Enjoying a step-back week

This week is a step back week for me and I’m feeling like it’s come at a good time.

After logging 22 miles last week (the most for me in a long time), plus cross-training, I was feeling a little beat by the end of the weekend. The good news is that the left leg continues to cooperate, and so short easy runs this week are a welcome change of pace. It’s also giving me a chance to really focus and put into practice some of things I learned in Sunday’s workshop.

Another Aha for me from Sunday, is that I need to put more effort into strengthening my core. So in addition to my weekly Pilates class I’ve been trying to add more core work with planks, side lateral raises and the “hundreds.”

What do you do to work your core?


ChiRunning – the Aha Workshop!

This morning I had my one-on-one workshop with Certified ChiRunning Instructor Ryan Miller. It was a morning of Aha moments!

We started with a quick warm up run which gave us a chance to talk about some of my concerns:

  • making sure I’m actually doing a mid-foot strike
  • leaning from my ankles, and using the lean to control my pace, and
  • managing hills (both the up and the down)

Ryan video-taped me running and then we worked through some exercises to help give me a better feel for the lean and wheel-like motion your lower leg should be making. It was clear that I’ve been running much more on my forefoot than my mid-foot. Ryan suggested that I think more about landing “whole foot.” He also suggested that I try running barefoot on a track so I can develop a better feel for my foot contact with the ground. He also agreed with my plan to shift to a more minimalist shoe with a lower toe-to-heel ratio.

We covered so much it’s really impossible to do it all justice in just one post. Some of my big take-aways included:

  • learning to relax my lower legs
  • when I hit mid-foot or “whole foot” I don’t hear the scuffing sound that I do when I hit forefoot, and my strike feels lighter
  • using my upper body more to propel myself uphill and rotating from my hips to flow downhill
  • finding comfort in the first gear and using the lean to both increase and decrease my speed

Ryan was great to work with – so patient and easy-going, and clearly passionate about his running. He had a great way of distilling a lot of information into manageable pieces. As we’d run, he could suggest just the smallest of adjustments and I could quickly feel a difference – and I was always surprised by how effortless it felt. He kept reminding me the goal is to “maximize momentum while lowering resistance.” We concluded our session with another video taping – I can’t wait to compare the “before” and “after” when he sends me the videos!

I left feeling like I now know what to be aware of, of how the run should feel. In fact, I was so psyched by what I had learned that as soon as I drove home, I went out for a quick 3-mile run. I went sans iPod, which is big for me, but I wanted to really tune in and listen to my footstrike and my breathing.

While watching the ChiRunning DVD is definitely worthwhile, having the opportunity to work with Ryan has really taken my understanding to a whole new level. If you are interested in learning more about ChiRunning, I highly encourage you connect with a certified instructor in your area or find a ChiRunning workshop nearby and make the trip!


A move towards minamalism…..baby steps

Last Saturday, I was invited to attend a minimalist shoe clinic sponsored by Saucony. It was a great chance to see their full line, including a shoe that won’t be available until the summer. I appreciate their philosophy that minimalism doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition. As the Saucony rep spoke repeatedly about exploring what works for you as an individual, and gradually integrating a minimalist shoe into your training.

I was particularly interested in learning more about the Mirage, their intro-to-minimalism shoe that features the lower heal-to-toe ratio of a minimalist shoe combined with a bit more arch support. I figured that given where I am in my training and my slight over-pronation, this would be a good place to start vs. taking the bigger leap  with the Kinvara. Luckily the Saucony rep had brought a bunch of shoes for us to try and I loved the feel of the Mirage. So yes, as you have probably guessed, I ordered a pair (the 15% discount sealed the deal!). I plan to use them on my easy runs first, while continuing in my Brooks Adrenaline for my long runs.

My hope is that as I strengthen some of the under-developed muscles in my legs and feet, I can make the transition to a more minimalist shoe as the year goes on. And, this combined with my ChiRunning efforts will hopefully improve my mechanics and help keep me injury-free!

Speaking of ChiRunning, I’ve got a private workshop scheduled for Sunday with Certified ChiRunning Instructor Ryan Miller. I’m really looking forward to spending time with Ryan – I’ve got lots of questions!! I’ll be posting a full report when we’re done.

Happy Running!



There’s a difference between interest and commitment. 
When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. 
When you’re committed to something, you except no excuses, only results.
— Kenneth Blanchard
Just a little something to think about on a Monday morning….

On the plan for this week:
Today:  Yoga
Tuesday:  Tempo Run (5)
Wednesday:  Easy Run (3) and Strength Training
Thursday:  Rest
Friday:  Long Run (8)
Saturday:  Pilates and Strength Training
Sunday:  Easy Run (3) and Chi Running Workshop (much more on that to come!)
Have a Great Week!

Lessons from Today’s Run

Today I learned:

  • I must pay more attention to what I eat the night before a long run. Note to self, no more Italian subs with hot peppers…’nuff said!
  • Seeing some friendly faces about half way through a long run gives me a great lift!
  • When negative thoughts start to creep in, I need to remind myself how far I’ve come in just a year of running.
  • Still trying to figure out mid-foot strike on hills – I think I’m up on my toes a lot, which makes my calves tire quickly.

It was beautiful weather for a run this morning, and with a busy weekend ahead it was great to get my 7 miles done. Just Pilates and strength training tomorrow and a short run on Sunday left on the plan for this week.

Happy Friday & 
Shout Outs to anyone racing this weekend!

