Running Books I Can’t Wait to Read

I love to read and when I can combine it with running, all the better! So for today’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing a few new running books I can’t wait to read!

Running Books I Can’t Wait to Read

This post contains affiliate links.

First up is Running while Black: Finding Freedom in a Sport That Wasn’t Built for Us by Alison Mariella Desir which hit the shelves just this week. Alison is the founder of Harlem Run and Run 4 All Women, which supports women’s reproductive rights, in addition to being a co-chair of the Running Industry Diversity Coalition. She’s driven to challenge the long-distance running industry to be more inclusive and I’m here for it!

Good for a Girl: A Woman Running in a Man’s World by Lauren Fleshman is slated to release in January. Described as “part memoir, part manifesto” this book focuses on Fleshman’s journey to elite running status and the turn of events that led her to become a fierce advocate for female runners.

I’m a huge Des Linden fan so I’ll admit I’m especially looking forward to reading Choosing to Run: A Memoir. Her book is fittingly due out in April right around the time of the Boston Marathon. I can still so vividly remember watching her run and win in 2018 in absolutely brutal weather conditions and can’t wait to read more about what motivates her.

The Longest Race: Inside the Secret World of Abuse, Doping, Deception on Nike’s Elite Running Team by Kara Goucher is due out in March. This promises to be an unvarnished look at Coach Alberto Salazar and the scandal around the Nike Oregon Project. Kara has also become a strong advocate for female runners and was a key witness in helping to get Salazar banned from Olympic-level coaching.

Which book are you looking forward to reading?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please remember to link back to your hosts and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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3 Weeks and Counting

This was one of those weeks where I felt like I was juggling all the things — work has been off the chain (good stuff, just need more hours in the day!); my hubby and I celebrated our 30th anniversary, my college boy came home for a long weekend (his college had a mid-semester break), and it was homecoming for my high schooler. All good stuff – no complaints!

However, in the midst of all this, I tried to focus on keeping my hip flexor happy and my November race plans alive.

Caught the sun just starting to rise at the end of Thursday’s run

Week 41 – 3 Weeks and Counting

Monday — 2-mile walk & lots of stretching.
Tuesday — Rest day.
Wednesday — 3-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Yoga.
Thursday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch.
Friday — Hip mobility work, Core & Yoga.
Saturday — 4-mile run & Stretch. It was fun having my husband join me on the road as he’s gearing up to run for the Philly 8K!
Sunday — 6-mile run, Core & Stretch. I had hoped for 8 but my hip flexor was not happy, and when my gait started to get wonky around the 5-mile mark I didn’t see any benefit in pushing it.

Sadly my right hip flexor has grown increasingly crankier since last week’s 8 miler. I paid a visit to my acupuncturist – we agreed that I may have downshifted on appointments a little too soon into my treatment (it had been a couple of weeks since I’d last seen her). Needless to say, I booked another appointment for the upcoming week.

There are 3 weeks until the Western MA 10M and I’m feeling fairly confident that I will be able to run it. Where I’m less confident is the thought of the Philly half just two weeks later. It may be time to think about dropping down to the 8K. I’ll see how this week goes…

Tell me, how was your week? 

As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.


Embracing Fall

Well, it’s been a couple of weeks since I last checked in for the Weekly Run Down link-up – thanks to Kim and Deborah for hosting! Fall running weather is here in full effect and I’m embracing every moment of it! Here’s how this week played out…

Week 40 — Embracing Fall

Monday — Yoga. I woke up feeling extra creaky following a fun Parents Weekend so I skipped my planned strength workout for a couple of Peloton yoga classes.

Tuesday — 1.5 mile walk otherwise rest day. Tuesdays are my “in office” days so with the early commute and long work day I’ve just given in to making Tuesdays a rest day.

Wednesday Upper Body Strength & Core.

Thursday — 3 miles & Stretch. I wasn’t paying attention when I headed out for my run and missed how low the battery was on my phone. Does the run still count if you don’t have photo documentation?! LOL

Friday — 3.3 miles, Core & Stretch. Just to keep us on our toes, Ma Nature decided to throw in a day in the upper 70s so it was back to tank and shorts weather.  I was able to slip out for a runch – a great way to shift into long weekend mode!

Saturday — Full Body Strength. Sometimes I forget how challenging bodyweight workouts can be. I focused mostly on my upper body to save my legs for Sunday’s long run.

Sunday — 8 miles & Stretch. It’s been more than a minute since I’ve hit this distance. I’ll get no style points for the last 2 miles thanks to my hip flexor but overall was happy with the run.

I’m heading back to the acupuncturist tomorrow. The hip flexor has been fairly quiet over the past couple of weeks since I last saw her, but given the crankiness towards the end of today’s run, I’m glad I had an appointment already scheduled.

How was your week? Are you embracing the fall weather?


October Coffee Chat

Hello Friday! This was one of those weeks where I was having a hard time keeping track of what day it was – basically I was ready for Friday by the end of the day Tuesday, ha!

But now, it IS Friday and time for another edition of Fit Five Friday – and what better way to kick off the long weekend than with a little coffee catch-up with friends? I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug, and let’s chat!

