February Buh bye

Good things for February:
  • Started working with Coach Bennett again!
  • Ran the Frosty Virtual 5K
  • Started the 30-day ab/core challenge
  • Enjoying my new gym, despite too many runs on the ‘mill
  • Unveiled the blog’s new look!
Things I could do without:
  • Snow, snow and more snow!
  • Mileage shrinkage (see above)
  • Wampanoag 10-miler canceled (again thanks to snow)

What’s up for March:

  • Really looking forward to more miles – outdoors! March can be fairly rainy in New England, but I’ll take it over the frigid and snowy conditions we had in February!
  • NBHalf I’m looking forward to running the New Bedford Half in a couple of weeks! While I did have a little freak out over the fact that this race is just a couple of weeks away and my mileage has been down, Coach Bennett was quick to remind me that this is not a goal race – that I’m running it just to see where I am in my training. I’ve also heard that this is a fun race with great crowd support which makes it a win!
  • As I mentioned yesterday, focusing in on my nutrition — Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? I just heard that…so my timing’s perfect 🙂
How’d your February go?  Are you as ready to say buh bye to the month as I am?



Running and eating

One of my goals for 2013 is to set back and take a hard look at my nutrition. As I have said before while I don’t eat a lot of junk, I know there’s room for some improvement. Lately, I’ve been feeling really sluggish during my runs – this morning’s slogfest was a perfect example!  I need to not only re-examine what works best as fuel during my runs, but look at what I’m eating both before and after a run – not to mention what I’m eating on rest days.

This isn’t about dieting per se (though I am about 6 pounds above “fighting weight” at the moment) – it’s really about fueling my body for optimum health.  So it’s time to do some research  like testing out fueling options to see beyond whether or not they agree with my stomach to whether they’re actually providing real benefit. It’s time to do some reading, try out some new recipes and make some shifts in my overall diet.

My brother-in-law gave me Scott Jurek’s Eat & Run – which I have been dying to read and now seems like a good time to start. I’ll also be posting more regularly about nutrition – what’s working and what’s not and hope you’ll share tips and tricks that work for you.


Race #1 Done, 12 to go

The Frosty Virtual 5K/10K/Half was benefiting the American Cancer Society – a cause I was very happy to support.  I lost both my grandmothers to cancer and both of those amazing women were on my mind Saturday morning.

Frosty 5kI stuck to my plan and got out early to run my 5K to beat the predicted snow storm and my son’s hockey game – the snow turned out to be nothing, but it was fun watching my son have one of his best games in his team’s win!

My running buddy E was heading out for 8 so we set out and ran the first mile together. I settled into a comfortable pace – not looking for a PR, just a good solid run and to enjoy a rare day of  no wind nor frigid temps.  Once I hit the distance, I decided to re-trace my route so I could get at least 6 miles in.

Thanks again to Jospehine over at Plant-based Runner for hosting this race.  She raised $1,000 for the American Cancer Society and even provided all of us with medals! She’s got some other races planned so be sure to check her out her blog.

Week 2 of half marathon training is done, school vacation week is over and it’s time to get more focused! Still in base-building phase, so this upcoming week looks like this:

Monday – 6 miles on a hilly route

Tuesday – Cross-training — Haven’t decided what I’ll do yet, but I may break out Jillian Michael’s 30-day Shred

Wednesday – Rest

Thursday – 8 miles with 5 at tempo pace and my 2 hr killer yoga class

Friday – Rest

Saturday – 10 mile LSD

Sunday – More cross-training

I’m also still working on the 30-day ab/core challenge – just 15 minutes a day to build a stronger core. It looks like the weather gods should cooperate this week and I’m looking forward to staying off the ‘mill and being outside!

What have you got planned for this week?


Here we go again

It’s been school vacation week here and I will admit this is usually a week I dread because it’s usually too cold to be outdoors and every museum, movie theater, arcade, bowling ally or other possible indoor activity is jam-packed with other desperate parents looking to keep the kids entertained.

But despite my apprehension it’s been a good week – We’ve kept the boys busy with skiing and snowboarding, sledding, board (and yes, some video) games, and time with friends. While my running has definitely taken a backseat this week, there’s been some cross-training and my boys have really gotten into the 30-day ab challenge with me 🙂

Once again we’re expecting another snow storm this weekend – yes that’s the third weekend in a row for those of you keeping track! tired20of20snow

The local weather people can barely contain their excitement while I’m seriously not looking forward to another round of cross-training in the form of shoveling.

And, once again I’m scheduled to get my first race in of 2013 – this time it’s the Frosty Virtual 5K/10K/Half Marathon to benefit the American Cancer Society. Since the snow/rain mess is due to kick in sometime Saturday afternoon my plan is to get out uber early on Saturday morning and get my 5K in before my son’s hockey game. At least I know this race won’t be canceled 😉

Are you racing this weekend?
Or have a date with a snow shovel?


