ZOOMA Cape Cod Kickoff Party

Tuesday night was the ZOOMA Cape Cod kickoff event at City Sports Boston! It was a great chance to meet Brooke (ZOOMA’s events director), fellow ambassadors Bethany & Samantha, as well as to see Nancy & Jessica again! The night was a great mix of running, meeting new people, fun swag, and shopping!

Me with Bethany, Nancy, Samantha, Jessica & Brooke

We started off the evening with a group run. City Sports Boston has a great running group that meets every Tuesday night, running either a 3.5 mile loop or a 5 mile loop. And, lucky for us, Bethany regularly runs with them so she led our ZOOMA group! We ran a little over 3 miles with a nice stretch along the Charles River (one of my favorite spots for a run). It was a great chance to chat and meet some of the women who’d come out for the event – for some of the women ZOOMA will be their first half marathon and for others it will be their first 10k – how cool! I was also really happy to get to meet up with Vicma, one of the lead ambassadors for Black Girls Run’s Boston chapter – after being in touch online it was so fun to meet her in person!

Post-run there were snacks and the folks from Muscle Milk were handling out samples. There were also  massages for the runners, raffles and with a 20% discount on everything in the store, a chance to shop!

Yes I walked out with these – Merrell Dash Gloves!

It was a great party and people left really excited about the race! Personally I cannot wait! I think this party is a perfect indication of what September’s race will be like – a great mix of running and fun!


Working with a coach

As I gear up to start training for my two fall half marathons, I’ll be adding a new twist – working with a running coach!

My new coach is Bennett Cohen — he’s a running coach to women boomers (read those of us 40+), and is also the President of the International Association of Women Runners. We connected over a year ago and have been in touch off and on via email ever since. I’ve been feeling a little stalled in my progress and was starting to spin myself in knots trying to find the “right” training plan. Working with Bennett, I’m really looking forward to having someone else make my training decisions, monitor my progress and work with me to make the necessary adjustments!

After a great conversation last week, a review of my race results, recent runs, and my goals, Bennett sent me the first 6 weeks of my customized plan. Training officially kicks off next week and I cannot wait to begin! I’m both nervous and excited! This plan is definitely going to push me out of my comfort zone a bit and I’m looking forward to the challenge of it and seeing where it takes me.


Fall Racing

Last night I started my 2nd 6-week session of “Yoga for Runners” – a 2-hour torture session gloriously zen experience, where I and 7 other runners attempt to get our hamstrings and hip flexors to release…just a little bit from their usual death grip-like existence. After class our instructor mentioned fall racing and it was funny to see everyone light up and immediately start comparing notes on which races were on their fall calendars, training plans, etc. It was a little like watching kids talk about Christmas – you could just feel the excitement!

I’m happy to say that I think my fall schedule is pretty much set:

ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon — 9/22
Tufts 10k for Women — 10/8
Canton Fall Classic (5k) — 10/28
Chilly Half Marathon — 11/11

I think it’s a good mix of distances to help keep things interesting, but not so many races that my legs will rebel.

Have you got a big race (or two) lined up for the fall? When does training begin?

By the way – if you are thinking of heading to the Cape this fall to run ZOOMA don’t wait to register, price increase kicks in tomorrow. And remember to use the code in my sidebar for a discount on either the half marathon or 10k.


Settling into Summer

After a whirlwind weekend of lacrosse tournament games (my son’s team won the whole thing!), t-ball, birthday parties and …oh yeah a little running, we officially wrapped up the school year yesterday and have flipped the switch to “summer.”

As first mornings go we’re off to a good start – my youngest is sleeping in, my oldest is deeply engrossed in a book and the dog and I are lounging on the deck enjoying coffee and the quiet (hope this lasts for a bit!) It was so nice not to face the morning scramble to get the door in time for the bus! I’m looking forward to some down time before camps start, where we just take each day as it comes – kind of nice to leave schedules behind for a bit.

Since I ran yesterday morning, I’m going to try to get some strength training in before the boys and I get out and about for the day. According to the weather folks, summer heat is suppose to kick in full force today and stick with us for the foreseeable future — should make tomorrow’s track work torture… challenging! I refuse to complain – it is summer after all (someone please remind me I said that as the temps start climbing!) With a serious focus on hydration today and an extra early start in the morning, hopefully it will be manageable.

Have you faced the summer heat yet? How are you fairing so far?





Perhaps it’s that my youngest finished Kindergarten on Tuesday, while my oldest doesn’t finish 4th grade until next week….

Perhaps it’s that post-ear doctor visit I still cannot hear clearly out of my left ear (apparently it will clear on it’s own…and it takes time…note my skepticism)….

Perhaps it’s end of school-year fatigue (how many concerts/art shows/class project presentations, etc can one attend in the course of a week?)…

Perhaps it’s that I haven’t been sleeping well – I deal with bouts of insomnia from time to time…

It’s probably a combination of all of the above that’s left me feeling just a step off all week. It hasn’t been a bad week at all…and I’ve even managed to get my workouts in. There’s been a little less running due to the inability to get up uber-early (not sleeping well will do that!) – but there has been some running, even track work today, along with strength training, yoga and running around in whatever new game my son has invented for us in the backyard.

I’m sure next week will be a bit more of the same until 4th grade is complete  and lacrosse and t-ball season wind down. Then we can all shift gears into summer mode!