October Coffee Chat

Over coffee, I would tell you how fun it was to visit my son last weekend for Parents Weekend. We hit the football game with a food truck tailgate on Saturday and a big riverside family picnic on Sunday. In between, we checked out some of the local restaurants for some great meals, took him shopping, and soaked all the goodness of campus life. He seems happy and settled in so, of course, that makes me one happy mama 🙂

Over coffee, I would tell you that my husband and I are celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary next week. 30 years?! That number just sounds crazy to me. Since we’ve got our Sonoma getaway planned for next month, we’ll probably just go out for a nice dinner.

Over coffee, I would tell you that I’m on a mad hunt for a dress for my company’s big fundraising gala that’s coming up at the end of the month. The event is being held in an upscale nightclub and I need the right vibe, but so far no luck.

Over coffee, I’d ask you for suggestions for Halloween costumes for my husband and me. We’ve been invited to a party later this month so the clock is ticking to come up with costumes…and so far, I’ve got nothing.

What would you tell me over coffee? Any big plans for this month? 

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related link (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!), link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Mistaken Identity Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of the month, which means Marcia has opened the runfessional. It’s also time for another Fit Five Friday hosted by DarleneReneeJennZenaida, and yours truly, so let’s get to it!

Mistaken Identity Runfessions

I runfess that asking my husband to take pictures for me during my runs may become hazardous to his health!

Let me explain…Recently J came out to check on me during a run and offered to take a few action photos for the Gram. He set up a couple of blocks ahead and snapped some shots as I continued on my run. Well shortly after I passed him a woman in a car approaching from a side street started beeping at me. When I slowed down she yelled out the window – “He’s videotaping you!” – she looked both alarmed and angry! I quickly assured her that I was ok and that he was my husband. She was embarrassed, but I told her not to be – I appreciated that she was alert and willing to get involved.


I runfess that I keep teasing my husband that I’m going to have an “Insta Husband” t-shirt made for him so no one mistakes him for a creeper!

What are you run-fessing? Have you ever had a case of mistaken identity on a run?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Share your fitness-related posts (exercise, wellness, mental health, nutrition… the possibilities are endless!), be sure to link back to your hosts, and share the link love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Five Reasons to Start a Gratitude Journal

Did you know that Wednesday was World Gratitude Day? It got me thinking about the power of gratitude and the practice of keeping a gratitude journal.

While I’ve had a long-standing practice of noting 3 things I’m grateful for most evenings before bed, I’ve recently returned to keeping a physical gratitude journal. Since I think mental health is just as important as physical health, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing some reasons why you might want to consider starting a gratitude journal.

Five Reasons to Start a Gratitude Journal

Mood Boost — When we focus on the positive things in life, our brains release dopamine and serotonin – two chemicals linked with feelings of well-being.  An added benefit – when we experience feelings of gratitude, stress hormones are modulated, reducing anxiety and depression

Improves Overall Health — A 2003 study found that people who kept gratitude journals reported fewer health complaints, fewer symptoms of physical illness, and more time exercising (which also leads to the release of dopamine and serotonin).

Better Sleep — For those of you who have laid awake ruminating over the events of the day or worrying about what might be coming tomorrow, taking time before bed to write down a few things you’re grateful for has been shown to help set you up for a better night of sleep. Reflecting on the day and making note of the positive moments (however big or small) helps to shift your focus from your worries and clear your mind for a more restful sleep.

Increases Self Esteem — Through the practice of writing down gratitude for what you have, you’re less likely to compare yourself to others, or to view yourself as “less than” or “not enough”. It can help you to build mental resilience against the negative situations you encounter.

Space for Reflection — On those days when things are not going so well, a gratitude journal can be a space for reflection. Reading through your journal entries can help serve as a reminder to you that you have great people and things in your life – helping to reframe your mindset.

How do you practice gratitude?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Just Rolling With It.

Seriously how is it Sunday again? This week went by in a blur – I was crazy busy workwise but got a lot accomplished so I’m not complaining. Things are going to be pretty crazy until I get through a couple of big events in October so I’m just rolling with it.

Of course, working out provides some much-needed stress release. Here’s how this week played out.

Week 37 – Just Rolling With It

Monday — Flash 15 and 1.5-mile walk. These Peloton’s Flash 15 workouts are a great full-body strength workout, especially when you’re tight on time. I followed it up with a 1.5-mile power walk to keep my #OptOutside streak going. After work, I went for my 3rd acupuncture treatment for my TFL/quad.
Tuesday — 1.5-mile walk, otherwise rest.
Wednesday — 3.1-mile run, Core, & Stretch. Caught this beautiful start to the morning as I wrapped up my run.

Thursday — 2.4-mile walk & Yoga.
Friday — 3.2-mile run with strides & Stretch. Temps were in the upper 40s and this fall-loving runner was happy to break out the long sleeves!

Saturday — Upper Body Strength, Core & 2-mile walk
Sunday — 6 mile run & Stretch. I woke up feeling less than stellar so I was pleasantly surprised when everything just clicked on this run.

