November Rewind

Good things for the month:
  • PR’d the Chilly Half Marathon – I went 3 for 3 in PRs for my races this fall and I couldn’t be happier! 
  • I’m working with a chiropractor and after just a handful of sessions my ITB is noticeably improved.
  • Started the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge which has definitely helped keep my motivation level up post-race. 
  • Enjoying just running how far I want, when I want — everyone needs time off from a training plan
Things I could do without:
  • Raynaud’s Disease– with the drop in temperatures in the last couple of weeks, the annual battle with Raynaud’s begins. Hand warmers and mittens become constant running companions now until Spring.

What’s up for December:

  • I’m running with my brother in his first 5K – cannot wait!
  • The Holiday Challenge has highlighted for me that I really need to do a better job getting enough fruits & veggies on a daily basis, so I’m going to focus on better meal planning.
  • Meditation – I was trying to follow the Chopra Center’s latest 21-day challenge last month, but I didn’t make it a priority and I missed a bunch of days. So I downloaded the Challenge and will start again on December 1, seems like a good way to go into the holiday season, don’t ya think?
  • Finish the year healthy and strong — continue the yoga classes, chiro visits and strength training. I would have loved to hit 1,000 miles for this year but with 137 miles left to go I’m not sure I’ll make it. Right now I think it is doing my body a lot of good to have back off the mileage so I don’t want to jeopardize that for a random goal.
 How’s your year wrapping up? Any goals you’re still working towards?



How I spend my Monday mornings

I started this Monday morning the same way I have started my Mondays for the past 8 weeks – in a school gym with 40 energetic kids! I’ve been volunteering as a Lead Trainer for a before-school physical activity program called Build Our Kids Success, or BOKS.

The premise behind BOKS is quite simple, that through physical activity you can jump-start a child’s brain and help set them up for success throughout their school day. The program combines play, team games, physical activity and short talks on nutrition. BOKS is an initiative of the Reebok Foundation and those of us who serve as trainers were invited to the Reebok World Headquarters for a day of training before bringing the program into our schools. I attended a training session back in August and left so enthusiastic, I couldn’t wait to get started!

We kicked off the program in my sons’ school in mid-October, meeting twice a week before school for a 50 minute session. It’s been great working with the kids, watching them learn a new skill every week (this week was burpees!) and listening to them as they eagerly want to tell you about how active they were over the weekend or what new healthy food they’ve tried. Hopefully these kids are gaining some skills and habits that will stick with them long after the program ends.

I’ve had so much fun with this program that I will probably sign on again to help coordinate the Spring session. You can’t help but feel motivated after working out and playing with the kids – sets a great tone to start the day!

By the way if you are interested in finding out how to bring BOKS to your child’s school, you can check out their website HERE


Random runs, chiro visits and other randomness

For whatever reason it was a flury of chaos around my house this morning…so it’s a bullet points kind of day.

  • I must admit it feels kind of funny to wake up every morning and not have my runs and workouts pre-determined by a training plan. I’ve been heading out the door with no real destination in mind, just running to run and when I’ve had enough or am crunched for time, I head back.
  • Signed up for my first race of 2013 – going to run the Wampanog Old-Fashioned 10 miler again. J and I ran it back in February (you can read the race report here). It’s a really well organized local race and I like the course. I also like racing this distance and hope to find a few others to do next year.
  • I’m headed to my second appointment with a chiropractor this morning. I attended a gait analysis clinic this past weekend where this chiro was the guest speaker. While I’ve had a gait analysis done before in running stores, it was very different to have it done by someone trained in the neuromusculosekeletal system the way he was…plus it helped that he’s a marathoner. I’m going to work with him for a few weeks and see how my ITB responds.
  • We’re staying local for Thanksgiving this year – my brother’s hosting and I’m really looking forward to a lowkey day with the family. The plan’s to either hit an early yoga class or get a run in, then finish cooking and head to my brother’s place for a day of food and football!
Are you running a Turkey Trot? 
Traveling for the holiday or staying local?
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Monday Motivation: Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge

Join The Holiday Challenge

The Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge starts today! This Challenge seems like the perfect way to kick off this Thanksgiving week. Amanda from Run to the Finish has once again put together a great Challenge with Twitter chats, a Facebook group and prizes to help everyone stay motivated through the holidays. I’m definitely looking to improve my point total over last year!

