post-race weeks in October worked so well that I’m putting them on repeat for November (minus the 2-week sugar detox!). My hip continues to feel really good so why mess with a good thing, right?

There were so many races this weekend – congrats to all of the runners, including Weekly Run Down link-up hosts Kim and Deborah.


November Coffee Talk

It’s that time again for a little catch-up over coffee with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. And, of course, it’s Friday so that means another Fit Five Friday link-up! So grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.

November Coffee Talk

Over coffee, I would share the somber news that my mother-in-law passed away last week. Her health had been in decline since her stroke six years ago, so on many levels, her passing brings some peace. The funeral is this weekend so we’ll be heading to upstate New York later today.

On a much lighter note, over coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I visited my son at college last weekend for Parents’ Weekend. It was so good to see him and we had a great time! And now I count down the days until he’s home for Thanksgiving 😉

And speaking of Thanksgiving, over coffee I would ask if you are as annoyed as I am by how this holiday gets short-changed? I have already spied some Christmas decorations on houses during my runs and don’t even get me started on the retailers!

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m excited about a potential new career opportunity on the horizon. I’m also crazy nervous about all this new position might entail. Keeping my fingers crossed that I can share more about the opportunity soon.

What would you tell me over coffee? Have you seen Christmas lights and decorations out yet?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related link, link back to your hosts, and please share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Spooky Runfessions

It’s Friday and I’m so excited to be leaving today for parents’ weekend to visit my college boy! But before I pack up I’m making a stop at the Runfessional with Marcia.

It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by Darlene, Renee, Jenn, Zenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get started.

Spooky Runfessions

Since we’ll be traveling this weekend to visit my oldest we will basically be missing Halloween festivities. I runfess that I’m not upset about this! While I do enjoy handing out candy to little ones in their costumes, I’m not really much of a Halloween fan. There…I said it. Scary movies, blood and gore, haunted houses? Just not my favorite thing.

This weekend also marks the last couple of days of my 14-day sugar detox. The first week certainly had some ups and downs, but I really feel like I hit a groove by Saturday, and this week things have felt pretty smooth. Having said that I runfess that I cannot wait to put a little sugar in my morning coffee again! That is one thing I truly miss…that and a nice glass of wine 😉

Are you a fan of Halloween?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related link (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!), link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers! Please don’t just drop a link.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


A full moon kind of week

Is it just me or was this quite the week?! Everything felt just a little…off? I’m going to chalk it up to the full moon… or perhaps the effects of my sugar detox (more on that in a minute). First, here’s how the week’s workouts played out.

Full moon spotted on Thursday morning’s walk.

Weekly Run Down – Week 42

Monday — Lower Body Strength, Core, Peloton ride & Stretch. Out of curiosity, I tried one of the Barre classes on the Peloton app as part of my strength workout. I did not love it. Thankfully, I picked a short class.

Tuesday — Day 2 of the sugar detox and I hit the sugar wall (at least that’s what I’m calling it)! Felt really sluggish and had a withdrawal headache. This combine with a cray cray workday that left me spent…I took a rest day.

Wednesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Mother Nature finally hit the switch on the fall weather, my energy level bounced back, and I couldn’t have been happier!

Thursday — 2.5-mile walk & PT exercises. Another nutty workday so I was super grateful to have a sports massage scheduled at the end of the day.

Friday — 1-mile walk, Full Body Strength & Stretch.

Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. More 50-degree perfection and this run felt so good!

Sunday — 3.5-mile walk, PT exercises, & Yoga.

Just 2 runs this week and felt great on both. Slow and steady progress!

Sugar Detox Week 1 Done.

Going into the sugar detox I had been warned of possible withdrawal side effects — headaches, sluggishness/low energy, muscle aches — check, check, and check. I definitely rode the roller coaster of these effects with Tuesday being the worst of it.  My energy level kind of ebbed and flowed so I let how I felt dictate whether I walked or ran. By Saturday I woke up with some pep in my step and that’s carried over to this morning as well. Week 2 of the detox is on deck.

In case you missed it:

Five things to consider before applying to be a brand ambassador

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down link-up.
