For the love of the run


In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, David & Scott over at RunChat are once again encouraging runners to share what they love about running. I participated last year and it’s fun to go back and see the 10 reasons I posted then — I would say none of those reasons have changed.

A relationship with running ebbs and flows, has its highs and lows – at any time your answer to the question “What do you love about running?” can be different. Right now, I love to run because:

— it has taught me to have more patience with myself

— it continues to show me that I am stronger than I think I am

— it keeps me balanced – it truly is good for my soul

— it reminds me that I can redefine what’s possible


What is it that you love about running?


Good stuff happening

First off — Welcome to the new and improved Running with Attitude! After announcing on more than one occasion that I wanted to move from Blogger to a self-hosted site I’ve finally made it happen — Thanks hugely to Rita at Blog Genie, who I swear has the patience of a saint for answering all of my many questions 🙂

As for the Blizzard of 2013, I’m happy to say the RWA household had a good time. Despite the incredible winds and 24 inches of snow, we didn’t lose power and all around us seems pretty intact. There were lots of movies, games, snow fort building, snowball fights, cooking, laughing and, yes shoveling. The only downside is school is closed again today which means at this rate my boys won’t finish the school year until June 26th! (But that’s a bridge I guess we’ll cross later)

I’m also thrilled to say to I’m teaming up with running coach Bennett Cohen again! Bennett specializes in coaching women boomers (yes those of us 40 and older), and if you’ve been around here for a bit then you know he helped guide me to three PRs last fall. Bennett’s going to help me get ready for my spring goal race, Boston’s Run to Remember. We’ve got 15 weeks and it starts today!

How was your weekend?


Calm before the storm


It’s the calm before the storm…..literally!

A monster snow storm is due to hit the Boston area starting some time early this afternoon. In anticipation of what’s to come the schools have already been closed and the local weather people have done their very best to whip everyone into a “clear the store shelves of milk and bread” mentality!


And, while yes I did have to the hit the store yesterday for a few things – I usually do my best to avoid that kind of madness…I have to say that I exercised great self-control with my fellow man as they filled shopping carts with all manner of “supplies”…. seriously how many bags of chips and cases of soda are needed in the face of “snowmaggedon?” I’m still trying to figure out what the woman in front of me in line was going to do with that 5lb barrel of icy melt?!

My big “storm prep” came mainly in the form of getting my usual Saturday long run done yesterday. Thanks to a cranky ITB, it became just over 7 miles with more walk breaks than I would have liked. But I’m happy I got some miles in on dry pavement! I’m headed to the chiropractor this morning before the flakes fall, and then I’ll consider my storm prep complete 🙂 As long as the power company holds up it’s end of the bargain, it should be a weekend filled with cross-training in the form of building snow forts and snowmen, movies, cooking and games with the kids.

Is snow headed your way?
What have you got planned for the weekend?

Monday Motivation

I don’t believe you have to be better than
everybody else. I believe you have 
to be better than you ever
thought you could be.
                                           – Ken Venturi
Start this week, this day, this moment with the simple but powerful goal to be the best version of yourself … and be amazed by where that can take you!
Have a great week!

Goals – One month down

So it’s the end of January – 2013 is 31 days old.


How are you doing with your goals so far?

My goals? Well it’s still early but I’m doing the things I need to do to lay the foundation.

  • My pursuit of the 13 in 2013 Challenge begins with two races in February. I also recently registered for the Boston Athletic Association’s Distance Medley, which adds 3 more races. So I’m more than half way to my goal (at least from a registration point of view!)
  • PR goals will have to wait for my goal races in May and June.
  • Now that I’m back to double digit long runs, I’ve returned to the chiro (in addition to yoga and foam roller) to stay off of injured-reserve.
  • After reading Jason’s post on Cook Train Eat Race about core work, I joined the 30-day Ab Challenge-Core Work Facebook group. The goal is to do 30 straight days of core work — this will go a long way towards my strength training goal!
So that’s where things stand for me. 
Tell me – how did things go for you in January?

Winter doldrums

I’m 2+ weeks out from my first race of 2013 and have no idea what to expect come race day.

I’ve missed some runs due to being sick; some runs I’ve had to do on the treadmill and others I’ve slogged through slushy snow outdoors. For the most part, the runs have been fine…just fairly uneventful…nothing earth-shattering. I guess I’m just feeling a little blasé about my training so far – I’m not unhappy with it, but not feeling terribly inspired by it either.

Do you ever feel that way? Maybe it’s just this continual arctic blast taking its toll a little.

On the good side, I’m making the most of speed work on the treadmill, I’ve gotten all my long runs done,  and on the whole I’m feeling pretty good (tight IT from too many lovely ‘mill runs notwithstanding!) I just joined a gym that’s just minutes from my house and with far better weights and equipment, so I’ll be able to mix up my strength training more starting this week.

So basically as I type this I realize I’m probably in better shape than I think and I really just need to shake off these winter doldrums and focus on getting my mental side of the racing game together!

Anyone else feeling the drag of winter running?


Friday Shout Out: ZOOMA’s Personal Best Challenge

You know I’m all about getting out of my comfort zone – when you get out of your comfort zone, there’s a chance for growth and great things to happen.

