A Very Public Thank You!

Mark Remy at Runner World has a great blog post today, declaring today National Married-to-a-Runner Appreciation Day and encouraging his fellow runners to salute their supportive spouses.

I just love this idea! My hubby has been my biggest supporter since the first moment I entertained the idea of starting to run. He pumps up my ego when it get seriously bruised by a bad run or the number on the clock. He listens to my endless agonizing over running routes, workouts and race choices. He never complains when I disappear on a Sunday morning and does what ever he can to help me get my runs in during the week while not disrupting the boys’ schedules. Heck, he spent our 18th wedding anniversary on the streets of Boston cheering me on in my first 10k race and he’s the first one to tell me that I can do a half marathon (he actually tells me he’s waiting for the day I announce I want to do a full)!

I’m not surprised by this support – this is the way he’s always been for what ever new venture I dive into. It’s one of the many things I love about him!

So today I want to say a very public

Thank You to My Wonderful Hubby!!

Why not take a moment and thank your biggest supporter too!



Week in review

On Monday it was time to see what a week of babying my knee had done for me. I got out early and went for 4 miles and felt good when finished. Quickly followed up with Yamuna Body Rolling and ice. Life got in the way and it was clear Wednesday’s run wasn’t going to happen.  Continued the Yamuna and ice.  It took till mid-day on Friday, but I did get 5 more in. Hmm… the knee still feels ok, a little sore by the evening but not painful. Quick more Yamuna and more ice! Yesterday I went to my weekly Pilates Reformer class and then headed to see my massage therapist — a treat and so worth it!

I knew I would have a crazy day ahead of me today and that the only way to get a run in was to go early. So after a Sybil-like debate with myself, I dragged myself out of my warm bed and into the cold morning. It was the first time I’d started a run while the street lights were still on! The sun finally decided to join me at the half way mark. I finished just over 6 and all’s well with the left leg! Yes I’ll be back to the Yamuna and ice tonight – why mess with a formula that seems to be helping?!

On tap for this week is more of the same with hopefully a little more Pilates thrown in. Depending on how things go, I’ll decide on whether I’m going to run the local 5k on Sunday.

Happy Running!


Nagging knees and future planning

I’ve been babying my left knee following Monday’s race. I did go to my usual Pilates class on Wednesday and ventured out for a comfortable 3 mile run on Thursday. All seemed well, until Friday morning when my overly excited German Shepherd came charging down the hall and right into my knee — the good one! Are you kidding me?! My goodness does that dog have a hard head!

So there was more ice and rest. And yes, I admit that standing most of the evening at the party we went to last night probably didn’t help any! There was no run today but I will get back out to see how things feel tomorrow and hopefully do my planned runs this week. I’m signed up to run a local 5k in a couple of weeks, but I’ll have to see how things go.

Despite my current knee woes, I can’t help but start to think about future plans and I’ve been eyeing 2011 races. I know for sure that there’s at least one half marathon on the horizon for me…hopefully more than one…but which one will be my first? That I don’t know yet. But, maybe the first question should be how long will it take me to train for one cause that will certainly factor into the “when” of the race. Time to check training plans!


Race report – My 1st 10k

Another first for me – on Monday I took on the Tufts 10k for Women! My first race at this distance and definitely the biggest sporting event I had ever participated in!

My friend Kathy was also running, so we decided to head into together on the train. It was great to have Kathy there, we just chatted away per usual and it really helped me from being nervous. We got to the race, I had my final debate about Bondi Band and sunglasses vs. visor (went with the visor) and then we checked our bags. While Kathy went for a quick warm-up I made one last pit-stop — the lines were long but not too bad, gave me a chance to stretch and chat with a bunch of people.

Getting to the starting area proved to be very chaotic — narrow picturesque Boston street meets 7500+ women! Kathy &  I did what we could to not lose each other while trying to inch our way to the front of the 10 minute group. Finally the elite runners were off, a big cheer went up from the crowd and we started shuffling our way towards the starting line. Kath & I high-fived, wished each other luck and were off!

The first mile was all about weaving in and around people. It was great to see my Hubs, the boys and Kathy’s family right where we planned. (Can you tell I’m a little excited!)

The energy among the runners was great! And it was awesome to see the elite runners flying past us at the first loop back along the river. Throughout the race, everyone was very encouraging, cheering each other on!

 I was feeling pretty good until just after the 3rd mile marker, then the angry left knee reared its ugly head! I had been worried about my knee all last week, but had started to feel hopeful when I got through Thursday’s speedwork without pain. Mile 4 became a very long mile and my plan to make the second 5k faster than the first wasn’t happening. My pace fell off but I tried to just focus on my tunes and take in the great views of Boston as I crossed the bridge back over the Charles River.

As we made the turn down Commonwealth Ave, I knew my hubs and the boys would be at the far end and that gave me a lift. The knee continued to nag at me but now the 5 mile marker had come and gone and I could see the family!  There were lots of husbands and kids along this stretch and high-fiving the kids was fun! A special thanks to the two little cuties who yelled “You’re awesome!” after I high-fived them!!

