Bring on the Needles – Back to the Acupuncturist

Soucre: Google images

I headed back to my acupuncturist yesterday to begin treatment on my left ITB issues.

You may remember that weeks before the Philly half marathon, my left leg decided to not play nice and to stave off my panic I started pulling out all the stops to keep the ITB and knee happy. One of the things I tried was acupuncture — I have used acupuncture in the past with great success in relieving migraines, helping to lower my blood pressure and, even for relief from bad bouts of hay fever. I figured why not see if a few carefully placed needles could help…and I believe it did. Was it the sole reason I got to the starting line feeling as good as I did? That’s hard to say, but I know in those final days leading up to the race, my leg felt much better after the treatments.

So fast forward to now – one of my goals for this year is to get through the year injury-free. To do that I believe there are a few things I need to do a better job of:

  • strength training
  • improving my range of motion/flexibility, and
  • something I’m calling proactive self-care — doing a better job of taking care of my body, especially my legs in a proactive manner, instead of waiting until something goes wrong.

Acupuncture fall into that 3rd category. When I talked to my acupuncturist leading up to Philly, we discussed the on and off problems I’d been having all year. He explained that beyond pain management, acupuncture can be used to help decrease swelling and inflammation, as well as to increase range of motion. We discussed taking a proactive course of treatment to help treat the underlying conditions that may lead to my left leg flare-ups. Made sense to me – so once a week for 6 weeks I’ll be playing the part of human pincushion and then we’ll take a break so we can get a better sense of the lasting affects.

Have you ever tried acupuncture? What do you do to take care of your body?



New Year’s Planning

After comparing the collective family calendars for school, business travel, a plethora of the boys’ sports events and activities, J’s lacrosse schedule and all other various things that make up life, I think I’ve come up with my race schedule for 2012.

There are 10 races – a good mix of half marathons, 10ks and 5ks – with 2 new distances thrown in, a 15k and a 10-miler I’ll be running with J!


— Wampanoag Road Runners Old-Fashioned 10-miler


—  Rock ‘n’ Roll DC Half Marathon
—  Boston Tune-Up 15k


—  Boston’s Run to Remember (Half)


—  Harvard Pilgrim 10k


—   Zooma Cape Cod Half Marathon


—  Tufts 10k
—  Canton Fall Classic (5k)


—  Philadelphia Half Marathon

—  Jingle Bell Run (5k)

I’ve got a few others in mind if I’m feeling ambitious or if something goes haywire and I need to switch up the schedule…or if money for race fees and travel starts magically falling from the sky 🙂

Should be a fun year – I’m looking forward to it!

 Happy New Year!!



Plugging back in

I have been delightfully unplugged the last few days – removed from my laptop and only the occasional text on my phone. After kicking off the Christmas weekend with a frigid 7 mile run on Saturday, I have over-indulged in food, wine, family and laughter and I am good with all of it.

After a few lazy days, it’s time time to plug back in. With R’n’R DC about 12 weeks away, I’m back on a  formal training plan.  Recently, while tweeting with a few runners about training plans, Bart Yasso weighed in (one of the many reasons I love social media!) and suggested that based on my time goals and history, that I needed to increase my weekly mileage to closer to 35 miles, with at least one speed work per week. So I’ve decided to stick with the combination of Smart Coach and Hal Higdon’s Intermediate plan, similar to what I did for the Philly half, while upping my overall mileage  — through a combination of more double digit LSDs and an additional easy run day.

It may sound crazy, but I feel much more settled when I’ve got a plan in place – for the last few weeks I’ve just kind of run on my own at whatever distance/pace I felt like. And while it was nice to have break, towards the end I was starting to feel like I was losing focus a bit.

Does a training plan help you to feel more focused or constrained?


Some of the Best of 2011

Recently, Miss Zippy posted a great list of questions on the “best of” for 2011 and invited us all to do the same…so here are my answers!

Best race experience? 
Without a doubt Boston’s Run to Remember – this was my first half marathon! I felt like I had achieved a huge accomplishment just making it to the start line, and the whole race I had this “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this!” feeling. Also, I had my whole family there and they went through herculean efforts to see and cheer me on in multiple sports throughout the race.  It was a great first experience and laid the groundwork for my growing love affair with the half distance!

