A letter to my family

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you…

You all have cheered me through every step of my journey this year

You have endured all the crazy weather conditions right along with me – the heat, the snow, the torrential rain – your enthusiasm never waning, celebrating every step, every mile, every finish.

You donned “Cheering with Attitude” t-shirts, you carried banners, you even gave out high fives to other runners.

When I said I wanted to run a half marathon you never questioned – ok Dad you may have once…but even then you were kidding 🙂

When I said I was going to run 2 more halfs with other races sprinkled in – all you asked was where and when

You have loved and supported me every step of the way – through every training run, through every ache or pain, through every race. Of course, this is not rare – you all have supported me no matter what path I’ve traveled in my life…so really this journey to be a runner is really no different.

So as 2011 draws to a close, I thank you – I’m very lucky to have such a support system and I love you all!


Just a few hours til race time

“Just take your time and have fun. 
Every race is not a PR but every race is an experience. 
Just enjoy the crowd/other runners.”
 — Runnerbee08 during #runchat (Twitter)

In about 4 hours I’ll be lining up with 7500 women for the Tufts 10k for Women….and I have no idea what to expect. I ran this race last year – it was my first 10k – so I know it will be a great atmosphere, but as for how I’ll do today I don’t have a clue.

I ran very little last week and not at all the week before as I try to coax my ITB away from a full revolt. And with Philly just 6 weeks, I don’t want to do anything that will put me further behind. So I’m basically going into this race without any expectations. My strategy is to see how I feel and just enjoy the experience!

Wish me luck!


DVD Giveaway Winners!

With the help of Random.org, the two winners of the “My Run” DVD are #3 and #6:

  • Ozone3


Please shoot me an email at runningwithattitude (at) yahoo (dot) com and I’ll make sure those DVDs get out to you!


3 Things – Record heat, Sony Discount, "My Run" giveaway

  • “Record heat” — those were the words uttered by my local weather guy as he gave the forecast for the holiday weekend. They’re predicting 81 degrees for Monday – this is suppose to be fall race weather?!?  We had a frost advisory this morning and now record heat! C’mon Mother Nature! 
  • Sony Discount — As a member of Team Sony Walkman, I’ve been given some discount codes to share with my readers to save 10% off a W Series Walkman MP3 player! If you missed my review of the new W Series, you can check it out HERE   I only have a limited number of coupons and the offer expires on October 15th. So, if you’re interested, leave a comment below or shoot me an email.
  • “My Run” DVD — Don’t forget my giveaway ends tomorrow!


Post-Vacation Randomness

  • Thanks to everyone who offered advice about whether to run during my vacation or give my irritable ITB a rest. The overwhelming response was to rest – which I did, as much as walking around Disney with two energetic boys can be called rest! 
  • This was our family’s first trip to Disney and we had an absolute blast! Just watching my boys’ faces as they took it all in is something I’ll never forget!
  • And yes…as a couple of you predicted, now I do want to do a Disney race at some point 🙂
  • Just gotta say I found it really disheartening the number of overweight children I saw at the parks – made me just want to shake the parents and ask “Do you see what you’re doing to your children?!?” (OK I’m climbing down off my soapbox)
  • Took my first run in a week this morning – nice and easy 3…my left leg felt ok so we’ll how this week goes. I’ve got the Tufts 10k on Monday and at this point I have no expectations, except to go and have fun!
  • It was really great to be so unplugged for these last few days….I’ve got a lot of blogs to catch up on…so I’m off to do some reading….and mounds of laundry!

"My Run" movie review & giveaway

This weekend I got a chance to watch the movie “My Run,” which just came out on DVD last week.

It’s the true story of Terry Hitchcock – who ran the equivalent of 75 marathons in 75 consecutive days, as he ran from St. Paul to Atlanta in time for the start of the Summer Olympic Games in 1996. Given that he was 57, not in great health, on blood pressure medication and not a runner – makes the fact that he decided to take this on quite remarkable in itself. 

