Mark Remy at Runner World has a great blog post today, declaring today National Married-to-a-Runner Appreciation Day and encouraging his fellow runners to salute their supportive spouses.
I just love this idea! My hubby has been my biggest supporter since the first moment I entertained the idea of starting to run. He pumps up my ego when it get seriously bruised by a bad run or the number on the clock. He listens to my endless agonizing over running routes, workouts and race choices. He never complains when I disappear on a Sunday morning and does what ever he can to help me get my runs in during the week while not disrupting the boys’ schedules. Heck, he spent our 18th wedding anniversary on the streets of Boston cheering me on in my first 10k race and he’s the first one to tell me that I can do a half marathon (he actually tells me he’s waiting for the day I announce I want to do a full)!
I’m not surprised by this support – this is the way he’s always been for what ever new venture I dive into. It’s one of the many things I love about him!
So today I want to say a very public
Why not take a moment and thank your biggest supporter too!