Thursday thoughts – School vacation, workouts & meditation

It’s vacation week here in Massachusetts so this week is all about creativity…. being creative with keeping the kids occupied so they don’t live on all sorts of various digital devices 24/7… and being creative with getting my workouts in.

We’ve been bowling, played all sorts of games, read books, watched movies, enjoyed this crazy mild weather and yesterday J took them for a day of skiing and snowboarding! And yes there has been some video-gaming time logged.

My little guy taking on the slopes!
My oldest’s 1st time snowboarding!

I’ve managed to get in some strength-training, speedwork at the track and a pilates class so far! I hope to sneak a short run in tomorrow before J leaves for work and then my usual long run Saturday. My mileage will definitely be down for this week but I’m okay with that.

And, once again I’ve signed up for another of the Chopra Center’s 21-day Meditation Challenges. I’ve mentioned before how much more centered and calm I feel when I meditate. So why have I stopped? Because schedules get crazy so I let it slide a day or two and then bam! Fell off the wagon again. The timing of this challenge was perfect as it started on Monday – perhaps Deepak knew I was facing vacation week 🙂 I’m on day 4 and hope to stay on the wagon well beyond day 21!

So far so good this week – we’ve avoided major meltdowns, my boys are enjoying each other’s company and my sanity’s still in tact – a win all around!

How’s your week going?


Wamapanoag Old-Fashioned 10 Miler Race Report

2012-OFTM Logo (Small)

On Saturday, J and I drove the course to get a better sense of the race’s director’s definition of “rolling hills.” Well they didn’t lie – a nice fairly flat start and then the rolling began around mile 3 and continue through mile 6, but nothing dramatic. Mile 7 was one longer climb, but by 7.5 it leveled off to a nice flat finish.

OK so now I knew what I was in for, I had two simple goals for the race: 1) finish uninjured and 2) finish ahead of my 10-mile split from the Philly Half (1:53:48). The one thing that had me worried was that I felt horrible when I went to bed. Both my stomach and head had not been cooperating for the past couple of days – I just hoped that whatever it was would be gone by morning.Yeah well, no such luck!

I went through my usual morning routine but I was not doing well. At one point J even asked me if I was sure I was going to run, and for half a second I considered not going. But I figured, if all else fails, it would just be a slow training run. We picked up our numbers and chatted with people while waiting for the bathrooms (indoor ladies’ room – score!). It was warming up nicely so we went back to the car to dump our extra clothes and then I made a critical mistake – I took a GU.  By the time we did our warm-up jog over to the start, my stomach was doing flip-flops again. Uggh…here we go.

J’s plan was to stay with me for the first mile or so – this was his first time running 10 miles and he was worried about going out too fast (He ran a great race, by the way!!). But once we started I knew almost immediately that we were going too fast. I glanced at my Garmin around a half mile – 9:36…yeah too fast! We slowed just a little. By 1.5 miles I could tell he was itching to move a little faster so I told him to have fun and sent him on his way. As the rolling part of the course started I knew this was going to be more of a mental race than anything else – could I keep myself distracted from my stomach and headache enough to hold a decent pace? I tried to enjoy the scenic course and beautiful weather. I thanked volunteers, said hi to the little kids cheering, encouraged other runners and focused on my music (I was grateful for a new playlist!). The fresh air definitely was definitely helping my headache…the stomach was just angry!

I managed the hills well, but did need to briefly walk part of the final climb. Once I hit mile 8, I knew it was flat to the finish. Frankly, I was tired of feeling like I was going to throw up – I just wanted to be done! Somewhere along the final stretch I heard someone call my name – it was Jose from And So It Burns! He had already finished but ran along with me towards the finish. Alleluiah the finish! Garmin read 10.08 miles 1:51:35! J, Jose and I chatted a bit before he headed out – it’s always great to meet the people behind the blogs you enjoy! (Jose I’m so glad you found me and stopped to say hi!)

So I hit my goals  – no injuries (legs felt really good!) and a 2:13 PR despite feeling cruddy! Definitely a confidence boost with 4 weeks till RnR USA Half. All-in-all it was a good local race I would definitely run again!


