One of "those" weeks

This past week was definitely one of THOSE weeks! You know the kind…

….the kind when you look at your calendar and wonder what happened to the white space?!

It was the kind of week where I was juggling family commitments, client projects, volunteer responsibilities and trying to squeeze in my workouts – wait how is that different from any other week? 🙂  There are just some weeks when this juggling act feels in control, manageable…and then there are weeks like this one where you feel like someone has increased the speed on your treadmill when you weren’t looking!

It was the kind of week where I was really grateful for the escape time a run can provide – time to think through kitchen remodel options, or to sort through the to do list and prioritize…or best of all, to unplug and just enjoy the meditation of the run!

Ah but now it’s Sunday, the long run’s done and the ITB (for the most part) behaved. So now it’s time to enjoy some down time with J and the boys…to pick pumpkins, do some baking (with the apples from last Sunday’s apple picking trip) and watch some football! A perfect end to one of those weeks!

Enjoy your Sunday!

Sometimes the truth hurts…

A friend posted this on FB this morning and it just made me chuckle…so true!


5 weeks and counting

Wrapped up week 9 of my half training with a return to double digits on Saturday’s long run. It’s been 4 weeks since my left ITB has been willing to go that far so I’m very happy all body parts cooperated!

Just 5 weeks left to go until Philly – 5 weeks to test the legs, hit my target paces, get focused and keep the IT in a cooperative state (read: roll, ice, rest, repeat!).

The plan for this week:

Monday — Easy run (3 or 4) and Yoga
Tuesday — Track work (mile repeats…did you just hear me groan?!)
Wednesday — Recovery (3) and Strength work
Thursday —  Tempo run (6)
Friday — Rest
Saturday — Long run (11)

Congratulations to everyone who raced this weekend – it’s been great reading your race reports! Definitely inspiring!

Have a Great Week!

Tufts 10k Race Report

I had a lot of fun yesterday – despite the heat & the cranky ITB! The Tufts 10k for Women is a fun event – there’s a great spirit and energy to it that was on full display yesterday!

If you saw my quick post yesterday morning than you know I was going into this race with no idea how it would play out – I was just going to go run and see what happened. Did I mention that it was 82 degrees and a 12 noon start?

This was my friend E’s first 10k so we headed in together and got to the race with an hour to go before the start. We hit the porta potties, stretched and chatted and hung out until they called the seeds to start lining up.

The race announcer made a point of telling us that the temperature had climbed 2 degrees just in the time it took us to line up! (Fabulous!) Tufts is the USTAF 10k Women’s Championship so there were lots of cheering as the elites were introduced. But I think the biggest cheers came when the group of women who have run this race every year since it’s inception (35 years!) were acknowledged! 

E was remarkably calm – I remember being so nervous last year for my first 10k! We had already discussed how we would manage the race – she had told me that she wanted to focus on running her own race and not worry about holding me back. So we hugged as we shuffled towards the start and then we were off.

Did I mention it was HOT?! Yeah…it was.

The first mile was a nice flat stretch with, most importantly some shade. But ohh those middle middle 4 miles, we were baking along the Charles River! The water stops were very chaotic – the volunteers seemed overwhelmed by the number of runners looking for water – there were crowds and you literally had to come to a dead stop, work your way through to get water and then work your way back out of the crowd…clearly not ideal! But the runners were great – passing cups to each other, some stopping to pour water for others, making jokes, just making the best of it. Gratefully, partial shade returned at mile 5 and thru to the finish.

As I planned, I just ran by feel – sometimes my pace was good and sometimes the combination of the heat and my ITB told me to slow down and just take it all in. And I did – I chatted with other runners, encouraged where I could, thanked volunteers, rocked out to my tunes, high-fived the kids on the route and tried to enjoy the ride. Once again my family was out on the course cheering and I found E’s family along the way as well.
As I hit the final stretch to the finish, the race announcer was actually urging runners to not sprint in because of the heat – trust me, not an issue for me at that point 🙂 Joan Benoit Samuelson was once again greeting runners at the finish line, and I got a high five again from her. Such a great touch to the race! I made it through the finishers chute, hit the water and food tables and circled back around to find E – she looked great and seemed to have had a good time!

We eventually found each other and my family. We took pics, did a quick sweep of the expo and then my boys let it be known that lunch was long overdue, so we headed for the cars.

Love this pic – just wish my little guy’s head wasn’t cutoff!

All-in-all a good day. I would love to run Tufts again next year, but this time really “race” it. With the new course design (flat start vs. the downhill with a sharp turn at the end of years past) and more traditional fall weather, it would be really fun to see what I could do at this distance. But isn’t that one of the beauties of running, there’s always the promise of “next time?”


A letter to my family

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you…

You all have cheered me through every step of my journey this year

You have endured all the crazy weather conditions right along with me – the heat, the snow, the torrential rain – your enthusiasm never waning, celebrating every step, every mile, every finish.

You donned “Cheering with Attitude” t-shirts, you carried banners, you even gave out high fives to other runners.