But, his goal was not a spectacular personal accomplishment – instead, Terry’s goal in running so far was to bring attention to the many challenges facing single-parent families. Hitchcock found himself a single parent to his three young children after losing his wife to breast cancer. After 10 years of dealing with his grief and raising his children on his own, Terry want to spread awareness of the difficulties single-parent families face.

Throughout his journey, Hitchcock deals with logistical challenges, a range of weather conditions, bone fractures and chest pains. You see him endure not only the physical, but the mental challenges as well — can you imagine the mental toughness and heart it would take to run a marathon every day?!

The movie is both inspiring and entertaining (though I must admit I found the use of the late 70’s/early 80’s tunes for the run sequences distracting). And his message to use your life – your talents and gifts – to help others really resonated with me.

Interested in seeing “My Run” for yourself? The nice folks behind the DVD release have two copies to share with Running with Attitude readers! Just be a follower of my blog and leave me a comment saying so – easy peasy! Blog or Tweet about this giveaway for additional entries – again leave me a comment for each. I’ll use Random.org to select the winners on  Friday, October 7 (by the way, they can only ship to US residents).

If you want to order a copy of the DVD now, just use the code “INSPIRES” on the My Run Movie website (http://www.MyRunMovie.com) and receive a 10% discount. A portion of the DVD sale proceeds go to two great charities – Livestrong and Soles4Souls!


Irritable ITB, Step-back wk and Vacation runs – WWYD?

I was really looking forward to my 11 miler this morning…but my ITB clearly was not!

I was feeling pretty sore and tight yesterday and no amount of foam rolling or icing seemed to make too much of a difference. I kept hoping if I just took it slow that I could get the long run done. Well, when I got up this morning nothing along my outer left leg felt okay…and so the internal bargaining began. OK so maybe I can’t get 11, but surely I can at least get 8, right? Hmm…yeah…not so much.

It was a struggle almost from the beginning  – I stopped just before 2 to stretch and to decide whether or not to keep going. I kept going, but as I reached the 4 mile point and turned to head back I started to think that there was a very good chance that I would either have to walk to whole way or call J to come pick me up. Luckily, J and the boys did come by – they decided to check on me cause they knew the leg wasn’t feeling great – and without hesitation I hopped in the car and called it a day. I was really bummed to not finish the run, but pressing on just seemed like a really bad idea!

So Week 7 starts tomorrow and it’s a step back week. It also happens to be the week were heading to Disney. Originally, I had planned on running on Tuesday and then a couple of times while we’re away – the resort has a great mile and a quarter loop around the lagoon that sounded perfect for some short runs. But now given my cranky ITB I’m wondering if I should run at all or just rest it (aside from all the walking we’ll be doing) and take the 5 days off.

And when I get back I’ll have a week before the Tufts 10kso what would you do?

Would you rest or would you run?


Friday Five

  1.  I’m wondering what happened to the lovely fall-like temps we had here in New England just a week ago. Oppressive humidity has returned and it is sucking the life out of my “speedwork.”
  2. I’m in the final days of trying to get ready for the family’s first trip to Disney World – my head is spinning from the daily emails from the lovely Disney folks reminding us of all the activities/shows/etc. we have to choose from, advice from friends on the “must dos,” and thinking of all that needs to get done before we get on the plane!
  3. My last two long runs have been 10-milers and I’ve got 11 on tap for Sunday. I’ve really been enjoying my long runs and lovin’ how I’m feeling when I’m done. A turning point? 
  4. I’ve started using my Kinvaras for more than just track work and am amazed at how different the foot feel is vs. the Mirages. I think this slow and steady transition to a minimalist shoe has been the best approach for me – eventually I’d like to be running in the Kinvaras for long runs as well, but I think I’m going to wait until after Philly’s done.
  5. Looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend – just the usual kids sports and family running around. After another crazy busy week, I’m craving some down time.
 Have a Great Weekend!