Thursday Thoughts – Pre-race edition

I actually have my first race of the year this weekend – the Wampanoag Old-fashioned 10 Miler and Fast 5K. I’m running the 10.

It’s funny  – I know absolutely nothing about this race except for the fact that the course is described as “a rolling course.” Gotta say the “rolling” part makes me nervous cause hills and I are not friends….we’re barely  civilized acquaintances.

So why in the world run it? Couple of reasons….
     1) I’m trying to face my fear… er intense dislike… um hill “issue” head on
     2) The timing of this race made it a good tune-up for the R’n’R USA Half which is just over 4 weeks away
     3) J is running it  – this will be his first time doing a double digit race and I wanted to support him

Up until now I haven’t given much thought to race goals or strategy. I’d like to run the final 5 faster than the first 5,  but I don’t have an overall time in mind. J and I are going to drive the course on Saturday so we’ll see just what “rolling” means and that might help me get my head around a race strategy.

Do you always go into a race with a strategy & goals? Do you run “tune-up” races?


What I Love about Running

For Valentine’s Day, the co-moderators of #Runchat are encouraging everyone to share ten reasons why you love running. Fun idea! So following their lead here are my ten, in no particular order:

 I love……

  1. …working through whatever is going on in my head at the moment – there is no better therapy!
  2. …the burn in my quads after 1600 repeats on the track.
  3. …that each run is unique, no two days of running are ever alike.
  4. …the elation and pride of crossing the finish line of a half marathon.
  5. …guilt-free eating after a long run.
  6. …being greeted by my kids as I come through the door with “How far did you run today mom?”
  7. …connecting with people from all over through this common bond/addiction/obsession.
  8. …the way my jeans fit.
  9. …setting goals – big and small, both mental and physical – then blasting through them.
  10. …redefining my strong!

It still surprises me how in such a short time since I’ve started running, how much it has become a part of me. There was a time when I could never imagine running as much as I do… and now I cannot imagine not running!

What do you love about running? What would you miss if you couldn’t?


    Running for Sherry

    I got up this morning to get ready for my run, and, as with so many of my runs since her disappearance, my thoughts were of Sherry Arnold.

    On January 7, Sherry, a mom, wife, teacher, friend, sister, went out for an early morning run and never came home. Like so many, the tragedy of Sherry’s death shook me to my core. I have shed tears and said prayers for Sherry and her family – it was a horrible reminder that terrible things happen to good people, that we’re not as safe as we sometimes think we are….that life is too short.

    Today I was honored to join Beth, Sherry’s cousin and countless others in a virtual run in honor of Sherry. As Beth said when she announced the run on her blog Shut Up and Run:

    My goal is to get the MOST love, momentum and energy moving in honor of Sherry. This run symbolizes the beginning of healing and honors a woman who was courageous, strong and loved by so many.

     It was snowing lightly when I left and my body was still feeling the effects of the stomach bug that has besieged my house – so I was not sure how far I was going to go, just that I was going to run.

    It was a quiet, uneventful run. I decided to follow a simple out and back route through town. By 4 miles out my body let me know it was done and it was time to head back.

    On the way back I came across another runner I see often on my Saturday runs. She fell in step next to me and asked me about the bib. I told her about Sherry and the virtual run. She asked me for Sherry’s name again and then said she would keep her in her thoughts for her run. We ran about a mile or so together. I appreciated the company and her acknowledgment of Sherry even more. When we split up, she wished me good luck and I told her I’d see her next week, then kept heading for home.

    I’m grateful to Beth for organizing this virtual run and giving us a way to show our support of Sherry and her family. I hope knowing that so many of us care brings her family a little peace.


    Thursday Thoughts (aka 3 Things)

    My mind is a total jumble this morning as I’m trying to keep straight everyone’s schedules, backpack requirements, meeting times, groceries list, menu planning and other errands….yeah basically just the typical “Mom’s Brain Syndrome.” I would love one day when I could come down stairs in the morning and someone would tell me what I have scheduled for the day and then hand me a packed bag with all of the things I’ll need…a girl can dream can’t she?