By now I could hear the race announcer and music so as we made the final turn I just pushed with whatever I had left – keeping my promise to myself to always finish strong! I swear I had a huge grin on my face for that whole final stretch! And as I crossed the finish line I got a high five from Joan Benoit-Samuelson – who had finished and continued to stand there and greet runners – how cool is that!

Here’s Kathy and I post-race!  We hung out for a bit, got some food, let the kids play and then did a quick run through the expo. I happily introduced Kathy to Bondi Bands and picked up a SpiBelt for myself!

This was just my second race this year, and each race is definitely a learning experience. My official time was 1:07:53, and while I didn’t run the race I’d hoped for, I think I did a pretty good job of staying within myself and pushing through the knee issues. And I had a good time doing it!


A random Wednesday…

Is it just me or is this week crawling along?

It’s still raining in the northeast, and over the past couple of days I’ve wondered if we should start pairing up the animals two by two?

But I’m trying hard NOT to diss Mother Nature because the forecast for this long weekend looks fantastic! (May the weatherman be right for a change!)

I didn’t do my scheduled run yesterday because my tweeky knee is seriously acting up, so I figured extra rest and ice was a better choice. Hopefully I can get tomorrow’s run in.

I’m trying to put together a playlist for the race — my last few long runs have taught me that the tempo of the second 5K needs to be faster than that of the first 5K.

Is it crazy that this race isn’t done yet and I’m already thinking about running another one?


Hello October!

Despite the hectic pace of September, I logged 70 miles – my highest monthly mileage so far!

And now it’s October – race month! I have been inspired by many of you training for your marathons, halfs, 10ks and 5ks. It’s helped me to stay focused and motivated for my first 10k race. Only 9 days till the Tufts 10k!

So my goals for October are simple:

  • Keep building the mileage.
  • Baby my tweeky knee — lots of ice!
  • Enjoy my race experience! Trust that I can do the distance, run my own race and take in the moment! If I can do that, it will be a great race (whatever the clock says will be secondary)!

So what are you planning for October?

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

Open letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature –

OK girlfriend it’s time you and I had a little chat!

Have you looked at your calendar lately?

It’s officially fall!!

Here in the northeast that means, leaf peeping, apple picking and cooler temps! I didn’t slog it out running in the crazy heat and humidity you threw at us unrelentingly all summer to be greeted with more of the same now! I mean seriously, I went out for simple 3 mile run this morning and I’m a dripping mess! And throwing us a bone in the form of the occasional crisp fall day just isn’t cutting it! There is a reason that I and many of my fellow runners signed up for races in the fall….to enjoy the cool, crisp air on race day. Do you see where I’m going with this?

So please, I’m begging you…enough of the hot flashes….embrace your inner ice princess and please cool things down around here and try to keep it that way at least through December!



Couple of Friday Shout Outs

Whew it’s Friday again! I feel like I’ve been in a whirlwind ever since the kids went back to school. Hopefully by this time next week we’ll all feel more settled into a rhythm around here.

Five miles with three at tempo was on the schedule for this morning – felt pretty good. On tap for this weekend is my usual Saturday morning pilates class and then a 7 miler on Sunday (Actually looking forward to the 7 – it’s a confidence booster for sure!).

Sending some Friday Shout Outs:

What have you got on tap for the weekend?

Happy Friday!


In no particular order

  • The running gods continue to be kind to me after Friday’s arse kicking! Today’s run was smooth, effortless…an easy 5K. Thank you Universe I’ll have another!
  • I’ve surprised myself that despite the beautiful fall temperatures we’ve been experiencing in my neck of the woods, I now actually prefer to run at 6:30 in the morning – when did THAT happen?!?
  • There are now 32 of you signed on to follow my little journey into madness…er…I mean running 🙂 Again, when did THAT happen?! I have to say your comments and encouragement are SO very much appreciated!
  • Running with Attitude is now a member of Healthy Living Blogs. HLB is a new resource for the health blogging community created by Lindsey of Sound Eats. The site is designed to enhance the positive community of the healthy living blog world. I’m really happy to be a part of this community and encourage you to check out some of the great health-related blogs they support here!
  • There are some CRAZY good giveaways going on in the blogosphere right now — especially if you’re a fan of Brooks Running. Check out “Great Giveaways” in my sidebar!
Happy Running!


Beauty of short-term memory

One thing I’ve learned as I’ve started to work to increase my mileage, is how important it is to have a short-term memory. If you dwell on a bad run, that run’s impact can last for more than for just those few miles…and self-doubt is not a pretty thing!

Nope one of the keys to running I’ve discovered is to have a short-term memory – the ability to chalk up a bad run for exactly was it was a Bad Run… not a signal of your failure to train properly, or your inability to run an upcoming race…or to be a runner at all for that matter. It’s just a bad run.

I had one of those really bad runs on Friday – truly craptastic! But today was a new day…and a new run! Today my 6.2 miles felt easy and smooth. Today I finished strong and with a smile on my face….ah yes, the beauty of short-term memory!
