My Ode to Long Runs

(Editor’s note: This post was originally published in August 2012.)

Long Runs…

….at times, a confidence booster,
and other times… ego crusher

….show you how far you’ve come,
or how much farther you need to go

….a chance for mental cleansing,
or a time for “chatter brain” to be unleashed

….time to connect with running buddies,
or much needed “me” time

….done just as the sun is rising,
or chasing the sun to bed

….allow you to shed all the roles you wear in life,
except for one….runner.

Which do you prefer, short or long runs?

I’m linking up with Kim and Zenaida for Tuesday Topics.


March 2022 Goals

I love the start of a new month – so full of new possibilities. As most of you know, I always like to set a couple of goals for the month – it helps to keep me on track. But first, here’s a quick recap of this week’s workouts.

Week 9 – Setting Goals for March

Monday — Full Body Strength, Core & Stretch. Jess did not mess around with this workout and her Mary J. Blige playlist was on point.

Tuesday — 1.5-mile walk & Yoga. Once again I stacked a few of Peloton’s 10 min. Focus Flow classes concentrating on hips and hamstrings.
Wednesday — 3.2-mile run, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. So much black ice! I managed to stay upright so that was a win!

Thursday –– 4-mile run. It was a bit warmer and there was much less black ice to contend with. I finished the workday with a much-needed sports massage.

Friday — 2-mile walk & Core. I had planned a Peloton ride, but another poor night of sleep (it was a theme all week!) left me dragging, and it just never happened. The midday walk and core was a nice break in the day.
Saturday — 4-mile run, Core & Stretch. I opted to sleep in and run around noon. It was a good call – the temperature was 20 degrees warmer.

Sunday — 3-mile run & Stretch. 4th day of running this week!

March Goals

As I noted, today was the first time I’ve run 4 times in a week in quite a while. Shifting to 4 runs/week had been one of my February goals, but a combination of scheduling & feeling various aches kept this from happening.  So this will now be among my March goals:

  • Lay the foundation for half marathon training — 4 days/week of running and extend my “long run” to 8 miles by the month’s end.
  • Opt outside daily — The goal is to run all of my runs outdoors and on my off days to head out for a walk. With just 14 more days until Spring, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate (i.e., no more snow/ice storms!)
  • Make sleep a priority — My sleeping was so poor this past month so I’m going to focus on what I can to set myself up for success. That means stepping away from both my laptop and phone earlier in the evening, adding in a stretch or yoga class before bed, and being consistent with my end-of-day meditation.

What have you got planned for March? Any races? Starting training?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


March Coffee Date

It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday! We’re also rolling into the first weekend of the month which means Coco and Deborah are hosting the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’ve got my mug of coffee, so let’s chat a little.

Over coffee, I would tell you that today marks the completion of 6 weeks in the new job. The weeks are just flying by! I’m really enjoying it and feeling more settled in and into the groove of things every day.

Over coffee, I would also tell you that as I get ready to spend a couple of days a week in the office I definitely need to update my wardrobe – translation I’ve been working at home for a long time and live in athleisure wear. I’m considering trying out one of those subscription services because while I don’t mind shopping, that’s not really how I want to spend my free time.

Over coffee, I’d tell you that I’m having a hard time with the fact that my youngest son has his first meeting scheduled with his school’s college counseling office. What the what?! He’s a sophomore and I’m not even sort of ready to think about him leaving for college!

I may have shared this meme before but it’s so spot on!

OK, your turn, what would you tell me over coffee? Have you tried a shopping subscription service – any suggestions?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Running Down February

For as long and drawn out as January felt, February has been just the opposite! This was definitely a week with all the seasons as we started out with a taste of Spring and finished with inches of snow on the ground.

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s how Week 8 played out:

As seen on Monday’s run

Week 8 – Running Down February

Monday — 5K & Stretch. Mondays are usually a strength day, but hello, 55 degrees! The weather (as you can see from the photo above) was just a gift.
Tuesday — Flash 15 Full-Body Strength, Core, Glutes & Legs, & Stretch.
Wednesday — Another 5K, Core & Stretch. Long sleeves and shorts weather again!

