Final week in the books

Finished my last run of the C25K program. I wish I could say it was a great run but let’s just say humidity, hills and an angry stomach made for a very l-o-n-g three miles! Note to self — choose what you eat the night before a run wisely!

On the good side, there’s been no knee pain at all this week. I’m feeling fairly confident that since they’ve held up on the hills this week they should feel fine on the flat course of the race.  Just one week to go till race day!


random observations from the road

Hit the road this morning to start the final week of the C25K program . It was an absolutely picture perfect morning and I actually turned my iPod off (gasp!) and just took in the run.

  • it is amazing how many drivers are busy doing something else other than looking at the road
  • every one should walk or run along the road once, it would make them more considerate when behind the wheel!
  • 6:30 am is too early for a young girl to be waiting by herself for a school bus
  • older men are far more courteous (read – say “good morning,” move aside on the sidewalk, etc.) than their younger counterparts
  • running through puddles is inevitable
  • there are too many hills in my town
  • do hills ever get easier?
  • love that I no longer feel so wiped out after a run!


Impossible is Nothing

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by
small men  who find it easier to live in the world
they’ve been given than to explore the power
they have to change it. 
Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. 
Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. 
Impossible is potential. 
Impossible is temporary. 
Impossible is nothing.”
                                                              Muhammad Ali
A big shout out to Paige at Two Runners and A Brown Dog for sharing this quote on her blog a while back. It resonated with me immediately!

Have a great Monday!


Another first – a rain run

I am seriously what you could call a “fair weather” runner and have used the weather as my excuse for why I couldn’t run. “It’s too cold,” “It’s too hot”…or (the most often used) “It’s raining!” That is until this morning. I had planned to run at 6 but woke to the sound of steady rain which easily justified me rolling over to go back to sleep. I clung to my pillow for as long as possible until Thing 1, Thing 2 and the dog made that impossible — time to escape the chaos and go run!

When I came downstairs to head out, my hubby informed me that according to’s hourly forecast I had a break before the next showers were to begin. Sounded good to me so out the door I went – but I decided at the last second to leave my iPod behind just in case I didn’t want it soaked.  Well… let’s just say Mother Nature has a sense of humor cause I was no more than 2 minutes into my run when the rain started again. As I hit my first hill, it was now a steady rain and I was quickly getting soaked. But instead of turning for home, as I might have done in the past, I decided to just embrace it. Besides I kept telling myself, you can’t control the weather the day of the race so you might as well see what you can do in the rain! Without my iPod (another first for me!), I just listened to the rain fall and my own breathing — it was very peaceful. And as I hit my second hill I was feeling oddly good, my pace was still steady and my left leg was cooperating. The rain subsided and the rest of the run felt good…I even managed to shave a little time off from my previous runs this week! And….drumroll please….I actually didn’t mind running in the rain!

So week 8 of C25K is in the books – final week coming up and still 2 weeks til race day!


Cross-training Mommy Style

So does playing soccer with my 4 yr-old while simultaneously playing football with my German Shepherd count towards my cross-training for this week? Or, given how much running back and forth across the yard I did with the dog, maybe I should count it as speedwork 🙂 The beauty of having kids and a dog is that you’re pretty much guaranteed to get a workout built into every day…maybe not always the one you planned, but a workout nonetheless! Tomorrow I’ll be back in the gym for a weights session with Trainer Mike – only three more training sessions scheduled so I plan to make the most of them!

Check out the new “Great Giveaways Going On” addition to the sidebar – there are some fun things going on in the blogosphere!


Monday’s Motivation

“You’ve got to get up every morning with motivation
if you’re gonna go to bed with satisfaction”
                                                      — Lomier
‘Nuf said in my book!Starting week 8 of C25K !! 2.75 mile runs, plus I’m adding weight training and pilates in between! 20 days until my first 5K race! Have a great week everyone!


Warning…I’m going caffeine free!

I’m getting ready to start the UltraSimple Diet on Sunday, and among other things I’m eliminating caffeine…a very BIG deal for me!  Seriously, I should have a sign around my neck warning people to approach me at their own risk!

I don’t really think the plan should be called a diet though (too many negatives associated with that word)!- it’s really a cleanse. Or, as Dr. Mark Hyman, the creator of the UltraSimple Diet, explains:

“I wrote The UltraSimple Diet because I wanted to give you an experience—one that would show you how much power you have to create illnesses or health and how much power your body has to heal itself when you stop eating foods that wreak havoc on your systems and start nourishing yourself with the real, whole foods your body was designed to eat.”

The UltraSimple Diet: Kick-Start Your Metabolism and Safely Lose Up to 10 Pounds in 7 DaysThis will be my second time doing the Diet – last time I lost 4 lbs, 1in off my waist and 1in off my hips. But the real payoff was in how I felt! I had great energy, slept soundly and generally felt terrific, while never feeling hungry! It was really interesting to see how my body responded without all the stuff (read processed foods, sugar, flour, alcohol and, yes…caffeine). Once I finished the week on the plan, I was feeling so good that I continued with the plan for another couple of weeks. Eventually I did start to miss some of my favorite foods (and coffee…and wine!) so I moved further and further away from the plan.

Of late I’ve started to feel like my eating habits have not been the best so I thought I’d do the Diet again to get back on track.  My husband’s going to do it with me again and a couple of our friends are going to try it too. I’m looking forward to how I’ll feel by mid-week. The first couple of days were hard for me last time, largely because of the coffee factor so I’ve tried to do a better job of tapering this week.  I also wasn’t running the last time I tried the Diet so I’m curious to see if there’s any effect there.

So here’s to a healthy week ahead!


It’s National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day!  The goal of this movement is to nationally promote running as a healthy, easy and accessible form of exercise for people of all ages. I especially like the fact that one of the stated missions on the National Running Day website is to “get kids interested in running as part of an everyday healthy lifestyle.” Did you know that in the U.S. only 1 in 4 kids gets at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day? And with phys. ed. classes disappearing from many schools across the country this stat could get a lot worse! I know from watching my own kids, running is such a natural and joyful activity…why wouldn’t you want to promote that, right?

So I’ll be encouraging everyone I know to get out and move today – whether it’s a run, walk or something in between 🙂

Happy Running!



Signed up for my first race

OK I did it – I bit the bullet and signed up for a 5K!

On Sunday, June 27th I’ll be running in the 2010 New Charles River Run! It’s a nice flat course around the beautiful Charles River in Boston. After reading others’ race reports, I was inspired to get out and try one. I figured there’s no time like the present, right?

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. In fact as I was finishing my 2.5 miles this morning I was thinking I may have jumped the gun on this whole thing!  But I have to remind myself that I’m right where I’m suppose to be on the Couch to 5K plan  (week 7) and I’m just going to go in to it to have fun! So here we go…26 days and counting…..


Dare to Achieve

“Only those who dare to fail greatly
can ever achieve greatly.”
                                     – Robert F Kennedy
