As we ease into a new month, this is the perfect time to settle in and catch up over coffee. I’m linking up with Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date, so grab a mug of your fave hot beverage and let’s chat.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that it’s deja vu all over again. Just like March’s coffee date I cannot believe that I’m still dealing with snow. We got hit with a freak storm yesterday that made visibility on the roads tough and more is expected on Tuesday. I can’t whine about this winter anymore so I’ll just move on…
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that once the weather does settle down I cannot wait to get out in my garden and get planting. I have two gardens around my house (one sun and one shade) and they are both in need of some redesign – removing old plants that are past their blooming prime and relocating others that have gotten too big. I’ve been pouring over garden catalogs and sketching out some new layouts, and I’m itching to get started!
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I’ve just finished reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod (Affiliate link) and my curiosity is peaked. Elrod’s premise is that by intentionally managing your routine during the first hour of the day you can set the stage for success across many areas of your life. He provides guides on how to do this and elements he recommends be part of your routine. I’m going to try his 30 day challenge, and have wrangled my husband into joining me.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that lacrosse season officially kicks off in my house this weekend as both boys have their first games! With both boys playing across 3 teams, we’ve got a lot of games on the calendar over the next couple of months. This is always a crazy hectic time of year for us, but I love that this is a sport our whole family enjoys!
What would you tell me over coffee?
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Thankfully we missed the snow this time! I have been freezing my ass off sitting in the bleachers at my son’s Lax games. HS lax started in February. It’s too cold for lacrosse! Enjoy your games and stay warm. Thanks for linking up
Deborah Brooks recently posted…April Ultimate Coffee Date Cherry Blossom Edition
I am a LAX mom too! And soccer,and baseball, LOL! LAX is new to us sort of as this is the 2nd year, and my girls are in different age-rules for it- seems like it changes every year! Just when I think I get the rules- and boys are a totally different game! They are fun to watch and once the weather gets better I am right there with you, watching every game!
I’ve noticed how everyone seems to mention the weather right off. The weather definitely affects how we feel.
I’m also planning a redesign of my backyard and hoping to get some planting done soon. I have daffodils blooming at our mountain cabin. Love them!
Looks like an interesting book. I need to add it to my list. Thanks!
I’m looking forward to hearing your take on that book! I am such a morning person. I’d love to learn more.
I miss my LAX days — although not on cold days like today. 😉 I am so not a gardener, although both my parents were. I guess those genes skipped me. I do appreciate lovely gardens though.
Coco recently posted…Happy Spring Ultimate Coffee Date
I can’t wait for the weather to improve so I can plant my garden as well! recently posted…Week in Review: Shorts to snow – Looneyforfood
I hope it warms up in time for you to be reasonably comfortable at all those LAX games. My kids’ track meets keep getting cancelled due to the freaking snow and single digit temps. I need to get my seeds started but have yet to do it!
Marcia recently posted…Let’s Chat Over Coffee
Your gardening enthusiasm makes me wanna try it. I probably won’t, but it does sound fun and exciting. I hope spring arrives soon for you so you can get to it! What kinds of things do you grow? Good luck with that 30-day challenge!
Clarinda recently posted…Let’s Catch Up at the Ultimate Coffee Date!
I’m totally eager for spring/summer gardening, too. I have tons of day lilies that need dividing and relocating, and it’s always a crap shoot if I’ll get to them before they get too big. I have a lot of hosta that also need some work…now, if we could just get the temps to cooperate…
I feel like I’m in the minority in the coffee date linkup that’s not dealing with snow. Hope it takes a hike soon!
The Elrod book sounds interesting, I’ll have to see what you think of the challenge.
Shannon @GirlsGotSole recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date – April 2018
I’m sure I could take some pointers from that book …the first hour of my morning is stumbling to the kitchen to make coffee and get it flowing through my veins. Lol
Have fun at the LAX games and stay warm …hopefully the weather will get warmer for you guys soon!
Teresa recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April Showers
We haven’t had any real storms, but the damn snow won’t just stop. I need sunshine & the ability to run in a skirt outside! Ok, also moving on. 🙂
How is it possible that your 2 boys play in 3 teams? Whenever I feel busy, I think about all the moms out there. Seriously, I don’t know how you guys do it!
I hope your 30-day challenge goes well! I read the Miracle Morning last year. It makes so much sense, and I want to do it, but I’ve been scared to try (I think because I’m scared I’ll fail). I think I should look at it again. I know my life would be improved by being more intentional in my morning routine.
Kim W recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date: April 2018