There is still time to join the Challenge – you can register HERE. Please tell Amanda I sent you!

Now I’m off to kick off my Challenge with a 4 mile run and a little yoga!

Happy Monday!


Chilly Half Marathon Race Recap

All last week I had been agonizing over the hilly route, imaginary aches and pains, the weather & what to wear, my less than stellar final long run….you get the picture.

On Friday, I had a final call with Coach Bennett to discuss race strategy. Then Saturday morning I found this email from Bennett in my inbox:

Have a great run on Sunday.
 Be confident that you have trained well and
that you are well prepared to reach your goal.
I’ll be cheering for you (virtually).
“Run hard, be strong, think big!”
Percy Cerutty, legendary running coach

I read and re-read that email several times on Saturday and once more before heading to the start. Surprisingly, for all my angst all week, I was very calm Sunday driving to the race. Timing worked perfectly and I snagged a parking space with about a half hour before the race started. I ate a banana, took a short warm up run, and since I had time I opted for the indoor bathrooms. Then I headed to the starting area and chatted with a few other runners.  One runner, who had run the race before, warned me where the hills were and in particular to be prepared for one last climb at mile 12…seriously!?!? But despite what I was hearing, I was surprised at how calm I was.

The start was a bit of a mess as there were no corrals to self-seed and it was quickly clear that some people were not where they should have been. The lack of seeding plus the narrow streets made it pretty hectic. Adrenaline definitely kicked in because I went out too fast! I kept checking my Garmin and knew I should reel it in, but I was feeling really good. I decided I’d just keep going for the first 5 miles, knowing that the hills were coming. I saw J and the boys just around the first mile marker. I settled in, enjoyed my tunes and the first 5 miles seem to fly by. I’d see my family again, this time my dad and brother were there too. I don’t know how they managed it but my family seem to be everywhere on the course! (Other runners even commented on how great it was that they were out there, especially since in many spots they were the only spectators!)

As I got into the hills, I let go of looking at my Garmin and ran by feel as Bennett had advised. The water stops weren’t where I expected them so I didn’t take a GU until around mile 6. Almost instantly my stomach was not happy. Hills and an unhappy stomach?!? I took a couple of short walk breaks, hoping things would settle and just willing myself to the 8 mile marker, as I knew there would finally be a big down hill coming. As we came out on to Comm Ave I got the biggest smile on my face — the downhill 🙂 I fell in step with another runner and we chatted a little and just soaked in being able to open it up again.

The course was open to traffic and the police were doing an amazing job of keeping runners and cars moving — until we reached a large intersection where Beacon St and Comm Ave meet. All of the sudden we had a police officer telling us to stop for the traffic. He apologized but said that some local area groups (including a church) had complained that they were holding up people in traffic too long because of the race. So there a group of us stood on a corner, trying to keep our legs going… waiting. I didn’t even want to look at my Garmin and see the seconds ticking by. When we started again, my legs were not happy but at least I was running again.

No bling?! Finishers’ Gloves

Around 10 1/2 miles I spotted my oldest son running down the sidewalk towards me. He ran with me and told me he and J were leaving for his lacrosse tournament. So we wished each other good luck and I thanked him for sticking around for so long. (He did make it in time for the 2nd half of his first game!) The 12 mile marker appeared and I thought, ok one more hill. As I got to the top, I felt a little light-headed (despite having taken another GU at mile 10), I started to walk for a second and I heard a woman behind me say “Oh don’t stop. I’ve been pacing off of you for the last couple of miles.” I told her how I was feeling and she encouraged me to pace off of her. I promised her I’d catch up and that she should keep going; and soon I started to run again. There was one final uphill before the finish so I just tried to focus on picking off each runner in front of me. Then I came up on the woman who’d been pacing off me. I ran up beside her and urged her to push with me to the finish – and we came across the line together!

2:26 and a 3 minute PR! I was ecstatic!
I have lots of thought swirling in my head regarding this training cycle, but this post is long enough, so I will save those for another day.

Monday Recovery


 I’m still basking in the glow of yesterday’s race – a 3 minute PR! Race report to come later.

Yesterday’s soreness seems to be subsiding. All-in-all I feel pretty good today, apart from one serious blister, I’m just a little tired. So today is about getting some rest…well as much rest as is possible with the boys home with a day off from school today. And, a much needed massage is on the schedule for tomorrow!