How about you? Have you shifted to a summer routine yet?



Running without Music

Source: Gamer Melodico

I swore running without music was one of those things that would just never happen (kinda like my kids spontaneously cleaning their rooms!) 

But, one of the lingering symptoms from my May malaise is that I still can’t hear completely out of my left ear – sounds muffled like I’m underwater…..so I figure running with my headphones is not a smart choice.

So I’ve been running sans music…gasp!

And what have I learned these past two weeks?

  •  Running without music I am obviously much more dialed into my breathing. I’ve tried to start letting my breathing dictate my pace/effort before checking my Garmin.
  • I also have tuned in to my footfall. Is it soft and light? Am I scuffing my feet? I’ve noticed that when the scuffing starts my form is starting to fall apart.
  • Overall, because I’m concentrating on other things, I seem to be checking my Garmin less.

All good things, right? However, I seriously miss my tunes, especially on runs of 6 miles or longer. In fact I found myself humming Bruno Mars during one run when I was starting to flag a bit (and trust me, no one wants me to start singing out there!).

For me, music is definitely a motivational tool – especially late in a long run or during speedwork. When I get this ear thing resolved (off to the ear doc on Wednesday), I will be returning to my headphones. But, I have decided that there is valuable learning to be gained from not always having the tunes, so I will try to rely on my music less. I’m going to aim for one run a week to be music-free and, perhaps use it a bit less during my long runs.

Do you run with music? Have you ever tried to give it up?


Fun ZOOMA Lunch

Jessica, me, Nancy, Ann Curry Peisig, Brae Blackley

Part of my National Running Day celebration was to down head to Falmouth to the beautiful Sea Crest Beach Hotel for a lunch hosted by ZOOMA race founder Brae Blackley. Brae had invited some of the local media, coaches and local runners plus the Ambassadors to get together for an informal preview of the ZOOMA Cape Cod Half Marathon & 10k. 

It was great meeting fellow ambassadors Nancy & Jessica – it’s going to be fun working with them! And after meeting Brae and learning about how ZOOMA got started and her vision for creating a really special experience for runners, I can say I’m even more excited for this race!

A little ZOOMA Swag!

The Sea Crest is newly renovated and is going to make a great host hotel for the race! The hotel is waiving the standard 2-night minimum and is offering a great rate to ZOOMA runners of $199 per night. Definitely a great deal for Cape Cod in September!

And, don’t forget, you can use the discount code in my side bar and receive $10 off the half marathon or $5 off the 10k. I have no doubt this race is going to sellout so don’t wait to register!

All in all it was a fun way to spend an afternoon! And yes I did do a little race shopping when I got home – I’m still trying to flesh out anniversary plans with J so I didn’t officially register for anything, but I’ve got my eye on a couple that should help make for a busy Fall!



National Running Day!

Today is National Running Day! A day for runners to declare their passion for running (not that we really need one day for that!) and maybe to inspire someone else to join us!

So how will you be celebrating?

With a group run?
Registering for a race?
Purchasing some new running gear?

Me? I just squeezed in a nice easy 4 miler before putting the boys on the school bus. Later today I’ll be attending the ZOOMA Cape Cod preview luncheon hosted by race founder Brae Blackley. I’m looking forward to meeting Brae and the other race ambassadors, and hearing all about the plans for ZOOMA Cape Cod!

And then yes, there’s always the possibility of a little race shopping before the day is done 🙂

What have you got planned for today?

Hello June

After losing about half the month to being sick, I am very happy to be putting May in the rearview mirror. I’m ready to set some new goals for June and the summer ahead!

June Goals:

  • Hit all of my training runs – total miles: 90
  • Commit to not walking a hill on any of my runs
  • Complete the Another Mother Runner Challenge
  • Complete the June 100x Challenge
  • Weekly yoga
  • Core work 3x’s/week
  • Strength training at least 2x/week
  • Set myself up for a strong 10k on July 3rd

With a strong June, I should be in great shape to start training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon in September!

What are your June goals? Do you have a big fall race planned?


Holiday Weekend Round-Up – On the Mend

Well I’m happy to say that after almost a week and a half of the crud/virus….whatever that I’m finally starting to feel like myself again – in fact, except for not being able to hear out of my left ear, most things are back to normal!

I was able to get over my DNS disappointment and squeeze in some family fun, a rare date night with J, some gardening and the NCAA Lacrosse Championships, along with a lot of laying low and resting — all-in-all not a bad weekend!

I also pulled the trigger a registered for the Finish at the 50 – Harvard Pilgrim 10K! The race is July 3rd (in the evening) and the finish line is the 50 yd. line inside Gillette Stadium! I’m a huge NE Patriots fan so to be able to finish the race going through the same tunnel the players use to come out onto the field before games and seeing the finish up on the stadiums screens should be a lot of fun! They’re also holdings kids runs and fireworks afterwards so we’ll probably make it a family affair. I was psyched to find this race, as I’ve wanted to try more 10ks but feel like they’re getting harder and harder to find.

I’ve been cleared by my doc to ease back into running this week so I’m going to try to get a couple of short runs in starting tomorrow. My family will probably be as happy as I am….I’m starting to get a little edgy 🙂

How was your weekend? Any races? 
Do you feel like 10ks are disappearing?