Heat-induced Randomness

I think this heat & humidity is turning my brain to mush. I can’t put a coherent thought together…but then, this is why then invented bullet points (isn’t it?)

  • I blew my streak of early morning runs today – slept through my alarm and then it was too late to get out before the heat and getting the kids off to camp. So it looks like I’m moving my tempo run to Sunday.


  • This is what the forecast looks like for the next few days. Friday’s 11-miler should be interesting…I may be looking to set a new PR for how early I can get out on the road. Tell me again why I registered for a half marathon in August?! 
  • I’ve been trying to plan a family vacation for the fall — the kids have a couple of long weekends so we thought we’d try to take advantage of the airline fares being lower then. Also wondering if I can loop in a race into these plans if the timing/location works. 
  • I’m still all over the place on fall races – the only one I’ve registered for is the Tufts 10k for Women. I ran this race last year with my friend Kathy and had a great time. As soon as it was over I knew I wanted to run it again!

    Have you figured out your fall race plans yet or will you just wing it?


      Monday Motivation & Compression Sleeve Winner!

      “Don’t bother to just be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.
      Try to be better than yourself.”
      — William Faulkner
      Love this quote – it’s a great reminder that we’re really only in competition with ourselves!
      And, the winner of the McDavid Compression Sleeves is DEM from Happy, Healthy and Strong. Congrats! Shoot me an email at runningwithattitude (at) yahoo (dot) com and I will put you in touch with the folks at McDavid.

      To everyone else – thanks for entering and don’t forget the great folks at McDavid are offering Running with Attitude readers a special promotion of 15% off any of their products! Just use the code RWA11 – it’s good thru 7/31/11.

      Happy Running!

      A Good Morning

      Ran 10.25 miles this morning.

      It was a perfect summer morning – still cool, a slight breeze, the sun bright but not intense yet. There were lots of runners out taking advantage of the break in the humidity — everyone I passed seemed to be enjoying the morning, enjoying being a runner…there were a lot more “Morning” ‘s today and the runner’s wave…even some smiles…better than the grunts and pained looks I’ve seen on recent runs. Saw a couple of friends out running too and chatted briefly – always a pick me up to see friendly faces!

      I love that I still get a little giddy when I see that double-digit on my Garmin. I remember where I was last summer, when getting to 6 was a huge deal. I love that sense of accomplishment (both then and now)…hope that feeling never goes away!

      Hubs took on getting the kids ready and off to camp – I actually had the luxury of stretching and foam rolling post-run instead of the usual mad dash! So now it’s me, the dog, a cup of coffee and a quiet house – perfect way to start a Friday 🙂


      Don’t forget my McDavid compression sleeve giveaway ends Sunday!

      Have a Great Weekend!

      Comfortably hard

      “Comfortably hard” – if you look up the definition of a tempo run, you will inevitably find these words to help define the effort to put forward for these steady pace runs.

      Well, the truth is comfortably hard is a moving target…depending on the day; what body parts are cooperating…or not; whether Mother Nature is cooperating…or not.
      Some days, comfortably hard can feel like  you’re flying…working at it, but flying – firing on all cylinders. And, other days, comfortably hard is any movement after you drag yourself out of bed for your run.

      Like so many aspects of running, what constitutes comfortably hard is relative. It varies from runner to runner, and for each runner it can vary from run to run. Sure you set out with a target pace in mind, but that pace is yours alone. And, sometimes you hit it consistently…enjoy it and take note of what worked. Other times you won’t – don’t beat yourself up over it…also take note of what didn’t work and accept that this was today’s definition of “comfortably hard.”


      Week 7 – Half Training

      Week 7 already! I feel like the weeks of this training plan are just flying by!

      I got some good feedback on my question about step-back weeks – and for the most part I ran the suggested distances on the plan. I did bump Friday’s “long” run up to 6 miles just because I was feeling really good. I even took an extra rest day yesterday cause my legs were just feeling dead – so I decided to sleep in and then head to the beach with my hubs J and the boys. We had a great day!

      This week begins the final push to Providence:

      Monday — Yoga
      Tuesday — Tempo run (5)
      Wednesday — Easy run (2 or 3) plus strength training
      Thursday — Rest day
      Friday — Long run (10)
      Saturday — Strength training
      Sunday — Easy (4)

      I’m also recommitting to doing ab work daily, cause that’s been sliding lately. I’m also gonna tighten up on what I’ve been eating – I’ve been really good during the week and then letting everything slide on the weekend…not exactly an effective strategy to shake these last 5 lbs, right?!

      So, what are you up to this week?

      Happy Running!


      McDavid USA Compression Sleeves Review & Giveaway

      Since I started training for my first half marathon back in March, I have quickly become a big fan of all things compression. So when the folks at McDavid USA contacted me and asked if I was interested in trying a pair of their new True Compression Leg Sleeves, I was quick to say yes!