The acupuncturist was pleased with my reported progress of pain-free runs, so we’re going to hold off from another session this upcoming week and see how things feel. After a week off from lower body strength work, I’m going to try to re-introduce some short sessions this week.

League of Garmin

In other news, I’m happy to announce that I have been selected as a member of the League of Garmin. Always fun to rep a brand I’ve been running with since day 1!

In case you missed it

Five Things for This Fall

How was your week? Any signs of fall where you are?

As always, I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.


Five Things for This Fall

I make no secret that Fall is my favorite season and I could give you a long list of the things I love about it. But, for this week’s Fit Five Friday, I’m sharing 5 things I’m most looking forward to this season.

Five Things for This Fall

Fall Weather!
Yeah, ok maybe an obvious choice, but I am such a sweater, jeans, and boots kind of girl. And fall also means perfect running weather! It was in the upper 40s for my run this morning and I loved it!

Fall Races!
I have not one…but two races on the schedule for November. First up is the Western Mass 10M – 10 milers are my favorite distance so I’m really excited to be a part of this race’s inaugural year!

And then later in the month, I’ll be running the Philadelphia Half Marathon! I ran this race 10 years ago and had a blast (recap here). I’ve been wanting to go back for a while but could never get things to align in my schedule. For added fun, my hubby J has decided not only to travel with me but to run the 8K!

Parents Weekend!
I will fully admit that I am counting down the days until I can go visit my college boy. The schedule for the weekend’s festivities came out a few days ago and it looks like a pretty jam-packed, fun couple of days.

I shared over coffee a couple of weeks ago that our anniversary getaway is booked! I’ve got some big work events happening throughout October so a November vacation to wine country will be a perfect reward.

What are you looking forward to this fall?

Welcome to Fit Five Friday!

Join My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday! Please share the link-up love by visiting and commenting on your hosts and at least two other Fit Five Friday bloggers!

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Week 36 – Back to School

This week felt long for so many reasons….

…there were long commutes to the office – the roads were extra crowded after the long weekend

… there was trying to settle into a new routine as my highschooler returned to school – navigating the drop-offs and pick-ups

…. and yes, there was the heartbreaking news of Eliza Fletcher – she was in my thoughts during each run this week.

As always, running and working out provided much-needed stress relief. Here’s how the week in workouts went down.

From Friday’s late-day miles

Week 36 – Back to School

Monday — 1.5 mile walk & Yoga. I woke up tired from a poor night of sleep – thankfully I had the day off for the holiday. It was rainy so it was a day of indoor projects.
Tuesday — 2-mile walk, otherwise rest. A l-o-n-g workday – I was happy to slip out of the office for a head-clearing walk.
Wednesday — Full Body Strength, 1-mile walk & Stretch. I stacked a couple of Peloton’s bodyweight strength classes and was reminded of how great of a workout you can get without weights! I popped out for a quick mile walk to keep my #OptOutside streak going.
Thursday — 3-mile tempo run, Core & Stretch.
Friday — 4-mile run & Stretch. This was a rare late-day run – we had a surprise party on Thursday night for our CEO who’s retiring soon. It was so much fun, but after dancing in heels, my legs needed a minute before they were ready to run.
Saturday — 2-mile walk with a friend & Upper Body Strength.
Sunday — 5-mile run & Stretch.

Work will continue to be off the chain this week, but I’m hoping to find more of a groove with the school schedule.

How was your week?

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!


Hello September

I know we’re not at the official end of summer yet, but there was a noticeable shift in the weather towards the end of the week just as September rolled in. While I will never be one to wish days away (time really does fly by far too fast), I’m not at all mad about inching closer to fall weather.

I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Here’s how the week in workouts played out.

Week 35 – Hello September

Monday – Peloton Bike, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch. The weekend of travel and college move-in finally caught up with me so I kept my #nevermissamonday streak going with a quick and easy workout. I also had my first appointment with my new acupuncturist!
Tuesday – 3-mile run & Stretch. The humidity was just stupid thick, but surprisingly the run wasn’t terrible.

Wednesday – Rest day
Thursday – 2.5-mile walk, Lower body strength, Core & Stretch. I stacked a couple of Glutes & Legs classes along with some core, and have to admit halfway through Daniel’s class I was questioning my choices LOL (It was challenging and I’ll definitely be repeating it!)

Friday – 4-mile run & Stretch. Yeah, I definitely felt yesterday’s workout – my legs did not want to move uphill. But it was a beautiful and cool morning (see the photo in the header) so that was a win! And, since I had the day off, I followed it up with another acupuncture appointment.
Saturday – 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength, Core & Stretch.
Sunday – 5-mile run and lots of foam rolling.

September Goal Setting

Of the 5 goals I had set for August, the one I came up short on was building up to 8-mile long runs. I didn’t run longer than 4, because August was oh so August weather-wise. Sorry, not sorry. Thankfully with no races until November there’s more than enough time to stretch these runs.

So for September, the goals are short and simple:

  • Build my long runs to 8 miles
  • Complete a 30-day #OptOutside streak
  • Continue my daily stretch/foam rolling

How was your week? Any goals for September?
