ProFoot Miracle Insole Review and Giveaway

A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to try The 2 oz. Miracle Custom Molding Insoles by ProFoot.*

As ProFoot explains it, these insoles:

  • Feature a unique2-layer design – the bottom layer acts like a shock absorber, lifting the arch and stabilizing the heel, while the top layer of advanced memory foam confirms to the shape of your foot.
  • Weigh only 2 oz. to help prevent fatigue
  • Provide fast relief for tired, achy feet

My experience?
I have used the insoles on both long runs (over 10) and shorter runs and found them to provide nice cushion without being too soft. As a forefoot striker (or trying to be as much as possible), I cannot really speak to the cushion in the heel design, but the forefoot bed felt good without being overly noticeable. The fact that after I initially noticed how good the insoles felt that I didn’t notice them during my run was a good thing — they allowed me to enjoy my runs in comfort without being a distraction! I also like how lightweight and flexible they are. And I had no problems fitting them into my running shoes.

Want to try them for yourself?

Two (2) lucky readers will receive a pair of The 2 oz. Miracle Custom Molding Insoles!

To enter:

 — Leave a comment here telling me your interested in trying them.

Bonus entries (one extra entry for each of the following):

 — Like ProFoot’s Facebook page and tell them Running with Attitude sent you (here)
 — Like my Facebook page (here)

Entry deadline is April 10th. Winners will be selected randomly on April 11th. This giveaway is open only to U.S. residents.

Good Luck!

* I was provided two pairs of the Miracle 2oz Insole for my review. The opinions expressed here are completely my own.


Friday Five

  • Hit the track yesterday for the first of what will be many more speed workouts. It was a good ego-boosting session of consistent splits despite crazy cold winds.
  • My household is officially consumed by all things Lacrosse. My oldest son’s season has started and the first game is Sunday. J is the head coach for my son’s team as well as oversees the whole U11 program. J also announced that pick up games for his (old man’s) league will be starting soon. This means in short order there will be lacrosse equipment strewn all over my house (replacing the hockey stuff), my son and J will spend endless hours debating practice drills, and college lax games on ESPNU will become a permanent fixture.
  •  I was thrilled to have my son ask me to run with him as he eyes his first mile race at his school’s upcoming fun run! (Where we going to fit it in among all things lacrosse I’m not sure yet, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.) I’m trying to convince my youngest to do the half mile kids’ run, but in typical fashion he’s taking a wait and see approach. He’s agreed to go to the track and see just how far a half mile is, but is making no commitments beyond that!
  • The PureFlows, replacements for the PureConnects, did arrive and I will say that even after only a couple of runs in them that they are a big improvement for me over the Connects.
  • Looking forward to a “date night” with J on Saturday. We may try to catch “The Hunger Games” – I really liked the books and from what I’ve heard this movie actually lives up to the hype!

Have a Great Weekend!

    Shaking up my training

    The other day I mentioned that I felt like I needed to shake up my training plan but wasn’t sure exactly what that meant yet. So I spent a little time this weekend looking back over my plan for RnR USA and plans from Runner’s World Smart Coach and Hal Higdon – hoping to cobble something together, to find something to push me out of my comfort zone a bit.

    Then this showed up in my mailbox!

    My copy of Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line – and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity

    I have been eagerly waiting for this book! I so enjoyed Run Like a Mother  – you can read my review here – and have no doubt I’ll love this one as well! (Going to start reading it as soon as I’m done with this post!)

    I immediately flipped through to the Half Marathon “Own It” training plan and it seemed to be just what I was looking for  – a solid mix of speedwork, hills, cross-training, tempo and long runs. I’ll be modifying the plan just slightly to account for the fact that it’s a 13 week plan and I have just 9 weeks til Boston’s Run to Remember. But, otherwise, I’m all in!

    I’m excited about this plan and can’t wait to see what comes of it.


    This and that….

    I swear I blinked and this week was over!

    There hasn’t been much running this week – which seems a bit of a crime given the gorgeous weather we’ve been having! But I kinda hit an energy wall on Monday so aside from one nice run with my friend E on Tuesday and some pilates and yoga, I’ve been pretty lazy on the workouts!

    I have donned my race director hat quite a bit this week securing police details, setting up online registration and other logistics, and trying to secure sponsors. I’m surprised by how much goes into a simple 5k and kids’ fun run, and I know this pales in comparison to what large races must contend with!

