January rewind

Good things this month:
  • Logged 56 relatively pain-free miles – ice and foam roller helped to keep the ITB in check.
  • Did not miss one scheduled run despite weekly snow storms of biblical proportion (ok slight exaggeration… or not if you listen to our local weatherman!)
  • Added TRX to my weekly routine and I’m loving it! It kicks my arse in a good way.
  • Finally took on hill work, and on the treadmill no less!
  • Added yoga to my training….ok on the last day of the month, but technically I did add it
  • Completed the first week of the Chopra Center’s 21-day Meditation Challenge. I’m not zen yet, but I’m working on it.
  • 63 of you now following my madness…er…journey — I appreciate the support!
Things I could do without:
  • Treadmill as my new BFF….I need to start keeping better company. I miss the road. I will take the bitter cold temps if Mother Nature will just give the snow show a rest!
  • Shoveling as a form of cross-training…ok I’m done whining.
  • hmmm…that’s it…short list!
On the decks for February:
  • More…more TRX, more yoga and more miles…more ice.
  • Want to do a better job paying attention to what I’m eating – I don’t eat a lot of junk, but I could fuel and hydrate better, especially as I hope to increase my miles.
  • Hyannis 10k


    Today I learned….

    …. how much staying up with a sick little one can take a toll on the next day’s run

    …. it is important not to short-change hydration just because it’s the dead of winter
    …. I should not pick the treadmill closest to the wall at my gym because there’s no air circulation

    The Bourne Supremacy (Widescreen Edition)…. how much I miss Patriots football

     …. watching Matt Damon (ala Bourne Supremacy) certainly helps to pass the time

    ….  some days running is as easy as putting one foot in front of the other

    …. and sometimes it’s as hard as putting one foot in front of the other

     …. I would be in big trouble without ice, compression socks and a foam roller 🙂

     What did you learn today?


    Odds and Ends

    I’m trying to not let cabin fever set in here! We got more snow yesterday so instead of running I cross-trained by shoveling and playing in the snow with my dog – always a good workout!

    It was back to the treadmill today – I had thought about running outside but most of my routes are still being dug out and I just wasn’t up for playing Frogger with the morning commuters 🙂 I’m just trying to look at this time on the ‘mill as an opportunity to work on maintaining a consistent pace….but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m starting to go a little stir crazy. I’m crossing my fingers I can get outside for Sunday’s run. My hubs and I were laughing the other day about the fact that it’s turning into one of the snowiest winters on record and we’ve got a race on the decks at the end of February! Truthfully I’m really glad I’ve got this race coming up otherwise it would be just a little too easy to hibernate and wait for spring.

    Speaking of races, I’ve just added another race to my 2011 schedule. Jeff at Detroit Runner is sponsoring the “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k on March 5th. He’s got a good group of participants so far and is trying to get at least one runner from all 50 states. Stop by to check it out!

    Also, I have been meaning to say a big thanks to Jake at Broken Hearted Runner for including me in his list of top Running Blogs. He’s got a great mix of blogs on the list and I’m honored to have been included. I really enjoy reading about others’ ups and downs, challenges and successes and I can always find something to draw inspiration from!

    Have a Great Weekend!

    Putting myself on the list

    I am a notorious list maker and there are times when I feel like I’ve been hijacked by my to do list. Today was definitely starting to look like one of those days. Juggling the usual family routine and a long list of “must do’s” – including Kindergarten registration for my little guy – meant my usual morning run was not going to happen. That’s ok I kept telling myself I’ll fit it in later.

    As the day wore on, I was cranking along and checking things off…but I still hadn’t fit a run in yet. Then as I was checking email I spotted my reminder for the 21-day Meditation Challenge from the Chopra Center. I’ve meditated on and off over the past few years, and when I do it regularly, I find I’m calmer, more patient – plugged in. I had signed up for the 21-day challenge to get back to the practice. So I opened that email and  followed the guided meditation – it only took about 10 minutes. But when I  finished, a simple thought crossed my mind – put yourself on the list! Whether it’s going for a run or just pausing to breathe deeply, it’s important to take that time just for me.

    So it took until after homework was done and the kids had dinner, but I did get my run in. An easy 4 miles on the ‘mill and much needed me-time….check!


    Sunday 7

    Ran 7 miles this morning – first time I’ve seen this distance in a while thanks to my irritable ITB. The 4…yes 4 on the thermometer also meant this was to be a new distance on my new BFF the ‘mill. Well, what can I say…7 miles is a long time to be on the treadmill. I mean seriously, how much Sports Center can a girl watch? At least,  watching with the sound off and my music on meant I didn’t have to listen Rex Ryan – I’m a Patriots fan after all…and yes I’m still bitter about last Sunday’s loss!

