Blog Anniversary

One year ago today I sat down and typed this post and Running with Attitude was born.

It’s funny to go back and read it and remember where I was at the time – wondering if I’d ever make it around my block, much less any further. And now here I am, a little under 5 weeks till my first half marathon. I love that when my youngest asked me last night how far I ran yesterday and I told him 4 miles that his response was “Oh a short run huh.” I can remember a time when he would have been impressed that I made it that far!

I’ve learned a lot about myself and about running in the past year and I hope both the education and self-discovery never ends! Now I’m off for another “short run.” 🙂

Happy Running

Patience with pace

“He who would learn to fly one day
must first learn to stand and walk and run 
and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” 
– Nietzsche
I first posted this quote almost a year ago. At the time I was a few weeks into the C25K program and it was a great reminder to be patient with myself, that longer distances and greater speed would come in time. 
Well, I was getting a little frustrated with myself last week…yes the distances have definitely increased but my pace is at times erratic and, truthfully, slower than I would like it to be. So it seemed like a good time for this quote again. It also feels like the perfect time for a step back week – and lo and behold that’s what the training plan calls for!
So it’s some easy runs, yoga, and strength training this week. I think I may even leave the Garmin at home and run without worrying about pace.
How do you keep from obsessing about your pace?


Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

  • So far the shift to early morning workouts is working. The alarm’s been going off at 5:20 and I’m usually moving 15 mins later. Despite not being what I would ever consider a morning person, I’ve been reminded this week of how much I enjoy starting my day with a run. It’s like a morning meditation in motion.
  • Speaking of meditation, I signed for another 21-day Meditation Challenge sponsored by the Chopra Center. I did a similar challenge during the winter and stuck with meditating for weeks afterwards. But of late I’ve let it slip so this challenge came at a good time. I find I’m definitely more focused and even-keeled when I’m meditating.
  •  My love affair with my Saucony Mirage continues – I’ve been doing all of my short runs in them while using my Brooks for the long runs. I’ve got another 10 on the plan for tomorrow and I’m tempted to try the Sauconys instead. My calves are really tight after yesterday’s tempo run so I’ll have to see how I feel in the morning.

Do you rotate shoes or stick to a one pair at a time?


Feeling inspired

  • My hubs J and I took the boys to watch part of the Boston Marathon yesterday. While I try to catch the marathon every year on TV, I haven’t been to see it live in a few years. There is nothing like being there as the runners give it their all. 
  • As I stood out there cheering them on, I thought of all the hours of training, the dreams being realized, the causes being supported, the individual stories being played out. How could you not walk away feeling inspired?!
  • It’s April vacation week for my kiddos, which means getting up extra early to get my runs in before J leaves for work. During the winter I had let my runs slip to late morning to ensure running in daylight — and truthfully because the thought of running in both the dark and bitter cold was really unappealing! But since the clocks turned back I have been meaning to get back to early morning runs…and now with this week I have no excuses.
  • So an easy 3 miles was done before 7 and on deck for tomorrow is a 5 mile tempo run and then another long run of 10 on Friday. I’m hoping to get back on the yoga bandwagon that I fell off of last week and some much needed ab work and strength training. Hopefully the kids will cooperate 🙂


Double digits

When I first put my training plan into Smart Coach weeks ago, today was a day I circled. Today would be the first time I’d hit double digits!

While I was out running this morning, I kept thinking about where I was almost a year ago – working my way through the Couch-to-5k plan, finding it hard to believe I’d ever get to 3 miles….and anything beyond that was just crazy talk. But there I was this morning, cruising along to my new playlist my youngest son helped me together last night, watching the miles tick off on my Garmin and feeling pretty good, (by the way, music planning with a five year old is always interesting!). Today there were no walk breaks, even the traffic lights cooperated. And, while definitely windy, it was a beautiful day for a run and hitting a new distance. Great feeling to look down at my Garmin and see that 10 miles!

Now I’m ready for another jam-packed weekend! I’m really looking forward to heading out to see part of the Marathon on Monday. Gotta send a huge Friday Shout Out to all the runners heading to Boston this weekend – congrats on all of your hard work to get to this point…now enjoy the final ride!

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Treadmill hills

Driving rain combined with a little thunder and lightening meant I was heading to the treadmill this morning. To keep it interesting I decided to do a hills workout. I picked the “foothills” workout from Running Planet that I’ve mentioned here before – I like it because it stairsteps up and down through a couple of inclines for a total of five miles, which was the perfect distance for my training plan today.