When I said I wanted to run a half marathon you never questioned – ok Dad you may have once…but even then you were kidding 🙂

When I said I was going to run 2 more halfs with other races sprinkled in – all you asked was where and when

You have loved and supported me every step of the way – through every training run, through every ache or pain, through every race. Of course, this is not rare – you all have supported me no matter what path I’ve traveled in my life…so really this journey to be a runner is really no different.

So as 2011 draws to a close, I thank you – I’m very lucky to have such a support system and I love you all!


Just a few hours til race time

“Just take your time and have fun. 
Every race is not a PR but every race is an experience. 
Just enjoy the crowd/other runners.”
 — Runnerbee08 during #runchat (Twitter)

In about 4 hours I’ll be lining up with 7500 women for the Tufts 10k for Women….and I have no idea what to expect. I ran this race last year – it was my first 10k – so I know it will be a great atmosphere, but as for how I’ll do today I don’t have a clue.

I ran very little last week and not at all the week before as I try to coax my ITB away from a full revolt. And with Philly just 6 weeks, I don’t want to do anything that will put me further behind. So I’m basically going into this race without any expectations. My strategy is to see how I feel and just enjoy the experience!

Wish me luck!


DVD Giveaway Winners!

With the help of, the two winners of the “My Run” DVD are #3 and #6:

  • Ozone3


Please shoot me an email at runningwithattitude (at) yahoo (dot) com and I’ll make sure those DVDs get out to you!


3 Things – Record heat, Sony Discount, "My Run" giveaway

  • “Record heat” — those were the words uttered by my local weather guy as he gave the forecast for the holiday weekend. They’re predicting 81 degrees for Monday – this is suppose to be fall race weather?!?  We had a frost advisory this morning and now record heat! C’mon Mother Nature! 
  • Sony Discount — As a member of Team Sony Walkman, I’ve been given some discount codes to share with my readers to save 10% off a W Series Walkman MP3 player! If you missed my review of the new W Series, you can check it out HERE   I only have a limited number of coupons and the offer expires on October 15th. So, if you’re interested, leave a comment below or shoot me an email.
  • “My Run” DVD — Don’t forget my giveaway ends tomorrow!


Post-Vacation Randomness

  • Thanks to everyone who offered advice about whether to run during my vacation or give my irritable ITB a rest. The overwhelming response was to rest – which I did, as much as walking around Disney with two energetic boys can be called rest! 
  • This was our family’s first trip to Disney and we had an absolute blast! Just watching my boys’ faces as they took it all in is something I’ll never forget!
  • And yes…as a couple of you predicted, now I do want to do a Disney race at some point 🙂
  • Just gotta say I found it really disheartening the number of overweight children I saw at the parks – made me just want to shake the parents and ask “Do you see what you’re doing to your children?!?” (OK I’m climbing down off my soapbox)
  • Took my first run in a week this morning – nice and easy 3…my left leg felt ok so we’ll how this week goes. I’ve got the Tufts 10k on Monday and at this point I have no expectations, except to go and have fun!
  • It was really great to be so unplugged for these last few days….I’ve got a lot of blogs to catch up on…so I’m off to do some reading….and mounds of laundry!

"My Run" movie review & giveaway

This weekend I got a chance to watch the movie “My Run,” which just came out on DVD last week.

It’s the true story of Terry Hitchcock – who ran the equivalent of 75 marathons in 75 consecutive days, as he ran from St. Paul to Atlanta in time for the start of the Summer Olympic Games in 1996. Given that he was 57, not in great health, on blood pressure medication and not a runner – makes the fact that he decided to take this on quite remarkable in itself. 

But, his goal was not a spectacular personal accomplishment – instead, Terry’s goal in running so far was to bring attention to the many challenges facing single-parent families. Hitchcock found himself a single parent to his three young children after losing his wife to breast cancer. After 10 years of dealing with his grief and raising his children on his own, Terry want to spread awareness of the difficulties single-parent families face.

Throughout his journey, Hitchcock deals with logistical challenges, a range of weather conditions, bone fractures and chest pains. You see him endure not only the physical, but the mental challenges as well — can you imagine the mental toughness and heart it would take to run a marathon every day?!

The movie is both inspiring and entertaining (though I must admit I found the use of the late 70’s/early 80’s tunes for the run sequences distracting). And his message to use your life – your talents and gifts – to help others really resonated with me.

Interested in seeing “My Run” for yourself? The nice folks behind the DVD release have two copies to share with Running with Attitude readers! Just be a follower of my blog and leave me a comment saying so – easy peasy! Blog or Tweet about this giveaway for additional entries – again leave me a comment for each. I’ll use to select the winners on  Friday, October 7 (by the way, they can only ship to US residents).

If you want to order a copy of the DVD now, just use the code “INSPIRES” on the My Run Movie website ( and receive a 10% discount. A portion of the DVD sale proceeds go to two great charities – Livestrong and Soles4Souls!
