It’s the last Friday of the month which means it’s time for some soul (or is that sole?) cleansing. Marcia has opened the runfessional so let’s get to it!
I runfess that being stubborn and trying to power through being sick was not my best choice. I was kind of in a bit of denial about sick. Sometimes you need to let go of plans and “must do’s” and just rest!
I runfess that I’m both disappointed and a little worried that I’m going to go into Black Cat undertrained. It’s my first race of the year and I had really wanted to kick things off strong, but two weeks off from running threw a wrench in those plans. Now it becomes a TRB (training run with benefits) and I’ll focus on training for a strong run at the Portland 10 Miler in April.
I runfess that my eating habits have been a bit of a mess lately. When I first got sick I dropped 5 lbs in a couple of days – not ideal but that’s what happens when you live on green tea, water, and soup. As I emerged from my flu fog, I fell into eating whatever felt comforting…yeah no good. I need to start paying attention again.
The Runfessional is open and I've got some #runfessions to share! #fridayfive #runchat Share on XI runfess that I’m growing tired of Mother Nature’s twisted sense of humor. We had glorious 70-degree weather on Tuesday and Wednesday, only for it to snow yesterday and colder temps have returned. This weather whiplash has gone on all month, and I have to say if I wasn’t over the winter before I sure am now. I have no desire to bundle up again now that I’ve broken out my running skirts – bring on spring!
I runfess that I still haven’t settled on a fall marathon. I’ve talked myself in and out of each of my 3 options, but am having a hard time choosing. I’m waiting for divine inspiration…or for the MCM lottery to open, whichever comes first.
I’m also joining Rachel and Lacey & Meranda for the Friday Five link-up!
So how was your month? Anything you want to come clean on?
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I’d really love to be cheering you on at MCM! Good luck with that decision.
That would be fun Coco! I’m going to need all the support I can get 😉
I’m sorry that your training hasn’t gone as you had hoped 🙁 Like you said, sometimes you have to let go of plans as life happens. I’m just glad that you are feeling better after dealing with the flu.
Kim G recently posted…Join me for February Runfessions!
Thanks Kim. I’m so happy to finally start feeling like myself again.
We were so spoiled this week with 70 degree weather. I wish it was here to stay but unfortunately winter is not over and its cold and rainy again this weekend.
Yep cold and raining here too. Spring can’t come fast enough!
Same weather here. 70 one day and snow the next.
So hard to train in.
Sorry about your training. it seems like everyone is sick these days.
Darlene recently posted…Friday Five 2.0 – The Socks Post
Let’s hope Mother Nature gets her act together soon 🙂
A lot of us are runfessing our frustration with winter. It’s been so cold, and February has been so bi-polar and dysfunctional. Ugh. I’m having a hard time pinning down a fall marathon, too. I have a couple that are tantalizing my thoughts 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Hmmm…Shall We Runfess?
Can’t wait to hear which race you pick!
I haven’t decided if I’m going to try for MCM again this year. If I do, and if you do, we should plan to meet up!
And I’m totally with you on this weather. Craziness. And the illnesses can just GO!!!
Rachel recently posted…February Runfessional: Baring my Sole(s)
A meet up at some point must happen!
Oh I’m so right there with you with the whole Mother Nature thing. She needs to get her stuff together because I’m about ready to hunt down Spring myself! Our weather in Arkansas has been so up and down and I’m ready for some consistency here! 🙂
Good luck with your race!!! I’m sure no matter what your muscle memory will totally kick into gear and you’ll do great no matter what!
Chelsea recently posted…February Runfessions
Thanks Chelsea 😉
I’m so glad to see you back at it again! I like your mindset, no goals for Black Cat. Sometimes, finishing is winning.
Wendy recently posted…Runfessions February
It’s all about forward progress, right?!
I agree with what Wendy said above. Your black cat race could just be a training run for the next one. Glad to see you are back on your feet this week
Deborah Brooks recently posted…February Runfessions
Thanks – I’m happy to be moving again 🙂
The weather has certainly been crazy. I’m just not ready for the heat and humidity that’s lurking around the corner. I’d love to have a month of nice cool 55 degree running days!!
It’s hard to choose your first marathon ….I’ve only done one and I will just say that I’m so glad it was close to home! Good luck with that and I’m looking forward to following along with you!
Teresa recently posted…February Runfessions
It is much harder to choose one than I thought it would be! And that whole close to home element is still tugging at me!
Sorry your training hasn’t gone as planned, but it’s nice that you can still use the race as a training run. Also, since its your first race of the season it might be nice to run it without putting and pressure on yourself. The weather this month has been just crazy! I cant keep up with what I should be wearing from one day to the next.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile recently posted…February Runfessions
You’re so right Lisa there is something to be said for not putting too much pressure on the first race of the year.
I am going to sign up too for the Marine Corps Marathon and hopefully I get in.
Yeah, Mother Nature hasn’t been nice to us either.
Zenaida Arroyo recently posted…Friday Five 2.0-Top 5 reasons to run the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K
I hope MCM works out for you!
I feel ya–I definitely got sick last week and tried really hard to power through (yay for a 24-hour shift yesterday), with varying-ish degrees of success, haha. I hope we both get to rest soon!
I’d love to visit Portland someday! *-* I’m also with you on this super teasing weather–I want that warm weather back!
Farrah recently posted…Thai Coconut Curry Noodle Soup
Ugh sorry you got sick too! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
I hope you are 100% healthy again! Being sick is no fun!
I know you will do your best in whatever marathon you pick!
Thanks so much Esther!
I’m so glad you on the other side of that flu bug. I know you were looking forward to Black Cat, but training runs with benefits are good too! Just enjoy. I runfess, I’m still waiting on a lottery decision — but signed up for a marathon anyway. I figure now I’ll should in on the lottery deal. LOL.
Can’t wait to see where you’re running next! 😉
You know what? I’m just in the door from running Gasparilla being the most poorly trained ever and still? Yeah I was slow but I DID IT! You can too! Just have fun with it. Glad you’re feeling better! And yes, MCM FTW!
Marcia recently posted…Race Weekend Runfessions
Can’t wait to hear all about Gasparilla!