Monday Motivation – Rain edition

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how they can go.”
— T. S. Elliot
A crazy rain system settled over our area yesterday and according to the local weather man, it’s going to camp out all week. So I’m trying to psyche myself up for a lot of running in the rain this week. Yes, I could go to the gym and hit the ‘mill, but as my Hyannis snow race taught me, I need to be prepared for any kind of weather come race day. 
I hit 24 miles last week – my biggest training week to date – and I’m happy to say my legs feel pretty good.
On the plan this week:
Monday — Yoga
Tuesday — Tempo run (6)
Wednesday — Easy run (4) and strength training
Thursday — Rest
Friday — LSD (10)
Saturday — weekly Pilates reformer session
Sunday — Easy run (3 or 4)
What do you planned for this week? Make it a good one!


A little Friday randomness

Thanks to Blogger’s little meltdown yesterday, my Thursday post vanished into cyberspace and by last night I was googling how to transfer from Blogger to WordPress!

This was one of those weeks that flew by in a blink – there were lots of meetings, school events and sports for the boys, along with all the usual stuff that makes up life. I did manage to hold to my training plan too, though I could have done with more yoga and yamuna body rolling – my hamstrings and calves are ridiculously tight!

And speaking of calves, I have discovered relief in the form of Zensah compression sleeves. After using them post-run a few times, I’m wondering what took me so long to buy a pair!

Another first today – first 11 mile run. I’d be lying if I said it was a pretty run. I haven’t been sleeping great this week and it definitely caught up with me in today’s run. But I got the distance and that’s what counts. Every run teaches you something, and this one taught me most that I can push through when I really feel the tank’s on E.

I have only one more long run before my half. One more “test” run to figure out fueling, clothes options, socks and play list. I’m close on the play list, but if you have any suggestions, especially for those last few miles, please pass them along. I think on the fueling front, I’m going to stick with a couple of Chomps around mile 5 and then depending on how I feel, a couple more around 9. Still working on my chewing and running at the same time 🙂

“It costs nothing to dream…And everything not to.” — this was in my inbox this morning and I love it and just had to share.

Have a Great Weekend!

The little things…..

Some days it’s the little things that help get me through a run, especially when I’m not feeling it.

Sometimes it’s the right song that helps me pick up the pace (right now for me that song is Jay-Z’s “Run this town”).

Sometimes it’s seeing a friend along the route.

Sometimes it’s the policeman working a detail on my out and back who cheered me up the hill.

Sometimes it’s finding the right mantra (of late, I have two: “Fight through” and simply “Believe”).

Sometimes it’s the mental negotiations — “get past the next 3 telephone posts;” “ok, now get to that mailbox;” etc.

Sometimes it’s the realization of how close I am to a particular time goal if I just push a little.

Sometimes it’s my neighbor telling me how proud she is of the progress I’m making.

Sometimes it’s remembering another blogger’s post about a tough run/race and drawing a little inspiration.

The more I run, the more I marvel at how much of a mental sport running really is.



Run EMZ Run!

One of my favorite bloggers is putting her amazing running talents to the test on Friday – a 24hr treadmill run to raise funds for the Sojourner Center, which supports victims of domestic violence.

Yes, you read that correctly…..24 hours on a treadmill people! This woman is fierce and I have no doubt she’s going to rock this run as she has all of her other runs. Please go over and check out her blog and if you can, make a donation.

I am inspired by Emily’s dedication, spirit and heart! Run on girl…and remember….


Run like a kid

Today was the annual Fun Run at my son’s school. I volunteer every year and once again I got THE best job – handing out the medals to the kids at the finish line. I just love watching those kids from the 4 yrs olds to the 5th graders running their hearts out, running for the sheer fun of it! We adults should remember to run with that kind of joy!

I had a pretty joyful run myself this morning – it was a perfect cool spring morning, the streets were quiet except for one other runner. I ignored my watch and just ran. It was one of those runs that felt smooth and easy – even my chatter brain slept in. It was a great way to start a Sunday.

While it was good to get a little extra rest on this step back week, I’m now looking forward to gearing up for the final push to my half. Just 4 weeks to go!