    Started spending a little time mulling over training plans. I’ve got a couple of months until my next race and am really feeling like I need to shake things up a bit…just not quite sure what that means yet.

    Looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend just hanging with my family. My oldest son’s hockey team is playing during the intermission of the Providence Bruins tonight which should be fun to watch! Otherwise we actually have a fair amount of unscheduled time for a change. I’m hoping to get some spring cleaning started, which I’m sure will send my husband and kids scurrying for cover! And I’m definitely getting a run in…may be two 🙂

    Got big plans this weekend?

    Rock n Roll USA Half recap

    There are some races where despite how well training goes, things just don’t come together on race day…this was one of those races for me.

    Off to race

    I was awake by 4:30 but forced myself to lay in bed until 5:30. I went through my usual routine and was off to catch the Metro by 6:30.  I then spent almost 1 1/2 hours trying to get to the race! I caught the first train fine, but when I got to Metro Center to change train lines, there were already too many runners standing on the platform…not a good sign. As we waited and waited the crowd grew, we were easily 8 deep. I chatted with others as the time continued to pass. Finally a train pulled in and it was fairly crowded but I and my newly formed crew made our way on. A mere 2 stops later the train had door issues and the next thing I knew they announced the train was going “out of service” and everyone had to get off – You’ve got to be kidding me! Back to waiting and trying not to freak out…a few of us started debating the likelihood of finding a cab when another train slowly rumbled towards us. Yep it was packed. But after 7+ years of living in NYC, I know how to work my way on to a crowded train! The group I was with made it on and the train lurched and sputtered its way through the next 5 stops. When we finally reached the Armory stop, it was this crazy scene of runners scaling the escalators and stairs to get to the street, then to the Armory for gear check.

    I got my gear checked, opted for the indoor bathrooms and then headed for the corrals. We quickly shuffled to the start and were off. I was feeling pretty good as we crossed the 5k mat but unfortunately that didn’t last long. As I reached the 4 mile marker I was feeling overheated and a little light-headed…a headache was forming. I took a GU and more water and kept going. I spotted J & the boys around 5 and loved getting a high-five from my guys (unfortunately thanks to the efficiency of the Metro this was the only time I saw them). The next few miles are a bit of a blur, I just tried to focus on the sights, the crazy race outfits, the crowds, my  tunes and the occasional band along the route – anything to ignore the growing headache. By the time I crossed the 10k mat I knew I was a couple of minutes behind where I wanted to be. By mile 8 I had a brief moment where I wondered if I was going to have my first DNF – it was so frustrating because my legs were feeling pretty good!

    But just then I spotted the 2:30 pacers. “Nope not stopping so pull it together girl!” I ignored my Garmin and just did what I could to stalk the pacers for as long as I could. The crowds really picked up in the final couple of miles and they were into it – a great boost! As I reached the final stretch I just started to smile – no there would be no PR today, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed….but I was about to cross the line of my 4th half marathon in less than a year and I hadn’t let a crappy headache or some moments of self-doubt from keeping me from pushing forward.

    I happily collected my medal, posed for a Finisher’s photo and grabbed some much needed food and chocolate milk. I found my guys and took a little time to stretch out on the lawn before heading back on the lovely Metro to the hotel.

    All-in-all I think the race was well-organized, from the expo to finishers area. And, the family had a great time in DC – in fact the kids asked me where we are going to race next 🙂


    Pre-Race Randomness

    So the family and I made it into DC yesterday. The boys’ desire for lunch (read whinning) had us arriving at the Expo later than I had hoped so I missed out on some blogger meetups…but we all know that when traveling with kids holding to a plan/schedule rarely happens 🙂

    The boys did indulge me while I wandered the expo a bit — they got a kick out of Brooks’ carnival-like set up, especially playing skee ball, and made it their mission to collect stickers from as many vendors as possible! I got to check out a few new products, sample some Nuun flavors and chat with the KT Tape reps (got some samples of their new PRO tape I’m looking forward to trying!) before my guys announced they were done. We had a lazy evening and my oldest was thrilled to discover the hotel’s hot tub!

    Today will be a delicate balance between sight-seeing and not being on me feet too much.

    I’m feeling very antsy….I have been all week. I had a great final long run last Saturday and since then I’ve just been feeling on edge. On the whole, it’s been a pretty good training cycle, now I’m just eager to see what happens.

    I know there are a number of big races happening this weekend so
    I wish all of you running good luck, a strong tailwind and swift feet!