Best run?

Another first — the first time I ever ran 10 miles. It was one of those perfect runs, everything felt good and even the traffic lights cooperated so I never had to stop. I remember my confidence growing as the miles ticked off and when I finished I did a little happy dance in my driveway (neighbors must have loved that!)

Best new piece of gear?

This one’s hard – I did a lot of……accumulating this year 🙂 It’s a tie between my Brooks running skirt and my Saucony Kinvaras – for both it was love at first run!

Best piece of running advice you received?

Everything I learned during my time with Ryan Miller, certified ChiRunning instructor! Also, to make the transition to minimalist shoes slowly.

Most inspirational runner?

Way to many to pick just one! I have been inspired and motivated by so many runners’ stories this year – from daily training, to racing, to overcoming injuries.

If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be?

Moving in the right direction!

There is so much to reflect on this year. This list was a fun way to get started! 

What were your 2011 highlights?



Jingle Bell Run Race Recap

On Sunday, I ran the Jingle Bell Run with my husband J and friend E. I had wanted to run this last year but was injured — so glad I got to this year! This race was fun from start to finish!

It was a balmy 23 degrees when we got to the race so we hung in the car for as long as we could before heading over to the starting area. We made a quick pit stop, and I saw one of my favorite costumes of the day – a group of 6 guys with huge inflatable reindeer heads tethered together “pulling” another guy dressed as Santa with a cardboard sleigh. They were guided by two women dressed like elves. And yes, they ran that way! Unfortunately, my camera was not loving the cold weather and failed on me so I didn’t get any pictures of them or some of the other fun costumes we saw along the way. E and I agreed we were going to have to be much for festive in our outfits next year ~ we also made a pact that we better beat the reindeer 🙂

E & I post-race and ready for a beer

The 3 of us ran together for the first half mile or so, then J headed off – he had a goal to hit 30 mins. E wanted me to just run and she was going to just try to hang with me and keep me in sight. I had no goal except to have fun…I even left my Garmin at home! It was a nice course with some rolling hills. I settled into a nice comfortable pace and enjoyed the sights. This race went by so fast – before I knew it we crested the last hill, turned the corner and could see a great down hill stretch to the finish.

There was a huge bottle neck at the finish as many people just came to a dead stop. The bottleneck continued as runners moved down the street in search of water and medals – this was my one complaint about the race, it was very disorganized at the finish! E, J and I re-grouped – J hit his goal of 30 minutes and E got a big PR in only her 2nd 5k!

Now it was time to celebrate. There were at least a dozen local pubs sponsoring the race, (did I mention the race medal was a bottle opener!) so of course a post-race beer (or 2) was necessary!

Definitely a fun race and one to keep on the schedule for next year!


Finding Balance during the Holidays

I think many of us are on a quest to strike a balance in our daily lives. But, when the holiday season rolls around with all of its extra time demands and food temptations, it’s really easy to end up off-kilter. This week the FitFluential Ambassadors are sharing tips for staying balanced during the holidays — here are a few things I’ve found that help me stay on course.

  • Don’t forget to eat — I know this may sound counter-intuitive with all the holiday parties and treats floating around. But, I know that in your daily running around trying to cram in all that needs to get done, that it is very easy to skip a meal for the sake of time. Don’t do it! Feed your body and feed it well. You’ll be less tempted to down that extra cookie and you’ll have the energy you need to get all of those “to do’s” done.
  •  Drink up — Water I mean! I find hydrating in the winter is something I really need to focus on. Again, staying hydrated helps to keep your energy level up, helps you to feel full and helps to balance that extra glass of wine or holiday cocktail.
  • Keep moving — Commit to carving out time each day to move, whether it’s your regular run or dancing the night away at a holiday party. And, remember every little bit counts so take the stairs when you can or park at the far end of the parking lot when you’re out shopping. Got snow in your area – a snowball fight with the kids or a walk with your dog are great calorie burners!
  • Take in the moment — It’s way too easy to get caught up in the “get it done!” mentality. Remember to stop, breathe and take in the moment. The holiday season is not a race – Enjoy the time with friends and family.
  • Sleep — Just like eating well, don’t sacrifice sleep in the name of getting more done. Try to maintain your normal bedtime – your mind and body will thank you.

