Happy Friday!
For this week’s Fit Five Friday, instead of a traditional race recap, I’m sharing five things about my recent BAA 10K.
Five Things About the BAA 10K
So Freakin’ Hot!
There’s no way to talk about my 10K experience without talking about the heat and humidity. Yes, I know that this is a summer race so heat is to be expected, but this is my 4th time running this race and I don’t ever remember it being this bad. Miles 3 and 4 were the worst because it’s an out-and-back stretch along Comm Ave and there isn’t a lick of shade. And did I mention that mile 3 is a slow steady climb? This is where the wheels came off the wagon for me.
Brotherly Love
I’m always happy when I can convince my brother to toe the line with me. We always have such a good time together and he really kept me going when things turned ugly.
Rookie Mistake!
Given how hot it was I cannot believe I made the rookie mistake of not carrying fluids with me. I figured there was a water stop at each mile marker and our plan was to walk the water stops. Well, it turns out there was no water stop at mile 3 – wait, what? So yes, the hottest stretch of the course had no water stop. Can you see how things started to unravel for me?
Camaraderie (or Misery Loves Company)
Despite the heat, or maybe because of it, runners along the course were really pulling for each other. We chatted and encouraged each other and I appreciated how many of the speedier runners who were already on their way back in cheered those of us still making our way out to the midpoint. This race always has a good vibe and this year was no different.
Runs Like a Swiss Watch
The lack of a mile 3 water stop aside, this was such a well-organized race. From the pre-race communication to bib and t-shirt pick-up; from gear check to the post-race misting stations and food and drink, and all of the amazing volunteers from start to finish, the BAA really does know how to provide a smooth race experience!
Thanks to the heat, it was not the race day I wanted – it was probably my slowest 10K ever. But, I believe every finish line should be celebrated!
For anyone looking for a Boston race, I would definitely recommend this one. Just come prepared for the summer conditions. I was intrigued to see in the post-race survey that there were questions gauging people’s interest in running this race at another time of year. Personally, I would so love to see this race moved to the fall though I know this could be tricky given that 2 miles of the course run through the center of the Boston University campus, but a girl can hope ๐
How do you feel about summer racing?
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well, you know how I feel about the heat! summer races are so hard and I rarely do them. It is nice to carry your own hydration bc you never know when you want or need it. Love that you do this with your brother every year ๐
This will definitely be my last summer race for a while. The heat really takes a lot out of me. But it is always fun to run with my brother so that was a big plus!
Oof, the heat. I know! I ran a race on Monday and it was hella-hot. I will say, one thing about Florida is that it’s been consistently hot since May so we’ve had time to get acclimated. And it’s going to stay hot till November (probably) so it’s either hot runs and races, or not running at all. But it really does make it much harder, and you have to adjust paces accordingly. Congratulations on your race, even though it wasn’t exactly what you hoped for. The hot summer weather will make you stronger in the fall!
Thanks Jenny! I give all of you hot climate runners so much credit. I’m super grateful that we really only have to contend with 3 – 4 months of really warm weather.
I did one Boston race, and it was in early June. And it was ungodly hot — with lots of cool weather leading up to it. So yeah, I get it!
Glad you had your brother with you to keep your spirits up. Sorry about the fluids situation — I would’ve died, so you did great.
Fall does sounds like such a better time of year for this race. ๐
The quick flip of the switch to hot weather definitely didn’t help… though to be honest, I’m not sure that I ever acclimate to the heat!
I hate running races in summer. Humidity is my kryptonite. We were lucky for 4 on the 4th. It was “only” 73 and 70% humidity – LOL
I’m definitely done with summer racing for a while!
Congrats on your race! I agree that every finish line should be celebrated. We had the same idea for today’s post. ๐ I am not a fan of Summer racing. I remember the RnR Chicago would take place in July and it was miserably hot. That race I think is not cancelled.
Thanks Zenaida! I actually ran RnR Chicago one year with a bunch of other bloggers – we got lots of rain instead of heat, which I guess was lucky.
Absolutely, every finish line is worthy of a celebration! It really sounds like you (and all the other runners) worked hard to get there ๐ I love that your brother ran this with you! I wish I had a brother for such things (my sis is not a good sport about any of my fitness endeavors). This might be a race for me to consider…the marathon is most-likely not gonna happen, LOL. Besides, I’d love to see you in person again ๐
The races with my brother are always a good time…even in the heat. I’ve been trying to convince him to try a half marathon ๐
Definitely have to get you to Boston for a race!
You absolutely should celebrate this race! Especially enduring those conditions. A sunny route with no water sounds really hard. Glad your brother was there to keep you going.
I’m so glad he was with me!
Yup, racing in the heat is HARD, You just adjust your goals and you did great with that.
I just ran a 5k in Brooklyn – NO water. 90 degrees. UGH!!!!!
Ugh is right – that sounds like you had a tough race!
I’m not surprised to hear that the race is super organized since it’s the same organization that does the Boston Marathon. It really seems like a well oiled machine!
Oh, and you should definitely celebrate this race and ALL races! Especially races in the heat.
They are a well-oiled machine for sure!
I’m thinking all races in the heat should count double LOL.
Summer racing can really throw a huge spanner in the works especially if you’re missing a water stop! But so glad you were able to do this with your brother again; every finish is a victory and cause for celebration!