    Sony W Series Walkman Review

    As some of you may remember, this summer I signed on to be part of Team Sony Walkman. Of course, the biggest perk of being on this team is the opportunity to try out Sony’s new wireless Walkman. I received my first Walkman headset back in July and have been running with it ever since.

    The new W Series Walkman

    What I have loved:

    • It’s wireless! I love that I can just put in the earbuds and go, without any cords to worry about knocking out mid-run (as I’ve been known to do)
    • It is lightweight — when I first read about and saw the design I was a little concerned about the unit being heavy or awkward, but once I picked up the package I realized that wasn’t going to be a problem. It’s very light! 
    • It’s water-proof – and let me tell you running in the downpour that was the Providence Rock n Roll put that waterproof promise to the ultimate test! And I can say it never faltered – it was great to just run and never worry about it.
    • It gives you Sony-quality sound – in my book, ‘nuf said!

    The initial set up on my laptop was fairly straight forward (you do need a Windows operating system) and you can drag and drop songs and playlists from iTunes in just a few minutes. Having all of the controls right on the headset did take a little getting use to – I hit the wrong button more then once on my first couple of runs.

    I do miss that, because of the design, I can’t run with just one ear bud in when I want- something I like to do in races. Also, I can’t plug into the treadmill TV if I want to catch up on ESPN while I’m logging time at the gym (still bringing traditional earphones for that).

    Overall, I’ve been really pleased with my Sony Walkman and just as I was going to post this review, I got a great surprise in the mail — the newly redesigned W Series Walkman! The new design is even lighter and smaller, and I think it has a much sleeker look. The control buttons are now split between the two earbuds (instead of all being on the right side as in the earlier version) — I’m finding it easier to manage. It’s also nice that it comes in white as well as black. All-in-all a nice upgrade!

    (I was provided with the Walkman but the reviews expressed here are completely my own.)


    The simple joy of a run

    Earlier this week I had talked about making choices, and that first on my list for the week was to hit the target pace for each workout. A worthwhile goal right?

    So I went to the track on Tuesday to face the intervals I dread the most…1600’s. As I ticked off each lap, pace math was making my head swim – I was obsessed with the numbers…but I did it, each interval was in fact below my target. I left the track, sweat-drenched and satisfied. Wednesday was a good strength training session and then came Thursday’s tempo run. I admit I can get a little psyched out over tempo runs, but I kept telling myself that the 1600 intervals I had run called for a faster pace than this run did…and besides the goal was to hit each target pace right? Wrong!

    From the beginning I struggled through the run and, as the numbers on my Garmin didn’t come down, the level of my negative self-talk went up. Now yes, it was 75 degrees out and crazy humid but there was more going wrong here than just Mother Nature not cooperating. I slogged through and in the end only hit 1 mile where I wanted to, and as soon as the Garmin chimed for the 5th mile I did something I’ve never done before. I stopped my watch and walked the last quarter mile home. I was miserable and just wanted to be done! It wasn’t until I was whining about it to J last night that it hit me….I was so caught up in hitting the pace that I had completely sucked the joy out of the run. I had kept using phrases like “I have to…” that morning, like it was some chore I needed to check off my to do list. Not a good recipe for success.

    This morning I was eager to get back out on the road – not necessarily for “redemption” but just to cut loose and enjoy a run. I debated wearing my Garmin, but did throw it on promising myself that no matter what number flashed at me that this was to be a run purely on feel. I just let go – I didn’t think about “have tos” or “must dos” I just ran for the simple joy of being out for a run on a perfect fall morning. Yes, I did glance at my Garmin once or twice, but I stuck to my promise to just go by feel. And, when I was done I felt recharged…and the nice bonus was I’d run a faster 4 miles then I have in awhile.

    While training plans and target paces are all valuable to help reach whatever goal you’ve set, it is so important to not forget to just run for the simple joy of a run!

    Happy Running!