    After a great week of training capped off by a strong 11 mile run Saturday, I’m having a hard time finding a groove this week. Being up with my sick little guy half the night earlier this week hasn’t helped, but in general the runs have just been ok verging on blah. Guess that’s part of the ebb and flow of running.

    The FedEx guy delivered my PureConnects yesterday (cue the angels!) I’m silly excited to try this shoe out, but it probably won’t be today as I’m off to do hill work and I doubt hills are the best way to try out a new shoe. Tomorrow’s suppose to be a rest day, but I may need to sneak a couple in just so I can give these shoes a go.


    PureFit Bars Review & Coupon Code

    A few weeks ago I was offered a chance to try PureFit Nutrition Bars. Given that the bars are gluten-, wheat-, and dairy-free, I was curious to check them out, as I often have trouble finding things that will agree with my stomach.

    Here’s what PureFit says: (from the PureFit website)

    “Kosher-certified and vegan-approved PureFit bars do not contain dairy, wheat, or gluten, and will not melt in their packaging. PureFit works diligently to provide high-quality, award-winning nutrition bars without artificial ingredients, sugar alcohols or common allergens, including milk, wheat or gluten.

    100% All-Natural Ingredients, 18 Grams of Soy Protein, Non-GMO Soy, Unprecedented Great Taste. This low glycemic, nondairy bar is based on over 20 years of research and was not practical to manufacture until now. It offers:

    • NO Hydrogenated Oils
    • NO Animal Products – Vegan
    • NO Cholesterol or Trans Fatty Acids
    • NO Wheat or Gluten
    • NO Artificial Sweeteners
    • NO Hidden Carbohydrates
    • NO Sugar Alcohol”

    Here’s what I say:

    • I used them pre-and post-run and as a meal replacement and I had absolutely no stomach issues with them.  
    • PureFit offers 5 flavors: Almond Crunch, Berry Almond Crunch, Chocolate Brownie, Granola Crunch and Peanut Butter Crunch. My favorites were the Granola Crunch and Peanut Butter Crunch. I was not a big fan of the Berry Almond – though I’m not really fond of anything with a cranberry or raspberry vibe. 
    • Given the consistency of the bars, you should make sure to have a glass of water on hand when eating one.
    • An all-natural bar that tastes good and leaves my stomach feeling fine is a big win in my book!

    Interested in trying PureFit bars for yourself? Use the coupon code PROMO25 when you place an order and receive 25% off!

    *Disclaimer: I was provided five bars by PureFit to sample and review. The opinions expressed here are my own and I did not receive compensation for this review.


    Friday Five

    1. After 3 workouts in a 24-hr span, I am thoroughly embracing a rest day today! Some core work but nothing else – I want to have something in the tank for tomorrow’s long run.
    2. I’m beginning to realize that I have been underestimating the importance of getting enough sleep. While it is tempting to stay up to read, catch The Daily Show, try to get some writing done, etc., I need to do a better job of stepping away from all of it and catch some more zzz’s. My body and mind will thank me for it.
    3. I’m desperately on the hunt for some new tunes for the playlist – any suggestions? Please share.
    4. With the impending loss of Google Friend Connect, I’m starting to embrace the fact that I need to give those of you interested enough in following my little journey, alternative ways to follow. So you’ll see in the side bar that I’ve added a few options, including finally setting up a Facebook page. As I start writing more, I’ll be posting links to my Examiner articles there, so I hope you’ll check it out and give it a “like.” 
    5. Looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend full of the usual family activities, capped off with watching the Patriots bring home another Super Bowl win!

    Any big weekend plans?


    January Rewind

    Good things for the month:
    • Kicked off the year with 77 miles!
    • Completed 1st month of the 100x Challenge (there’s time to join February’s challenge, click here).
    • Overall the weather for January was really mild so I only had to hit the treadmill twice to avoid icy roads.
    • Several quality sessions with Dr. Needles has the left leg feeling pretty good – whoot!

    Things I could do without:
    • Really have nothing to complain about – love that!

    On the decks for February:
    • First 10 mile race!
    • More miles – plan calls for 109.
    • Planning to try out the Brooks Pure Connects as soon as my local running store gets the new colors – can’t wait!
    • Adding Bikram yoga to the mix – that should be comical…er…interesting!
    • Going to finally bite the bullet and migrate to WordPress – wish me luck.


