Friday Five

  • It’s funny sometimes where and how you can connect with another runner — yesterday I was having my refrigerator fixed again (that’s a whole other story!) and after the repairman had explained to me what the problem was, he then paused and said “So how’d you do?” I, of course, had no idea what he was talking about then he pointed to our whiteboard calendar hanging on the wall and said “The Rock n Roll – how was it?” Turns out he’s a runner and had wanted to run that race but had a conflict! We proceeded to spend the rest of the time while he was fixing the fridge talking about running and local races. He was a great guy with funny running stories – and best of all the parts were under warranty so it didn’t cost me anything!
  • After some tweaking, I think I have my training plan for Philly figured out. I used Smart Coach for my last two races, but when I looked at the plan it gave me this time it just felt like too much of the same. So after poking around and some Twitter conversations, I’ve modified the plan using some elements of Hal Higdon’s Advanced Half Training plan. My revised plan includes more speedwork throughout the entire training cycle and also incorporates more hill work in the first few weeks — both are areas I really want to improve on.
  •  My core work challenge continues. To be honest, I’ve missed a day here and there but overall I’m much more mindful about trying to get some core work in (at least planks) – I think it will pay off for me over time.
  • This has been a l-o-n-g week! For no particular reason, it just seems like for the first time all summer it has taken forever to get to Friday — anyone else feel like that?
Have a great weekend!

On the Streets of Philadelphia

I’ve decided to go for my 3rd half this year and just registered for the Philadelphia Half Marathon!

As you know I’ve been debating taking on a 3rd for a while now but J had urged me to wait until after Providence to see how I felt before pulling out the credit card again. Well the truth is I knew about mid-way through running Providence that I would be doing this again. And by the time I was sitting at home that night with ice on my leg, I was 100% certain I wanted to get one more in before the year’s end.

So…here we go again…Philly here I come!


Gotein Review & Giveaway

I seriously cannot believe how long it has taken me to write up this review!

Anna at Gotein contacted me several weeks ago to see if I was interested in reviewing their product. I had been hearing a lot about them around the blogosphere and definitely wanted to try the product first hand – so I immediately said yes.

(Source: Gotein website)

For those of you who don’t know – Gotein is a powered protein drink that comes packaged in convenient stick packets. It’s available in three flavors (Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla), and is formulated for a typical 16.9 oz water bottle. Simply drink 1/3 of the bottle to make room for the power, add Gotein, shake and drink! Pretty easy, right?

What I liked:
  • Taste — Mixing it with water, I was expecting chalky, but was pleasantly surprised. I found the vanilla and chocolate to be pretty good. (I have to admit I didn’t try the strawberry – unless it’s the fresh fruit, I’m just not much of a fan of strawberry-flavored foods.)
  • Combination of high protein, low carbs and low calories — each packet gives you 16-17g of protein, 5-6g or carbs and 24 vitamins and minerals for just about 100 calories (depending on the flavor).
  • Convenience — I especially liked being able to use Gotein post-gym while trying to get errands done.
What I wasn’t as crazy about:
  • I tend to use a refillable water bottle more so than disposable ones, so I did have to wash out my water bottle and when you’re on the go that’s not always so easy. Not the worse thing in the world, just something to be aware of.
  • At just over $2 per packet ($24.95 for a box of 12), Gotein is a little pricey, especially for everyday use. I can see myself keeping some on hand as a good back-up for when I know my schedule’s going to be really crazy or for when I’m traveling.

So would you like to try some for yourself? Gotein was nice enough to send two packs (each with all three flavors) to give away!

To enter – please leave a separate comment for each:

  1. Be a follower of this blog.
  2. Tell me what’s your favorite protein source post-workout.

For a bonus entries – tweet about this giveaway. Please make sure you include @RunAttitude and @Gotein in your tweet so I can keep track.

Entries will be accepted now through August 21st and two winners will be selected using on August 22nd. (Only shipping to the US for this giveaway – apologies to my non-US readers) Good luck!


Disclaimer: I was given this product to review. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.