Thursday — Yoga. I woke up feeling oh so creaky so I stacked 3 10 min Peloton yoga classes focusing on hips, hamstrings, and core.
Friday — A Tribe Called Quest Ride, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. I love a Tribe Called Quest’s music and Robin put together a great playlist for this ride!
Saturday — 5 miles, Core & Stretch. After Friday’s snow & ice storm, the roads were in pretty dicey conditions so I made my longest mill run in quite a while. I stacked a couple of Peloton runs to help pass the time, including Chase’s A Tribe Called Quest Run. I took a page from Kim’s book, and celebrated with a little cryotherapy post-run 😉

Sunday — Debating between a run or a ride. I did not sleep well at all and I am seriously dragging this morning so the question of whether I get my 4th run of the week done or opt for the bike is up in the air.

As I roll into March, I’m still figuring out my goals for the month. The week ahead should be fairly busy and the forecast shows that Mother N will be playing nice. As I mentioned in my runfessions, I’m so over wearing all the layers! But with things at work getting busier, I’m going to have less flexibility to chase the warmer temps. I just need Spring to get here!

How was your week? Enjoying any spring-like weather? Any races on the horizon?


Runfessions for February

Hello Friday! This week flew by in a blink…the beauty of having a 4-day workweek. It’s time for another edition of Fit Five Friday, and, since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia to share some Runfessions.

Runfessions for February

Weather Chaser
Well, of course, I have some weather-related runfessions. Mother Nature has zigged and zagged all month, refusing to stay in one lane. We’ve had everything from a blizzard, to an ice storm, to temps in the 50s and even 60s! I runfess that I have been juggling my run schedule as much as possible to chase the mild weather, swapping not only which days I run, but the time of day as well – basically, doing what I can to keep my mill runs to a minimum.

After enjoying this last taste of spring this week, I runfess that I’m just so over wearing all the layers!

Midday Escape
While I am usually in the “get up early and get it done” camp, I runfess that thanks to my weather chasing, I have really come to enjoy my recent stint of lunchtime running. A “runch” has been a great escape from too much screen time. With things getting busier at the new job and the upcoming shift to a hybrid work schedule, I know my runch days are numbered, but it’s been fun while it lasted.

Running Bra Woes
I recently received some great new gear from Brooks as part of the Run Happy Team welcome kit, including a Dare Crossback Sports Bra. I love the new bra but I runfess it also made me realize that I cannot remember the last time I bought a new running bra – seriously, it’s been quite a while. I’ve got some shopping to do!

Any runfessions to share?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Week 7 – More of the Same

This week was had a bit of a “wash, rinse, repeat” feel as Mother Nature continued to keep us guessing on the weather. I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s a peek at this week’s workouts:

a view of the moon from Thursday’s run

Week 7 – More of the Same

Monday — Lower Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Tuesday — Yoga.
Wednesday — 3.1-mile run, Core & Stretch. The weather pendulum swung back towards milder temps and I was happy to test out some of my new gear provided to the Brooks Team with a midday 5K.

I loved the new gear – especially the Brooks Levitate shoes!

Thursday — 3-mile run & Stretch. With a rare commute to the office on the schedule, I knew I needed to get my workout in early. Mother Nature gifted us with 47 degrees before sunrise – catching the full moon was an added bonus!
Friday — Upper Body Strength, Boxing, Core & Stretch.
Saturday — 4-mile run & Stretch. Back to wearing all the layers, but on the plus side, I had the park mostly to myself!

Sunday — Snow squalls and falling temps overnight left everything heavily glazed this morning so I’m lingering over coffee and easing into my day. I haven’t been on my bike all week and there are many classes I have bookmarked so I’ll be jumping on for a ride soon – currently I can’t decide between Tunde’s Mary J Blige ride or Denis’ BHM Fresh Friday ride.