    How has your 2012 started off?


      Eleven, Eleven, Eleven, Eleven

      I got tagged by both XL over at Taking It On  and Molly at I’m a Sleeper Baker to join in on the game of 11’s that’s been going on in bloggyland. I’ve been enjoying reading others’ bits of randomness, so here goes…

      In case you don’t know, the rules are:

      1. Post these rules
      2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
      3. Answer the questions set for you in their post
      4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
      5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them
      6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people!
      My Random Stuff
      1. I have a shoe and handbag addiction that could be viewed as unhealthy 
      2. Spiders freak me out
      3. I have two white board calendars in my kitchen that are color-coded for each family member (even the dog has a color) 
      4. I could wear only black clothing for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy 
      5. I’m a sucker for TV & movie awards shows 
      6. I love spicy food and make a mean jambalaya 
      7. I think Valentines Day is a bogus holiday 
      8. I’m a bit of a political junkie – both fascinated and repulsed by the whole process 
      9. When I’ve been pulled over, I’ve been able to talk my way out of speeding tickets  
      10. I love to decorate – I can spend hours looking at paint samples 
      11. I have no tolerance for bad customer service 
       XL’s Questions
      1. What is your ‘comfort food’? My husband J’s beef stroganoff
      2. Do you exercise better when you are angry or happy? Depends on the exercise – speedwork or hills are best done angry!
      3. Have you ever done anything to the point of puking? What? Yep – did the stupid drink too much thing once…once was enough
      4. Any embarrassing nicknames in your past? Spill it. In college – Mother Goose…long story.
      5. Guilty movie pleasure? Chick flicks – Devil Wears Prada is a fave.
      6. Do you like or dislike these tagging memes? Like them.
      7. Why do you run? (might seem like a stupid question, but I’m curious) For so many reasons…for sanity.. for the challenge (both mental and physical)…for “me” time
      8. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich – I think of all I could do for my family, community, charities.
      9. If you could go anywhere tomorrow without any worries (everything would be taken care of perfectly for the duration) where would you go,  Australia
      10. with whom and   my husband J
      11. for how long?   a couple of months – I’d want our boys to join us but I want at least 1 week just the two of us!
      Molly’s Questions

      1. what is the one song you never tire of? At the moment, Jay-Z’s “Run this Town”
      2. what scares you? Living a life of unfulfilled dreams – don’t want to have a lot of should haves
      3. what’s on your bucket list? I don’t really have a list…but it would probably include lots of travel destinations
      4. salty or sweet? Salty
      5. what would you do with an unexpected day off? Head to the beach with a book
      6. boxers or briefs? Boxers
      7. what would you have for your last meal? Anything on the menu from Esca in NYC
      8. what is your favorite body part? My arms
      9. what do you like best about your job? I work out of my house so the flexibility
      10. Giants or Patriots? Patriots!
      11. what is your goal for 2012? To live more in the moment, to be present

        My Questions for the Newly Tagged
        1. Favorite quote or saying (not from a movie)?
        2. Favorite movie quote?
        3. 3 dinner guests -who would they be? (Can be dead or alive)
        4. Favorite indulgence?
        5. Favorite Cocktail (or beer or wine)?
        6. Favorite book from childhood?
        7. Have you traveled abroad? Where?
        8. Beyond running, what’s your favorite hobby? 
        9. What 3 things do you have to have in the morning?
        10. What 3 things do you have to have when you head to bed?
        11. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

        And, finally the Newly Tagged:
        (If you’ve been tagged before, please include a link to your post in a comment, cause I’d love to check it out)

        1. Erica at I Run Because…I Can
        2. Jeff at Detroit Runner
        3. Stephanie Anne at Running to Health
        4. Suz at Cows, Lasers and Everything in Between
        5. Carrie at Family Fitness Food
        6. Amanda at Run to the Finish
        7. Erika at MCM Mama
        8. Jill at One Tough Cookie and a Beer
        9. Paige at The Last Doughnut
        10. Lisa at Early Morning Run
        11. Rene at The Amherst Shuffle

        Whew…that was one crazy long post!
