Reflections and a First Run

Got out today amid the fog and light rain to log my first run of 2011!

I have been resting my left ITB for the past two weeks — though I did sneak in 2 miles on the dreadmill on NYE’s day ’cause I really didn’t want to end the year on injured reserve if I could help it.  So the hope today was to just get out on the road and run a slow and steady, pain-free 5 miles. Mission accomplished!

I was also itching to try out some of the new gear I got for Christmas – especially my new Garmin Forerunner 305 (courtesy of my wonderful hubs J)! I am so excited to figure out how to use it to help with my pacing – which, according to my new little running partner, can be a bit erratic.

It felt so good to be out there this morning – I kept thinking about how far I’ve come since that first “run” last January…where 1 mile felt like it went on forever …..and, then I didn’t try to run again until March! Hmmm, yeah I can definitely say I’ve improved in the dedication department 🙂

But thanks to the C25K plan, that 1 mile turned into 3 and I ran my first 5k in June! Followed by:

In between there were miles in the crazy heat, rain, bitter cold and…yes, even on the dreadmill. There was an off and on argument with my angry left leg. There were goals met…and some not. I discovered a wonderfully supportive and inspiring running community. And, I found a piece of myself that I hadn’t tapped into in a long time.

Can’t wait to see what 2011 brings!

Live Boldly

If you make only one resolution this year, let it be to live boldly. You control this moment. Rather than cautiously test the water, dive straight into life with freeing abandon. Imagine the person you want to be and the life you want to live, then simply commit to them. Believe in yourself. Embrace your beauty. Discover a new passion. And whatever you do, wherever you go, don’t be afraid to make a splash!

**Thanks to Beth at SUAR for sharing this the other day.

May you all live boldly in 2011!

A Few Goals for 2011

Being the seriously goal-oriented person that I am, a list of running-related goals for 2011 was inevitable…so here goes:

  1. Run my first half marathon — already registered!
  2. Improve my 10k time
  3. Run at least 6 races (including at least 1 more half) — I will flesh out my race schedule by end of January
  4. Get serious about strength training, especially glutes and hips to help reduce chances for more ITB injury
  5. Pay greater attention to my diet, especially the day before long runs
  6. Embrace hill repeats into my training — this was actually a goal I posted back in July but have yet to take it on
  7. Build my mileage and aim to run 1,000 miles
  8. Run strong (see #4), injury-free…and of course with Attitude 😉
    Have you set your goals for 2011?


    Enjoying the downtime

    After a great Christmas weekend filled with family, great food and lots and lots of laughter, I’m still basking in the after Christmas glow!

    Today we’re digging out from the blizzard that hit much of the northeast. Building snow forts with the kids and romping through the snow with my oversized puppy definitely count as my cross-training for today! 

    Had to share a pic of my pup
    in between snow dives!

    My ITB has now had a full week of rest and, with Mother Nature’s help, it looks like it may get a day or two more. I figure there’s no point in stressing about it — if I hope to get this ITB under control and be ready to race again in February than this is the way it has to be now.

    So my plan this week is to enjoy the rest, get in some yoga, another TRX class and, of course, more “cross-training” with the kids and the pup!


    ITB, TRX and Christmas

    Random Thursday Thoughts…..

    Ice, Roll, Run, Aggravate….Repeat — That’s pretty much been the cycle with my left ITB for the past two weeks. But this week I’ve finally waved the white flag and am giving my angry left leg the rest it obviously needs.

    I went to a TRX demo class last night and my triceps are still not speaking to me! It was a great strength training workout. I signed up for a 6 week session starting in January to help kick the year off right and to help me to hold to one of my 2011 goals to make strength training part of my regular routine.

    There is nothing more magical than seeing Christmas through the eyes of your children! Today was the last day of school for my boys and with Christmas less than 2 days away, they can hardly contain themselves! We’ve watched every holiday special multiple times, and I have to say, the Grinch never gets old for them or me.

    Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!


    First Half Marathon on the Horizon

    After some quiet murmurings and occasional declarations that I want to run a half marathon “at some point” — I have finally taken the leap and registered for my first half!

    On Memorial Day Weekend, I’ll be taking part in Boston’s Run to Remember. The race is a half marathon through the City of Boston in honor of fallen law enforcement officers. I’m both psyched and nervous to actually have a half on my 2011 schedule!

    So I’ll kick the year off with the Hyannis 10k in February and I’m still looking at a bunch of other races for next year, including a couple of other halfs. But first thing’s first….and my first half is finally on the horizon!


    Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

    1. So much for that quick trot through the holiday season I was trying to maintain. The days on the calendar feel like they’re evaporating and when we crossed the 10 days-to-go mark yesterday, I lost my cool and broke out into full sprint mode. If I could translate this into my speedwork, a PR could be in my future!
    2. I haven’t run since Sunday, when somewhere around mile 2 my ITB started whining and by the time I reached just over 6 it was in a full scream! So I figured it best to take a couple of days off. I got through my Pilates class last night and had no pain despite all the side leg work we did, so I’m going to try a run tomorrow.
    3. Hey I’m up to 46 followers – when did that happen! I continue to be amazed and inspired by how supportive the running community is – whether by blog comment, tweet or email I have appreciated all of the encouragement! Thanks for being a part of my journey!

    Notes to Self

    A couple of notes to myself after this morning’s run…..

    …too much holiday cheer (in the form of a party and many glasses of a very good Prosecco) the night before a long run is ill-advised

    …your kids will always wake up early the following morning, so sleeping off said holiday cheer is never an option

    …running with perpetual cotton-mouth is also ill-advised and should be avoided in the future

    …getting the run done, despite the holiday cheer and rain — oh yeah did I mention it started raining about half way through the run?! — is very satisfying 🙂


    Running Respite

    Every year I promise myself that I will slow down and actually enjoy the holiday season, instead of sprinting through it, feverishly checking things off my to do list as I go. Well, with 17 days to go until Christmas, let’s just say that I’m moving at a very fast trot…so that’s an improvement.

    And, while I was sure that by this point the frigid temps would have kept me indoors, my running time has become an even more necessary respite. It’s a chance to step away from volunteer commitments at my son’s school, gifts to be purchased (or wrapped, or shipped), cards still not addressed, a Christmas dinner menu still to be planned…the list goes on and on. It’s a chance to focus on nothing except putting one foot in front of the other, while Eminem or the Black Eyed Peas provides a little motivation to fight through the chilly headwind.

    It’s a chance to re-group, to recharge and lately, I’ve been feeling very grateful that I’ve found running!


    Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

    My November miles took a serious nosedive — a combination of a motivation vacation and being hijacked by my to-do list! I’m feeling pretty confident that with the Hyannis 10k on the horizon, this case of mileage shrinkage will correct itself.

    Brooks Women's Adrenaline Gts 11 Running Shoe,White/Obsidian/Silver/Black,9.5 B USI went to a great local running store today to get fitted for new a pair of shoes! After being measured, having my gait analyzed and generally talking about my running, aches & pains and goals, I walked out with the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11!

    I love the feel of these shoes and can’t wait to run in them tomorrow! (Product review to come!)

    Got a chance to create a training plan for my hubs J to help him get ready for his first 10k. So I’ve introduced him to Smart Coach and Daily Mile and we’re now learning the juggling act needed to incorporate two running schedules into our very hectic family life!

    Happy Thursday!