The race that didn’t happen

So Mother Nature was in a mood this weekend and Sunday’s race didn’t happen. When a race director describes the conditions as “treacherous” thanks to a combination of a couple of inches of snow and 45 mph winds – I’m good with the decision to postpone the race.

What I was not good with was the email from the race director I received later that said they were not going to reschedule (as they had originally announced), but instead cancel the race! I think if you’re going to host a race in New England in February you should have contingency plans in place that account for the weather. Leaving 1,000 runners with no alternative but a $10 off next year’s registration didn’t sit well with me… and I told the director as much.  I was not looking for a refund but a good faith effort to move forward with the race and I’m just not certain that every effort was made to find a way to reschedule the race in the few hours that passed between the decision to postpone and the decision to cancel.

I’ve had a race postponed due to weather safety issues before and I remember how thrilled all of us runners were when the race was rescheduled – it was a great day out on the course and the runners literally applauded the race director and volunteers for getting it done. Needless to say I returned to run that race again the following year.

Have you ever had a race canceled? How did you feel about it?


First race this weekend!

My first race of 2013 is Sunday – the Wampanoag Old-Fashioned 10 Miler.

2012-OFTM Logo (Small)

(Yes this is last year’s poster)

I ran this race last year with my husband J as a tune up to the RnR USA half marathon. It was a fun race on a nice course and right after the race I pretty much decided that I would run it again this year.

I like the timing of this race – it has kept me motivated to keep hitting some double digit runs post-holidays…something that, given the frigid temps and snowy conditions we’ve had, I have definitely needed. I’m so psyched my friend E will be running this one with me — this will be her first 10 mile race! It’s suppose to snow Saturday night so it could make for interesting conditions. We’ll be keeping our goals pretty flexible and see what the course gives us….and, of course, have fun!

Anyone else racing this weekend?


For the love of the run


In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, David & Scott over at RunChat are once again encouraging runners to share what they love about running. I participated last year and it’s fun to go back and see the 10 reasons I posted then — I would say none of those reasons have changed.

A relationship with running ebbs and flows, has its highs and lows – at any time your answer to the question “What do you love about running?” can be different. Right now, I love to run because:

— it has taught me to have more patience with myself

— it continues to show me that I am stronger than I think I am

— it keeps me balanced – it truly is good for my soul

— it reminds me that I can redefine what’s possible


What is it that you love about running?


Good stuff happening

First off — Welcome to the new and improved Running with Attitude! After announcing on more than one occasion that I wanted to move from Blogger to a self-hosted site I’ve finally made it happen — Thanks hugely to Rita at Blog Genie, who I swear has the patience of a saint for answering all of my many questions 🙂

As for the Blizzard of 2013, I’m happy to say the RWA household had a good time. Despite the incredible winds and 24 inches of snow, we didn’t lose power and all around us seems pretty intact. There were lots of movies, games, snow fort building, snowball fights, cooking, laughing and, yes shoveling. The only downside is school is closed again today which means at this rate my boys won’t finish the school year until June 26th! (But that’s a bridge I guess we’ll cross later)

I’m also thrilled to say to I’m teaming up with running coach Bennett Cohen again! Bennett specializes in coaching women boomers (yes those of us 40 and older), and if you’ve been around here for a bit then you know he helped guide me to three PRs last fall. Bennett’s going to help me get ready for my spring goal race, Boston’s Run to Remember. We’ve got 15 weeks and it starts today!

How was your weekend?


Calm before the storm


It’s the calm before the storm…..literally!

A monster snow storm is due to hit the Boston area starting some time early this afternoon. In anticipation of what’s to come the schools have already been closed and the local weather people have done their very best to whip everyone into a “clear the store shelves of milk and bread” mentality!


And, while yes I did have to the hit the store yesterday for a few things – I usually do my best to avoid that kind of madness…I have to say that I exercised great self-control with my fellow man as they filled shopping carts with all manner of “supplies”…. seriously how many bags of chips and cases of soda are needed in the face of “snowmaggedon?” I’m still trying to figure out what the woman in front of me in line was going to do with that 5lb barrel of icy melt?!

My big “storm prep” came mainly in the form of getting my usual Saturday long run done yesterday. Thanks to a cranky ITB, it became just over 7 miles with more walk breaks than I would have liked. But I’m happy I got some miles in on dry pavement! I’m headed to the chiropractor this morning before the flakes fall, and then I’ll consider my storm prep complete 🙂 As long as the power company holds up it’s end of the bargain, it should be a weekend filled with cross-training in the form of building snow forts and snowmen, movies, cooking and games with the kids.

Is snow headed your way?
What have you got planned for the weekend?

Monday Motivation

I don’t believe you have to be better than
everybody else. I believe you have 
to be better than you ever
thought you could be.
                                           – Ken Venturi
Start this week, this day, this moment with the simple but powerful goal to be the best version of yourself … and be amazed by where that can take you!
Have a great week!