    Brooks PureConnects product review

    I was so excited when these shoes arrived. I loved their look and so wanted to love them on the run.

    Source: Brooks website

    The minute I put them on the first thing I was struck by was the feel of the high arch support. I’m not really sure why Brooks thought that design element was necessary. While it didn’t hurt, I didn’t like that it was so noticeable just putting the shoes on and walking around my kitchen.

    The Connects are definitely a narrow shoe. I didn’t find them tight, but they are a much closer fit after wearing both the Saucony Mirage and Kinvara 2s. The sole is narrow so I felt like my foot was spilling over a bit. I did like the snug heel fit and the fact that they are feather light!

    I tried the Connects on the road, track and treadmill – but the only time I really enjoyed running in them was when I was on the track.Why the track? Perhaps the surface…I’m not really sure. I was on the fence about them after each run, but then on my final try I started to feel serious foot discomfort. Back in the box they went and off I went to the Brooks website for a chat with one of their reps. The recommendation this time? The PureFlows. Since I had originally ordered these shoes from Road Runner Sports, my next call was to them…again the recommendation was the Flows. So the Connects are on their way back and the Flows should be here tomorrow.

    I plan to wait until after Saturday’s half before I try the Flows out – the Kinvaras will be my “go to” shoe once again. I’ll be curious to see if the PureFlows are a better match for me.

    Do you try new shoes? Or are you loyal to one brand/model?

    *(I purchased the Brooks PureConnects and all opinions expressed here are solely my own.


    Figuring out the final tweeks

    My long run Saturday was 12.25 – my longest training run to date. It was a solid run despite running 3/4 of it in a downpour. I loved the look I got from a woman in her car as I waited for the light so I could cross – she literally shook her head at me as the rain was blowing sideways. I just nodded at her and smiled – “Yep I’m out here baby and loving it!”

    I felt more solid on the hills than I had the previous week. The play list still needs fine tuning (no pun intended), but it’s coming together nicely. The one thing that didn’t go so well was my fueling – I ran out of gas in the ninth mile and it became a mental bargaining game from that point to the end.

    Looking back on it I think I would have done better to take GUs at 4 and then again at 8 — I’ll try that this Saturday and see how it feels. I’m also going to need to make a decision about whether or not to wear my hydration belt. While I’m still not in love with wearing it, I have done all of my long training runs in it. When I ran Philly last fall I wore it and given the congestion at the water stations I was glad to have it. I didn’t use it for the Wampanoag 10, but then again it was a significantly smaller race. RnR USA is sold out so given the potential numbers, I’m leaning towards wearing it.

    I’m too far out to start checking the 10-day forecast and obsessing about the weather. Which means the race day attire is still up in the air – not a huge problem I suppose since I know better than to wear anything new without testing it out first. I just know how unpredictable DC weather can be…but I have no control over it so I need to let it go.

    OK I’ll stop obsessing for now….my five mile run calls!


    February Rewind

    Good things for the month:
    • 81 miles – my second highest monthly total ever since I’ve started running!
    • Set a 10 mile PR!
    • One of the mildest February’s on record helped continue my outdoor running streak.
    • Left leg continues to feel good (Dr. Needles will be proud)!

    Things I could do without:
    • Missed my goal mileage – while I missed a few runs due to the kids’ school vacation week, the bigger factor here is that I may not be a 5-day a week runner. I missed some runs for no other reason than my body needed the rest. I made sure to hit all my quality runs (long runs, tempo, speedwork) but punted on some of the recovery/easy runs.
    • Had no time to dedicate to making the switch to WordPress. Blogger continues to be twitchier and twitchier (yes that’s a technical term!), so I still want to make the change.

    On the decks for March:

    • While I did incorporate more yoga in February I still haven’t made it to a Bikram class. Determined to get one in this month.
    • 100 miles.
    • More consistent core & strength work.
    • Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half!

    3 Weeks to Go!

    Three weeks until RnR USA!

    Time to use these final long runs as dress rehearsal for race day. Time to finalize fueling and pace strategies, travel logistics and, of course, the all important race outfit 🙂

    The kids climbed back on the big yellow school bus this morning so my goal this week is to just be able to get all of my workouts on my plan done:

    Today: Easy run (5)

    Tuesday: Tempo run (7)

    Wednesday: Easy Run (4) & weekly Pilates class

    Thursday:  Easy run (5)

    Friday:     Yoga

    Saturday:  Long run  (12)

    Looking forward to putting in a good strong week!

    Happy Monday!
