The schedule continues to be jammed packed – tis’ the season! Always grateful for the sanity balance that working out provides. Here’s a quick peek at my fitness week.
Keeping it Low Key
Monday — 2-mile walk & Yoga for hips
Tuesday — 3-mile run, Core & Stretch
Wednesday — Bodyweight Strength & Hip Mobility
Thursday — 3-mile walk, Core & Stretch
Friday — 3-mile run
Saturday — Upper Body Strength
Sunday — 3-mile run & Stretch
The workouts continue to be low-key but the running has been pain-free. I’m certainly not mad about that! So while not terribly exciting, it’s clear that this slow and steady approach is paying off.
Happy Mama Moments:
The highlight of the week was seeing my high schooler perform in his school’s winter concert. His group played 3 songs and as the drummer, he was front and center. Out of respect for the privacy of his bandmates, I won’t share the video here, but trust me when I say he crushed it! And this week, I’ll be picking up my college boy as he wraps up exam week so you know I’m looking forward to having us all back under one roof for a bit.
In case you missed it:
Fit Five Friday – Stocking Stuffers for Runners
How was your week? Are you feeling the pinch of the season?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.
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Low key is good. Pain-free is the goal.
Still you got in your workouts.
Happy Holidays.
Thanks Darlene – Happy Holidays to you too 🙂
I don’t think it’s really so much that I’m busier — although it has been busy lately — I think it’s more that I just don’t get as much done in Winter. I’m trying to be ok with that.
I’m glad you’re still running pain free — that’s awesome!
Thank you Judy!
It’s so busy and I’m a little overwhelmed! I also don’t have a lot of motivation to do all my Christmas stuff, lol. I need to get on it! How did I do all this when the boys were little? I know you’re looking forward to having everyone home!
Glad your runs are pain free. That is just the best!
I’m with you on feeling a little overwhelmed. Ah well, we do what we can and let the rest go, right?
Low-key has been my game these past couple months, as well (at least in terms of running). It’s nice to not have the pressure (self-inflicted and otherwise) to be in beast mode year-round. As for Christmas prep…I’m feeling alright. I got a little shopping done yesterday, so the momentum has begun.
Good on you for getting your shopping started! I’m still trying to figure out gift ideas :0
It’s wonderful to have the family all together again. Enjoy!! Our high school band also has a jazz band and they played a great show this week. It’s fun to see them playing different drum sets and guitars.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures recently posted…Weekly workouts – meh
The school concerts are so much fun, aren’t they?!
Tis the season for days jam packed full of activity – sigh!
Congrats to your son for crushing it! I have always wished I could play an instrument and the drums always looked like so much fun!
Thanks Kim – I always wished I had played an instrument too so it’s been fun to see my boys embrace it.
Pain-free is the best!
Congrats to your youngest son and yay on the eldest being home soon!
Thanks Coco – the concert was so much fun! Now I just can’t wait for Friday and to have everyone home 🙂
Pain free running is always a win! Hope you have a great week ahead.
Deborah Brooks recently posted…Holiday Hustling Weekly Run Down
It really is! I hope you’re having a great week too.
Sanity balance is a very good way to describe the benefits of training! It’s become an essential part of my life. It looks like you had a very good fitness week with something done every day. I’m happy to hear your son’s concert was a success!
Susanne recently posted…Weekly rundown #2 2022
I so agree with you about working out being essential. I couldn’t imagine my days without some movement!
Yes, ’tis the season for sure! It’s great to hear that a slow and steady approach to running is working.
Debbie recently posted…Weekly RunDown: December 4 – 10 / Work, Workouts, Shopping, Baking, Parties, and Remembering that Jesus is the Reason for the Season
Sometimes it’s hard to be patient, but I really think this approach will pay off in the long term. Fingers crossed!
We had our winter concert, too. It was fabulous.
I’m so excited for you to have the whole family home! That will be nice.
Don’t you just love the concerts?! I’m always so impressed with how talented the kids are.
Glad you’ve been running pain-free! I have been doing OK too but I’m achy as anything this morning after a slightly “challenging” running club run last night which involved creeping over about a mile of icy pavements!
Take care on those icy pavements! I’ve tweaked something more times than I care to count on ice. Hope the aches don’t last!
I seriously would not get through the season’s craziness (work and fun) without running. It’s part of why I’m grateful for any run
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