So when I heard about ZOOMA’s Personal Best Challenge – it was just one more reason to love ZOOMA and I had to give them a shout out!

What is the Personal Best Challenge?

ZOOMA is encouraging women runners to push themselves in 2013 to run a Personal Best – either by taking on a new distance or by pushing your training to the next level to go for that PR. Achieve a Personal Best at one of the ZOOMA races this year and ZOOMA will reward you with a special gift during the post-race party! ZOOMA’s also showing their support along the way by providing training care packages, training plans and tips and sponsoring weekly Twitter chats to keep runners motivated.

When I served as a race ambassador at last year’s Cape Cod race, I met a lot of women running their first half marathon, first 10K…and in some cases, their first race ever – the camaraderie of these races is a great backdrop for first timers! And, from personal experience, I can safely say that hitting a PR on one of ZOOMA’s challenging courses requires you to dig deep! So this idea of encouraging women to push themselves beyond their comfort zone to achieve a personal best seems like perfect fit for ZOOMA!

You can learn more about the Personal Best Challenge at  

Yoga practice is a must for runners

Last May I signed up for a “Yoga for Runners” class in the hopes of finally building a consistent yoga practice, and I can truly say I think it has made a big difference in my running. Originally, my sole motivation for attempting yoga was to get “a good stretch.” And while my hamstrings are challenged to open up, there are other great benefits yoga offers runners.

Strength-Building — Yoga is a full-body workout. Many of the poses challenge you to engage upper and lower body, as well as your core. As runners, we often repeatedly work the same muscle groups – yoga gives you a more balanced workout, and improving muscle imbalances can go a long way to preventing injuries.

Body Awareness — The balance and alignment required to move into the various poses, has made me much more aware of my posture and form while running.

Improved Flexibility — Without a doubt, yoga helps to open up tight muscles, especially the hamstrings, hips, glutes and quads — all critical for runners! Again, tight muscles can cause imbalances in the body, stressing key joints like hips and knees.

Improved Mindset — It may sound cliché, but the practice of yoga is a journey. The poses are challenging and take a while to learn, much less master. My yoga instructor is constantly reminding our class to “honor your body;” to accept what you can do now and not push your body beyond its limits. She often reminds us that yoga is a “practice” – it requires patience. You don’t simply achieve the perfect downward dog and are done! All great reminders for us goal-oriented, time-obsessed runners! I also love that yoga helps me to stay in the moment – my mind doesn’t wander, I’m very much centered on what my body is doing (or trying to do). A worthwhile benefit to carry over into my training.

If you have not tried yoga yet, I highly encourage you to give it a try. Yoga can improve your balance, flexibility, coordination, and concentration, while eliminating both physical and mental stresses. What’s not to love?


Weekend wrap-up

Since we were heading out of town for a hockey tournament this weekend, I decided to move my long run to Friday. Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided on 20 degrees with the wind chill of 9. Now I’ll do almost anything to avoid the ‘mill, but given the frigid temps I really felt like I had no choice. So this would be a first – long run on the mill!

I played every mind game I could think of, varied my pace and the elevation, alternated between music and ESPN, and people-watched the handful of people in the gym who came and went. It took everything trick I could come up with, but I got it done….10 miles….a new treadmill distance PR!

Next we were off to the hockey tournament. While the boys’ didn’t win, the games were hard fought. Truthfully I think the boys all enjoyed the time between the games more – the beauty of staying in a hotel with an indoor pool and arcade! We also got to catch up with family – J’s parents live about a half hour from the arena and my sister-in-law and nephew drove down from Upstate New York to meet us.

Unfortunately, we got home on Sunday to watch my beloved Patriots implode last night in the AFC Championship game  – so I will be running my #MilesofShame this week. (Pavement Runner and NYC Running Mama organized a little runners’ wager on this weekend’s games – if your team lost, you run the point differential. Luckily for me, you had the option to cap your miles, so I’ll only be running 10 instead of 15!)

The kids are off today for Martin L. King Day….and yes of course that means there’s another hockey game! Otherwise, we plan to spend the day hanging out and I’m hoping to get J to come with me to check out a new gym.

How was your weekend?
What’s the farthest you’ve gone on a treadmill?

3 Things: Almond milk, gym and PRs


Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk is my new guilty pleasure. If you are a fan of chocolate milk post-run, this is a must try! Just the thought of having a glass of this dark chocolately goodness got me through a trip to the gym… and you all know how much I love my gym (insert sarcasm here!)

Yes thanks to a lovely combination of snow that switched over to icy rain, I made my first appearance this year at my gym for a lunch date with the ‘mill. While I whined the whole way over there … and even briefly considered skipping my run altogether, I’m really glad I went. The gym was basically empty so there were no gym crazies to contend with – win! Training plan called for intervals, and if I have any hope of keeping my sanity on a treadmill, speed work is the way to go – so double win!

I want to give a shout out to my running coach Bennett Cohen who will be hosting a great teleclass tonight called “Nail Your Personal Best Regardless of the Candles on Your Cake.” Bennett helped me shave over 5 minutes off my half marathon PR on hilly courses so I encourage you to check out this call. You can find the call details HERE