Thursday Thoughts – Hangover, Young Runners & Core Challenge

  • Got hit with what I’m calling the “Half Hangover” — post race I felt really good Monday and Tuesday, but whamo on Wednesday I felt totally spent! I’m talking dead on my feet…even had a sore throat – so random. Still wasn’t feeling fab when I got up this morning, but I figured I’d go for just a quick couple of miles before the kids went to camp. Surprisingly the heaviness in my legs was gone within the first half mile, and by the run’s end I was feeling much, much better.
  • I can’t stop thinking about a runner I met Sunday while hanging out before the race. She was 13 years old and there to run her first half marathon! She was the sweetest girl and her face completely lit up when she talked about running. But 13?! Is it just me, or does that seem too young to be out there and running by herself? I’ve been wondering how she held up in that crazy weather.
    • Today I’m kicking off a 30-day ab-work challenge for myself. My core could be a lot stronger than it is, and of late this is an area I’ve really been slacking off in my workouts. So from now through September 9th, I’m committing to do some core work daily. Hopefully after 30 days, it will be a habit I stick with.
    Want to play along? What’s your favorite core workout?


    Splish, Splash, Run – Providence Rock ‘n’ Roll Recap

    The weather people started predicting rain last Wednesday…and well let’s just say there’s rain and then there’s R-A-I-N! After worrying for weeks about preparing for hazy, hot and humid – I got a super soaker! Mother Nature definitely has a sense of humor 🙂

    I was up and out by 5 to make the drive down to Providence. I realized over the past couple of days that I was far more wound-up for this race than I was my first half and I couldn’t put my finger on why until that morning. With my first half, my goals were simply to finish, to finish strong and to have fun. Going into this race, I realized I was feeling a self-imposed pressure to PR. But every race is different right? In fact when I registered for this one I hadn’t even run my first – I was just psyched to do an R’n’R race right in my backyard! So on the ride down I let go of the pressure – just gonna let go and run!

    It was a continual downpour from start to finish but the bands, cheerleaders, some diehard spectators and fellow runners made for a fun race! And I loved that my family cheer squad was out in force again!

    Running in sloshing sneakers was not even a little enjoyable – it really took me about the first 5 miles to find a rhythm. I had this crazy headache and felt like I was running in a bit of a haze – really odd. I took some GU chomps and water and started to feel much better.

    By mile 8, I was feeling really good and when I spotted my family around 10 I was in good form and feeling pretty strong! I felt great as I crossed the finish line…um, who’s idea was it to make the last 100 yds uphill?!

    (This pic’s not out of focus – that’s rain!)

    So my second half marathon in 10 weeks is done! And, while there was no PR, training in all kinds of weather conditions this year (and I do mean all – bitter cold, snow, rain and crazy heat), really helped me to have the mental toughness needed to get through this race. And I loved that I felt stronger the late in the race! All-in-all a good day!


    Thursday Thoughts – Birthday edition

    • Yep it’s my birthday and I started my morning nice and early with an easy 3-mile run. My kiddos thought I was going to sleep late this morning…and while tempting, this workout was my little gift to myself to start my 46th year right. Running’s truly been a gift for me – it’s made me healthier and fitter than I have been in a very long time…and it helps keep me sane. Seriously, how many things can you say that about?!
    • I know some people who dread their birthdays – the thought of getting another year older. I prefer to think of it as my own personal New Year’s — a chance to reflect on the past year and set some new goals. (In case you hadn’t noticed I’m very Type A…it’s all about goal-setting!)
    • Celebrating will be fun but low-keyed …in other words, one glass (ok maybe 2) of wine …more celebrating after Sunday’s race 🙂 I’m meeting a friend for lunch and shopping (of course!) and tonight J is taking me to the Chihuly exhibit then dinner. I’ve been dying to see this exhibit…can’t wait!


    July Rewind

    Good things for the month:
    • Reached another monthly high with 89 miles.
    • Despite the heat, only missed one training run (opted for an extra rest day vs. short recovery run)
    • Had some very strong workouts at the track and did a much better job of committing to strength training.
    • Introduced Saucony Kinvaras into the rotation and love the way they feel.
    • Started working with Team Sony Walkman — (more on that to come)
    • Lots of new followers — I so appreciate the support and encouragement!

    Things I could do without:
    • Have I mentioned the heat? Yeah…enough about that!