Monday Ramblings

  • If you’ve been following along with me for a while now then you know I’m big on making lists…well I think I’ve crossed the line when I start putting “make a list” on the to do list! Is there a List Anonymous Group I can join?
  • I need to work out a deal with UPS that they deliver no packages on the weekends….my kids are getting suspicious and I’m running out of places to hide gifts!
  • And, whose brilliant idea was it to starting painting my kitchen/family room just a few weeks before Christmas?!!? Oh yeah…that would be me…my husband is really a good sport.
  • I’ve started doing a little writing for the’s Boston edition – you can check out my first article HERE (yes…shameless plug). The funny thing is I had tons of article ideas floating around in my head, then I got the gig and have been having writer’s block. 
  • On the running front, despite not being thrilled with being sidelined for a bit at the beginning of the month with a cold, the rest has clearly done my knee some good. My last few runs have felt good and been pain-free!

OK…now I’m off to tackle one of my many lists!

Happy Monday!

Mid-week Motivation

After dealing with this head cold/cough/crud thing that got hold of me last week and hung on, I’m feeling the need to jump start my workouts. Yes I’m feeling a little behind on my ever-growing holiday to do list, but I’m also determined to strike some balance, not get distracted, and to finish this year strong and lay the foundation to kick off 2012 right.

How are you doing – are you hitting your goals? Are you finishing the year the way you want?


November Rewind

Good things for the month:


  • While I logged just 60 miles – one of my lowest months of the year – this still goes in the “good things” category because they were quality miles that helped lead to 2 PRs this month!


    • I was selected to be a FitFluential Ambassador! I’m really looking forward to connecting with other bloggers and the opportunity to test, review, and hopefully giveaway various brands of fitness gear/equipment/books/food.
    Things I could do without:
    • My left ITB/knee saga – Yeah…enough already!

    On the decks for December:
    • The Jingle Bell 5k – my last race of the year!
    • Returning to acupuncture for my ITB — it really made a difference in the days leading up to Philly. 
    • A little 2012 planning — trying to figure out my training plan for my next half marathon…and maybe a little race shopping 🙂
    • Diving full force into the holiday season!!

    How was your November? What do you have planned for this month?


    My New Faves – Margaritaville Eyewear Review

    A little over a month ago I was contacted by Margaritaville Eyewear to see if I was interested in trying out a pair of their new polarized sunglasses. One quick scan of their site, and I was in!

    I selected the “Down Island” style and they shipped them right out to me. Before I had even opened the box, the first thing I noticed was how ridiculously light it was! The glasses came in a sturdy case, along with a protective sleeve and neck strap. The frames are whisper thin, so light in fact that I wondered how they’d stay in place during a run.

               Here’s what Margaritaville says about their frames: 
    The new Ultralight Margaritaville Proprietary Composite Material acts like metal, yet feels like plastic. This revolutionary ultra lightweight material has all the amazing durability aspects of titanium, without the weight, brittleness or heat conductivity.

    They instantly felt good on, but of course the real test was to run in them. Well, let me just cut to the chase here – it was LOVE at first run! I have run in these glasses non-stop, including in both of my recent races. They stay in place and are so lightweight you truly forget you have them on.

    What they say about their lenses:

     All Margaritaville polarized sunglasses feature premium fused polarization technology.  MPT Fused lenses diffuse glare through the use of an integrated, pre-formed polarizing filter, layered within the injected lens, allowing incredible clarity even in the harshest conditions.

    Here’s what I say — in bright sunlight, overcast mornings, and serious wind these glasses have performed flawlessly — the lenses are super clear and don’t fog up!

    Yeah it’s safe to say, I like them just a little 🙂 They’re definitely keepers!

    Disclaimer: I received the glasses from Margaritaville Eyewear, but the opinions expressed here are completely my own
