- Logged 56 relatively pain-free miles – ice and foam roller helped to keep the ITB in check.
- Did not miss one scheduled run despite weekly snow storms of biblical proportion (ok slight exaggeration… or not if you listen to our local weatherman!)
- Added TRX to my weekly routine and I’m loving it! It kicks my arse in a good way.
- Finally took on hill work, and on the treadmill no less!
- Added yoga to my training….ok on the last day of the month, but technically I did add it
- Completed the first week of the Chopra Center’s 21-day Meditation Challenge. I’m not zen yet, but I’m working on it.
- 63 of you now following my
madness…er…journey — I appreciate the support!
- Treadmill as my new BFF….I need to start keeping better company. I miss the road. I will take the bitter cold temps if Mother Nature will just give the snow show a rest!
- Shoveling as a form of cross-training…ok I’m done whining.
- hmmm…that’s it…short list!
- More…more TRX, more yoga and more miles…more ice.
- Want to do a better job paying attention to what I’m eating – I don’t eat a lot of junk, but I could fuel and hydrate better, especially as I hope to increase my miles.
- Hyannis 10k