    On the decks for August:
    • Providence Rock’n’Roll Half is this Sunday!
    • More strength training.
    • Finalize my fall race plans.

    How was your July — did you meet your goals?


    Friday Five

    •  “I wish Morgan Freeman could narrate my life” – saw that on a bumper sticker on my run this morning. It cracks me up what people will put on their cars! (though if I were to have someone narrate my life, Morgan is a good choice!)

      • Worked on hills in my run this morning….still need a lot more work here!  
      • I’ve been debating running a 3rd half marathon this year – in part because I’m curious to know what I could do with this distance in cooler temps. My hubs J suggested I wait to see how I feel after next Sunday before I commit to another one…he may be right.
      •  I admit I’ve started the weather watch for Providence – so far sunny and a high of 82.
        • Today’s is the Tiny Terror…er, I mean my youngest’s 6th birthday! We’ll celebrate after camp today with some of his favorites – a family water gun fight, pizza dinner, giant Ghirardelli Double Chocolate brownies and presents! This weekend we’re headed to an amusement park with friends to celebrate their son’s birthday (which is Saturday), the Tiny Terror’s birthday and my oldest son’s birthday (turning 9 next Saturday) — should be a fun day filled with crazy rides and too much junk food!

        Happy Friday!

            Trackwork and Shoe Questions

            It was pouring rain when I woke up yesterday so I decided to switch up my workouts and do an easy 3 and strength training yesterday and save the track work for this morning. (It’s funny I don’t mind running on the road in the rain, but I find the track gets a little too slick).

            Well it was absolutely beautiful this morning and I couldn’t wait to get to the track. I was surprised at just how many people were already there when I pulled into the parking lot! I’m very lucky that our local high school has a high quality track, and people were definitely taking advantage of it this morning. This was my first run in the Saucony Kinvaras I won from SUAR‘s giveaway a couple of weeks ago – I wasn’t sure how my legs were going to hold up so I also brought along the Mirages I’ve been running in regularly, just in case.

            On tap today, 3 x 1600s with 800 jogs with a target pace of 10:15.  After warming up, I hit the first interval right on target at 10:14. I felt really good so I decided to see if I could do each of the next two a little faster. I did the 2nd interval in 10:04 and the 3rd in 9:54 – mission accomplished!

            I liked running in the Kinvara, though I think for now I will use them only for speedwork. My calves and feet still need to get stronger before I start putting more miles in them – perhaps sometime in the fall I’ll try them on some easy, recovery runs. For now I’m happy to continue to use the Mirage for most of my runs. I had been alternating between the Brooks Adrenalines and the Mirages, using the Adrenalines for my longer runs. But of late I was feeling a little discomfort in my left knee towards in the latter half of my runs, so just out of curiosity I started using the Mirage for all my runs and have had no problems. I’m now running exclusively in the Mirage and plan on using them for the race.

            So I’m wondering if the difference in the heal-to-toe ratio between the two shoes was causing the discomfort? What do you think? Do you use different shoes depending on the workout?


            Me and Mother Nature on a long run

            After seeing the forecast for Friday, with temps in the 90s in the early morning and climbing to 100+, I decided to do a tempo run and shift my long run to Sunday. I’m all for training in it if you’re gonna race in it…but there are limits!

            While the oppressive heat had subsided, Mother Nature was still clearly in a mood this morning. It was in the mid-70s with matching humidity by 6. Fine…bring it on! Slow and steady was pretty much the approach – today’s run was just about getting the miles and focusing on form.

            Around mile 7, the rain started – a good steady shower. Fine…bring it on! I’ll take running in the rain over the heat any day. Well…Mother Nature must have known was I was thinking because just as I got to around 9.5 miles, the sun came out in full force. I thought – I’ve got a mile and a half to go…Fine…bring it on!

            In the end 11.27 done and all in all it was a good steady run. I was surprised how quiet it was on the roads today – for most of the run, I saw no one else except for the occasional cyclist. There finally a few runners towards the end….unusual.

            While obviously not ideal conditions, I’m so glad out I got out there today. Only 2 weeks to go until R’n’R Providence – hopefully this past week of heat-running will serve me well on race day!