      For those of you who don’t know, McDavid USA began as the first widely used lateral knee brace in football and expanded into a leader in sports medical products and technical performance athletic wear.

      The first time I tried the sleeves on, I was surprised by how light they were. They were snug and supportive without that intense compressive feel. Within a couple of minutes I forgot I was wearing them.

      Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve used them mostly for recovery after long runs and track work. I even used them after a long day of gardening. The McDavid Sleeves definitely did the job to help reduce any soreness in my calves. While I was reluctant to wear them during a run ’cause I just didn’t want any additional layers in this crazy heat & humidity, I did take a run in them and enjoyed how supported my legs felt (and how fresh, post-run). I will probably take advantage of these sleeves during my runs even more as the weather cools.

      Overall, these leg sleeves are keepers. Now if McDavid would only consider making them in additional colors beyond black and white 🙂

      Interested in trying the True Compression Sleeves for yourself? The folks at McDavid are offering a pair to one lucky winner.

      Here’s how to enter — please leave a separate comment for each entry:

      1. Be a follower of my blog; and,
      2. “like” McDavid USA page on Facebook
      Additional entries:
      • Post a comment on McDavid’s FB page telling why you want to try the sleeves and let them know Running with Attitude sent you.
      • Follow @McDavidUSA on Twitter
      • Share about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (be sure to include include @McDavidUSA in your tweet) — or do all three, one comment for each, please!

      You can enter from now until 11:59 EST on July 17th. A winner will be selected randomly on July 18th. If you just can’t wait to try McDavid for yourself, McDavid is offering Running with Attitude readers a special promotion of 15% off any of their products! Just use the promotion code RWA11 (now thru 7/31).

      Disclaimer: The product was provided by McDavid USA for the purpose of a product review. The opinions provided here are solely my own.

      Good Luck!

      Do you want cheese with that whine?

      This morning was one of those runs where I was seriously questioning the sanity of planning to run a half marathon in August!

      Despite getting out by 6, the lovely bank display showed the temp was already 70 degrees. Mercifully, it doesn’t give the humidity reading — sometimes ignorance is bliss!

      4 1/2 weeks to go until 13 miles of heat-inflicted torture…er, I mean, race day. My training plan has this as a step-back week, but I’m not sure I want to cut back on my mileage too much. I think I’m just going to go by feel and see how far each run takes me – except I probably will cut back my long run to less than double digits. For today, 4 sticky thick miles felt like more than enough – ok I’ll stop whining now 😉

      Do you include step-back weeks in your training?

      Stay tuned for my McDavid USA compression review and giveaway coming tomorrow!


      Happy 4th!

      Just hanging here on my back deck with an iced coffee in hand enjoying a very lazy morning.

      After going almost non-stop since Friday, including a double-digit run, lots of much needed weeding and mulching my very neglected garden, cooking and grilling, running around with the kids and dog, Pilates and more running on my own….(you’re starting to get the picture)… I woke up this morning and every fiber in me yelled “Stop!” So I’ve decided to fully embrace the rest day on the training plan today, hang with family and maybe take the kids on in a no-holds-bar game of mini – golf, and then probably eat too much! How are you spending the day?

      Happy 4th!!

      Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

      Crazy schedule wrapping up the school year, plus taking a a few days off after the race turned June into one of my lowest mileage months this year.

      With school finally done, we’re settling into a summer routine around here and I’ve been pushing the alarm clock back to get those early morning runs in – must be working cause I woke up at 5:30 this morning without the alarm…only problem was today’s a rest day.

      I loved reading everyone’s comments about how fast to do a long run. I have 10 miles on the plan for tomorrow. This will be the first time going back up to double digits since the race so I’ve decided to just run by feel and see where I come out pace-wise — should serve as a good benchmark. I’ll also be testing out my Nathan hydration belt.

      Can you believe tomorrow is July 1 already?!?!

      Mixing it up at the track

      Trackwork Tuesday again – The plan called for 1600 repeats again this morning, but I’ve been itching to mix it up a little. So instead I decided to try a speed workout from Coach Jerry’s Key Workouts for a Successful Half Marathon courtesy of iRunnerblog.
      Start with 10 minute warm-up, then 3 sets of 200/200/400 intervals with matching recovery intervals. I went with 2 sets plus warm-up for a total of 3.5 miles. My main goal was consistency in my splits and as you can see, I was right on target today:

      200 — 1:00;   200 — 1:00;  400 — 2:18

      200 — 1:01;   200 — 1:04;  400 — 2:18

      I really liked the mix of speed and endurance this workout provides. I will definitely do this workout again and next time add in the 3rd set.

      Do you have a standard track workout? Do you mix it up? Or do you avoid the track altogether?