Overall a decent week. Nothing wildly out of the ordinary – whatever discomfort I was feeling in my hip flexor last week seems to have subsided and running continues to feel good. I’m still trying to navigate the new job schedule, so the timing of when I work out has been a little all over the place, but I’m getting it done, and that’s what counts.

Based on the forecast for the week ahead, it looks like there will be more weather flip-flopping to contend with….but there’s also more daylight happening so that’s a plus. I have Monday off for the Presidents’ Day holiday so I’ll be taking full advantage of the predicted 50-degree weather!

In case you missed it:

Is it time for new running shoes?

What are you looking forward to? Any signs of Spring yet?


Is it time for new running shoes?

Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of Fit Five Friday with My First 5K and More, Run Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, Zenaida, and yours truly!

Today’s post is inspired by a recent exchange with my husband who’s been complaining lately about calf pain after each run. When I asked how long had he been running in those shoes and received a somewhat blank look in response, I reminded him that running in shoes past their prime could cause discomfort and lead to injuries.

While I’m always game for a new pair of running shoes, the general “rule” is to replace them every 300 – 400 miles. That mileage range depends on several factors including the terrain you run on, your running style, and weight. Consider these 5 signs that it might be time for new running shoes.

Fit Five Friday – Is it time for new running shoes?

Appearance Matters — This one may seem obvious but if your shoes look like they have seen better days, it may be time to retire them. Don’t just pay attention to the wear of the tread, also look at the wear and tear (literally!) on the uppers, especially at the seams and the collar of the shoes. Did you know that creasing along the outer midsole is a sign of compressed cushioning?

High Mileage — So even if you don’t track your mileage, if you pay attention to the date you purchase your shoes, you can come up with a rough estimate of how miles you’ve logged on those shoes. It’s also important to bear in mind that not all miles are created equal – the surface you run on matters. Treadmill runners can probably go to the higher end of the mileage range vs. road and trail runners.

Too Many Activities — Do you use just one pair for all activities (road running, trail running, cross-training, and walking)? There is something to be said for using your shoes for their intended activity – i.e., use your running shoes just for running. And, if you run on both roads and trails, be sure to have appropriate shoes for each surface. Your run shoes will break down faster if they never get a break because the midsole foam never gets a chance to bounce back (typically it takes a day for the foam to recover). So if you’re a run streaker, you’d be better served to have a couple of pairs of shoes in rotation.

Experiencing Pain — The age of your shoes may not be the cause of your discomfort but it’s definitely something to consider. If you’re feeling joint pain (hello knees and hips!), pain in your feet, or significant muscle fatigue, it may be time to start shopping for a new pair.

Blistering — Blisters come from ill-fitting shoes. If you are experiencing blisters when you didn’t before, it may be a sign that your shoes are losing their shape.

Is it time for new running shoes? Five things to consider. #FitFiveFriday #bibchat #runchat #runningshoes Share on X

Do you track the mileage on your running shoes? How do you decide when to retire your shoes?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related post, link back to your hosts, and please share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Week 6 – Weather Whiplash in Full Effect

After dealing with frigid temps and an ice storm last week, this week we had a “heatwave” as the thermometer showed temps in the 50s! Of course this morning we woke up to snow falling once again. Honestly, Mother Nature just pick a lane, LOL.

My hip flexor got a little cranky this week, so I dialed back on the running, and even took a full rest day. Here’s a quick look at how things played out.

Week 6 – Weather Whiplash in Full Effect

Monday — Flash 15 full-body strength, Shadow Boxing, Core & Stretch
Tuesday — Peloton Ride, Core & Stretch
Wednesday — 3.1-mile run & Stretch. The weather was just picture perfect, and with a very full schedule of Zoom calls, this midday run was just what I needed!

Thursday – Rest day. I was surprised to wake up feeling sore all over – my right hip flexor was especially unhappy. So rest day it was.
Friday – 1.3-mile walk & Yoga. While I had planned to do my Thursday run, the flexor gave me pause.
Saturday — 4.1-mile run, Core & Stretch
Sunday — On the plan, Peloton Ride, Stretch…and shoveling!