How was your weekend? What have you got planned for the week?

Thursday Thoughts – Race Week

Tazmanian Devil
What?!? I’m calm! (Source)

    • Half way through crazy week… I mean race week. All sorts of ailments real or imagined have taken hold but I’m doing my best to keep distracted. Ice, foam roller and KT Tape have become my new BFFs.
    • Mother Nature has wreaked havoc on the northern East Coast again, this time in the form of a Nor’easter with snow! So the ground is a slushy, icy mess and I’ll be doing my last pre-race run indoors. The crazy part is the weather forecast is for temps in the upper 50s this weekend! I’ve given up trying to figure out what my race day attire will be….just going to make sure all my favorites are clean and then make a last minute call.
    • Turns out Sunday’s race conflicts with my son’s last lacrosse tournament of the fall. He’s announced that he really wants to see at least part of my race (yeah I know, how sweet is that!) so J and I were studying the maps last night trying to figure out where they could view part of the race and then quickly get to the highway for the hour’s drive to the tournament so he makes his first game. Ah the joys of an active family 🙂 But I’m not complaining – I really love how supportive my family is of my running! And, if my legs cooperate, I’m hoping to surprise him at his last game of the afternoon!


    Monday randomness & a winner

    Another un-caffeinated post on a Monday morning….

    • I’d really like someone to explain to me why my son’s hockey games must all start at 7 on a Sunday morning?!?!? It’s going to be a very long season….
    • So race week craziness has returned as I count down the days to this Sunday’s race. As I mentioned HERE I don’t fare well during these weeks!
      • Big goal this week is to try to get enough sleep – something I’ve been sorely lacking of late.
      • While I am looking forward to taking a break from a training plan, I’m already eyeing 6 – 8 races for next year. Haven’t pulled the trigger on any of them yet…oh my poor credit card!

      Yurbuds Winner!

      Thanks to all of you who entered the Yurbuds giveaway — the playlist suggestions were great! And, with the help of, the winner is lucky #7 Jen from Hello Fitness We Meet Again. Jen, please email me at Congrats!

      Anyone else started shopping 2013 races yet?

      October Rewind

      Good things for the month:
      Things I could do without:
      • No complaints – it’s all good.

      What’s up for November:

      • Chilly Half Marathon is next weekend! 
      • Running without a training plan. I haven’t been without a training plan since I started working with Coach Bennett in July. And, while I have really enjoyed training, I’m looking forward to having a break and just running whatever and when ever I want.
      • Continue focusing on making my left ITB happy again. With some down time coming, I need to get this ITB beyond just the “manageable” stage.
      • Once again I’ll be participating in the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge organized by Amanda at Run To The Finish. The Challenge starts November 19 and is an awesome way to stay motivated during the holidays. Amanda does an amazing job pulling this Challenge together and there are some great prizes for added incentive. There’s still time to register, so come join me  — and if you do sign up, please tell her I sent you 🙂
      How’d your October go? What have you got planned for this month?


      Saucony Triumph 10 Review

      I have made no secret of my love of Saucony shoes since I first attended a shoe clinic sponsored by Saucony back in March 2011. At that time, I started running in the Saucony Mirage and by last summer, the Kinvara 2s had found their way into my heart! Currently, I do most of my runs either in the Mirage 2 or Kinvara 3.

      So you can imagine how psyched I was when the folks at Saucony sent me a pre-launch pair of the new Triumph 10! I’ve now had a chance to get a few runs in them and I’m happy to say without hesitation that Saucony did not disappoint!

      What stood out for me right off the bat was just how much cushion these shoes provide without the weight (9.2 oz). I could see rotating these shoes in for my long runs where my legs would appreciate the extra cushion once I hit double digits. I’m a big fan of the sock-like fit of the interior – my foot felt like it was being held while still offering the flexibility in the midsole that I want in a neutral shoe. (You can review the tech sheet here).

      If you’re looking for a neutral shoe with a cushioned ride, I’d recommend checking out the Triumph 10s which launch today. A big, big thanks to Saucony for letting me try them out!

      Saucony provided the pair of the Triumph 10s to me as a FitFluential Ambassador for the purposes of a product review. All of the opinions expressed here, as always, are my own.