Basically, after a little warm-up, you pick an incline to start, run 1 mile then increase the incline by 1 and run 3/4 of a mile, increase the incline again by 1 and run a 1/2 mile then increase the incline one more time by 1 and run another 1/2 mile. You then decrease the incline in increments of 1 to return to your starting incline, while running another 1/2 mile, then 3/4 mile and then final mile. For me, this workout really makes the time on the ‘mill fly by! If you’re looking to mix it up a little on the treadmill, I say give hills a try!

Short easy run on the decks tomorrow before my first double digit run on Friday! I hope the weather cooperates, ’cause there’s no way I’m doing my first 10 miler on the lovely ‘mill.

Do you have a favorite treadmill workout?


More new kicks – Vibrams!

So look what was delivered to my door the other day….

Yep, a pair of Vibram Bikila LS! Back in February my hubs and I won a pair from a charity auction at my son’s school. We had our choice of Vibrams and both selected the Bikila LS.  In case you don’t know, the Bikila is Vibram’s first model specifically designed for running. I choose the Bikila LS because it has a quick lace system designed to accommodate a wider foot. Well, they arrived the other day and I walked around in them every chance I got all weekend.  I was surprised at how comfortable they are, and they felt especially good wearing them post-run yesterday.

Since I’m taking baby steps towards minimalism, I’ll just be using them for walks for now. I may take them with me for my next track session in another week or so. I’ve been enjoying rotating in my new Saucony Mirages into my weekly runs, and with no knee pain over the past couple of weeks, I don’t want to do anything to jinx it. Patience is not my strong suit, but in the end I think it will pay off and help me to be a stronger runner.


Friday 9!

Well Hello Friday – so glad you showed up! It has been a long week…nothing dramatic, just one of those weeks where you feel like you’re running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off! I was very happy to wake up this morning and know it was Friday and the weekend is coming!

This morning was also my first 9 mile run! I will admit that I was a little nervous about trying this distance. I tweeted before I left that I was going to take on a new distance, and almost instantly I got tweets from so many other runners encouraging me, wishing me a good run and telling me to have fun! It was the nice little boost I needed before heading out the door. I’ve said it before, but I have to say it again – I love how supportive the running community is!

It was a beautiful morning for a run – in the mid-40s and bright sunshine. As I set out, I decided to not focus on the distance, but just run and enjoy the first signs of spring finally creeping into New England. I’m happy to say that it was a fairly uneventful run – took two quick walk breaks first to stretch out my left leg a little and then when I discovered that I cannot run and chew Chomps at the same time 🙂

So now it’s time to enjoy the great weather on deck for the weekend!

Have a Great Weekend!

8 weeks and counting

So forgive the randomness this morning….I’m trying to cut back on how much coffee I’ve been drinking lately. But Monday morning plus lack of caffeine = bullet points

  • It was great to have a step-back week last week – my body really needed the rest!
  •  the pair of Saucony Mirage I ordered showed up on my doorstep and I took them out for the first test run yesterday.  

I only went 3 miles in them but so far I’m in love! I had to resist the urge to go farther. There is definitely a different feel with the lower heel so I know my calves will need to adjust. I’m going to run in them at least once, maybe twice, a week to ease the transition. A full review to come!

    • Only 8 weeks to go until race day! The next few weeks of my training plan are really going to be critical for me both physically and psychologically cause I’ll be crossing into double digit long runs for the first time.
    •  This week I continue my quest to find my inner yogi, while the plan calls for intervals at the track, a couple of shorter runs and a 9 mile LSD. I’d like to get in 2 days of strength training and, as I mentioned last week, more core work.
    Happy Monday!



    March Rewind

    Good things for the month:
    • Logged 69 miles and for the most part my left leg cooperated.
    • Started my training plan for my first half marathon!
    • Participated in Detroit Runner’s “I Just Felt Like Running” virtual 5k
    • ChiRunning one-on-one workshop — so many good things, (if you missed it, you can check out my post about it here)
    • Continued to add more yoga to my plan.
    • 81 of you now follow this little journey of mine — welcome to the new followers — and to all, thanks for the support!
    Things I could do without:
    • Quite simply…this weather! Seriously…where is Spring? Snow is falling as I type this. If I ever track down that groundhog, he should be very afraid!
    On the decks for April:
    • Continue to build on my ChiRunning practice
    • Start rotating a minimalist shoe into my runs — starting with my shorter runs and then build from there.
    • More strength training and core work.
    • My first double-digit runs!

    What have you got planned for April?
