As I mentioned over coffee, re-entry after being off for the holidays was a tad rough. Work went from zero to sixty with everyone wanting to do “all the things” all at once! My mom was transferred to rehab on Tuesday so there’s been a lot to navigate there – but she’s doing great so that’s a win!
With all that was going on, my workouts were pretty much on auto-pilot, but I got ’em done.
Monday — 3 miles & Core
Tuesday — 2-mile walk, otherwise rest
Wednesday — 1-mile walk, Lower Body Strength & Core
Thursday — 1-mile walk & Peloton Bike
Friday — 3 miles & Core. Sleet had me heading to the treadmill, but vibing out to a fun 80’s playlist helped to get the miles done.
Saturday — 2-mile walk, Upper Body Strength & Core
Sunday — 4 miles & Core
Setting Some 2023 Goals
For the past couple of years, I have passed on setting any big annual fitness goals, choosing instead to set smaller monthly goals to keep me on track. For 2023 I’ve decided to set just a few goals:
- Reach the starting line of my Spring and Fall races feeling prepared — I’m looking forward to doing more racing this year, and so above all else, I want to go into each race feeling strong and ready to go. This means being consistent in my training to build mileage smartly.
- Develop a PT maintenance routine — As I’ve mentioned before, I spent way too much time last year playing a cat-and-mouse game with my quad/hip flexor injury. I’ll be starting this year with PT and my goal is to develop a routine to follow well after my sessions with the therapist are done.
- Complete 12K Peloton minutes — I hit over 10,000 minutes in 2022 so I think 12K is doable.
- Stretch daily — Focusing on my flexibility will go a long way toward helping me reach goal #1.
In case you missed it:
How was your week? Any races coming up?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.