While Saturday’s hilly route definitely challenged my flexor, all is quiet today. Hopefully, things will stay that way as I’d like to start adding in a 4th run day in the upcoming week. I’m also looking forward to diving into Marcia’s Let’s Run Toward Spring Challenge, which starts on Monday.

In case you missed it:

Five Races I Hope to Run in 2022

Tell me about your week. Is anyone else dealing with weather whiplash?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Five Races I Hope to Run in 2022

As more and more things open up, I continue to be cautiously optimistic. And, in that spirit, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some races I hope to put on my calendar for 2022.

Five Races for 2022

Boston’s Run to Remember (May) — This half marathon is a sentimental favorite as it was my first! I’ve run this race 5 times (3 times for the half and twice for the 5-mile option), and it never disappoints. I was registered for the 2021 race but they had to postpone so my registration was transferred to this year.

B.A.A. 10K (June) — This is another Boston favorite as an out and back through Back Bay. The B.A.A. always delivers a great race! I’ve run this one 3 times before and the only thing that gives me pause is how crazy hot it can be in late June.  My brother and I usually tackle this one together so hopefully, I can convince him to get out there with me.

Philadelphia Distance Run (September) — This half marathon will be a new-to-me race. It’s a Brooks-sponsored race, and while members of the Run Happy Team are not required to run a Brooks race, I love the idea of supporting the brand, and this flat and fast course through Philly looks like a good one.

Ocean Road 10K (October) — A point-to-point course winding along the Rhode Island coastline. This race has a great vibe and fun medals!

OK, so for race number 5, I will admit that I’m undecided. I’d like to run a 15K or half marathon in November – but which one? I could stay local and run the BAA Half Marathon or the Harborside Half along Boston’s scenic North Shore. Or, I could travel a bit for Hot Chocolate Chicago 15K or the Richmond Half Marathon. After the past two years, I’m gun-shy to registering too far in advance so I’ve got time on making a decision.

Adding some races to my calendar! #RunHappyTeam #Bibchat #FitFiveFriday Share on X

What races are you planning to run this year? Any suggestions for a late fall race?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related post, link back to your hosts, and please share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Week 5 – February Freeze & Goals

February has rolled in and with it has come some very frigid weather. Ma Nature also thought it would be fun to serve up another storm, this time a mix of snow and ice, making getting outdoors a challenge. But of course, the workouts happened…here’s a quick peek at how the week played out.

Photo by Izzy Park on Unsplash

Week 5 – February Freeze

Monday — Full Body Strength & Core. I like starting the week with a solid strength workout and mixing in Jess’ Flash 15 classes has quickly become a Monday favorite. Robin’s Eminem 20-min core class was not for the faint of heart!

Tuesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch. Run, slip, slide & repeat. Road conditions were suspect in some spots but I managed to stay upright.

Wednesday — 1.5-mile walk & Yoga.
Thursday — 4-mile run & Stretch. “Feels like” temps in the low single digits had me on the treadmill.
Friday — Boxing, Upper Body Strength & Stretch. Ice/Snow storm outside so decided to mix up the workouts inside with one of Peloton’s new boxing classes. Rad’s Eminem class was fun and combined with some upper-body strength left with me with jelly arms.

Gloves not needed, but so fun!

Saturday — 4.3-mile run, Core & Stretch. With everything heavily glazed over, I reluctantly returned to the treadmill. I’m so glad Kim suggested the BHM Block Party live run. The energy between Andrian & Jess was great and even though I couldn’t see Kim on the Leaderboard it was fun knowing she was running too.

Sunday — Currently coffee, though the plan is a Peloton ride later.

February Goals

I’ve also set a couple of goals for the month:

  • Expand My Running Base — I’ll be shifting to 4 days/week of running and inching my “long run” to 6 miles.
  • Peloton’s Boxing Contender — Complete 90 minutes of boxing in 7 days.
  • Return to Food Prep — I fell off the food prep wagon around the holidays, so I’m long overdue to get back to this!

What have you got planned for February?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