Blog Anniversary

One year ago today I sat down and typed this post and Running with Attitude was born.

It’s funny to go back and read it and remember where I was at the time – wondering if I’d ever make it around my block, much less any further. And now here I am, a little under 5 weeks till my first half marathon. I love that when my youngest asked me last night how far I ran yesterday and I told him 4 miles that his response was “Oh a short run huh.” I can remember a time when he would have been impressed that I made it that far!

I’ve learned a lot about myself and about running in the past year and I hope both the education and self-discovery never ends! Now I’m off for another “short run.” 🙂

Happy Running

Patience with pace

“He who would learn to fly one day
must first learn to stand and walk and run 
and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying.” 
– Nietzsche
I first posted this quote almost a year ago. At the time I was a few weeks into the C25K program and it was a great reminder to be patient with myself, that longer distances and greater speed would come in time. 
Well, I was getting a little frustrated with myself last week…yes the distances have definitely increased but my pace is at times erratic and, truthfully, slower than I would like it to be. So it seemed like a good time for this quote again. It also feels like the perfect time for a step back week – and lo and behold that’s what the training plan calls for!
So it’s some easy runs, yoga, and strength training this week. I think I may even leave the Garmin at home and run without worrying about pace.
How do you keep from obsessing about your pace?


Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

  • So far the shift to early morning workouts is working. The alarm’s been going off at 5:20 and I’m usually moving 15 mins later. Despite not being what I would ever consider a morning person, I’ve been reminded this week of how much I enjoy starting my day with a run. It’s like a morning meditation in motion.
  • Speaking of meditation, I signed for another 21-day Meditation Challenge sponsored by the Chopra Center. I did a similar challenge during the winter and stuck with meditating for weeks afterwards. But of late I’ve let it slip so this challenge came at a good time. I find I’m definitely more focused and even-keeled when I’m meditating.
  •  My love affair with my Saucony Mirage continues – I’ve been doing all of my short runs in them while using my Brooks for the long runs. I’ve got another 10 on the plan for tomorrow and I’m tempted to try the Sauconys instead. My calves are really tight after yesterday’s tempo run so I’ll have to see how I feel in the morning.

Do you rotate shoes or stick to a one pair at a time?


Feeling inspired

  • My hubs J and I took the boys to watch part of the Boston Marathon yesterday. While I try to catch the marathon every year on TV, I haven’t been to see it live in a few years. There is nothing like being there as the runners give it their all. 
  • As I stood out there cheering them on, I thought of all the hours of training, the dreams being realized, the causes being supported, the individual stories being played out. How could you not walk away feeling inspired?!
  • It’s April vacation week for my kiddos, which means getting up extra early to get my runs in before J leaves for work. During the winter I had let my runs slip to late morning to ensure running in daylight — and truthfully because the thought of running in both the dark and bitter cold was really unappealing! But since the clocks turned back I have been meaning to get back to early morning runs…and now with this week I have no excuses.
  • So an easy 3 miles was done before 7 and on deck for tomorrow is a 5 mile tempo run and then another long run of 10 on Friday. I’m hoping to get back on the yoga bandwagon that I fell off of last week and some much needed ab work and strength training. Hopefully the kids will cooperate 🙂


Double digits

When I first put my training plan into Smart Coach weeks ago, today was a day I circled. Today would be the first time I’d hit double digits!

While I was out running this morning, I kept thinking about where I was almost a year ago – working my way through the Couch-to-5k plan, finding it hard to believe I’d ever get to 3 miles….and anything beyond that was just crazy talk. But there I was this morning, cruising along to my new playlist my youngest son helped me together last night, watching the miles tick off on my Garmin and feeling pretty good, (by the way, music planning with a five year old is always interesting!). Today there were no walk breaks, even the traffic lights cooperated. And, while definitely windy, it was a beautiful day for a run and hitting a new distance. Great feeling to look down at my Garmin and see that 10 miles!

Now I’m ready for another jam-packed weekend! I’m really looking forward to heading out to see part of the Marathon on Monday. Gotta send a huge Friday Shout Out to all the runners heading to Boston this weekend – congrats on all of your hard work to get to this point…now enjoy the final ride!

Enjoy Your Weekend!