Hello Week 2

Week 2 Training (Had meant to post this yesterday, but my to do list seriously got in the way!):

 Monday — Yoga (hmm yeah….see note above)

Tuesday — Tempo Run

Wednesday — Easy Run (3) & Strength Training

Thursday — Rest

Friday — Long Run (7 or 8)

Saturday — Pilates Reformer

Sunday — Easy Run (4)

Today’s run felt really good! The plan called for 3 miles at 11:00/mi plus warm-up and cool down. I had hoped to do five total but was a little pressed for time – 4 was going to be more realistic. So I ran Mile 1 at a comfortable pace and then just picked it up for the next three for a 10:37 ave. pace. I’m still trying to embrace my inner yogi – missed yesterday so hopefully I can squeeze a  little in as the week goes on.

Overall, I think I’m going to enjoy having my long runs on Fridays. With the kids crazy spring sports schedules about to kick in, not to mention my hubs J’s lacrosse league, fitting in long runs on the weekends (especially once the runs hit double-digits) was just not looking practical.

When do you do your long runs?


Signs with a Little Attitude

Last month, Megan at Build A Sign contacted me with an opportunity to design a couple of things and try out their products. Sounded like fun so I said I would love to!

With Build A Sign, you can make a sign for just about everything and it was fun playing around with different ideas of what to make. The site was really easy to use – in fact my eight year old son had fun helping me with my designs.

In the end, I went with a bumper sticker (with one of my favorite quotes), a window cling and a fantastic banner my boys are planning to hold up at my next race!

The Bumper Sticker and Window Cling
(by the way, the sticker’s 2nd line says “everybody fails at something” –
kinda looks like “falls” – my bad with the camera angle!)

My boys with their new cheer banner!

I’m really psyched with the way everything came out  – I especially love the banner and can’t wait to see it along the race route! The whole process couldn’t have been easier – a big thanks to Megan!  She also gave me extra copies of both the window clings and bumper stickers to share; so if you’d like one to add to your collection, shoot me an email at runningwithattitude (at) yahoo.com.


Thursday Thoughts – Week 1 Training

  • I’m half way through Week 1 of my half marathon training plan. After looking at a bunch of different half plans, I decided to stick with Smart Coach – I figured it’s worked for me for my last two 10ks, so if it ain’t broke…..

  • I don’t want to jinx myself but I’m showing signs of getting faster! On the plan for Tuesday was 1600 intervals and I actually saw times in the low and mid 9’s – definitely speedy for me! And I ran the last interval faster than the first. All-in-all a nice return to the track.

  • I’m back to studying the ChiRunning DVD. I’m trying to break it down and concentrate on one “focus” per week so this week has been all about posture. When I get tired I start to slouch a bit, but I’ve noticed that if I concentrate on my posture it takes any pressure out of my lower back/hips. Next week I’ll work to incorporate the next “focus” – the lean.

 How’s your week going?


    "I Just Felt Like Running" Virtual 5k Report

    Another Sunday, another race….and what a difference a week makes! 
    Last Sunday I was slogging through snowy conditions at the Hyannis 10k with my hubs J and a couple thousand other crazy dedicated runners! Today, it was a muggy 55 degrees and it was just me and the road for a virtual 5k — A big thanks to Detroit Runner for sponsoring the “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k!
    I loved being able to run in just a t-shirt and capris again. The weather really drew people out this morning, I saw lots of other runners and walkers and everyone seemed in a good mood and eager to smile and say hi. Made the run all the more enjoyable!
    I had been on a mini break this week, trying to give my knee a little rest before diving into my half marathon training, so I didn’t really have any specific goals for this run. I just wanted to keep a nice steady pace and to keep my left knee relatively happy.  Well, check and check. I finished 3.11 miles in 34:32 and according to my Garmin I hung solidly around 11:06/mile. Best of all the left knee felt fine! 
    Great way to start a Sunday!


    Friday Fun with the ABCs

    I’ve really been enjoying the ABCs of Me posts that have been going around lately …and since this has been a quiet running week for me, I thought I’d join in. So here are my ABCs:

    A:  Age — 44
    B:  Bed Size  — Queen. I would love a King but there’s just not enough space for it!
    C:  Chore Your Hate — Dusting!!
    D:  Dogs — a beautiful German Shepherd who’ll be 2 next month
    E:  Essential Start Your Day Item — coffee without a doubt, though a toothbrush is a close second
    F:  Favorite Color — This one’s tough – I own a lot of Black clothing, but I love the color Red! Though lately I have a thing for Granny Smith Apple Green
    G:  Gold or Silver — Silver
    H:  Height — 5′ 3″
    I:  Instruments You Play — none
    J:  Job Title — there are many but the best one is Mom
    K:  Kids — 2 great boys!
    L:  Live — Massachusetts
    M:  Mother’s Name — my boys call her Nana
    N:  Nicknames — Mother Goose or Mother G, used only by a select few from my college days
    O:  Overnight Hospital Stays — 3
    P:  Pet Peeve –chronic lateness…everybody gets hung up once in a while, but then there are those who can just never seem to be on time
    Q:  Quote from a Movie — two faves: “I’m just a stomach flu away from my goal weight.”  and  “You’re the worst kind; you’re high maintenance but you think you’re low maintenance.” (Can you name the movies?)
    R:  Right or Left-Handed — Right
    S:  Siblings — 1 younger brother
    T:  Time You Wake Up — 6ish
    U:  Underwear — ummm, yeah…kinda don’t see it as optional
    V:  Vegetable You Dislike — peas…and “dislike” is not nearly a strong enough word!
    W:  What Makes You Late —  usually my hubs, but most of the time I’m punctual, if not early (see P above)
    X:   X-rays You’ve Had Done — does a CT scan count? otherwise just dental
    Y:  Yummy Food You Make — I love to cook so hopefully it’s all yummy. Big holiday spreads are a specialty and I’m told I make a mean Jambalaya 🙂

    Z:  Zoo Animal Favorite — I love the big cats

    Have a Great Weekend!