    Having now watched the ChiRunning DVD a couple of times, I tried to take today’s run a little slower and focus on maintaining my posture. It’s amazing how many times I caught myself slumping. There a couple of different “body focuses” in ChiRunning and it’s definitely going to take a little time to master all of them, but I’m going to give it a shot and see what kind of results I get. I’ll update more as I go along.

    For now, I’m off to an afternoon of Wii games with the kids and some football – bitterly rooting for the Steelers! 😉


    Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

    Fear of black ice drove me back to the ‘mill today for my speedwork. This marks my 3rd run on the mill which I consider a big accomplishment in my ongoing effort to overcome ‘millphobia!

    After some interesting tweets and some great tips posted by Amanda at Run to The Finish, I was motivated to revisit my ChiRunning DVD. Admittedly, I have this video for a while but with all the ‘mill running I find I’m paying more attention to my form and that combined with my ITB issues, has me more motivated than ever to improve my form to run as injury-free as possible. More on this to come….

    I’ve been hesitating about registering for the RnR Half in Providence in August. It will be the inaugural race – I’ve been wanting to run one of the Rock n Roll races and this one is right in my back yard (read no travel expenses). Yet, the thought of 13.1 in August is a little daunting — it would be my 2nd half this year. Decisions, decisions….


    Monday Motivation – Believe!

    Faith is taking the first step even
    when you don’t see the whole staircase.
    — Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Happy Monday!

    Hills on the ‘Mill

    One of my goals for 2011 is to “embrace hill repeats into my training.” Well lo and behold, on the training plan today was hill work.  The problem? Mother Nature dropped 15″ on my doorstep yesterday. And, while  beautiful, the streets this morning still looked too much like a winter wonderland for hill work. So there was only one choice….face the ‘mill.

    I was determined to not whine about being on the treadmill as I’ve been known to do. New year…new attitude, right? Besides, I figured the challenge of the hill work would help to pass the time. I found a workout on Running Planet called The Foot Hills which was described as an “entry level treadmill hill workout.” Perfect! It looked challenging enough and I liked that with it I would cover 5 miles.

    I’m happy to say I completed it! And, for the first time I ran 5 miles on a treadmill — 3 has always seemed like torture to me! Focusing on the changing inclines and my form really helped the time (and miles) to click by. My glutes and quads are sore, but it’s a good kind of sore if you know what I mean.  And…..no IT issues!! So I will definitely be doing this workout again and checking out other ways to mix-it up on the ‘mill.

    Happy Running!

    My New Fave – Brooks Adrenaline Review

    Make room on the bandwagon….
          ….cause I am in love with my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11!!

    While it was love at first run, I didn’t think you could give a proper review of a shoe until you’ve logged a few miles in them. Well I’ve had a month plus of running in them now and I can clearly see why there’s so much praise out there for this shoe!

    First off let me say to my fellow “new” runners, if you have not yet gone to a good local running store to be properly fitted for a pair of running shoes, then please do yourself a  HUGE favor and go get fitted!

    While I had always figured it was a safe bet that I needed a shoe that provided motion control and support, as I began to increase my mileage last year I started to wonder if my Nike Triax 13’s were providing all that I needed. So instead of trying to self-diagnose through online descriptions, I headed to a great local running store for a fitting. After being measured, having my gait analyzed and generally talking about my running, aches &; pains and goals, I walked out with the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11.

    Brooks Women's Adrenaline Gts 11 Running Shoe,White/Obsidian/Silver/Black,9.5 B USNamed “Best Update” in the Runner’s World December issue (the GTS 10 also received the same award the previous year), the Adrenaline provides good arch support and pronation control, while being flexible and light-weight (a whole 9.4 oz.). They feature the Brooks DNA cushioning material, which (according to the Brooks website) will provide a “customized ride for runners of all shapes and speeds.” For me, they provide the right amount of cushioning without being mushy (is that a technical term?)  I will be curious to see how the cushioning holds up, but only time will tell. The shoes offer a snug, narrow heal and a roomy toe box; though I would definitely recommend sizing up a half size.

     As Runner’s World states it’s “the perfect storm of a great fit and a great ride” — I couldn’t agree more!

    **Disclaimer:  The review given here is solely my opinion. There was no payment nor product provided for this review.


    Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 things)

    Two runs down and one more for this week — the ITB continues to cooperate! My plan is to stick to 3 runs/week for another week or two and see how my left leg responds.

    Started my TRX/Pilates combo classes last night! It was a fantastic way to get abs, triceps, biceps, quads and hamstrings all in one intense hour – the next six weeks should be challenging!

    I am on a purging quest! One of the things I love about the start of the new year is this feeling of working from a clean slate. So I am on a mission to tame the clutter — there’s just too much stuff! Over the next couple of months I’m going to systematically work my way through  my house and purge so that by Spring my goal is to only have things in my house that my family really needs, uses and loves. I’m off to the attic to get started. Wish me luck!
